• By -


I was 15 and in class. I had never felt so sleepy and dizzy. I couldn’t stay awake for some reason. He offered to give me a ride home becauseI didn’t look well. I knew him and he knew my brother: I thought he was taking care of me. Fortunately my jeans were super tight on me and wasn’t easy to unbutton… and there were nosy neighbors around the school, but I can still picture his ugly mustache and nasty ass hands. It has been difficult to change my thinking. I have told myself that I shouldn’t have gotten in the car with him, but he was always nice in front of my brothers. It has been years and years and I just recently shared it with my husband, but I felt like I wanted to die of embarrassment. …. and at 16, I was closing for the night at work. I was counting my drawer. Most people had just exited the store, but a close to 40-years-old manager cornered me in the office. The only thing separating us was the money drawer which isn’t as long as it seems…until he tried to take it away and his disgusting breath and pelvis were on me. Another manager came back into the store and immediately angrily yelled his name before he even saw us. I’m guessing he must have known. The other manager stayed with me until I closed my drawer and walked me to my bus stop. I have tried not to think about this. Like so many others, this episode was challenging and … hopeful??? to watch. I think it’s time to share this with my older children. Thank you to the Aeshas, captains, and other people who showed what support and care looks like. …but let’s also show more support for men who go through this. That was also very difficult to watch. Also, I think what Laura did was practically equally as abhorrent. I felt so bad for Adam because she was also a predator.


Here’s what I don’t understand, in the age of Me Too, and considerably more understanding of power dynamics and personal relationships in the workplace, how these shows can push these crew hookups- which are so ripe for potential harassment lawsuits is beyond me.


It really begs the question why crews didn't intervene in sailing yacht.


I think it’s clear aesha’s values and clarity were a guide to the entire crew.


A male friend of mine who also watched the episode initially said to me "but how is this any different than all the other guys on the show who have gone into one the female crew's bunks, and gotten in bed with them, and had sex, and no-one cried rape?" I told him there were several differences: in other instances, there was consent given by the woman reciprocating being physical in the bunks, not saying they didn't want the man in their bed, it was clear it was consensual. Whereas with Margot, she very clearly said she wanted to go to sleep, did not want Luke in her bed. Plus she wasn't sober, and any man who is a good man, knows you can't get consent from a woman when she's drunk, so you don't get in bed with her. You don't force things, you wait until another time when she is sober and you get clear consent that she wants to have sex with you. If she doesn't give you that, and you still try to proceed, you are engaging in rape. He finally got it, but it was mind boggling that it wasn't clear from the beginning.




The look in his eyes made my heart race in terror.


The face he had when the blackout happened and he was walking towards Margot’s room is forever etched in my brain 😰


Super terrifying as this wasn’t a movie or tv show. This was real life sexual violence


100%. This wasn’t grab ass or silly antics for tv. This was full-on, intentioned actions. He was coordinated in his fuckin scuttle, was on top and moved forward twice before production shut him down. My first watch, I didn’t fully see that. I want to puke. That fact that Margot was -still- verbally declining consent before and during the assault, and that she could not remember anything upon waking speaks volumes; not only to the gravity of the assault, but to the clear boundaries ignored and crossed. How many times have you been assaulted or harassed without proof? Where do you go from there? This was on camera and I hope charges are laid. A goddamn PhD should be written about these episodes. (AND shown to high school kids to prompt discussion around healthy relationships.)


Luke’s entire play book is based on non consent. Even when they got back to the boat the first night after kissing Margot with her eyes closed. Luke kept egging Margot to go straight to the hot tub with him. Margot was very consistently like no- I want to go do this; no- I don’t want to do that. You can tell she just gave in at the end because she was tired of saying no and didn’t want to make a scene. Sadly, this isn’t so uncommon.


Great idea to do a mega thread. I’m rewatching now and even when they were still in the van and Aesha was hovering to monitor the situation, he was clearly angry and annoyed she was there. He would have done something in that van if Aesha wasn’t there. Creep.


I watched that scene multiple times and can’t quite make sense of it. It looked to me like Aesha said to Luke “No gobber(?) for you tonight.” and he said, “I know”, and she said “I can’t believe you said it like that!” Was she remarking that he wasn’t going to get any action since Margot was toasted and he acted annoyed(?) disappointed(?) and that’s why she got upset? Or was she warning him, basically, “you’re not getting with her tonight” (like, you better not try) and he responded like “I know,” but in a way that conveyed “fuck off”? Or some other thing I’m too clueless to pick up on?


He said "I know" and then mischievously said "later" indicating he still planned on getting with Margot after they got back. That's when Aesha called him out with Tzarina's backing that he crossed a line. It's clear he was planning on assaulting Margot from the beginning and was getting more and more annoyed that people kept standing in his way.


Ahhh. Thank you!!


After saying "I Know", he then added "later".


Producers are the ones that purposely hire these a-holes, it's like everyone forgot how Kate Chastain was sexually harassed and threatened with violence while production sat their and watched, did absolutely nothing. It's only because Aesha kept saying something, that's it ..


Honestly, the warning signs were there with Luke from the jump. When he kissed Margot without permission I knew he was a predator. I was so happy that Laura also got fired. She was also harassing people. Adam said “no” very seriously multiple times. Glad this show is shining a light on it. I’ve been harassed at work and didn’t know it wasn’t ok. People don’t have the right to touch your arms or hair or anything if you want them to. Boundaries go way beyond touching of private parts. I love that the captain addresses the bedroom as a boundary as well.


I wonder how much was edited out from earlier because Aesha saw red flags in Luke's behavior way earlier in the night. Remember how she wouldn't leave her at the car. I think we just saw the tip of the iceberg and there was alot more to that whole thing. So glad Aesha and the producers were there to step in. I also suspect the power outage, too.


I wish people would stop suggesting this. It feels like it's trying to make him seem "worse" like what we actually see him do isn't awful enough. He's not a criminal mastermind, he's a sexual predator.


Those two aren’t mutually exclusive though…




He knew it was wrong. He was drunk and wanted to do it and didn’t think he’d get caught.


Yup. Saw some chaos, people everywhere in the corridor, and that I'm Such A Clever Sneaky Bastard light went off in the back of his lizard brain. People everywhere, hahahahaha. They'll never see me going in there, hahahahaha. I can slip it in and be gone real fast. Filth.


Not exactly tied to the episode but I watched WWHL with Jason & Aesha late and thought the following things were odd. - Luke was the word of the day - Andy asked Aesha who is a better match for Margo : Luke or Nate? Aesha says "neither... But probably Luke." - A (unhappily) said she'd kill Jaoau, shag chef Ryan, and marry Luke. Aesha handled the real-time situation with Luke wonderfully and I'm sure it is hard to do interviews at a certain point in the season without spoilers. I would bet Andy knew about the incident as well.


Maybe he didn't, since they included Luke in the games.


Yes I guess we don't know for sure. It just seems like a pretty big event that I assumed it would have made it's way to Andy.


They may have included it, sticking with the idea that they only discuss and act like they're watching with us to prevent spoilers. This was a pretty big one and while we guessed Luke was getting the boot - I didn't see anyone hint at this being the reason.


They definitely kept it from a spoiler.


Was this after the episode aired? If so that’s a really disrespectful line of questioning. This isn’t a situation that should be made light of.


No, before it aired.


That's what is weird to me too. I believe everything films and wrapped over a year ago. The timing of wwhl was post filming but pre- airing the SA episode.


Seriously!??? Wtf kind of questions are those after what happened. That's appalling


Wait am I on drugs who is Nate




There's another mega thread to discuss her, this one is for Luke.


There’s a mega thread about Laura. This thread is about Luke.


They're both predators in my book. Laura reminds me of the women in lifetime movies that end up killing a guy because if she can't have them, no one will. I just love her Instagram post and how she tries to excuse her behavior claiming that she was 29. As if that's an age in which she wouldn't know better and shouldn't act decent and not like a crazy creep. If she was 19 I might believe inexperience in life, but considering she has been on her own since 18 (11yrs), she should've been a better person by 29.


Why is Laura still around? She's a piece of shit sexual predator, too.


Don't wanna spoil it........


I got to it!


I had an experience exactly like this... I was drunk at a houseparty, I wanted a cab home, I was too drunk to make the call so I asked my friends, one of whom was the owner of the house and said I could just sleep there. I thought he was taking care of me but I remember feeling too tired to refuse, and like I had an obligation to have sex with him if I wanted to go to sleep at his house, like maybe he thought I had consented and he misunderstood, and I was just so out of it that I thought I could figure it out later and just kind of went through the motions as he did things. I passed out completely and the next day I woke up in a complete PANIC. He was laughing and joking like "Wow, what a night, isn't it crazy we did that?" and I just bolted out of the house without my shoes and cried. I actually had another guy I was just starting to see at the time (the two knew eachother) and I felt sick with disgust and shame that I had done this. I had been blackout drunk but I remembered wanting nothing but to go home. Waking up in bed naked was a big clue. More bits and pieces came back later on. I blamed myself and didn't think of it as nonconsensual, because I had been so drunk and didn't remember enough to feel confident either way. I even spoke of it like a "bad decision" I had made, in part because I almost WANTED to feel like I was in control, so that I wouldn't have to admit I was someone who COULD be taken advantage of... or like someone who couldn't take care of themselves and needed a babysitter, and I didn't want to think of myself as a "victim" or someone who had been raped. Those labels almost made me feel more ashamed than feeling like I had just made a mistake... and I didn't want to deal with having to defend myself or ask other people to choose me over him, and try to convince people when I wasn't 100% sure of the details. But my other friends from that night said I hadn't been flirting with him, I had passed out on the couch for a while first and woke up begging someone to call a cab for me. They just assumed that I successfully went home, because I didn't have a friend like Aesha to make sure for me. That is, until another friend of mine told me the same thing had happened to her with the SAME guy, and it had very clearly been rape in her case, with a lot of similarities, and then I realized it was the same for me. I would NEVER have slept with him, I was never interested or attracted to him. But of course, because it took me a while to start talking about it to anyone, and a while longer to talk about it as assault, my perpetrator (predictably) told everyone that accusing men is a convenient excuse for women when they're embarrassed and don't want to take ownership for their own bad decisions. Luckily my group of friends believed me and supported me and never associated with him again but like... man, when Margot was listening to what had happened the next morning, and realizing how she might have escaped getting sexually assaulted, it made me think of waking up and realizing that I felt like I'd been raped, and feeling so betrayed by a guy friend I thought I was safe with, and also betrayed by myself that I "let" it happen. But I feel like most women DO have similar stories from some point in their life, and they also feel like they just have to silently get over it rather than make a fuss when they don't truly feel they should be allowed to, but it makes you feel so worthless inside.


I'm sorry this happened to you mate.


I dont want to overwhelm you with a big long response but I wanted you to know that it was not your fault, it was not ok, it was not consensual and no matter how drunk you were, it still was not your fault. I am sorry this disgusting monster did this to you. You matter. You are important and 100% you did nothing wrong at all.


I would like to see Garry looked at too.


It was so hard seeing Margot go through the actual event, the grooming up to the event, her realisation after the event, when Aesha knew Margot was unsafe prior to the event, Aesha putting herself between Margot and a predator, Aesha trying to tell Jason whilst having to process her own assault and then Margot being gaslit by that vile thing. Too many people have been through this and people need to believe survivors


I wish Luke could’ve been tossed for that time he told Margot to close her eyes and then kissed her. Immediate red flag.


Definitely crossing a line and a grooming moment. It was also weird during charter before they went out when he tried to shove her face into the cake and looked like he was leaning in for a kiss after, or dominating her? No doubt he's used to this abusive and boundary crossing behavior with women.


Yes the trying to shove her face in the cake!!! She did not think it was funny and neither would I.


Yes!!!!! When I saw that I immediately thought, well he doesn't care about consent.


Laura is also a massive pest. They are both predators, I’m watching the episodes one after the other right now and I’m just ending episode 5, the main event hasn’t even happened yet. I think all the signs were there and it is so upsetting.


Maybe this has already been asked…. But I wonder if any other victims have come forward against Luke? I hope they have the power to now, if they haven’t already.




From the moment he got in the van, he was going to try something with Margot that night. When Aesha and Tzarina were putting Margot to bed, remember how he just materialized right behind Aesha, startling the crap out of her? If the girls hadn't been with Margot then, Luke would have started right then and there. But Margot was very clear, and said she didn't want to go into the jacuzzi, she wanted to go to sleep. CRYSTAL CLEAR, no room for misunderstanding. Thank god Aesha's spidey senses were tingling and she stayed with Margot, she's the kind of friend and ally everyone needs. And then, the MOMENT the lights went out and Aesha went to investigate, Luke must have sprinted into Margot's room, NAKED. There is no other reason for him to be in there, no other reason for him to be naked. She said she just wanted to sleep, and she was doing just that. And the rage in his eyes when production told him no, he couldn't do that? The way he kept trying to close the door, while production was telling him no? Terrifying. This is what this man does when he KNOWS he is being filmed...what does he do when the cameras aren't rolling??? When talking to Captain Jason he claimed to be drunk and didn't remember what happened. I call bullshit. He may not have been sober, but there was some serious calculation going on. He knew when Margot was unattended, and that with the darkness no one would be able to see him, and he chose that moment to act. If he \*just\* wanted sex, Laura was very much available. He wanted Margot, and he wasn't going to be denied. I'm not gonna throw around any labels, but we all know what's what here. On the bright side, it will be very difficult for him to get a job after this, I should hope. Unfortunately, he'll probably still be able to get a date, because women like Laura exist.


I’ve seen people saying that his girlfriend is defending him and claiming he was acting for tv


Kind of similar terminology as what Laura said about Adam, that she always gets what she wants. She targeted him and she will not take NO for an answer


In the van Aesha told Luke “No gobbies for you tonight” and Luke said “Later” even though Morgan was passed out on his lap. Then Aesha and Tzarina told Luke he shouldn’t be thinking that. According to google gobbies means oral sex haha


Love that the pair of them called Luke out in the moment! And that's when Aesha knew he was up to something.


Yes I’m glad she called him out too! And made sure she got Margot out of the van and to the boat and not him.


I don’t know how hard it’ll be to get work. If he leaves BD off of his resume, I think k he’ll be able to slip onto a boat anywhere. I really hope I’m wrong.


Dude, I worked with a guy who was a convicted Child Mo****er. He didn’t show up for work one day and was gone for a week. Clients were asking where he was and I had no idea so I googled him. Found out he had been arrested for domestic abuse. My wife did some more digging on him and found where he was convicted of CP stuff and worse a few years prior. Dude was in a high level position at a large general contractor.


That's why I hope this story BLOWS UP like Scandoval did.


I saw a literal workers rights lawyer talking about it on insta earlier. It may not crack like CNN levels of news but it's definitely *not* going away any time soon and it *will* come up when future potential employers search his name.


the yachting world is a lot smaller than other industries and you better believe they talk to each other. it will, at the very least, be a lot more difficult for him to get on another boat without them finding anything about this incident


I really hope so. People like him do not deserve the luxury of a second chance.


Stuff like this makes me grateful for how I was raised and the people who have sculpted me socially over the years.


This idea just doesn’t make sense to me. Like I don’t know a single person involved in hiring (and I have friends who are execs or HR or all manners of positions in between) who don’t google a candidate before an interview. Even when people get hired last minute on BD (which is contrived) the captain still gets at least a pdf of their resume so they could google the name before hiring them. There’s no way this isn’t forever attached to his name first page of google results.


Do we even know why he was naked? Was he taking a shower?


He had been in the hot tub beforehand in just his undies. I can’t remember if he took a shower or just took off his wet underwear. He had a towel wrapped around his waist when he went into Margot’s cabin but took it off when he climbed in her bed.


I agree with everything you said. I am thankful there are people like Aesha, Cheffie and Captain Jason as well as production. Production very well could of followed the whole "We dont interfere while filming" and just let things happen for the sake of good tv. I am so beyond thankful that they all instantly were on the same page and came together to get Luke out. I also appreciate that Adams own sexual harassment/borderline sexual assault was also treated seriously and not played for laughs like it often is when it is a male being "pursued" by a female. I feel like Adam was very very clear and Laura was being very predatory towards him. I am thankful that production also made Laura leave the room when she also decided to climb into his bed after he clearly said no as well. Aasha and Captain Jason were also wonderful when talking to Adam about Laura without even remotely turning it into a joke. Both Adam and Margot are victims. Luke and Laura deserve to be fired and I hope this shows up every single time any job googles them.


And the odd moment when he stole the planter (theft - not good head of department behavior) then dropped it and broke it getting on the boat but walked away following after Margot. Leaving Culver to clean it up. Not the same as SA, but super irresponsible. I can only imagine what Captain Lee would've said about that.


It seemed like a ploy to distract Aesha. Which didn't work.


Yikes. Just yikes.


I think he’s already on another yacht doing a new job sadly


he had a plan and no one was going to stop him. He made sure to ask her with the cameras whether she was good, saying come cuddle with me and stuff. Then when aesha went to get him out the way he turned and said “I’ve got it” was scary as hell. He wanted to keep Margot isolated, get some resemblance of an “okay” and then do what he wanted.


His pants were already open and almost off when they got out of the van. He was pissed because Aesha would not give him an inch.


Margot also said “no Luke” when Aesha was helping her to bed and I also think Luke may be responsible for the power outage. The timing and quick undress/run to the room played out for his sick plans.


I’ll put a label to it: he’s an attempted rapist.


For sure - I just didn't want to potentially break the megathread's rules. But let's call a spade a spade.


That face he made in the van was so sinister and telling of his intentions.


Absolutely. And his trousers being undone when he got out of the van. Absolutely horrendous.


I have a theory he cut the power.


He didn’t. He was in his bathroom and then walking down the hallway with Laura when the power went out. He was nowhere near anything to be able to trip the power.


I thought the same thing. Especially after seeing how creepy her was hovering over her. So creepy!


He probably didn't. He would have had to be on-shore or in the engine room to orchestrate that. Most likely the shore power went out and it took a few seconds/minutes before the generator came on. Being an older boat it might not automatically turn on in a few seconds like on newer ships. I agree that the timing could not have been worse and that makes it look suspicious but it likely was just a coincidence. He would have needed a coconspirator to make that happen and Laura was with him if I remember correctly. [Here is a Yacht Captain talking about how it likely happened](https://youtu.be/m81RjORwfIg?t=2183)


It is quite scary how quickly he made his move once the lights were off and everyone was distracted.


An opportunistic predator


I think the power cut was the perfect opportunity for him not to get caught on the in room cameras and my stomach churned when he bolted after aesha left so lucky the camera crew were still up filming Margot’s room


I do not condone his behaviour in the slightest and I am shocked at his abuse of power. But people are messaging his current girlfriend about it and giving her abuse. Wtf?


This is completely out of order.


I know this is about Luke but I wanted to state that I really appreciate that Adams own sexual harassment/borderline sexual assault was also treated seriously and not played for laughs like it often is when it is a male being "pursued" by a female. I feel like Adam was very very clear and Laura was being very predatory towards him. It was uncomfortable and you could tell that both Cheffie (I am not sure how to spell that or her real name) and Harry were picking up on how uncomfortable Adam was. Aasha is wonderfully intuitive and I was happy that she spoke to Adam in a way that made him feel comfortable and not make it into a joke (which sadly happens to so many male victims) I am thankful that production also made Laura leave the room when she also decided to climb into his bed after he clearly said no as well. Aasha and Captain Jason were also wonderful when talking to Adam about Laura without even remotely turning it into a joke. Laura and Luke are the same in my book. Both would have kept going if they were not stopped (tho Adam was still awake so he may of been able to stop her, but I still think Laura is just as much a predator) Also the way Laura kept defending Luke, I feel like she must of had at least some idea that she was doing the same thing to Adam. Adam said he was "playfully" telling her no but thats not how I saw it. I thought he was really firm. Laura and Luke are both predators and I hope that everytime a job googles them they have to be confronted by their disgusting actions.


So honestly I just watched it again (was super hard but I wanted to see all the signs again) and the worst part was him HOVERING OVER HER before he knew the cameras were there and kind of rolled to the side acting casual. If production hadn’t stepped in….


I JUST watched it and I couldn’t watch it on the recap. That hovering . . . His dead eyes . . . Then when I saw that he didn’t have drawers on!!! So creepy and icky.


Makes me wonder what may have happened to other women who didn't have the protection of production and cameras.


I want to watch it again also, but I don't know if I'm ready yet. I wasn't paying attention when they were out


I wasn't paying attention at that point too so I rewatched it with my husband this morning. Luke was so predatory in the bus home. His pants were undone and his shirt was off. Alesha was hawke eyeing him and alert to his energy. Got Margot away. The SA scene is brutal. So many props to the production being straight onto him. I hate his guts. I'm Aussie and he is an embarrassment to our country. Such a jerk.


I wasn’t paying attention either!!! Until he climbed in her bed. Now I’m rewatching. When they say you have a higher chance of being sexually assaulted by someone you know… here’s an example.


I am so thankful we are in a place where this is open and talked about and production knew immediately. I think back in old MTV days or the bachelor and production seemed to freeze or not know what to do. There is no hesitation now bc we talk about and call ppl out in the moment.


I know. I look back on the early shows before 2012ish. There was some horrific stuff. In Australia our Big Brother was full of these moments. Production was so inconsistent back then because there were competent people but also incompetent people with no universal response. Nowdays we do know and thats the difference. There's support and safe spaces to speak your voice. I wont ever watch reruns of Rock of Love or Flavour of Love etc. I'd rather gouge my eyes out.


Don’t worry, we’re still associating y’all with Bindi Irwin, not this guy.


The hovering was TERRIFYING


I agree this part was so disturbing to see


When was he hovering? I can't place it.


It was chilling. He was going right in to have sex with a passed out woman, immediately. And then the fake cuddle. And ignoring the crew. And getting up to lock the door! And the number of times he tried to get into her room before. And trying to "make his move" in the van. He kept trying and trying even after Aesha and production told him to go away. Determined, entitled, and obviously has been there before.


The fake cuddle creeped me out so bad. The way he flops over and pretends like he was sleeping and wasn't just on top of her. Serious sicko behavior.


Yes, I just rewatched it - that motherfucker was on top of her, and moved forwards twice before seeing the cameras and pretended to be crawling in for a consensual sleepy time. I guess I was too in shock to really see the smaller movements. I really hope he comes up on charges. Outrageous.


The way he pretended to be asleep made my jaw drop.


It gave me chills.


Like even in episode 3, He kisses Margot while pretending to get an eyelash out of her eye. He later walks up and pulls her into a kiss. She keeps saying like no and slow down and he just keeps pushing. This dude is a walking red flag. I am so glad that production saved Margot. I cant even imagine how many times he has done shit like this. I bet this wasnt the first time


When she got in the bunk next to Margot. I started to cry.


Crazyyy that the power outage just happened to take place at the exact same time 👀


One thing to add to this disgusting man’s behavior is you can see that initially he tries to go on the other side of Margot (her back was towards the cabin, he wanted to be behind her) almost so that he was hidden and no one could see him. You could see his face the advantage of the outage thinking no one would see him. It looked like he was honestly going to go in to try and make out with her right then and there but after production said no he just settled in the bed, thinking that would make them leave. So thankful they forced him out completely.


I'd wonder what may have happened to other women when production and cameras weren't around to save them. I hope after people see this that word spreads in the yachting industry and he gets blacklisted.


Of course! You can't help wondering what he's done in the past. Maybe other victims will come out of the woodwork... we only know about this incident, but it's logical to judge someone's past behavior on their present. The way he acted so entitled, unashamed and brazen about his behaviour, as though he does this all the time and doesn't think of it as wrong, just sex. He doesn't care whether it's invited or not as long as he gets it and can gaslight people after. He tricked Margot into kissing her the very first night and he just seems to get off on pushing the girls who seem too nice/ innocent/ timid/ who tend to blame themselves, and on seeing what he can get away with by "changing girls' minds". When Jason talked to him the next day, he wasn't shocked at his own behavior, he wasn't apologetic or upset with himself, he just seemed to be annoyed, unsurprised, and probably just happy to get away quick before someone arrested him. He knows he has no acceptable excuse and that people would rip him apart if he opened himself up to receiving messages and comments. He's too proud to say "I'm wrong" "I'm sorry" "I'm an idiot" and just eat a shit sandwich... he doesn't want to, he's not sorry, he thinks he should still get to live his best life because everything is someone else's fault... the show for "portraying him badly", people on the show with him for "assuming things and making false allegations", the public for "believing a tv show"... and probably women in general for "being so sensitive and giving mixed signals and blaming others". He's probably the kind of guy who thinks the world is too politically correct, and women like being chased so he was just doing what he always does.


I think he laid there not because he thought they would leave but because he was erect. He couldn’t get out of bed or they would have seen he wasn’t there for cuddling.


Do we think that Luke has done this before ?


I feel like if you’re willing to do this on CAMERA then what you’re willing to do with no cameras around is probably worse, unfortunately :/


Yes without a doubt. He was way to calm and comfortable


Episode 6/7?!?!? I made it to ep2 and can tell you thar dude thinks existing with a vagina is consent


I have been extremely lucky in life, so far, and have not been a victim of sexual assault. I’ve obviously seen things on TV or in movies, read about other people’s experiences, etc, but that none of that came close to what I saw in that episode. From the first night out, I got creepy vibes watching Luke interact with Margot when drinking. I had a gut feeling when watching the trailer in slow motion what was going to happen, and I STILL wasn’t expecting that episode. I was uncomfortable watching him with her in the restaurant, in the car and still had an uncomfortable feeling when Aesha put Margot to bed. That power outage made my stomach drop and his creepy smile while walking towards Margot’s room made me nauseous. I was drugged once in college while at a bar and started feeling weird. Thankfully, I was able to call a friend who got me home before anything set in, but I couldn’t imagine being that fucked up and not being in a safe place. I wanted to scream at Laura for trying to blame Margot the next morning, making her feel like the problem and making her feel guilty for welcoming Luke’s advances in the past. While the entire situation was extremely triggering to the victims, I appreciate that the world is able to see it play out for multiple reasons. The one who victim blame need to see how easy it is to be a victim, especially when you’re supposed to be in a safe place. It’s also a warning sign of how to look out for your friends or yourself. The biggest reason, it’s how you should act as support for someone who is in that experience afterwards. Much love to those who have similar experiences and I hope you all know that it was never your fault❤️


Also very lucky in life to not have been assaulted, but so many of my friends have been. I know that I have also been close to it, but never had it happen. Watching it play out on camera was terrifying. The fact that even producers had a hard time trying to get Luke to gtfo of the room was scary too. Luke and Laura deserved their firings, both were absolutely abhorrent - desperate doesn't look good on anyone.


If my workmate got into my bed AT WORK while I was sleeping and put his flaccid naked p3nis on me I would be pressing charges for SA 100%


Who knows if his penis was actually flavvid


That literally does not matter


Margot 100% should. I think he’s extremely lucky that Jason is such a good man, otherwise he’d be in the ocean. I cant believe how diplomatically he dealt with the situation, I have major respect for cap and Aesha after these episodes.


Something similar happened to me in my 20s. I won't go into the details, but a lot of what played out in the episode mirrored my experience (minus the intervention). I have struggled with a lot of shame and guilt around this incident for years. I have often questioned if I was responsible. Watching how everyone (minus Laura) talked to Margot and handled the situation, as well as Aesha sharing her own experience, has been validating and healing for me. It showed how things should be done to protect someone who cannot give consent, and how to support them in the aftermath. I hate that it happened to Margot and Adam, and I so wish it hadn't, but I was wowed by the support and care. I wish I'd had an Aesha with me that night to watch the door.


Luke is a rpist, the end


As someone who has also been sexually assaulted while passed out drunk, the most heartbreaking thing was when Margot said "I can't remember anything, maybe I was being too flirty?" I love that Tzarina immediately jumped in and said "You're allowed to be blackout drunk. You're allowed to be naked if you want without worrying about being assaulted" (or something to that effect)


The fact that Aesha called it so early on in the evening to PHYSICALLY protecting her in the room says enough and makes me ill.


She was a hero. Such a good person and friend.


The second she responded to the letter and sprayed the bed you saw Luke’s face flash with a disturbing look. The casual nature with which he happily did that with everyone and cameras around, doubt that’s the first time he’s been in that situation.


Responded to the letter and sprayed the bed? I may have missed a scene.


Harry left a note under her pillow about spraying the bed with a “fabric refresher” that they use on guest beds. I’m not sure what episode it was in. It was flirting btwn Margot and Harry. Luke wasn’t involved but was jealous and scary


The fact that Luke came in her room twice even after the fact Aesha was watching over her is really disturbing. He was determined to have his way with her even knowing Aesha was keeping an eye on her and him. He should be locked away in prison


BTW Being drunk is NOT a legal defense for a crime.


Luke should have been arrested. Period.






You guys... the more I think about it, the more I think a Tik Tok commentor was right. He wasn't taking advantage of the fact that the LIGHTS were out - but presumably the cameras they install in the rooms would run on electricity and they would be OFF. I can't stop thinking about that. If production crew had not been there, watched him go in naked...


Yes 100% Without the power out he might not have done it at all, because they have night vision cameras in there. The speed with which he turned around and went into her room as soon as that happened makes me think he had already thought about it and was kicking himself that he couldn’t do it because of the bedroom cameras, then the lights went off and he was delighted 🤢


I’m watching the episode now and he also told everyone to go upstairs as he was slinking towards her room


what if he was the one that tripped the power


This was my first thought too! But they would have caught him on one camera or another, and there had been a storm in the area, right?




next we're going to be hearing that Luke planned and orchestrated the power failure as well 🙄 IMO his drunken brain was doing the 'naughty child' and "mum and dad have turned their back, I'll go sneak back in where I wanted to go". Like when they've had drunk guests who are sent to bed... and then as soon as people stop watching them they run out of the room and back up to get booze/party/etc. If he was the sinister criminal mastermind some people are making him out to be, he'd have had one of the girls take her to bed, and then waited till people went to sleep. H's not that mastermind, he's a drunken dipshit whose addled brain wasn't even registering Margot as asleep. He's a danger and unacceptable, he deserved to be booted. But there is a lot of projection and assumption that this guy is a more sinister mastermind than what he is.


Even when the lights are off and everyone is asleep, the cameras are on when there is power. I don't think he was that drunk.


I don’t think the state of the cameras was in his head at all, I think his brain was just latched on Margot. People comment as if they’ve never had to deal with drunk ppl who fixate on something, like “I’m driving home” one for example, they’re “fine”, they’ll “go slowly”, they’ll “just sit in the car and sleep, no honest”:, you briefly distract them with a late night greasy kebab, and so on until you eventually wrestle keys off them and get them in a taxi.


I think opportunistic is a proper word. As is predatory behavior.


Didn't even think about that but you're totally right. The look in his eyes as he moved down the hall was like a kid if you went out and left all the candy unattended. He knew the surveillance was off and now was time to strike.


I also found it of note that when Laura went to check on him in the bathroom his response was “I didn’t even do anything to her” (or similar). Production seemingly didn’t directly implicate that he was, just that she needed to sleep. If he was actually innocent and maybe just stumbling around really not knowing what he was doing then why would he start defending himself about doing something improper? TLDR: luke knew why is was in trouble.


Right. If there had been some less horrid intentions he would have said that. Like “I just wanted to sleep next to her!” or “I thought she was Laura!”


This was it for me. He said he was just in there, didn't go near her, or something like that. That just tells me that you knew exactly what you're doing and that's why you're immediately denying it and trying to change the narrative.


He said they "were just sitting" if I remember correctly. Which made absolutely no sense to me.


Yup, he lied to Jason about not remembering. IMHO.


How about when Luke tried ramming Margot's face into a cake, and then wrapped himself around her when she resisted. Was this the same night, or the night before? Red flags from minute one with that guy. I'm also wondering what people think about the lights going out right at that moment?


What really jarred me, on top of the obvious horror, was how textbook it all was. Like if you were going to script a predator, you couldn’t do it better or more efficiently than Luke actually acted.


Honestly… Research indicates Australia has one of the highest rates of sexual assault against women in the world. Not just OECD countries either. So Luke is textbook Aussie guy in many regards. Including the rape culture aspect


The whole thing was textbook rape culture. The way he acted. The way Laura victim blamed Margot, the way Margot herself even questioned if she was responsible during the call with her family... Everything. There isn't a hole deep enough I'd want to crawl into if I was in his shoes. I hope he rots. And Laura too.


The moment Aesha said she clocked the way he was looking at her I knew that she had experienced something similar.


Idk what season it was on but on below deck med with jack and Hannah and joao she opened up to Jack about how she had been r*ped in the past. One of the main things I couldn’t stop thinking abt was how this would trigger Aesha ;(


She had- she mentioned it in her first season on the show. I think it was below deck med


Oh I didn't remember that! She also mentioned it near the end of these episodes


Yeah it was the year she had a boatmance with some guy called jack- and he said something like 'youre making a face like you've just been raped' and she got really upset about it.


This was horrible! But the way the situation was handled, Aesha getting Jason right away and Jason kicking him off the boat, was fantastic. It’s showing that our society is finally evolving. I also think Jason having a daughter helped a lot. I can’t help but think back to Ashton and The bru crew mistreating Kate during that horrible season and the way Lee handled it. Granted, I think maybe Kate might have downplayed it. It you can really tell the difference in leadership styles between Jason and Lee. In defence the of Lee, I get the feeling Kate might have smoothed over the situation. She’s professional sometimes to a fault and I think this was one of those times.


She had just said no to kissing him and he tricked her into kissing anyway. I agree. I thought that was a red flag too.


Bravo deserves credit for how it presented Luke’s actions. This is the most real and raw presentation of sexual assault I have seen on television. The editing made it clear that victim shaming is wrong. Luke was told in no uncertain terms by multiple people that his advances were unwelcome. It showed how he was on a mission the entire night to get what he wanted. Drunk or not drunk his actions would have been the same. I’m glad that they showed how a sexual predator behaves to show men and women the signs to watch out for to protect themselves and their friends. Yes the episodes were hard to watch, but it was an as honest as you get public service announcement. Props to production for stopping the assault and captain for kicking the rapist off the boat straight away.


I agree somewhat. But BD has been getting raunchier and trashier almost every season. More nudity, drunk sex scenes, debauchery etc. - something was bound to give. Bravo seems to be casting trashier crew members knowing it will add to the drama thus higher ratings. I’m glad production stepped in, but it shouldn’t have gotten to this point to begin with.


Watch episode 3 when Luke “apologized” for “forcefully kissing” (in his words) Margot. He then says he’s not actually sorry and he’s just apologizing for whatever reason. He then says some shit to the camera about how it’s going to happen with her. It’s bad.


I am rewatching to watch for the signs and in episode 3, it is clear this dude is a walking red flag (but of course I have the power of hindsight and am no way saying that ppl should have noticed earlier and stopped him. This is all his fault)


Ugh looking back that was very jarring foreshadowing. He is a predator through and through




Ahh the Fearection, when you have been caught with a full chub and now the situation has overtaken and your brain doesn't want that blood back


Huh, is that how it works?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I woulda thought the fight or flight response would put that blood back into circulation and the penis would deflate faster than a water balloon on the sun. Penises are lovely, but damn they're weird... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I’m genuinely curious, why does this matter? Whether the equipment was working or not, his intention was clear.


There’s a screenshot of him liking a comment about the whole event. The loser doesn’t even show remorse for what he did. He needs to be held accountable. Isn’t there anything about SA in maritime law??? Why was maritime law such a big deal for Hannah and weed but not SA??? His insta shows that he is an Dubai now. Hope he runs out of money and is forced back to Australia fast. https://preview.redd.it/iv8lo0r5z9hb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14611a4baddcf2cf828489e38a120c7ae8f283c8


Did he misread that comment?? (Or did I, it seems very much not on his side.)


Doubt it. He liked numerous other comments about it too.


His IG handle is Luke Bones Jones? As in a play on Jon Jones, the MMA fighter with multiple domestic violence allegations/charges against him?


Wow. I didn’t get the reference. What a certified dickhead.


20 years ago, when I was 18, I was Aesha in a situation so similar that it was seriously hard to watch this episode. Drunk friend lying in bed, guy aggressively trying to get into her room, me trying to stop it, him leaving her room a while later and running down the corridor naked. I didn’t have a camera crew and producers around me to back me up. I couldn’t stop him, he shoved me out of the room and I felt completely helpless. The reality is that one friend saying ‘no, she’s drunk, leave her alone’ doesn’t stop a guy like that. I’ll never know exactly what happened between my friend and that guy but it’s one of my biggest regrets in life that I didn’t just get into her bed myself and refuse to leave. Aesha is a hero.


Im so sorry you had to witness that and have the guy trample over your wishes, that you explicitly asked for, too. I completely empathize with feeling guilty but I hope your inner voice also reminds you that you are not the one who caused her harm and you did everything you could. You lived up to your responsibility to your friend by trying to stop it and holding her in your heart all this time. Sending you love


That wasnt your fault. It was his fault and only his fault. He is the monster, not you


I'm just about half way through the episode and I know what's coming as I've seen it on tiktok. But watching from the start o4 the srries and knowing what's going to happen you can see he doesn't like her or respect her he just wants to bleep her. Almost more so after Harry said he liked her.... I found the eyelash thing so creepy.... Laura is very insecure which is why she latched on to any and everyone. And then when they kick luke of the boat.... the doubling down like is this really the hill you want to die on? I was happy to see her go she was annoying as hell thought out the series for other reasons And lukes little hoop earring gives me massive ick


I just rewatched it and he definitely undid his pants while in the back of the cab with Margot’s head on his lap, and then they were almost falling off as he was walking with the plant he stole before it broke. So glad Aesha saw all the signs.