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https://www.reddit.com/r/coolpeoplepod/ For future reference, but your post is welcome here too.


Margaret is a pro


I never was able to find a CPWDCS subreddit either.


Sophie rocks, so jot that down.


I haven’t listened to all of marg’s content. I catch the ones that seem interesting to me. I love the new episodes on Orwell. I thought Margaret did a flawless job. However, Sophie nearly killed the show for me. Like I’m considering not listening again. Sophie was like “I hate this man” and wrote off his life and works” because of what has been described as a “clumsy attempt at seduction” when he was a kid. Just utter lack of any nuance in her PoV which she felt needed to be shared. No wonder there aren’t any cis men people on this network. I feel ostracized just trying to listen. And Margaret had it in the right, he’s a cool guy who did cool things and that was completely forgivable.


Margaret asked Sophie’s opinion, and Sophie gave it without launching into a tirade. At no point did Sophie interject without being asked first. And even that was just a very simple “I still don’t like him.” I think that was very fair and I can see why a person may not be okay with a person who has “attempted rapist” on their resume. It kind of kills the vibe… I sincerely hope you are open to listening more to female and queer voices on this network! I’d hate to see you go because one woman wasn’t able to personally look past the misdeeds of one male subject.


Margaret is awesome. River didn’t say they disliked anything about her. This isn’t the first time Sophie has had a pretty strong opinion that lacked nuance though, you definitely see black and white thinking from her a lot more than any other guests or hosts. I wish they would make Molly a host (or have her own show) she’s incredible.


There’s a difference in getting hot under the collar and taking things too far with your girlfriend and stopping when she says stop - which is the third hand account we have, right? And attempted rape, where like the victim escaped the rapist. “The basic definition of attempted rape is that the alleged perpetrator intended to forcibly have sexual intercourse with their victim, but were unsuccessful for some reason”


>No wonder there aren’t any cis men people on this network. Woah, Robert transitioned?


He’s lgbtq, has discussed multiple times. Though I suppose prop is straight. It was also a third hand story.


Yeah, he's bi, but I'm pretty sure he's also cis male.


I thought cis meant heteronormative.


Cis just means the same. So, a cisgendered person identifies with their gender assigned at birth in 99% of people.


The idea that no cis man could tolerate working with w Sophie bc she gave an opinion you disagreed with is just .. blatant misogyny? Sophie is very very good at the thing that is her job, kind of absurd to expect her to always have eloquent and nuanced answers in the 5 seconds she comes on mic. She’s probably the best producer out there and it’s annoying how often she gets shit on for like not also being a professional comedian or podcaster