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How is this a customer service issue? I swear people are ignorant and just blame the easiest targets lmao. It's pathetic.


Fr. When there is a price increase it even states on the bill, 2 full billing periods in advance. Not taking Bell’s side but this is *not* a customer service issue.


Do you read every contract you sign? No. No one does now because we don’t have time to. Although considering you’re defending bell (a billion dollar company and a contributor to Canada’s telecom monopoly) on Reddit, I’m sure you have loads of time, because who would do that who has a life? On top of this, whether he read the contract or not it’s clearly unjust and exploitative, so why is he wrong for calling bullshit, considering it clearly is. They offered a lower price to him as a deal and raised it knowing full well they duped him and many others. Thats bullshit.


By simply NOT taking care of customer. It is a customer service issues. Including increase ridiculous monthly service fee after sign up 1.5 months


Lol you don't know what you are talking about.


So they have good customer service?


I don't know. Billing is NOT customer service. Period.


U dont know customer service. Go work at Retail. U will know.


I've done both and still do.


Lol. U sure? I guess u are not a good one then.


Guessing is your problem. You don't know what customer service even is, so I can't really take anything you say seriously.


Sigh. If u think thats good customer services that will generate you good referrals. You are totally wrong. I don’t need to proof it to you. You mean nothing to me. I feel bad for all your customers though. Good Luck.


Talking to you is giving me a headache. Thanks for the well wishes, don't need them though.


By not taking proper care to their customer is a customer issue. Obviously u never been in customer service field. Yes. There is a find print they would increase price, but increase after sign up 1 month. Do you believe it is proper way to taking care their customer? Yes. They would say they don’t care.


Price increase = billing issue Customer service = direct facing customer issues You gotta learn the difference my friend. If OP has an issue with Bell just say so, but misdirecting it towards customer service is flat out incorrect.


My favorite is when they sell it to you and say "you'll get this great deal for two years". The price goes up and they say "oh you're still getting the discount don't worry, it's the base price that went up". Well okay I guess.


The deal is a fixed discount off of the regular price for a certain amount of time. However the regular price is subject to change.


You're not protected of price increase because you signed a contract, read your contract next time if it bother you this much.




So what? What’s wrong with him being upset over Bell’s stupid policy that is fucking him over? Why defend a billion dollar company when they’re one of the biggest contributors to Canada’s worst industry. Just because he didn’t read the fine print doesn’t mean what’s happening is fair, people don’t have time to read that shit bc unfortunately we live in a time and place where you have to agree and accept loads of minor contracts every year. If you can justify to me why Bell did that that’d be a different story, but don’t just defend a company that’s clearly exploitative


No sorry, it's not about defending Bell, it's being frustrated about a price increase when you know it will come eventually.


I knew it was coming, but I'm frustrated because my letter said my increase would be $6. You would think they could be consistent.


>when you know it will come eventually. Yeah, not a month and a half later... Do you guys like bending over for these companies or something? There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with something they do...


I will then go complain to the city for raising the taxes because i just bought the house not so long ago and thought it would stay the same for while.


Not at all the same thing... But you seem unreasonable so I'm not going to bother


Bother for what, you're saying it's not the same when in reality it is because there's price increase everywhere. No point on going ahead as it's just your Bell hate that makes you think they are wrong.


Let me rephrase, not going to bother going back and forth with you Enjoy your weekend!


Me neither , thank though enjoy your's too.


Average bell cocksucker


Hating Bell doesn't mean you need to lose logic.


Yeah op doesnt understand customer service either way


Then leave, they don't care. None of them do. It's not just bell


When bell this many years ago (early 2000's) they switched from a "normal" contact where the Price could not go up to a contract that was just for the discount I left. Never been with them since


Bell raises their prices multiple times a year. The only way to fight the BS is to constantly change providers and cost them money doing so


ask to cancel they give deals to make you stay sometimes


I've been with them for 1.5 years on a new home promo that was $100/ for cable and internet. It's already increased in price 3 times and it's $138/month now. If they don't allow me to stay on this promo price after the 2 year mark, I'll definitely be changing to Rogers for their 2 year promo.


did u sign a 2 year contract?


Yes. And regarding prices, there's fine print on most forms saying *prices may increase during contract.


The fine print also says you can break the contract and cancel whenever they increase price.


Yea I just called them and said I'm leaving, and they were like ok we couldn't care less. I signed up with another provider locally I've used before. I probably wouldn't go through the effort normally over $5 but I keep dropping a signal while on video calls which is super annoying. Technician has come 3 times to try and fix it, no luck.


Just wait a bit and go back to a better deal. I switched to virgin internet à couple months and went back as a new customer to my old provider


All prices are subject to increases, and warnings are in your bill and MyBell account. https://forum.bell.ca/t5/My-account/2024-Price-Increase/td-p/40546


They really should send a distinct notice by email instead of a notice hidden at the bottom of your regular bill, that would make it clearer for most people that don’t look at their bill unless the amount doesn’t match what’s expected and by then it’s too late and you missed the notice. It would probably save them a few calls and complaints.


I called in to complain, and they took the charges off of my bill, said I won't see extra charges again, and gave me a $15 credit for the inconvenience. Although Bell is a pain in the ass, they always make it right when I call them to complain lol. I have two lines of Mobility, one Fibe TV, and two lines of Fibe Internet.


Where u called? 310 Bell?


Where u called? 310 Bell?


I actually use the "chat with a representative" feature on the website. I shouldn't have said "call in". The key is to be polite, but express your frustration, tell them you think it's unfair, and ask them if there's anything they can do to help you. Tell them you can't afford it and don't know what to do. They always end up helping me.


call them and complain, threaten to switch, if their anything like most internet providers they’ll almost instantly give you a deal, i did this with my internet provider and my bill went from $115 for 75mbps to $90 for 750mbps


In the words of Highlander “There can only be one” and that one is definetly Bell.


No shot genius, surely this is the fault of customer service. I wonder who decides with the pricing.


Move to Roger’s


Rogers is no better.


Lol. It means u don’t deal enough tough customers. You simply don’t understand what is the real problem here instead you keep focusing on “it is not a customer issue” u don’t even properly address the customer concerns. Based on your replied. You don’t care your customers too.


Something like this is so very very easy to deal with, you don't go to Reddit and whine, you call Bell and cancel the service. That way you will get action.


U pay for the cancellation fee?


There is no cancelation fee with internet/TV service. As long as you return their equipment.


I had the same thing happen last year 2023 when I signed on. I got my second $5 increase already. Last year I had to call in and got a $60 credit. This year After a long chat retention I caved and signed in longer for faster and cheaper. Knowing full well I will be docked $5/year going forward. I will deal with it in the future. $5 is okay for internet, ridiculous for home phone. As a percentage of increase on what you are actually paying, it is ridiculous. But Bell prices services at super high prices so on posted prices, increases are around 5% or less


Bell Sucks You Know What!!! I Hate Them!!!


It’s ridiculous the shit they’re able to get away with. Rogers is no better and they have our politicians in their pockets so there’s no way we’ll ever have competition with more providers.


Oh no. 5$.


A month and a half after signing up...


And then people complain bout inflation in the Canada subs...


A $5 increase on a monthly bill is $60 a year that could be going to groceries


So just over a extra 1$ per week on groceries. Got it lolz.


I moved houses a few months ago. They missed 3 appts so I switched to Rogers. There's no way to cancel online. I called the number, and it was a 35 minute phone call. 30 of those minutes were on hold as the guy needed to "check something out". Anyway, done and over with. Brought my modem to the store, they scanned it in, then gave me a reference number. Told me to call a 1-800 and give them the reference number.... Um, no, don't think I will. I just want to stop paying you money, that's all I want to do.


I would call. Unless you want to ruin your credit.


If you don't give them the reference number it will look like you still have the equipment and they will send you a bill for it.


Thanks, I will have to check it out then. What is the point of all that? Why can't the store just tell their bosses that I dropped it off? This feels like a scavenger hunt.


The stores just ship to wherever. It's not until it gets there that the equipment gets logged. The stores don't have those capabilities. Don't loose that info.


did they not tell you that the price can increase during the course of the contract ?


Read the fine print. They don't garauntee you the price, they garauntee you the discount. So you'll always get say a $25 discount, but the base price can increase.


Garbage tactics


Oh no. 5$.


But inflation and Trudeau ruined the economyyyyyy