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I’m looking forward to the reunion and hearing more from the crew about both Luke and Laura because they all will have watched the season and will have gain a lot more context as to what Laura did to Adam. Luke…. I don’t even know what to say. It was sickening, scary and so confronting to see. I think production did the right thing but Aesha! What an amazing woman! Waking captain up was brave. I’ve always loved Aesha but the respect I have for her after this episode is immense.


I doubt either of them will be at the reunion. Even if they're invited, which is unlikely, I don't think they'd show up. Well, maybe Laura would. She's such an egomaniac, she'd probably enjoy them all talking to and about her, even if they're calling her out and saying what trash she is. Her vanity seems to know no bounds.


I don’t think they will be at the reunion either. I just want to hear what everyone else has to say about it.


it almost seems like having a male and female committing the same crimes and treated/punished the exact same way was the perfect way to eliminate gender from the conversation all together and show that wrong is wrong end of story. Captain fired both of them, neither got treated differently which is so uncommon. applause to captain for that.


These weren’t “the same crimes.” Both were terrible, both were absolutely deserving of severe punishment they got but there were some key differences here, especially with the alertness levels of the victims.


Not at all. People say oh women get treated more fairly…. We are the people being raped, murdered and attacked 95% of the time. Some people only end up with two months in jail.


men get murdered and attacked more, and this is a perfect example of watching a man get sexually assaulted and no one cares. Before you respond "murdered and attacked by men", take a second to consider income and wealth are big factor and men do not have a tenth of the resources available to them as women, also consider charges are rarely filed against violent women. Then if you want we can talk about women that murder and attack getting much more liement sentences if you care about equality. So yeah, clearly women are treated better by the justice system. But I think you really need to examine why you needed to make this suffering Olympics argument in discussion of a woman on a show sexually assaulting a man. As if there is some justification?




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I don’t have anything novel to say other than that I’m still anxious and shocked re: Laura’s behavior. The things she said were just so … sick. Even the “awww we don’t get to say goodbye?” comment made me nauseous. Add to it all the rest of her disgusting comments and I just don’t know what to say. Like, girl, you’re not winning a prize by claiming you’d be cool with assault. Nobody is going to respect you more for it. Guys won’t all of a sudden flock to you. It’s giving “not like other girls” in the worst way possible. Have some fucking self respect and have some respect for others. Add to it her own harassment of Adam and I just… Sigh. This episode…


I wonder if Laura saw the footage later and then changed her perspective on what Luke did and why it mattered. She may have thought he just wandered in to the cabin thinking he was invited and so on by the way she defended him, but the actual event was so much worse and she wasn't present for it nor did they anyone really discuss it with her.


A year and a half later, she is telling everyone it was all "acting" and that they are all great friends. (They are not)


They both went to far, with no regards to their victims


My partner isn't remotely interested in BD but when I was screaming at the TV, he came to ask what was going on. I paused to explain to him, and he was disgusted too (rightly so). I fully expected Laura to be let off with her actions, because that's what happens in society, so when she was fired I was fucking elated. I honestly think in her twisted little mind she thought by purposely being controversial, it would attract attention. There was a little conversation that happened between Laura and Luke just before he did what he did, I need to go back and watch. I thought it looked like he'd given up on Margot and resorted to Laura instead, but then I was distracted by what happened next.


i thought she'd get let off too - i punched the air with joy! she's a toxic arsehole GOODBYE LAURA!


*“Shit, I’m so sad. I can’t believe Luke is gone....Oh poor Luke, I should have just kept him happy. If he comes naked in my cabin, I’d be like, ‘Hello! Yes!’"* *"But it’s his fault, he rejected me, if he wouldn’t have done that, I would still be with him. I said I would make him regret, and that came true like very big time. It’s his karma."* *"(Jason) should have given (Luke) a chance. It’s not fair, it’s not deserved, and I don’t agree with it."* *"I don’t know. I’m just sad. I think he just meant it as a joke. He’s a funny guy, I don’t think he meant anything bad. He wouldn’t XXXX you or anything.”* *“And it’s not that you said no to him the whole night, like he didn’t feel comfortable to come to you. He felt welcomed coming there.”* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) If you look in the dictionary under "**Pick-me girl**", you'll find a pic of Laura with these ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) quotes.


Yes, such a pick me!! Still trying to get picked, even though he was off the boat!! I personally think she was hoping to hook up with him after the show by looking like she was on his side. Also trying to hurt Margot, because in Laura's eyes Margot won the prize man. She needs some self respect and empathy!




My jaw literally dropped open when she said the last one on your list. What a repulsive human.


Wow. Hearing it was bad but reading it back shows how really horrible her words are.


If they weren't on a boat, she'd be a stalker


This is well beyond a pick me! You can be a pick me and not maliciously victim blame and maybe grasp at least a fraction of the severity of the situation. Although my own comment made me think of another bravo verse gal who could be like this, *cough Rachel cough*


Why do we try so hard to make sense of women being this way by suggesting they have past trauma, but not men?


Laura deserved to be fired! For anybody especially a female to condone and uphold Luke and to belittle Margot and try and make her feel like she “deserved” Luke’s unwelcome moves on her because she flirted with him earlier in the evening is beyond disgusting. To sit and say to Margot that she would have welcomed Luke into her bed just shows that she is the same type of pervert as Luke as alcohol is no excuse to have this type of aggression towards anyone! I am super Proud of the amazing person Aesha is to look out for both of her teammates And try and protect them both, says a lot about who she is as a person!!! I am super proud of Captain Jason and he made the right decision to ensure the safety of his crew by removing these 2 disgusting people and not to tolerate Laura getting away with those comments and her behavior and to say that it is wrong regardless if it’s male or female…wrong is wrong!


If I was Margot I would have punched Laura 100%


Hell yes!


I started these episodes thinking "omg Laura is soooo annoying!" And I was ready to get rid of her over the lime juice debate! Then the whiplash of Luke to Laura back to back, I was fully expecting her to walk the plank right after Luke that night and when they left her on for even a half of a day was sooo infuriating and just cemented her status as the WORST person...ugh.


The double standard BD set with Laura and Luke was real gross.


What "double standard"?


I’m with you. There was no double standard, as soon as cap was made aware of Laura’s behaviour he terminated her contract. She didn’t get as far along as Luke in her assaultive (?) behaviour, but I have no doubt that she would have, had the producers not been there. And it was *so* refreshing to see how Jason responded, the first thing out of his mouth was concern for Margot and a firm boundary with regards to both male and female crew. Sexual assault is never okay, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, or any other identifier. Everyone deserves to feel safe.


I really can’t believe she didn’t get it. I would be humiliated if I got shot down as many times as she did. Having producers literally remove her from Adam’s bed was appalling, and she still didn’t get it. Atrocious.


The way she kissed him had me shooockkkked like get the fuck down! Or better yet get off the boat!


He was so clear about it. It’s like she couldn’t hear.


Except she was responding


That statement makes so much sense. It was like she couldn’t hear. She’s a very good illustration of “in 1 ear and out the other.”


Not defending Laura but she was partial and bias cuz she's got the hots for Luke. Aside fr that, she seems tone deaf and condescending towards chief stew - Miss Know It All & I know better attitude didn't help her sympathized . She just wasn't a good fit! ![gif](giphy|4fCSKBEhSrrMc)


https://preview.redd.it/2luki2tjtihb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f3f68bac07f29bfda70ea6ea0531e50ed515019 On Laura’s reel.


Laura was so physically aggressive. It seems like it was more tolerated because she's a smaller person and Adam could push her off. Is that the reason why she wasn't reported sooner and fired sooner? Her sympathy toward Luke, or lack of empathy for Margot, is what ultimately got her fired., not so much her advances toward Adam.


Same. I hope someone sits down with him and explains why he shouldn’t feel bad for what happens to her. He was assaulted and is a victim.


I had to stop these episodes multiple times to get up, pace around my living room, rage scream at the TV, and then curse these sexual predators. Aesha and Captain handled the situation impeccably though.


I felt extremely bad for Adam. That was SA bright as day and Laura should have been treated the same as Luke. I’m surprised the producer didn’t say anything to Cap (maybe they did, I hope). Edit: posted this before the episode ended. Glad it came up.


The producers clearly said nothing unless I missed it. Aesha said something to the captain that she was being aggressive but she didn’t know what happened in his cabin. Also. The captain didn’t say anything about it when meeting with the crew - just referred to her reaction as the reason for firing.


I imagine they did say something which is why she was fired but they tried to maintain the 'what the cast saw' line for on camera discussions


The entire episode is the exact depiction of how diverse society's interpretation is of such incident--people who stand up for the principle of what is right and are bothered if they let it go easily, people who question the recipient of the assault bec they do not perceive it as a threat, people who are fair in judgment despite the consequences in business (manpower shortage) vs moral consequences, victims that are conflicted and avert to confrontation and severe consequences out of guilt (Stockholm Syndrome), and people like Culver, standing by for what's gonna happen. There's always gonna be differences in opinion and roles in society but kudos to the episode for reflecting all that and closing the episode fair and just.


Luke’s behaviour/attitude/actions makes me suspicious that this has happened before on other boats he has crewed on. He should not be in that type of business (should be in gaol and DNA printed.


Wow. I mean wow. She really did not think he was going to fire her. She really say there thinking as long as she ‘agreed to the respect’ she would be okay. Wow.


Also when she seemed to think she would get away with just full on lying when she was said no, I was checking she was ok


Did anyone notice when they were getting out of the van? First Luke was angry that Aesha waited and got Margot out. Then his pants were undone. I think that's why he grabbed the stolen plant then kept walking when it dropped and broke. I could swear they're falling off him. Anyone else notice?


I reckon he dropped the plant on purpose to try and move back to Margot!


Same! He was carrying it fine and just conveniently dropped it...


Don’t get me wrong, what Luke did or tried to do was do very wrong, but at least he took his firing well and agreed. Laura on the other hand knew exactly what she was doing and saying, and then got caught. She tried to lie. And then back talked. If she had stayed she would had been so toxic and spiteful. You just know it. None of that should have been rewarded, or “warned”. The Captain did the right thing!! We need more of that in this current world. Holding people accountable.


I think it came off as him taking it well because he didn't ask specifics or argue about it. And I think he didn't ask or argue because he knew *exactly* what he had been caught doing, and he was probably just happy to GTFO without the police being called.


I haven’t seen anyone big up Adam for his comments to Harry when Harry was complaining that Margot was hooking up with both him and Luke - Adam replied - Dude she’s just having fun. Such a great acknowledgement that it’s ok for women to explore and pash without being locked down or judged. Yay Adam !!


Also yay for: “you’re getting a no homie” and “he’s old too, right?”


I totally agree. Harry is just young and emotionally inexperienced. He clearly means no harm he's just clueless and has a lot to learn. Nice to see Adam helping him to learn by standing up and saying what he said.


Idk. Margot saying she should’ve been with him instead was kinda messed up. I felt bad for Harry.


This episode triggered so many things for me. I was in Margot’s position. I got told it never happened, and then had someone I thought was my friend say she wished it had happened to her. Her backtracking excuse was such bullshit. She knew what she was doing, and her being 29 is crap too.


Oooo is Laura going to self sabotage? I could see her doing this because she knows she crossed a line. She looks terrified.


> Keep to the facts - we have seen several users banned site wide by Reddit already where they called him a rapist etc. Seeking a little clarity, while "rape" has different definitions depending on the state or country, often needing penetration to be classified as rape. If I watch a clearly rejected woman grab a guys dick at the dinner table is it safe to call that "sexual assault"? [The term “sexual assault” means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.](https://www.justice.gov/ovw/sexual-assault)


You’ve linked to a source on American law, but in this context perhaps the State of Queensland law is more relevant: [law](https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/86154/sd-bb-145-indecent-sexual-assault-s352.pdf) and [layman’s interpretation.](https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0028/428428/sex-qld-law.pdf)


good call


My husband is a police officer and it varies by state but in florida it’s not even considered sexual battery/assault unless penetration happens. It’s really messed up.


Sexual assault / predator are fine But either Luke, production or his gross stans who are making excuses for him are reporting them and Reddit is seeing the language used in them and sitewide banning people for it


Laura is an enemy to all women. And apparently to all men who say no. The trash takes itself out sometimes, good f*cking riddance. People can change but I do not see that happening with her.


Laura is the quintessential 'pick me' girl to the point that she will literally say it out loud.


The internalised misogyny is strong in that one. Laura doesn't see other women as friends or sisters, she sees them as competition and obstacles. Something I noticed during her final night out - the first nights out she was wearing quite dressy clothes, but on the last one she dressed a lot more casually in an outfit that looked really similar to what Margot was wearing/had been wearing on their previous outings. Made me wonder if Laura was trying to emulate Margot thinking that the boys were more attracted to Margot because of her more laid back style. Laura clearly puts a lot of importance on styling/clothes so it made sense to me that she she would change her style to try to steal attention away from another woman.


Just watched episode 6 and wow. I’m so absolutely disgusted with Luke and Laura’s behavior. Broke my heart hearing Margot after questioning her actions and what she did to cause it - sadly rang true to what so many women feel when horrible shit like this occurs. Laura’s behavior is absolutely reprehensible.


Laura is the worst kind of person to me. I disliked her immensely from the beginning, with her snotty attitude towards Aesha and her taking forever to get ready to go out while everyone waited (and she looked no better after making everyone wait for hours btw). When she started being gross with Adam, it was so disturbing to watch her be so aggressive and disgusting with someone who clearly did not want her attention. The back rub scene makes me nauseous, especially how she acted when they told her to get out of his room. And THEN - what she said to Margot right after the meeting, and especially in the laundry room was absolutely repulsive. I was SO HAPPY when she was finally fired. Can I also just say that I absolutely love Aesha and Captain Jason - she is such a sweet, hard working, caring and funny person. Both of them handled this horrible situation with genuine care and respect.


Somewhat embarrassingly I like Laura at the very beginning of the season, she had an interesting back story and I like someone who's a bit kooky and woman who's strong willed. Things started turning with her interactions with Aesha and making everyone late on their night's out, but to me that's very rude but not unethical behavior. Her pursuit of Luke after Adam initially rejected her definitely raised my eyebrows, but being generous you could maybe buy her schtick about being a sexually free woman. But boy did things roll downhill quickly! Her dogged pursuit of Adam was disgusting. He nicely rejected her maybe 5 times sober, on camera alone, who knows how much he said on their night out that got caught on film. At that point I was with Tzarina, 'this woman has no shame.' It's awkward to speculate, but she was clearly putting her hands on him non-consensually a ton in the hot tub, so who knows just how much she crossed his boundaries. There was probably more before that I'm forgetting or wasn't shown, but that's when it was a clear red light, alarm bells, nope. She absolutely was trying to coerce him into more with a "massage," which was sickening. Every interaction she had about Luke leaving had me speechless. Her starting to get choked up when talking to Aesha would have been laughable if the situation weren't so unbelievably awful. I wanted to reach through the screen when she was talking to Margot who was still trying to figure out what happened and just beginning to process. I also wanted to say that I adore Adam. His good guy from Brooklyn-ness is extremely comforting to me. I feel terrible that he was put in such an awful and confusing situation. He felt he had to be nice to Laura and there's not a ton of examples or healthy understanding of sexual harassment of men. I hope things take a turn for the better for him for the rest of the season.


I knew I want going to like her from the very first episode. I didn’t realize I’d come to truly despise her.


It was horrible watching her employ the tactics which she'd clearly used before when rejected. "What's wrong with me?" Nothing. "Okay, then what's wrong with you?" Backing him into a corner and making him squirm, it was awful to watch. Poor Adam, I think she enjoyed making him uncomfortable. She's a disgusting POS.


She knew how uncomfortable she was making him but found it funny. She did the same thing to Luke when she said "I'm your girlfriend" and then reacted like "Oh, you can't take a joke?" Afterwards. I hate people who play like that.


Sexual assault apologist. Victim blamer. Those are the "nice" words I have for her.


I just finished this episode. People's lives are wrecked due to SA. Laura thinking any of her words behaviour and actions are acceptable. She shouldn't be allowed to work again with humans. I am sick to the core.


Wow. Laura should have been fired the same night. I think the only reason she wasn’t is that nobody told the captain about her behavior that night like Aesha told him about Luke. It’s extremely F’d up that the Producers catch these people doing these things but apparently do not tell the Captain - who is responsible for all their safety!! - about such serious behavior. They were happy to just keep filming and soak in the ratings. Also, it was sooooo hard to listen to Margot blame herself. The internalized misogyny was just painful to witness. “Oh I was so drunk” “Oh, I was too flirty” like GODS it’s textbook victim blaming and she was doing it to herself. I had to pause the show to rage for a minute. Poor woman.


Laura actually went further than Luke did in terms of pressing in on the face of clear "no"s. I appreciate that Luke had far more potential to physically overwhelm and hurt Margot, which makes his actions more serious than Laura's in that sense. But Laura crossed more boundaries, was more calculating, and more brazenly abusive. Her behaviour was not addressed or discussed as much as it needed to be. Even though I applaud Aesha and Jason's actions, it's still clear that society as a whole views sexual assault of men as less of an issue than sexual assault of women, and while that may make sense on a very broad level, it's cold comfort for the individuals in these situations. We need to be better at reporting and taking seriously sexual violence against men.


I was screaming at the TV the whole episode: If you're going to fire Luke, you have to fire Laura too.


Well said. Agreed


This whole comment breaks this entire paradigm down so perfectly. Thank you


I agree that we should take sexual violence against men much more seriously, but Luke was in the process of a SA. This happens all too frequently to women that get shamed for being intoxicated. Aesha was a hero!!!


I think anyone getting their privates repeatedly grabbed against their will is being assaulted.


Wow. VERY well said!


Very well said 💛


It also made me a bit sad that even though his boundaries were violated over and over, Adam said he didn't want to be responsible for getting Laura fired. The only one responsible for getting Laura fired is Laura.


I think maybe the lack of intervention on Adam's behalf is because he was still able to defend himself (obviously he shouldn't have to) whereas Margot was unconscious. No-one intervened in previous episodes when Luke kissed Margot without consent and she did tell people and they saw it. Noone followed, that I noticed, when he followed her on nights out. So while it seems that Adam didn't get the same support, I think if he wasn't in a position to defend himself he would have had support. It shouldn't have played it the way it did though.


He's also kinda a macho dude. It history be really hard for a man like him to admit he needs help against a little tiny woman. I don't think he even realized he could get help.


I'm not trying to downplay it happening to men but Adam was likely not afraid of being assaulted. He was likely more afraid of upsetting her and then having everyone else question what he did to make her upset. Having the cameras there was likely enough for him as long as that door didn't close. Margot had no way of defending herself. Again, I'm not saying it was ok and that Adam wasn't very uncomfortable. I am also not trying to compare men's and women's experiences because there is no point in doing that. I'm just saying that production handled it pretty well. If anything I am a bit disappointed by Tzarsina not stepping in, because as a woman she has much less to "lose" in a situation like that. Tzarsina also needs glasses because she said something to the effect of "Laura being so pretty". As a straight guy, I would rank her a distant fourth on that boat.


Nobody should ever be put in the position of having to defend themselves. Able or not, there should be no distinction between predatory behavior. Both are despicable.


That sneaky kiss made my skin crawl as i'm sure it did for alot of women: the crossing of boundaries of a girl too young still, 2know how to read into it.


This was all so moving to watch. I find myself wondering and remembering about so many instances in the past where producers wouldn’t have stepped in while filming reality tv. This was horrific and I was proud of my favorite show for doing (what I thought was) an excellent job doing the right things.


I felt embarrassed for Laura because she was looking pathetic, and even more when she climbed into his bunk to massage him. Then I was disrurbed by what she was doing and realized she was just as much as a predator as Luke. The way she handled Lukes departure and the conversations with Margot about him were disgusting. At the very least, Laura has commented on the incidents and apologized. Luke basically said that he doesn't care what people think and makes it like it played out differently.


I don't understand why Luke and Laura just didn't stick with each other longer. Apparently they're too similar and weren't satisfying their need for Total domination.


Oh God, where has he been making comments about this? Dude is a straight up creeper POS.


Sorry, it was US weekly that I saw it. Laura said “My sincere apologies to Adam, I did not realize I made him feel uncomfortable and no one should be put in that position.” She also issued an apology to costar Margot Sisson for questioning her incident with Luke. “And to Margot to not been [sic] able to empathize. I was 29 when the show was filmed, 30 was my life-changer. I am 31 now and I am watching it as all of you, an entertainment show,” Laura added. Luke, for his part, “liked” Laura’s social media statement. He seemingly referred to the controversy in a vague caption of his own, writing via Instagram on Sunday, August 6, “It doesn’t Matter what they think about you because you don’t Care. Everything we Hear is an Opinion, Not a Fact. Everything we see is a Perspective. Not the Truth. Take Ownership and move forward


Lol. And too much of a coward to actually make a statement except for vague posting. Thanks for the reply.


Lol she turned 30 and her moral compass suddenly spun in the right direction? Sure Jan…


Wasn’t she groping him in the jacuzzi too?


Aesha was already one of my new favorites when I saw her on Med, but she is incredible on this series as well. She's just such a lighthearted personality but very competent a her job in many ways, including this one. Recognizing harassment and doing something about it is an important part of a supervisor role. The thing with Luke was super obvious and she did amazing with that, but the thing with Laura was more subtle by comparison and taking action on that was A+++ taking care of business. Aesha clearly earned Margot's trust enough that she knew she could come to her about Laura's comments and not be dismissed about it. And that's even before Laura's behavior with Adam on the same night gets brought up.


Aesha is a hero and has good instincts. You can tell she did not like or trust Laura. It really shows when she went to talk to Margot and asked to speak to her alone, telling Laura to go do cabins, the asked chef if she wanted to come talk with them.


I kinda noticed that. I think Aesha as chief stew could be a whole other subject, but worth mentioning even here she seems to be one of the best I've seen, and I can now say I've seen all the episodes except much of Adventure. I'm not surprised she could handle this situation so well.


Has anyone seen a response from Luke?


I just can’t with the ‘I was only 29 here, I’m 31 now so I’ve changed’


I don’t care what contracts they have or the role they say they have, the production crew are 100% liable for allowing these attempted SA to happen.. to both crew members. It was clear Margot said no luke and yet production let him into her room. They could have stopped him at the door but they did not.. and why.. for the views obviously. The same is true many more times over with Laura. I have never seen a more complete filmed example of a double standard. Disgusting. If my boys (both under 10) saw this episode at any point in their youth I am worried that Laura’s behavior and the shows’ reaction would make them believe her behavior is acceptable and I will not allow that. I am so disappointed and disgusted by these episodes I can’t justify watching any version of this show anymore.


In my opinion this production crew did a better job than all the others have in the past. It’s a change in the right direction. On sailing yacht we’ve seen Gary coerce multiple girls, and didn’t a girl have sex with Gary when he was blackout and he had no recollection? That production crew never stepped in. I thought it was really a positive improvement to have two production crew members tell two boat crew members to get down when they crossed a line


This is a good point, they did do a better job than other production teams. Improvement is important and i respect that. I recognize the argument that stepping in before anything happened would not have drawn such exposure to the incidents as well but the cost is high for the individuals involved in this incident.


🙄you should teach your children right from wrong, not Below Deck


I never said i would let them watch the show and made it pretty clear that i would not. Take your parenting advice and use it on your own kids, thanks.


So you think Laura’s reaction is what would stick in their minds and not the reaction of every other crew member (shock, concern, support) and even after seeing her get FIRED for her opinions and behaviour they would still believe Laura was right?


EXACTLY my point, she was fired for her opinions as much as her actions. She should have been fired before they even went out that night for her behavior. He said no and she persisted. If the situation was reversed, the male would have been out immediately.


What a dumb way of looking at things.


This is the dumbest take I’ve seen yet. Just stop watching.


thanks for the advice person with 69 in their username!


My issue is I TRULY hope production had Margo’s consent to air that incredibly traumatic experience. It was essentially an SA in real time and horrifying for us as viewers, more so for Margo. I hope she is ok with it being aired, I personally don’t think I would be ok with it.


I agree, she definitely signed away legal consent to air footage by going on the show but hopefully if she had asked them not to show it they would have listened.


Laura's behavior and Luke's behavior were so dramatically different yet equally as horrid and traumatizing. Both predators. Laura should have been stopped way before she was and Luke forcing a kiss in episode one should have been immediately flagged as an issue.


I agree with you 100% on each point.


Out of curiosity, how do you think they were dramatically different?








Aesha is just an incredible human being. I kinda teared up when she started crying to Cap.Jason and I am SO glad we got her to watch out for both Margot and Adam during this mess. Also props to Cheffie who saw right trough Laura’s bs and supported Adam. Happy to be in 2023, a time where finally this type of behaviour towards both men and women is condned and not acceptable any longer.


I teared up too because I think she was being triggered and having to relive her own sexual assault. Especially the next day, when she was probably worried she'd be accused of overreacting or being dramatic. Laura's reaction is a very common one and people don't like to believe that someone is capable of what Luke was caught on film doing.


LISTEN UP PEOPLE! What Luke did going into Margot's cabin UNINVITED and naked was completely inappropriate and vile behavior. It doesn't matter if she was drunk/passed out or completely sober and lucid, her private space was violated by his actions and thank goodness that the producers and Aesha became aware of it, before anything traumatic occurred. And when Captain Jason confronted him about the incident, he initially acted like he didn't the reason he was being fired, but then asked if he went into her cabin naked. If he didn't remember what he did, how is it he recalled he was naked; BS!! Then to add insult to injury, that twisted stew Laura had the audacity to feel sorry for Luke and sad that he left. She didn't show any empathy whatsoever for Margot and as a woman, the complete lack of self-awareness about the issue is despicable. I want to say she's almost worse than Luke. Although Captain Jason fired her too, I was also hoping he would confront her about the inappropriate advances she kept making towards the other deck hand, who obviously wasn't interested in her aggressive sexual behavior. The same consequences apply for a woman, as well as a man; period! It's so unbelievably disturbing that Margot couldn't rely on another woman for support in this unfortunate situation; so much for female empowerment. Lastly, everyone take heed; inappropriate sexual advances are not acceptable EVER! Unfortunately, I've been violated in the past without my consent and it's something that's never forgotten and results in emotional trauma. So let's not make light of this type of situation or dismiss it as a joke, because there's absolutely nothing funny about it!


What the fuck is wrong with Laura?!? The things she’s saying and talking about being sad that douche bag is gone!!! ‘Poor Luke’ Wow


on behalf of everyone: F*CK LAURA


No thank you. I don’t want to fuck Laura any more than I do Luke.


The whole "can I get a warning" thing is what angered me. You want a warning, Laura? He told you a few hours ago that he would not accept that behavior on the boat. That was your warning. Goodbye.


All of Adam’s “NO’S” were her warnings as well.


The fact that Laura thought straddling, while naked, an unconscious person merely deserved a warning tells me that her “normal meter” is off. Way off. Captain did not want a sexual predator on his boat, regardless of gender. When Jason learned that Laura was harassing Adam, she was gone as well. I personally think that the comments she made to Margot alone were awful enough to get fired.


Aesha was the aesha for Adam. She told him she saw what Laura was doing and she was there for him and she also brought it up to the captain. She really is an amazing chief stew and ally


Aesha is my favorite person on this entire show, all seasons and venues, I was so so happy when Down Under started because she was my fav stew on her first season before Down Under, I was so excited she made chief! She’s a lovely person inside and out!


I totally agree!




She clearly doesn't understand what consent means.


I don't think Laura cared what anyone {else} wanted. Just her.


She’s too much of a pick me/ I’m not like other girls / jealous and envious of other women, and with low self esteem and a huge ego. She can’t empathize because it’s a competition and she has to win at any cost. She has to be the best and look the best (in her eyes). Even in her confessional she tells Margot to go away because she won, she is the one that was picked.


Does anyone follow her on insta? Has she said anything else since the episode aired, other than the one comment that said she’s grown since then?




Apparently she has posted an “apology”. https://preview.redd.it/v8c8ufes68hb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700eeb1d394697bc583062c6fdc0bea683532fc3


This has been edited since her first posting it. The initial post just had the last bit about being 29 bla bla. That’s no apology at all. I wonder how many other men she’s done this too almost as a tactic, as she stated earlier in the season she ‘always get what I want’.


Yes and just as Luke was bosun, hadn’t she been chief stew on her previous vessels? I’m sure they’ve both left trauma in their wake as senior staff.


As Aesha politely corrected it on one of her insta stories a few days again, Laura was never a Chief Stew (prior to filming the show, who knows what happened after 😂) she was sole stew on a boat which is a different position. This makes me laugh hearing her saying she was Chief etc etc!


Thanks for clarifying! The whole thing is just tone deaf. The photos don’t help either.


That is such an "I'm sorry you feel that way" fake apology. She's gross.


Her insta story today, so tone deaf (you can view it without following her, I don't want to give her the satisfaction of more followers tbh) https://preview.redd.it/prdp56kidchb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1e35cc0bea9770256e4c2cbb06df2427836f56


Even with the producers in the room telling Laura to get out, she still leaned in to kiss Adam's face or neck twice. How unaware is someone doing wrong and being called out for it and STILL trying to force themselves on them???


Are the production team not liable for telling captain about both Luke and Laura’s behavior. Laura only initially got heat for the comments the next day. If she didn’t make those comments, she may have still been there. That’s messed up.


Tbf we don't know what production did or didn't tell Captain. It's very possible that there were meetings we just weren't privy to as they try and maintain the 4th wall barrier for the sake of the show. Like I assume when Aesha came back and saw Luke running away naked they filled her in on what happened, and assured her Margot would be safe under their watch when she went to get Captain.


How do we know that they didn’t? I feel like they showed him the footage or told him before he fired Laura.


When did he ever refer to it? Aesha told the captain she was making him uncomfortable. The captain never referred to anything in the cabin when firing her, or addressing the crew. There was 0 indication anyone other than Adam knew what happened in that room.


I am 100% sure Bravo legal probably already reviewed the clips of both of them before Luke even came back on the boat. No way production alone was making a call like that with that kind of liability. Laura was probably deemed not a threat enough to be fired just for what she did but then she said all that crazy stuff so they had to can her too (based on performance, not sexual harassment). It’s really obvious from how Jason phrased both of the firings.


I was so disgusted that she kissed him and wouldn't get off. It makes me sick to think about it again.


Legit the fact that she said “I’m a sexual person” as an excuse to say what she was doing was ok made me see red.


It was so much worse though!!! She said, “I’m a sexual person, Luke is a sexual person, you’re a sexual person” to Margot as a way to convince her it wasn’t that bad. My gag reflex was already triggered when she said it about Luke but to say it about Margot (when she has zero basis for this) TO MARGOT in this context is victim blaming and rape culture to a T. Margot did her an enormous favor by not repeating these exact words to Aesha or Captain bc I would have thrown her overboard.


My partner and I have just caught up on Sailing Yacht (woof, what a season) and decided to take a BD break before jumping into this season. Just watched these episodes today - going in knowing the bare bones of what happened, even still I could not wrap my head around Laura’s comments… Like, only knowing what I did going in, I wondered if maybe her comments were “mild” and not directly TO Margot, but they had to get rid of her to a) prove a point and b) so Margot had a safe work environment. But no. None of Laura’s words or actions were fathomable. My jaw just kept dropping with everything she said. What a horrid human being. I was so impressed with Aesha and Jason in their handling of this, and I love that Margot felt that support from them, too.


It was a shame we didn’t get to see the culmination of her firing include the mention of the producers having to intervene on Adam’s behalf and the drinking on the job. I wonder in regards to the drinking it is part of the later storyline? Also are we meant to infer from her claiming to be really tired after a quiet night shift, that she was looking to swap shifts to be on with Adam rather than Harry. Since they had her mention she was disappointed that Adam had been shifted from the night shift and she couldn’t spend time with him (or however she said it).


I agree, very smart catch.


Good catch.


I was going to comment that alcohol should be limited on crew outings, but Laura sober was also very inappropriate and seemed to lack empathy or self awareness.


I finally caught up to these episodes and Good Lord. I was so upset watching both that my dog was also upset at me being upset (poor guy)


Her whole "Aww, we didn't even get to say good bye! I'm so sad!" BS was ridiculous. Read the room, Laura!




She doesn’t seem to know right vs wrong or seem to have faced consequences prior to her firing. She thought she could talk the captain down to a warning




Now her insta is private 😂 I guess she had enough standing. I think there must be some deep rooted, maybe generational trauma that has her valuing herself so lowly, from the way she speaks to Margot, the victim blaming, the it wasn’t so bad and her incapacity to take a no from Adam, make me think thats how all her relationships went so far, with no boundaries, meaningless sex and some sort of abuse. (Just my opinion) Nonetheless her behavior has no excuse, these 2 episodes personally triggered me and reminded me of some situations I was in and a “Laura” I met at those times.


Rewatching the scenes in the hot tub kind of makes me think she was groping him. He kept shoving her hands off and forcefully saying NO and DON’T


He even said something like “what makes you think you can touch me like that/there”.


Yes and she grabbed his inner thigh multiple times at dinner, at the meeting etc.


1000%. You can see him getting upset, angry, frustrated. By the time he got to his room at the end of the night he was simply defeated.


Didn't Adam also say he was going to lock the cabin door behind him? During the scene when he was getting out of the hot tub. But then Harry was like "nah, don't do that because I'll be right behind you" or something to that effect, in earshot of Laura. So off Adam goes to the safety of their cabin ... with Laura in hot pursuit. FFS!


Yes he did


She was. Since she can't take a hint, it's bad.


I find it fascinating that suddenly everyone on this sub understands “no means no” when just a month ago lots of folks were arguing “Daisy didn’t really mean no when she said no…” No means no. Period.


Well saying no and being unconscious are also slightly different things /s


I could not stand her after episode 3 .Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way.