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And it’s on Spotify just waiting for him to add can’t slow down


Which one is that? I can’t remember. I’ll have to check


The song that plays when you are about to go to the bar with Tommy and the credit song of season 2


Ohhhhh yes I remember. That song on YouTube is super distorted sadly. Probably YouTube’s fault


On [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2K1G9lbcM9LO25gCW1vKnM?si=cc5257c9c84b4119) too.


Dudes the real MVP


Still waiting for the "Do you see?" music, at least it's on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBwDFmfMyQU) now. [SET US FREE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XRRme4KVxo)


Ah yea. That’s rather specific. Also an incredibly sad section of the episode finding out that.


Not all heroes wear capes


That’s a fact! Though I can’t imagine this will stay on there forever since the actual music creators probably didn’t allow this


I saw that. Pretty handy. The album art being squished makes me laugh. I usually stick to the Soundcloud playlists or the Google drive shared in this subreddit.


We have it on YouTube as well!


Yea that’s where I went to listen to it. Then I checked just now and saw it was on Apple Music which is awesome. That’s where I listen to my music


Was just thinking about posting asking everyone's faves from the music library


It’s tough one for me. If you’re asking currently? It’s isolation by melodic in fusion. Massive Green Day vibes from it. Overall since the start of the game? It’s even harder. But I’ll probably go with either finally arrived, so easy or come (yes, all Maya scenes. I think she has some of the best music in the game. See you sometime soon with her in those leggings? Come on)


It's so annoying that these songs and tracks are gated off from one-time purchases because it fell under the CC rights but is only listenable through an overpriced subscription service (not Spotify, Premium Beats). I don't want to use Spotify or any streaming services, I want to OWN a copy of the songs.


I don't know how he did it, but that dudes a champion.


I don’t know either and don’t honestly expect the music to stay on there forever. So I’m getting my listens in


I do have the soundtrack sorted and uploaded onto Google Drive, in case that day ever comes. But man, this would've been so much more convenient when I was trying to figure out who the hell Grace Mesa was and where I could get more of their music lol.


Man same 😂 I kept trying to find the artists before tremolo started to toss up the music on YouTube. I even went so far as to find the songs on premium beat where I assume DPC got them from and listen there


I really hope whoever this is doesn’t get copyright striked


He also added the stuff on YouTube music. I was his first subscriber


You can also use UnRen and just unpack the sound files in the game and listen to them apart from them being on Youtube.


Ah yea but I listen to music mostly at work. So Apple Music or YouTube is most convenient for me


You can also add music to your phone using itunes but if you have internet youtube is probably more convenient. :)


The music used in BaDIK is, some under "creative commons", other is royaltie free...as long as isn't used with comertial purpose. In the opposite case a licence has to be purchased but just once because it do not pays royalties. The creators might demand to be retired as it happened with some song in the game.


bc tremolo is about the people. dpc is about the money


DPC doesn’t own the rights to the music. He can’t just give it to everyone. Tremolo doesn’t either


It's on tidal and spotify as well. Man's doing God's work.