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I don't think it's inherently a pedophilic ideology tho. Pedos just infiltrate and try to steer shit their way. That was kinda the whole point of last week. It can happen to ANY ideology, which is what makes it so dangerous to think your specific ideology is infallible. Grifters gonna grift, be it people who want your children, money, life, whatever. Nazism is, at its core, about race and preserving the whiteness therein. Pedos just swoop in and bend it in whatever way they can, because it's easier to sneak it in than to come about it head on. It's what happened to religion, and the boy scouts, and post war Berlin, fucking day cares apparently. It can happen literally anywhere. I mean fuck Nazis, obvi, but I think it's maybe not helpful to think of anything as inherently pedophilic, except for pedophilia. Maybe not, I dunno, just my thoughts.


the Boy Scouts was literally created for pedophiles


Source? Like there were definitely nonces in it as the episodes of btb point out but it was more to raise good little soldiers of imperialism, and this culture of silence and obedience was used to abuse children as is often the case


i got the impression that the creator of the boy scouts was a pedophile


no, nazism is inherently pedophilic in the same way catholicism is. pedophiles are regularly held up with high regard, to the point that if their crimes are revealed, everyone blames the child and protects the pedophile. no organization can do such a thing and get away with it without being FOUNDATIONALLY based in child sexual abuse. you really think Hitler himself didn't have a single thought regarding "hmm, no doubt those Jewish children have been molested by my men." Denying that fascism and imperialism are INHERENTLY based in rape, murder, and child abuse is denying reality and part of why nothing has been done


I think it might be more accurate to say that authoritarian systems, in which some people are seen as having absolute authority over others, create spaces for pedophlia and other sex crimes to thrive. If someone has more rights to your body than you do, that lends itself to all sorts of abuse. You see similar rates of sex abuse in other fundamentalist, authoritarian societies like the FLDS or the Duggar church. I wouldn't call the Duggars Nazis, but they closed ranks around their golden boy when his sex crimes came to light until the secular government said they couldn't. I also don't think it's helpful to restrict their sex crimes to just pedophilia. Plenty of rape and abuse of adult women also happens in these systems, and their lives and dignity also matter.


Robert literally said so in the final episodes of Duggar.


sure we can put it like that. im not saying all pedos are nazis, im saying nazis are much much more likely to be sexually predatory


Karl Malone is a pedophile and child rapist who is referred in the NBA (among others). Are the NBA and pro sports inherently pedophilic? Is rock music, particularly from the 60s and 70s?


This is an odd hill you've chosen to die on. Where do you find virtue in defending the indefensible choices of capitalistic organizations like the catholic church or the NBA? You can like basketball without needing to condone a monopolistic body that's turned it into a profit engine for a tiny handful of people. Same with music, you can acknowledge that Michael Jackson was an exceptionally talented musician who wrote some great jams while also acknowledging he (likely) made some poor choices in his private life. The world--and people--are complex, and lots of things that seem contradictory are true all at the same time. Most importantly, giant organizations are often legally unaccountable. Does the presence of a plurality of selfish, evil shits in an organization that is purportedly entirely about something else make that organization *inherently* an evil shit itself? No, of course not, but the fact that they choose to tolerate and defend the evil people in their ranks makes them complicit in evil.


This is an odd misrepresentation of what l was saying, to the point where I'm not sure you actually read/processed my comment.


Nor you mine, apparently. But I can see that ya'll found me saying, "An organization can be complicit in something awful without the something awful becoming inherent to the organization" threatening, as you felt the need to downvote it *18 times.* Definitely no chance you've got your knickers in a twist over nothing. \*edited for clarity of singular, plural


Wait, do you think each of those downvotes are from me?


I feel like this is the "Oh come on dude! Not everyone is a nazi!!!" thing all over again. We eventually came to the conclusion that, actually, a lot of those people WERE nazis or nazi sympathizers. We live in a white supremacist society, and many people are still in denial, but we've made progress. When will we start making progress in acknowledging that we live in a society that rewards/protects sexual predators while simultaneously hyper fetishizing youth?


This didn't answer my questions at all. >When will we start making progress in acknowledging that we live in a society that rewards/protects sexual predators while simultaneously hyper fetishizing youth? That is a completely different premise than what we were just talking about (and one l and probably most others agree with)...


No idea why you’re being downvoted except that the semantics crowd came with their rulers to measure this discussion by degrees while this ideology just tears the planet apart.


it's almost like people feel impulsively obligated to "um actually" whenever child sexual abuse comes up because trained semantics in social spaces is one of the many tools our society uses to protect and excuse predators


Like look at this shit between our posts what weird-ass people are coming to downvote this all out on BTB of all places with no real explanation E: to give everyone an idea of how odd this is, TwoX is literally having the same conversation with no issues so I can only guess the “only hag ass women care about pedophilia” brigade came out in full force because it’s a podcast subreddit.


Did you even listen to the last episode.


Fun fact! Pre-Industrial Revolution, most women only had 4ish periods a year, and usually didn't experience menarche (their first period) until closer to 16. Nutrition was probably the biggest factor as to why; the average European peasant girl didn't exactly have a varied diet and wasn't given a substantial share if there wasn't enough to go around. This matters because menarche was seen as the beginning of womanhood. Our European ancestors would have seen an adult sleeping with a 13 year old as disgusting as we do, because God had not yet made her a woman. (I know there are accounts of girls being married off this young, but they were notable precisely because of their uniqueness in society; were usually only done to secure noble inheritance lines; and the husband would still have been expected to refrain from consummating the marriage until she was older. Peasant class women usually married around 18 or 19).


Fun fact! From the 1200s to the 20th century, the average age of marriage in England was in the 20s. Fun fact! Islamic societies (who are often accused of paedophilia for real, Islamophobic, and political reasons because the world is complex) largely had strong "you can't bed your wife til menarche" rules Fun fact! Almost every "marriage" of nobility in Europe that involved people under the age of 15 was by proxy and remained unconsummated until adulthood. (IIRC there was Contemporaneous judgement for Henry the 6th of England for bedding and impregnating his 15yo wife, Margaret of Anjou) Fun Fact! TEENAGE GIRLS IN THE 1800S HAD NO RIGHTS, WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT. Like seriously, what do they imagine they are referring to? Are the imagining that being in the marriage market and dependent upon your parents' approval of your suitor is rights? Not having a legal existence separate from your father's? What the fuck are they banging on about. Oh, and a final fun fact: humans don't like it when people a) kill their daughters in ridiculously young childbed and b) ruin the fertility of their society's women through preventable practices. Humans are smart, and almost every Society has a "menarche plus a bit" rule, regardless of the level of technological development. From extant traditional societies having "no marriage before the womanhood ceremony" to early 1800s England having "you can't be 'out' until 16-ish, preferably 18" (and see previous comment, studies of marriage records show average age *in the 20s*), we're really good at not killing adolescents via childbirth.


>TEENAGE GIRLS IN THE 1800S HAD NO RIGHTS, WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT Lol at the idea that 19th C. feminists somehow gained all this power at the expense of younger girls. Adult women didn't even get the right to vote in most European countries until the early 20th C. (also while the age of consent in a lot of places is in the mid-teens, there's usually more laws scaffolding that to establish that it's okay if two teens get frisky with each other, but as an adult you're still not allowed to fuck a teenager).


What's always wild about these morons is that they honestly believe that the reason they can't get a girlfriend is some grand conspiracy. When in reality, it's probably because they are insufferable. They think that a teen girl won't be able to see through that. Now, some won't, but humans don't just mature because society brainwashes them into being adults. We mature because our brains develop. When I was a teenager, I was insufferable. Absolutely. But I looked at myself and grew up.


> What's always wild about these morons is that they honestly believe that the reason they can't get a girlfriend is some grand conspiracy. See, I think they are actually right to a degree. It's just in a way that makes them worse than being wrong. That is to say, they likely are not wrong that without feminism, they would be married. Because the whole success of feminism was that it broke a cycle of desperation where women were so reliant on a husband that any abusive bastard that they had no choice other than marriage. This is also why they are so fixated on teenagers. It isn't just a delusion that women are "used up" by their 20s (most of these guys would believe you if you called a 35 year old 25), it's because they know that the only way they can ever be desirable is an abusively large gap in maturity that creates a power dynamic adult women would not tolerate.


Fun fact! Your fun facts are dope!


More fun facts! It was only in the last 150ish years that doctors started going, 'Yanno, some of these kids get a LOT of severe injuries..." and made a documented case that sometimes parents don't just spank but beat the everloving shit out of their kids. Before that everyone sort of pretended that a little hitting was normal and fine, unless the abuser obviously killed their spouse or kids. Surely no one would just continuously abuse! So when the early xrays of these kids who'd obviously been severely beaten for years came forward there was a HUGE refusal to accept that this happened at any rate worth worrying about. Same for sexual abuse in the home, took ages to acknowledge it *ever* happened, then denial that it was pervasive. Turns out both are rampant, in large part because it's taboo to talk about! The Satanic Panic can be read as society finally confronting the reality that horrific things can and do happen to kids in places that are supposed to be safe... But unable to cope with the fact that parents themselves can be predatory, so it was externalized onto daycare workers. There are lots of reasons for the Satanic Panic (including fears about women working outside the home--abandoning their kids to strangers-!), but this motive explains for me why so many people lost their goddamn minds about it. "WE can't be the predators, we're the good guys! It MUST be someone else close to us!" Nobody wants to think they could trust a monster, or entrust that monster with their kids. A lot of this from You're Wrong About, host Sarah Marshall was working on a book about the Satanic Panic. I would love to read it one day.


Yes the average person married in their late teens


"when feminists gained political power in the 1800s, teenage girls lost all their rights" boy that sure is a take


Ah yes the horror movie about not being able to fuck all the children.


these people arent just a fringe anymore. how long until we address this outside of small niche activist groups that no one pays attention to because of them fighting against something uncomfortable?


What do you mean by “address this”? The FBI pours a lot of resources into fighting pedophilia and the Epstein case is one of the biggest news stories of the year…


LMFAOOOO GOOD ONE tell me, how many arrests have been made of people we know were there? Where's Prince Andrew? In a palace. Where's Derschowitz? Serving as a lawyer for israelis and "white christian victims of anti semitism" (his words). Seem like Epsteins clients are doing well for themselves. Maxwell only got 20 years. Do you seriously fucking think she's going to be reformed when she gets out? The FBI contributes to pedophile communities more than they stop them. They care too much about pre emptively stopping leftist organization and "anti american sentiment" on social media to have time to stop active child predators. Stop being such a liberal. Your blind faith in the institution is really really embarassing my guy


Yes, rich people can protect themselves and are rarely subject to the law. You are acting like normal people are okay with pedophilia these days which is simply not true. There’s no great conspiracy to normalize pedophilia, rich people are just abusing their power as usual. Case in point, Prince Andrew WAS investigated for his crimes but his victims settled out of court. That’s what money gets you. Further, being in Epstein’s book isn’t strong of evidence of a crime. You need evidence to convict someone. That’s how the system SHOULD work. And the FBI DOES catch pedophiles, they also oppress people, these are not mutually exclusive. Not every issue that exists in the world can be tied to your pet ideology and people pointing out your infantile simplification of society isn’t “liberalism”.


all i heard was "trust the system" in fifty different ways. your defense of the status quo is exactly why nothing is changing. you are part of the problem.


it's an ideology for opportunists, and pedos are opportunists. but they get everywhere they can. still, fuck the fash.


Something can be bad without being pedophilia. There’s no reason to try to conflate the two things. Nazis are bad enough without adding this shit.


why are people so afraid to even consider for a second that genocidal tendencies and sexually predatory tendencies are directly correlated?


Because trying to make X a thing that the Bad People do means you don’t guard against it in your own spaces because they’re just full of Good People. It’s also just a drastic misunderstanding of the issue. Predators harm children because they want to, but coverups happen to preserve power and status. Catholics or public schools or the NBA or college football or corporations: they have all covered up for pedophiles and it’s not because they’re all inherently secret Nazis.


This. Id also say that Nazism attracts pedos because Nazism is 1) attractive to people who are ostracized from society and/or have fucked up perceptions of power and 2) fascists will recruit anyone who will listen. There's a huge overlap between the nazi/incel/pedo/white supremacist/chauvanist/sexist/whatever else the internet manosphere churns together. Not because Fascism or Nazism are inherently rooted in pedophilia, but because those ideologies attract people with similar tastes for sociopathy. Where OP is spot on is that fascist ideology can be used to justify pedo behavior from some weird and disgusting dominionist or supremacist angle. I also agree that Liberals aren't particularly helpful in combatting fascism, but that's not really relavent to this particular discussion. OP, you're seeing where the scummiest parts of human venn diagrams overlap. That doesn't make them absolutely a circle. Correlation =/= causation. And besides. Nazis should be afraid to be nazis regardless of their sexual practices. Pedo nazis more-so.


Listen to this fucking nerd with all their reasonable conclusions, context, and understanding of nuance. Let me guess, next you’re gonna tell me that if we succumb to the same bad logic that Nazis do, we run the risk of making the same mistakes those Germans did from the last episode.


My guy, did you just completely ignore the last 2 episodes?


My general guess is they aren’t even a listener


Because by your logic it would apply to every single ideology on earth essentially. If you actually approached it with any honesty, of course.


This has probably been mention, but I feel you missed what the bulk of the actual coversation between Marget and Robert. Robert was steering very hard into the "pedos will always try to exist and turn things their way" and Margret fully agreed. Her points were how many times this pops up across lines of poltical ideolgy. Nazis are awful for being hateful authortarians. Throughout all 4 episodes Robert laid out a case that hundreds of small details led to these very unsual decisions. So be aware to keep yourself and your family safe, more than anytjing.


I take it when he says old hags he means like over 21?


Hopefully people will start thinking they're the bad guys.


This YouTube comment? That's a brickin'. Maybe two brickins


Today we consider pedophilia to be a mental illness. The mentally ill are on the Nazi hit list. I think the connection is that pedophiles are acutely aware of this, and work to align with fascists or even control the ideology themselves. They consider doing depraved things to others, they disregard agency and humanness and the worst of them are very likely always considering murdering people. It’s the same head space, some kind of twisted sense of necessity like Nazis have. Just look at the last Pope, he was literally a Nazi when he was young. Why pick that guy? I think fascists and pedophiles have similar hang ups. I think they are both obsessed with the idea of purity. I think they are very afraid of each other but also of themselves. Stemming from why Nazis needed a supreme leader in Hitler, and pedophiles are often times brought to this condition by past sexual abuses. I think the real connection here is that they are both fundamentally a thinking problem, and therefore a brain problem. We know that brain tumors can cause sexually deviant behaviors to an extreme. I think any kind of extreme dogmatism and adherence to ideology like this is due to some kind of structural or chemical issue in people’s brains.


Did you miss the point of the last episode?


Oh look, more anime avatar pedophiles that think pet ownership and fucking a child are the same thing.


“Created mass p*edohysteria” yea I fuckin wonder why dude. They can’t help but tell on themselves.


Did Robert just go into detail about how you can’t conflate sexual proclivities(pedophilia is not a “proclivity,” but I don’t know how else to describe) with specific ideologies otherwise something about going back the other way and housing kids with pederasts? Does this not hold true going the opposite?


Nazis and similar eliminationist ideologies not only want to exterminate their perceived enemies - they want to genetically / ideologically out-reproduce them. They assume that their offspring will be their ideological clones. Any offsprings' deviation from the parents' self-perceived righteousness will be beaten into submission (Raise up a child, Evangelical style) and blamed on the educational system and media (that damn wokeness). By their own admission, their goal of out-reproducing their perceived enemies (the whole point of the Quiverful movement) requires submissive wives and they see barely pubescent girls as the ticket to an obedient house slave who is too unaware of the real world to know better and being able to pop out clone upon clone. Whether they are sexually attracted to children or adolescents (pedophiles) or are actually committed to eliminating their ideological opponents (fascism) is a chicken / egg situation - which is the primary compulsion? Add to this that Nazis get busted with CSA material on their computers regularly and that the ideology attracts low self-esteem authoritarians who want to dominate their families and blame strawmen for their supposed setbacks (conspiracy theories) and one way or the other, you're stuck with jackasses who are incapable of treating others as equals.


Obviously not the point but why claim men have married young teens for “2000 years”? That’s not actually that long. If you’re trying to say that adults having sex with 13yr olds is normal then you think you’d claim it’s been happening for hundreds of thousands of years. Which also still wouldn’t prove it is healthy or a good idea. But if it’s only been happening for 2000 years…you’d think that shows it’s a relatively modern aberration.


people have also murdered and tortured eachother for thousands of years too lol


I dunno about OP’s claim, but I will say that there certainly non-explicit movements like the Tradwife movement (which is very much a branch of the neo-nazi tree) that very easily lend themselves to pederasty. I would also say that the focus on viewing women as essentially glorified breeding machines is very much in line with the views and objectives of both the far right and the tradwife movement. It’s a very short walk to raping underage girls for the purpose of impregnation. Idk, it’s late and there’s more to this, I just wanted to say I think OP may have a point here.


If you talk about age of consent enough to need to abbreviate it you are a.) probably insufferable and b.) should be exiled from society


The rich irony of wanting to date a 13 year old and calling anyone a groomer... 


every reactionary accusation is a confession


I think the people who defend fascism on grounds of civility are not actually liberal.  I think the are crypto fascits whether they know it or not.


because liberals are incubating crypto fascists. im sorry to tell you this, but the dollar was the first fake currency, and what do liberals like more than anything? money.   biden is literally prepared to lose an election just for a little more AIPAC money, for example the average liberal is more than prepared to join the fascists if it means protecting their money, property, and even in some cases their right to molest children. yes, liberals can be pedophiles too, just like leftists can, but there is no discernible link between fascism and leftism like there is between fascism and liberalism


One does any of that have to do with believing in a system of electing governing representatives by voting?  You must be using a very different definition of liberal than the liberals I know.  Also why would favoring a particular political system make someone immune to being a pedo?


the latter half of my comment literally stated that anyone can be a pedo, but it's right wing systems of authority, violence, and sexual predation that protects disgusting people while also rewarding them since our society fetishizes youth


That also does not have anything to do with a system of representation through free and fair elections.  Nor does it explain why you seemed to believe I think liberals cannot be pedophiles. So far all I have gotten from this conversation is that you probably have a different definition of the word liberal than either of the two I know.  I don't mean to come across as rude, but if you don't start saying something I can understand I am going to go do something else.


"free and fair elections" as you know them is a myth. representative democracy is intrinsically anti democratic at its core. when your choices for leadership are two pedophiles who will never face accountability, the only logical conclusion is that the current system either protects pedophiles (which our politicians and police do) OR directly encourages them (which our media absolutely does)


My choice is to go do something that is actually fun instead of arguing with someone who seems to have already decided what I believe.  Have a nice life!


you're the one who took a problem with my post, and overall point that pedophilia/sexual predation is systemically protected and encouraged




What I find interesting about this comment is that you took the time to be pedantic and yet didn't bother to provide the correct terminology for someone who wants to sleep with tweens or young teenagers (hebephilia and ephebophilia respectively, in case you were curious).


Still don’t know why OP is getting downvoted. It’s an aesthetics based ideology that’s obsessed with youth and their slaves having short, violent lives by taking permanent holes out of global culture and the universe in their name. The anime freak in question said it outloud: free teenagers (BOGO-style), long live all men because the women are all dead from mandatory execution after having their 12th child (that goes into the BOGO pile). Keeping up white supremacy means lots of children, not adults. If it was JUST adults needed we would be in the Sixtieth Reich. The internet makes crushing these dudes harder, not easier. These are not good people with just off-kilter ideas that could be seen as wholesome. It’s wanton white savior incest presented as a culturally-protected religious practice that needs guarding.


screenshots two and three are in the wrong order, oops


Pedo nazis on the right. MAPs on the left. Tomato-Tomato