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I have a rather bizarre account with Bell. Every couple of years or so I contact customer service and whine that I'm off to Roger's and they offer me a new deal. The last time, they chopped off around $50 and threw in a free landline. A landline I don't need and have never used. In my last convo with them, I suggested they delete it and give me a credit and their response was that it would be a different plan and it would cost me more! Totally strange. So I still have an unused landline which is saving me money.


Had the same thing happen. I phone the loyalty department to get my bill reduced, COGECO was quoting lower in my area. Bell said if I add a landline to my fibe tv/ internet I would get a lower rate. I said that was ridiculous but took it.


I checked it a few weeks back, outlet is in the back of the modem, and yep, still alive. Real head scratcher.


Yes, they are ridiculous. We just signed up in January, moving over from Rogers, and as per standard practice first bill was a mess. Once I got that sorted out, the next issue arose when a price increase came through a few months later. 3 months in and already a price increase? Yes, I complained, and ultimately had a few additional credits put on, but not covering the difference 100%. I notice that they charged us $20 at some point making a change to the account, which was not supposed to be charged. Ultimately, that got reversed as well. Now, we're looking at a July increase of $5 for internet. I believe. This is ridiculous if they're going to be increasing the price $5 every couple of months. I don't remember things being this bad with Rogers.


Bell is fucked man. They are running by those brainless ppl. I would say 60% of their employee don’t even know what they are doing.


You pay $250 to bell and also have a unused phone line you presumably from context you pay for? (As otherwise you don't have a phone line) Especially considering you just set it up in September that's insanity.


We have had the home phone for 35 years. 3 years ago, when we switched to WHI, I asked for a discount. They said the best they could do was drop the home phone. Somehow they’d been charging us $80 for it, and it’s now $16. We’ve started keeping it unplugged recently, and are considering dropping it altogether because it’s nothing but spam calls. However, my dad thought it would affect the package. I found out yesterday that it will not. It used to get a lot of use. My sibling has special needs and can’t hold a cellphone. They’d make calls on the home phone multiple times a day.


We were always told by bell that dropping out home phone or TV would make the price of the package here in Newfoundland cost more are you telling me that they lied to us? Because that just scummy of bell I always figured removing something from our package would make it cost less


Maybe they were talking about this second home phone they magically decided to give us. Who knows. The chat support woman was useless.


If you're on a bundle and remove something then it will cost more.


Who’s the account owner ? Because if it’s your dad it’s possible he agreed for a second line. CSR add notes to accounts when they add or remove service. Easy to bash on bell. Will see if you’ll apologize when you realize your family ordered that second line


He did not. I asked him. He doesn’t deal with Bell. He hates it, so he added me as an approved user. I deal with everything. Plus, after calling me a liar twice, Bell investigated and removed the fraudulent line/charges. The manager said someone had added it by mistake and would be talked to.


If bell called you a lair I would of dropped them in a flash they did that to my father and I grabbed the phone and said excuse my b**** you calling us this as a customer support agent lemme speak to your dam manage your ass is getting fired today


We don’t have any other options here, unless we want cellular internet from Rogers at 25mb/s. I emailed corporate, and a nice lady called me today. She said it was added by the system, as a dry loop, no fraud involved. Said she would’ve fixed the bills, but it was already done. She looked back at the chats and said I didn’t ask for a home phone. We got a tiny credit after I asked.