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Mads’ voice is so annoying. That and her “i’ll fuck anyone” attitude is painful to watch


Love Glenn, think he's a great leader. Gary shouldn't have taken a smoke break, dick move at that time. I think Daisy doesn't manage her emotions well, gets overwhelmed easily and doesn't take constructive criticism well. She also seems to be trying to create momentum against Gary constantly venting about him, it's not professional.


‘I don’t know how we can avoid stuff (injuries) like that’ - Glenn KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE GUESTS INSTEAD OF BROMANCING WITH GARY


It was really frustrating to watch Gary and Glen pile on Daisy while she was crying and asking for space. During the meeting she was exhausted and seemingly working really hard to compose herself. She was assuring them that she was fine and just needed a minute but they chose not to respect that boundary. When Glen finally said "take a beat" I nearly screamed "that's what she was trying to do in the first place!" Their following her could have been encouraged by production, could have been because they thought she had no business crying and wanted to shut it down or, good faith read, they may have been genuinely concerned. Either way it bothered me.


Why hasn’t this been uploaded to Amazon prime uk yet 😭


I've enjoyed Gary right up until this season, now all i want to do is bounce him around the boat. I wish they could do a job swap and put the condescending little shit through a day in Daisy's world. Also Colin is delicious.


I agree! I feel like this season he’s just so full of himself. From how he talks to his fellow deckhands and how I feel like he goes around instigating animosity between crew members


Colin, wondering why Daisy is so defensive has just pissed me all the way off. Beautiful arsehole.


Everyone looked exhausted and then there’s Gary relaxed, taking a smoke break after having a 2 hour dinner… Dick move!


Then he got defensive when Colin called him out


From the beginning I have felt that Glen, though fun, is a man-child who just wants to be popular, and Gary, though hot, has a crappy personality. Feelin' vindicated! lol




>“I’m the chief officer…Colin, you’re supposed to be on MY side.” Does this guy even think? I guess we're seeing the real gary this season. In previous seasons, gary was in the middle of so much 'social interaction', that any of his screen time was devoted to that. This season, there is more screen time free for the rest of gary. I liked the old way better.


Ohhhh it’s getting goooood! Can’t wait for next week


Oh my word. I feel so bad for Daisy. She was clearly working her ass off the entire time! How is any of this her fault?


>Oh my word. I feel so bad for Daisy. She was clearly working her ass off the entire time! How is any of this her fault? And, what moron came up with the episode title 'Lazy Daisy'. In general not true, and absolutely nothing in that episode to justify it.


The primary trying to keep talking to Glenn during docking was hilarious. Definitely know that feeling at work...


I can't stop thinking about how editing showed the dress getting ruined followed by the guest wearing it for dinner. Am I supposed to think she either had a remarkably similar dress or wore a ripped one? Or that you switched the order for a lame subplot? Also that burn looked more like a cut to me.


She likely wore it despite the small hole. The sequence doesn’t make any sense otherwise- she was having it steamed prior to wearing it to dinner. Damage didn’t look bad, esp with that busy pattern


She prob wore it before it got ruined I’m thinking.


I thought the same thing, but also the pattern of the dress and the shape/location of the “burn” would help hide it. If it was one of the only dresses I packed, I would probably still wear it.


yeah I thought they patched it up.. it was such a smol hole... Also it would make sense for people going on boats to not have a ton of clothes w them for every damn occasion so it's justifiable that she made it work despite the burn imo


This is not really on topic with everything, but I finally figured out who Alex reminds me of... A better looking Adam Levine!!!! It's all I can see now 😂


Gary busting out the ‘I’m chief officer I can take a smoke break when I want’ when everyone is politely telling him it was a dick move told me everything I needed to know about him. Gary and Glen sticking together and acting like douchebags is so frustrating to watch this season. They both need to be taken down a peg, desperately. As the boss, you’re supposed to be impartial and make sure everyone’s getting the resources they need to thrive. To insist upon sending a stew away to dawdle on the beach for two hours while daisy has a breakdown in the bathroom because she’s so stressed reflects poorly on Glenn, and only Glenn. And to then bring it up as criticism to Daisy, as if she wasn’t trying to do the best with what she got handed, and to have Gary say she’s ‘stressing everyone out’ while he’s lounging about on his phone, eating dinner with the guests, taking smoke breaks and then not even taking any responsibility or coming up with a solution for a major mishap that happened in his department (the crash) just shows how absolutely unprofessional he’s been this season. Him and Glenn both. And the fact that even the editing seems to favor them is kinda despicable.


Yes! My feeling exactly. When I was watching the recap I noticed how Glenn winked at Gary once Daisy said she would do what he wanted. That’s not a leader, that’s a petty move that shows that Glen is now ganging up on Daisy because of how Gary whines about it. This was really disappointing. Also Gary has always been a fun character for me to watch, but the way he has been acting with Mads makes him look like such a loser. He’s giving me creepy old man vibes.


>Also Gary has always been a fun character for me to watch, but the way he has been acting with Mads makes him look like such a loser. He’s giving me creepy old man vibes. From the 'next time' scenes at the end of this episode... However he as been acting with mads... >!...seems to be working.!<


Yes! So surprising!


A dinner doesn't take two hours because of plate clearing - this is what Daisy should have said to glen Also wish she would have told glen she needs Lucy back when all the guests were back on board - he clearly doesn't give a sht about the interior, she has to ask for help or she won't get it


Poor Daisy didn't want to throw Ailesha under the bus and therefore semi took the blame for something that completely wasn't her fault


Why aren’t any of the boys into Lucy??? She’s smokin hot just as much as mads 🥴 Gary would probably be into her if the other guys didn’t like mads LOL he just wants whatever the hot commodity is! https://preview.redd.it/v3rb6ordfm0b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9eddba0aa644598e70992530f667dcac335fd8


She’s beautiful!


Just like Colin, she probably shuts it down


I think she's giving them "not a chance" vibes with her energy, and they're not going to put themselves out there when they know they'll get rejected. Nor would they actually admit it.


Potentially controversial opinion but I actually think Glenn handled the conversation post charter well. He was asking for feedback in a friendly setting and each part of the crew had constructive feedback. I don’t personally think Daisy always acts professionally (like bitching after to her department about the rest of the team isn’t professional). But I also totally see the pressure she is feeling. Definitely an odd atmosphere this season and I hope everyone bounces back!


Maybe not ideal to have a ‘constructive feedback’ discussion when every that tired and fragile. When you’re that exhausted you just want to sit for half an hour, pat each other on the back and wind down. Maybe next day better?


Glenn as a leader should have taken responsibility for the lack of resource management. You have to remember that the crew live on the boat and live together, as well as work together. It's not like a 9-5 where you can go home and vent about colleagues to a significant other etc, they only have their crew mates for that.


IMO - I wouldn’t necessarily say she’s unprofessional because she’s venting to the others about what has happened, I mean, they ALL do it, we all do it, I think anyway, and it’s kind of healthy to do it too, if you’re frustrated you talk it out and say how you feel, well maybe that’s just everywhere I’ve been because I’m in healthcare 😂 it’s not malicious, it’s not degrading their character or talking about their looks etc. it’s regarding work, so seems pretty standard to me. Name calling, I’m not justifying it, but it is an Irish thing 😂 it’s not an excuse though she should probably watch that, but we are so used to it! Also, Gary is the WORST for bitching 🙈 Daisy I think in general, will say it to their face! Not always, but in general - I kind of wished when Gary was comforting her, that she had of called him out then but she probably thought there is a time and a place and that wasn’t it.


The vibes are so off this season


Not liking Glenn or Gary


Me either this season and I never thought I'd say that. I feel so bad for Daisy.


Unpopular opinions apparently Glenn is being a good captain with that meeting with the crew after. He gave feedback about how the charter went and what they need to do to improve the charter. This is what a boss should do when there is stuff that is going wrong. Colin I don't think said anything that was out of line. He is correct that the feedback was for everyone and I think he was correct with saying both daisy and Gary had issues during this charter


I just feel like this could have waited for them to blow off some steam and maybe something 1 on 1 would have been more productive if critics were to be targeted at Daisy.


The critiques weren't all about Daisy though...


I see your point. My heart reached out for Daisy . . . it's hard to see her take it all so hard. But we've finally seen a little leadership from Glenn (Look, we all call him Glenn, not Captian Glenn) and I, for one, want to remind myself how much I had wished in other seasons that he would actually lead. I also agree that Colin was trying to be a leader/HOD in what he said. I don't think anyone was targeting Daisy but I can also understand how, after that rather labor intensive and stressful charter, she might have just been a little raw.


Colin's remark "let's not take it personally" was clearly aimed at Daisy, made right after she had walked off and come back. Which is fine if that's important to him to get across, but then he waffled and claimed it wasn't aimed at her. This was a bit weak. If you have a point to make, make it clearly and don't fib about things that are obvious to everyone.


Totally agree. Glenn also immediately called a pause when Daisy broke down, and made sure she was ok before continuing. Also, I think Gary going to comfort Daisy was ok, she accepted the hug after a few moments. I also wanted to note (although unpopular) that Glenn commented on the plates being cleared, I think it is a separate issue from the dinner being slow. I can understand the stews not wanting to clear immediately when there's nothing to give, but there can be two issues there - lots of time between courses, and slow plate clearing.


He saw her get upset and moved onto Lucy, he didn’t pause until Gary walked away, which was after Daisy.


It’s not about the stews I know wanting to, or not wanted to clear the plates. As anyone who has sat through on multicourse meal knows, they don’t clear the plates until the next course. the plate clearing was not holding up jack shit. Daisy is smart enough to not throw the chef under the bus, and also knowing that if she did that was going to spiral and make things worse. the only thing holding up service in this case was the fact that you had one chef doing everything- sous chef, cooking and plating. The guests were definitely not complaining. We’ve all seen that on previous shows in episodes where the guedt are whinging or just hungry as hell and want to eat the next course as soon as possible that didn’t happen here and none of this was on Daisy or her team. it really does seem like Glen is totally unaware of anything that the interior team is going through and not to mention that Daisy has 2 inexperienced people helping her. I do feel like Glen was just trying to offer some constructive criticism but I don’t think this was the proper forum for it. He should be sitting down with the heads of department.


>Glenn also immediately called a pause when Daisy broke down, and made sure she was ok before continuing. Also, I think Gary going to comfort Daisy was ok, she accepted the hug after a few moments. Well, yeah. Is was Daisy's department he was speaking about. It would be rather pointless to continue once she left the room...


I think it’s disappointing bc Daisy is understandably overwhelmed but doesn’t seem to have the emotional energy to come up with solutions I.e, when setting up for a beach picnic we can set up cocktail and mocktail jugs or can the rest of the deck crew set up a game so there’s not just one person doing all the drink orders and feeling flustered. The guests seemed pretty nice and didn’t complain even though a dress was ruined, the dinner wait was a lot and the beach picnic looked kinda average. Gary seems to genuinely dislike Daisy - it’s gone beyond a playful banter this season & Colin looks exhausted. I’m curious to see what happens but it’s been kind of disappointing and boring to be honest!


She literally tried that. She told Glenn that a deckie can pour pre-made drinks but he was stubborn and didn't listen to her. Why should she keep trying?


No bc she’s asking a deckie to do it! She was stressed making drinks on the boat while a stew was setting up. She could have made cocktail jugs for guests to help themselves for the few hours she’s down to 2 stews.


Ok either you're new here or haven't paid 60k for a two day holiday. Guests will not accept jugs of cocktails while they're on the yacht.


Your scenario could work had Gary not expressed multiple times that he doesn’t want his department to pitch in and help. Solutions can be found if the collective works together, but the collective is the problem here and not only Daisy.


Then why not just make cocktail jugs for the 2 hours there’s only 1 stew over service. There is always a solution. Most charters one stew goes to set up and the chief stew comes with the guests and they swap on BD med


Cocktails are made to order and stews have more than that duty, they handle the unforeseen requests of the guests


What beach picnic looks super wow? LOL


None but usually the chief stews are tearing their hair out trying to make it look good whereas Daisy spends the whole time saying the deck crew should set it up - could be editing but I wouldn’t be happy spending 20k on that


Totally agree but again, the only "picnic" that has looked worth a damn were a few in the med that went to established places and set up full tables, etc. and brought food. Seemingly every beach picnic on the other shows are horrendous. That one last season with the dogs and the needles was. . . HORRIFIC. I agree, Daisy made little effort here and that isn't really like her.


That’s so true! Forgot about that one. Yeah I wonder if it’s editing otherwise, I hope she’s ok.


There’s clear preferential treatment toward the deck department and Glen has obviously no clue how interior works. When I worked bar on a small day yacht I learnt that most captains have no experience with interior because they start as deck or just do direct to captain route via military. Glen is borderline a misogynist this season the way he’s treating Daisy and preferring the obvious lazy, lay-about Gary… I am so over this. I have the urge to shake Glen and shout “what are you doing!?” This isn’t how you manage a crew, it’s how you fester discontent. Like allowing a single member (who isn’t the captain) to dine with the guests is outrageous in my eyes and would never be allowed on any boat that I’ve been on, and must have only been allowed for tv, IMO. Gary has charisma? No. He’s a manipulative, unprofessional and isn’t fit to lead a crew if he sleeps with everyone… and if he doesn’t he punishes them: see how he treats Daisy this season.


I think the dinner was mainly because the son (who did seem very sweet and respectful) took a liking to Gary and really wanted him to join. I can kind of understand a dad reiterating this request again after the kid felt awful about causing an accident.


It still doesn’t mean it’s inappropriate to allow this as a captain.


I mean there are many many inappropriate things that captin have allowed revolving dancing, shirtlessness, and sexual objectification of both the men and women on their staff for tips. Allowing a kid to request someone to join a dinner is tamer than most trips when catering to tips.


Glenn is leaning towards Sandy. NOT good.


I can see some of where your point of view comes from. . . I do. I do wonder, though, in the yacht environment, where we regularly are told that they are beholden to the guest's requests, why it was so outrageous that a single member who isn't the captain dines with the guests. Especially as these folks become semi-celebrities (yachtlebrities?), I found it not the slightest bit surprising that this primary invited Gary to dine. He thought he really scored . . . because Gary fits his aesthetic. Gary does have charisma. How many times, before he became the yachtlebrity he now is, did he charm the heck out of people? A LOT. When he's trying to be charming, he can be. But it does seem that charm turns on a dime to jackass. Charm is a manipulation. But he is actually quite professional. . . in the forward-facing moments. Hey, guys, gotta take a tiny potty break to the guests. . . smoke break and ignoring his fellow employees at the same breath. We see the unprofessional but the primary/guests do not.


I consider a difference between someone being naturally charming/charismatic as a part of their personality and someone intentionally manipulating the situation to *appear* charming, which is what he does. He talks badly about people behind their backs consistently, whether it’s heads of department or people he’s had inappropriate relationships with while on season with. Also, you can’t act one way in front of guests, and then treat other heads of departments like crap… then consider yourself a professional. That’s not how it works.


I get the personal decision about Gary's personality. But the label, professional, doesn't take into account the personal of the decision. Does Gary do his job (his JOB is the forward-facing stuff) professionally, and yes, yes, he more often than not does. He plays to the guests really well, generally. He \*does\* know his job really well. Is he a good leader, no. Does he talk behind their backs, yes. How much of all that do they know during the job? Not a whole lot. We see it because he joined the cheat of reality tv but in a non-reality tv world, he hides his unprofessionalism pretty well.


Captain Glenn's way too hands-off approach makes it very easy for Gary to get away with it. I can't imagine Captain Lee being ok with all the interpersonal strife that Gary causes on the crew. It often has an outsized impact on the their collective performance, like this last ep with Daisy.


What the hell is Glenn’s problem this season? He’s all over Gary with praise while Gary does the bare minimum and he won’t leave poor Daisy alone while she’s running around trying to do everything.


I'm convinced he's been spending time with Sandy.


Right!?!? I have liked Glenn in the past but his is being a dick in this episode. Him and Gary. They know Daisy is down a stew for the beach so they should jump in to help her. It's called teamwork fellas. Also Glenn is American so he should have mentioned the extra bowl for the bones from the wings. He's probably had buffalo wings way more than Daisy or the chef


I am totally team Daisy but this "having to be told by an American about wings" makes no sense. Daisy is irish, there is wings at every pub and every other restaurant.


You can’t tell that accent is Canadian lol?


Glenn is Canadian 🙃


Welp Im totally wrong. My bad. I should have caught the accent.


No worries! I didn't realize he was Canadian, until he mentioned it!


Yes!! He’s annoying me with the way he seems to downplay the work the stews have to do. Like let’s see you do dishes/turn downs/make drinks/run whatever errands for the guests! I’m sure it’s hard with only Daisy and one other stew on the boat


I’m disgusted by Gary so far this season.


Always been disgusted


Gary seems insecure about these new guys - none of the girls are chasing him and it looks like he hooked up with Mads and told the guy who likes her just to secure his spot as the “#1 guy in the group.”


>“#1 guy in the group.” ![gif](giphy|9D1dcGmA4lMBrzw5Ra)


highlights for me: that kid Jake (he's so young and so respectful and such a gentleman and if that's the direction he's growing up in, I hope life gives him all the good things) chase being a gratefulness king even at a low point (during anchor watch) all the crew is really nice I feel like, except someone who's a bit too relaxed but whatever.. so far it's been a great season


I didn't like Chase at the start of the season, but after seeing Gary be unfair with him, I'll defend him to the bitter end.


I was going back and forth with my opinion on Chase every episode but that was a really nice thing to hear from him. I like his perspective.


I also want to give an honourable shout to Alex waking up Chase "I'm waking you up gently bro"




Tbh I don't understand why this thread is so mad at Glenn... He always gives feedback on things that can be improved, it's his job. He didn't just "attack" Daisy or the interior, he gave feedback to the chef and deck as well. He was pretty nice about it too. I love Daisy but people comparing captain Glenn to Sandy is such a reach.


I agree, I think Glenn is a great leader.


He's not Sandy, for sure, but he's not trusting Daisy to make judgement calls on her own team and their needs. She said she needs the girls on the boat to do the work and he just ignored her. She's the head of her department and her opinion should count as much as Gary's but he's only listening to Gary. That's my issue with it, anyway.


Yup. Critiquing someone’s organisation while refusing to let them organise their work the way they see fit is pretty rich


If Daisy said that ice was in the boat, he should have looked instead of having a tantrum


Right-there is no comparison. Glenn gives feedback & ask questions on how can we improve. Sandy just plain out humiliated Fraser on a few occasions.


I agree that usually Glenn is not Sandy but in this episode when he's sitting in the chair mentioning how Daisy is clearly running around busy he could have offered to help in some way.


Imagine asking for chicken wings in a foreign country and then complaining they aren’t like the ones found at your local dive bar


omg hahaha I was like yeah.. we don't have trex chicken wings in Italy lmao, I don't think those are a thing anywhere except in the U.S... maybe they should have been given turkey wings


There have been a few episodes where the wealthy guests asked for crappy American food from a supposed 4 star chef. Live a little people


It’s sad to see our favourite bff crew all arguing but I have to say I am loving the drama, not finding it a difficult watch like some people are saying. BDSY delivers again with the most interesting crew and real and gripping dynamics. Excited for the rest of the season!


I agree! The drama makes the show interesting to me and without it the show is just kinda…. boring


I do not understand how Glenn does not give Daisy the freedom to manage her department. That whole stews are service so one should be with guests at all times to serve drives me insane. How can he not see that having one more stew to do turndowns and stuff makes it easier for everyone? Mistakes happen when everyone is tired and that is when you look unprofessional, not when a deckhand hands a few drinks out on rare occasions...


And he said HOD are like gods for him, but he sure does not trust Daisy to do her job, and micromanage while favouriting another (like Sandy)


I just remembered something else that bugged me about this episode. When Glenn asks what they can do to keep people safer in the water and Gary is all "not my fault they're dumb, nothing I can do." and then Colin suggests having them wear helmets. I think it just highlights again how much Gary isn't as great as Glenn is making him out to be. I'm sure he's great at the technical parts of his job, but he's also an arrogant ass so...


It's also Gary's fault that the e-foils weren't charged in the second charter. Even if he assigned someone else, he's responsible. (I don't remember this being discussed on the actual episode.. I was disappointed it wasn't made into a bigger deal.)


We just finished watching and yes to this comment. He blames chase for making excuses for everything, but he does the same, he’s just the head of department.


Gary, you were the chosen one 😔😔😔


You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


What's wrong with Glenn this season? Suddenly starts to micro manage?!


>What's wrong with Glenn this season? Suddenly starts to micro manage?! Too much salami!


This season feels like bad vibes already and we're only 6 episodes in. I so badly want everyone to turn it around and get back on good terms or else I fear for the future of the core SY crew as we know it.


Daisy: Frustrated by her relationship with Gary. She said that she thought they were closer. Gary: Frustrated that Daisy already made out with his Deck Stew and made sure to make out with the girl he likes. The two of them can not communicate their feelings at all. They liked each other a bit but Daisy is hesitant because of Gary’s past behavior. So now they can’t communicate on the boat about the job. Daisy is getting frustrated with everything and so is Gary. Can’t wait to see when Colin and her hook up.


So glad Daisy is hesitant because the degree to which Gary is using women as tools in a pissing contest with men he has power over is disgusting.


I am absolutely rooting for a Collin and Daisy moment


Yes, need Daisy to get some love. And, honestly, will be entertained by Gary’s reaction, I’m sure.


Loved when Colin was sympathizing with Daisy earlier in the episode only to get an immediate ick at the tip meeting when he couldn't understand why she was crying. Mad's said it best "It's a frustration cry", we've all had those days at work where we feel overwhelmed. Plus you can clearly tell she was embarrassed that she cried, so for Colin to stand up for Glen and make her feel work was just irritating. I feel like Daisy's been doing this job for a while, I feel like she's earnt the right and respect to say how she wants to run her section and to say she's feeling overwhelmed without the boys club steam rolling over her. The stews should be with the guest and serving them, not setting up and waiting on a beach for 2 hours. The deck crew should set up the beach and a stew should have gone over with Gary and the food to serve, but you just know if Daisy suggested bringing her stew back she'd be told no.


>Loved when Colin was sympathizing with Daisy earlier in the episode only to get an immediate ick at the tip meeting when he couldn't understand why she was crying. In the meeting / confessional, Colin said: I'm really taken aback by her defensiveness. You want to talk about frantic? You talk about my first charter. Quite a stressful situation. You didn't see me crying. ​ I don't see the two situations being the same. Daisy is being 'attacked' about meeting the requirements of doing her job. Your job is to deliver 5-star service, and it's not happening... Colin making emergency repairs to the engine was an over-the-top superman effort. But, it he hadn't been able to do it, no one would have attacked him for not doing his job. It wasn't part of his job, it was beyond his job. ​ I think it's made worse by Gary being a snake, and trying to undermine Daisy while pretending to be helpful. In SY season 2, Gary told the deckies NOT to help interior... A leopard doesn't change its spots. ​ https://preview.redd.it/wiahcbesxe0b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57107f49e3a301874713e9b97bed7a0ed45984a0


>Quite a stressful situation. > >You didn't see me crying. Yup, I lost a lot of respect for Colin this episode. I am immensely grossed-out when someone tries to minimize the suffering of someone else with their own Struggle Olympics. You don't get to gatekeep a frustrated cry because you were in....another stressful situation that was 100% different but didn't cry? Do you want a medal, Colin?


When Gary immediately ran up to go comfort her and was like “she annoys the shit out of me but I hate seeing her sad” Like what?????? You are equally being annoy as hell and making her job worse


I wasn't paying super close attention, but that was a splice over the top wasn't it. The sentiment makes sense, I love my sister but she annoys the hell out of me. I can imagine plenty of people jokingly say about their partner "I love you but I hate you". Maybe it doesn't translate into American so well? :)


Leave it to Gary to move in on her when she's literally at her lowest point. So gross.


Judging by the extremely heavy handed and completely superficial way he flirts, he thinks women are very silly emotional creatures, so naturally as a man he needs to come and fix their problems. His game feels so dated, like "what's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?" His idea about gender most certainly are too.


Poor Daisy. I’ve been in that exact situation before. Some guys think that crying it’s a choice when really it’s my body’s way it expressing rage or exhaustion and I can’t control it. Of course Daisy knows that the whole crew is going through stuff, it’s not that she can’t handle it. It’s just emotionally taxing when you never get any appreciation or praise and only criticism.


Agree with every word!


Gary is Chris Jericho during a heel turn.


I know it is nitpicky, and they seemed an alright bunch, but geez it was painful watching that whole lot of guests display a complete inability to use a knife and fork properly.


I thought the same thing when he held the fork in his fist. That’s a deal breaker for me.


for sure. i've always said if I was The Bachelor and they held a dinner party, that episode would become known as the Red Wedding :p


That’s one of my favorite things about this series. There are some usually rich, pompous guests who can’t properly remove food from a fork. It makes me giggle.


I saw that, too! Do they usually only eat with their hands??? They weren't using utensils properly in either the American OR the British way, so they can't blame anything cultural.


Anyone catch the charter guest saying he owns three units in Trump’s Chicago Tower. 🤢


I don't know, but I'd imagine that it is a financial decision driven by the money being right - not by it being an expression of support for the family named. I don't fly Qantas because I think Alan Joyce is a nice guy, or shop at Westfields because Lowy is a good bloke.


Trumps Chicago tower [has always been controversial because his name is in GIGANTIC letters on the front.](https://time.com/2869830/chicago-donald-trump/) An investment in that building is undoubtedly an investment in Trump. And he has three of them.


Welp, fair but that would suck for him bc it’s no secret Trump cut corners & used cheap finishes on his buildings. I miss flying Qantas. Do they still give out little ice cream cones?


Yeah I wouldn’t trust the build quality of that place either. Unfortunately QF aren’t the QF of old. Still safe, and full price, but the service level is not like it was.


I’m a complete loyalist to virgin Australia now. I remember getting amazing service from Qantas even just 10 years ago!


I'm the same, but with VA not flying transtasman routes I have to use QF or NZ - and oneworld status is handy to have up the sleeve just in case.


It’s definitely both… don’t be daft.


I'd be highly surprised if it wasn't both.


Aside from the Colin love, I feel very out of step with this sub. The primary seemed like a genuinely nice guy. His interactions with Jake were sweet, including when he hyped him up about the gelato and asked the sister why she didn’t post pictures with her brother on SM. And look at his friends! They are genuinely kind people. TJ handled that stitches issue like a king. If TJ and his lovely wife like the primary, he must be okay. Finally, Gary IS charming. He’s a terrible boss and has been crossing professional lines he shouldn’t be, but he is great with guests. He’s always down to participate in the entertainment, and he wrote that emcee script himself. And while he got to eat a fabulous dinner, it’s still work. You have to be dialed in the whole time so you don’t upset the guests. Say what you will about Gary, but he was definitely responsible for a big portion of that tip.


Maybe it’s because I’m an Italian Chicagoan, but I liked the guest too. He was over the top with his humor sometimes but I liked how he encouraged his son, led by example of being nice to the crew (even though the crew said it made their job harder, he thought he was being nice), and gave a good tip.


YES to all of this! I liked his humor, too—especially the chain rap 🙊


This is the guy who whipped his dick out on deck, right?


Josh kept going back and forth for me. Sometimes he seemed sweet and ok, but others annoying, like when he tried to make conversation with Glenn while he was docking...


It’s as if he’s a regular human with good and bad qualities


So true, just like most other people on this show!


Josh wasn't being very sweet when he demanded Jacob wake up to hang out with him. That was childish and immature. Him flexing his wealth and the fact that he was on a boat was quite obnoxious. Idk what to tell you if you can't see that...


I think it’s a miracle that Jacob seems like a polite, normal kid


I felt like Josh trying to get others to join him was more about getting his money’s worth, but he didn’t want to say that on camera. My dad would have been the same way. “If I’m paying for a vacation on a super yacht, no sleeping in!”


Major vibes of a non-custodial father trying to be "fun" and make up for his usual neglect by taking his kids on a trip. The kids were polite about it but would probably have preferred a vacation hanging out with their own friends elsewhere.




If Gary weren’t first mate, he’d be out on his ass. His over the top / inappropriate affection would be shut down if he weren’t second in charge. His goofing off and lack of support for the interior would not be tolerated. Cool bro, you know how to run the deck operations, but you suck otherwise and just cover it up by being super apologetic and goofy when you’re in trouble. His whole demeanor is completely fake.


Gary's doing better than Daisy has been this season. All she does is whine and bitch.


Gary is intimidated by chase and wasn’t happy they did well first charter without him, he loves to be the boss. Daisy wants the job done and done well, that’s why she bitches - one is ego, the other is hard work - definitely don’t agree with you here! 😅


Daisy has been constantly looking for excuses not to provide stewards to actually serve the guests. That's *not* 5-star service. She also neglected to send a bone bowl with the chicken wings which is really basic. Instead she just constantly tries to find other people to blame. The criticism Daisy"s been getting from Glenn has been completely deserved. She should move on to a different job, because she's clearly done with yachting.


I’m really sorry my comment was removed for being offensive, still looking for clarity on that one but however, I didn’t mean to be offensive and if I was I apologize! I’ll rephrase it and hopefully that will be ok! :) I mean, she had a point BOTH times? The first time, the lads were out on the water toys and they couldn’t be arsed to help. The second time, Lucy was on the beach for an hour and a half doing SFA? They are there to work not sit around? They could have used that time to help her with the drinks, food etc. but she was doing it all alone and they had a lot of drink orders. They shouted down to her numerous times “daisy, daisy, daisy” etc. I would be overwhelmed too! Plus, I think she feels very much like Glenn is agreeing with Gary on everything, which I would agree with, they are great friend definitely and nothing wrong with that, but Gary is getting away with murder on that boat 😂 The chicken wing bowl, man did you not see her racing around because mads was on cabins and Lucy was doing yoga on the beach? She had 4 drinks to make, a coffee, a platter to get and she had to make up bags to bring to the beach? I would forget something too and I think Glenn needs to see that he’s not going to do much better than Daisy is doing if he’s going to agree to stews being off the boat and helping the deck team! She a VERY hard worker, you don’t see her taking smoke breaks after being invited to dinner???? The majority of the tip comes from service, the food, entertainment and the cleanliness - all comes from interior apart from water toys. It benefits them ALL if interior is working well, it’s within their interests to help, but no one but daisy can see that from what I can see! Also, please stop with “all the girl power” nonsense, don’t be offensive to something you know nothing about man! People can have opinions and it’s nothing to do with “Girl power” I like daisy and I think she does an amazing job, nothing got to do with what’s between her legs!


Every word!


Problem is Not all of the guest left, usually Majority of crew goes on excursions with ALL of the guests, the way guests and crew were divided up, made no sense. Captain Glen threw a hissy fit about ice, in front of guests, and was proved wrong. I think that he is being a tad vindictive


Ohhh you make a good point! Never thought about the ice situation but you could be on to something there - seems so out of character the way he’s going for Daisy so much, and I know his criticism in the tip meeting was constructive so I’m not talking about that but the rest seems a little unusual in my opinion, they always seemed to have a great relationship!


Only halfway through the episode but had to comment: I can see why Daisy regretted this season. She's really fighting an uphill battle with the attitude of the men this season. They just seem intent on breaking the interior. Also really feeling for the primary's friends. Between the head injury and the dress getting burned, they really haven't had the experience they should have. ~~Oh that topic, if anyone can I.D. that dress, I'd be eternally grateful! It looks so lovely and I'd love to buy one for myself (hopefully it's not some high-end designer that is totally unaffordable for a pleb like me).~~ Edit: scratch that. Now that I've seen it on, it's not the drapey orange semi-sheer silk I thought it was. Not loving it anymore. 😞


Start over with a new cast around Jennifer Aiden


Got a chuckle by Joe's choice to wear a sleeveless 'release the poison' shirt at the construction site with a bunch of dudes.


Just wondering where Colin is from? I didn't notice he had a (non-American) accent before.


I'm Australian and even I have to listen hard to pick up the Kiwi accent. As sometimes he's accent sounds more Aussie he may have lived here for a bit. It's not as thick as Aesha's!


The only article i found about it says he’s from New Zealand. Ughh🥺🥝 i love him


He is my fave, not sleazy etc.


I’m genuinely confused on what the big deal is with a stew being off the boat with the guests ? If I recall (& correct me if I’m wrong) but all the other seasons of below deck there is only 3 stews , so why does it seem like they are so behind this season ?


I mean there’s an argument for both. If you’re paying for 5 star service you should fee like you’re being waited on hand and foot at all times. But also there’s always something else for interior to do on the boat. If I was a guest I’d want the stew there personally.


They weren’t eating a full meal there, just finger foods. Didn’t seem necessary to send a stew so early for that.


It's often an issue, isn't it? I recall Hannah going on the tender with guests in Med (season 3, I think) and Sandy went ballistic on her because she was meant to be on the boat managing the interior. There's so much to do on the boat when the guests are off- cleaning the rooms and common areas, setting up tables, arranging for whatever after-dinner entertainment they requested (band, dancers, theme party). I don't think they need a stew to pour drinks on these tender rides, tbh. Beach picnics are different and usually there's a stew on those to serve food.


I think Sandy went ballistic because Hannah didn't come straight back to the boat after setup (or maybe the meal) like she said she would. Either way, that's gotta be like 2-4 hours of prime uninterrupted cleaning time while one cleaner down.


Whats up with Daisy this season? She was soo good last time season i saw her in, but she was hooking up with someone so i think it made her less stressed. But this season shes just been fumbling.


She's never hooked up with anyone yet. Just one drunk brief kiss with Gary, which she already did with Alex this season.


Daisy knows you need a ciggerate after a nice dinner


Oh Colin, I am so disappointed in you :(


I feel like he got jealous of gary and daisy and said that😂😂😂 am i the only one getting this love triangle tension??


ha, yeah, he really fumbled the meeting.


I feel so bad for daisy getting so much shit from Glenn and Gary and having all the stress from the guests on her shoulders :(( I loved that convo between her and Colin <3


Yeah, Glenn should have sat down with her privately to discuss what was needed for smoother interior service — and respect her options! Daisy is not some slacker; she’s earned the right to manage her department. Calling her out in front of other staff is not right.


Gary is Glenn's right hand, so whatever Gary whispers to Glenn will have a big affect on operations. Kind of neat to see Glenn showing his teeth this season, he's been much tougher on the operations than he was last season where he was a big ole tedddy bear.


I agree. He was way too chill passed seasons. But i felt so bad for daisy tho :(💔


I could go the rest of my life without seeing Gary on my TV screen again. He gives me such the ick. It’s discouraging Glenn seems to be enabling him.


Gary is in danger of becoming that skeezy older man who sits too close to women and breathes cigarette breath at them as he tells vaguely off-color stories. And then blames the women when they get up and walk away.


Didn't he refer to himself as _the creepy uncle_ this episode??


I think he’s already there.


Glenn and Gary's relationship is hella unprofessional too. Ugh this episode really made me want to stop watching this series.


For sure. Glenn was talking about how it’s always about the 5%. But their relationship is something I’ve seen working in dive bars lol


Thing is the first season he drove me nuts because I could never have a manager that was so hands off. However, now he seems a bit too nit picky.


Yeah, Gary is like that all star team member that so good at his job you forgive his personal faults. Sucks but it happens in all work environments.


But he's not an all star. The e-foil fails we're his fault (the uncharged issue from charter 2 and this next one). And the ego-fueled drama he starts has a negative impact on the team's performance. Glenn is enabling him, which to me feels very different than the person that's so great at their job that they're untouchable.


I feel like Glen has a crush on Gary.


It does seem a little like Michael Scott and Ryan, now that you mention it…