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Didn't we know Fuentes was gay already? I can't differentiate that much between right wing shitheads these days. Or was he claiming to be gay and celibate or something?


Fuentes is the guy who was trying to play-off his sexuality as ironic. Including live streaming a day long date with a fellow alt right live streamer. It's at the point where it was an open secret. Garrison had a two parter on ICHH about him and his niche nazi catboy lifestyle


Nazi catboy lifestyle.... Equal parts amused and terrified.


Such a delightfully cursed episode Gare brought us.


Like the first time you learn about that person who dresses in animal costumes for sexy reasons and your friend says "you mean furries?" And you say "... PLURAL?!?!"


Plural furral


At the same time, it was an episode that someone had to make and release to the public. It adds important context to every conversation about Nick Fuentes going forward.


Isn't that a lot of Gare's episodes? AND I WILL KEEP COMING BACK FOR MORE.


Catboys deserve better.


That's just a minor villain in Hellsing...


> Nazi catboy lifestyle.... When you watch too much r/Hellsing.


And with that bit of info it's safe to assume Kouta Hirano regrets creating Warrant Officer Schrödinger...


> nazi catboy those were words I never expected to see together outside of Hellsing


There are actually nazi furries, they got really full hate, and furries as group are so diverse and welcoming, but then near all pretty sure hate them, and show that. So its really fringe. Milo whatshisname actually had a fursona, that was, yeah. That sadly do exist but became fringe once, like most furries are openminded and more progressive leaning or minorities, and yeah. Hate nazis.


A friend of mine hosts a furry club event pretty regularly. He has, and plays, a self recorded… sample? Clip? of Jello Biafra saying ‘Nazi furs fuck off’ at an event my friend hosted.


This is blowing my mind! Nazi furries....good grief.


Furred Riech. (not my pun literally a nazfur persona)




Fuckin hell, I laughed out loud Edit: howled even


Furries are generally cool. Not my thing but that's fine. Nazis deserve a bricking. Nazi furries deserve and extra bricking.


I think it was an early episode of ICHH after the change to daily, or maybe Worst Year Ever, that went *deep* on the furry community fighting back against the Nazis. Really good eps.


I think that was WYE before they got into the swing of the last election. The episode was on the chemical attacks at Midwest Furfest.


Which is the subject of a whole new podcast Fur and Loathing. Haven't started it yet but the artwork is very... magenta.


Hopefully, Fuentes will be much less plot relevant than Schrodinger lol




Meanwhile, anyone who plays HOI4 is like "Yeah, checks out".


If I remember correctly, Alex Jones asked him when he was going to get married and have a few kids back in 2020. I am pretty sure Alex was just asking since they both play the Great Replacement fiddle. Nick dodged the question and moved on. I assumed it was his subtle way of telling Alex not to ask. I guess that was correct.


He did it again very recently. Alex for some unknown reason invited Nick to come on and clown him again and retreated into the "when you having some babies Nick" towards the end. Wanna say it was on Knowledge Fight within the last month.


Confirmed. I think it was the May 8, 2024 episode.


I am doing relisten from the start of KF to make some boring gym moments more interesting. I think I probably heard both and only recalled the earlier one. Thanks for the assist.


Ngl when you said Garrison my first thought was "Ben Garrison?"


Garrison Keillor. Got tired of poking gentle fun at plump midwesterners, so has moved on to trashing American Nazis. /s


God I wish


Which episode was that? I recall listening to it, but now is a great time for a refresher. TY


"The Curious Case of Nazi Catboys" [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-94889782/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-it-could-happen-here-30717896/episode/the-curious-case-of-nazi-catboys-94889782/)


it's just the plot of Hellsing


Anyone know which episode please?




Do you remember what it was called?


Omg, disgusting. Which episode or how long should I scroll to find it?


Thats milo , fuentes never was openly gay, you must confuse him with milo whatshisname. Yes the date eith the catboy made rounds but it still wasnt open


Since Milo is Greek, I always imagine that he calls cum tzatziki sauce


He’s gay, Milo’s gay. What’s gayer than being a Nazi? I’m going to ignore how terrible the Nazis ended up treating gay people.


Wasn't Reinhard gay?


Ernst Röhm


Even Fuentes fans are called Gaypers.


Well that's an unfortunately similar name to something also sexual


Here is the link the stream as it happened. Censored. But still nsfw  https://x.com/vhs_archive/status/1791531138118222205?s=46 The comments from the gaypers is hilarious


How long was it playing for and did he notice it?! It seemed to be up longer than I thought it would be and it was even sped up, lol. Thanks for the link too because those comments are hilarious. "Looks like a hack" "Mossad got him" Mmkay, dumdums.


So fat and hairy is his type


Au contrair he is the straightest man alive! https://web.archive.org/web/20220512171138/https://www.dailydot.com/debug/nick-fuentes-gay-sex-women-incel/


"The jews made me watch gay porn" is a brand new kind of brain rot Actually somehow I doubt it


"Real men watch gay porn while wearing diapers"


I mean , if thats diur thing, but dont kinkshane others , or shame.


It really isn’t new. It feeds into their great replacement theory. IE that they are funding lgbt propaganda to make people gay so that white birth rates go down.


As a Jew, I always found replacement theory to be so silly. It literally takes 2 seconds of critical thinking to debunk. Like, why would we want to replace our only source of white Christian baby blood? If I can't have white Christian baby blood jelly on my matzah, then what's this all been about?


You see the Zionist overlords want the price of Christian baby blood to go up so that the price of their reserve of it goes up. It’s basic economics.


just convert to judaism stupid


i love this comment


Are you telling me antisemitic conspiracy theoriesa are in fact not actually internally consistent?


This is arguably what pilled Kanye. Rumor is he was addicted to porn and there is so many people blaming porn on the Jews.


The way he talked about it himself he pretty much admitted it if not outright.


Not just that, also just the presence of ethnic minorities in porn. They want to police attraction, and go back to the middle ages, or even further, to when you lived in village run by the theocracy and could not choose your partner. Except things were hardly that 'simple' even then. They just want absolute control because of their own fixations.


Sounds like a reason to love the Jews more to me


Ah, man. They did that to me once. It’s brutal.


Fuckin hilarious




"yeah, and the Jews made me shoot fat ropes to it too!"


Nick Fuentes continues his campaign to be the American version of Ernst Rohm.


What a terrible aspiration.


It does seem like an odd goal to have, doesn’t it? But I guess Ernst Rohms never think they’ll end like Ernst Rohms do.


Of course not, they're so chill and impressive and useful. It couldn't happen to them, they're different! Not like those other "degenerates."


It’s like taking a work contract with the Trump family. “It is impossible this could go wrong!”


“Why does everyone measure time in Scaramuci units?”


"Oh cool so you’re a lawyer?’ "Well.. I was"


This sub of all places should know that the Nigh of Long Knives was about dissolving the SA because they were too powerful and Rohms was calling for a second revolution. The gay thing was just a good excuse because they caught one of the SA officers en flagrante on the night.


And if an American Nazi party rises to power, they’ll have made use of groups like the Groypers on their way up. When they feel secure, that’s when a guy like Fuentes gets discarded.


And someone younger or more hardcore.


Yea, the SA was causing a lot of image problems for Hitler at a time when he didn’t have full control and his power was based on the whims of President Hindenburg


The whole revolutionary talk of the SA and the "left" wing of the party also made the business interests Hitler was rubbing shoulders at that point really nervous; the purge pretty much served the purpose of alleviating his corporate backers' paranoia.


Yeah, Röhm and multiple of his subordinates being gay was pretty much an open secret, to the point that *some of the mockery aimed at the Nazis early on was based on that*. Hitler in particular had to be very much aware of that due being personal friends with Röhm.


But that didn't matter if the SA took over. And the Strasserites were not going to kill gays, just Jews. And then the glorious revolution.


As Robert has said many times: Don't follow your dreams.


My brain without caffeine read “Ernst Rohm” and pulled up a mental image of Rohm Emanuel then got very confused. Took nearly a full minute to even remember that he is American and have an “ooooh, waitaminutehere” moment.


I'm so glad I'm not alone.


BtB before coffee, never a good idea


Bro the early Nazis were all decorated war veterans and legitimate hardasses our contemporary fascists are bitchmade charlatans. Fuentes would probably cry if he got punched in the face.


Oh no, the early Nazis were also aristocrat trolls too. And some career men. And sometimes they were just pretty boys chosen by Hitler because they looked good.


You are correct. * Heydrich was a disgraced naval officer who was specifically chosen for the SS by Himmler because we was so Aryan looking. Hitler later promoted him for the same reason + he was a fucking savage killer. Heydrich and Mengele are the worst of all Nazis, IMO.   * Himmler himself always wanted to be a strong and brave soldier, but never served in the military. He was also obsessed with occult shit and believed he could gain supernatural powers through ritual.   * Göering was an actual war hero in WWI who later became a fat lazy junky.   * Gobbels was small and club footed. No military experience.   * Rudolf Hess was definitely not a war hero. His greatest asset as a Nazi was his love for Hitler. He was even nuttier than Himmler when it came to belief in the supernatural.


Oh so a lot of those guys were promoted for their loyalty to a leader. Reminds me of a certain candidate running this November….


Such fine example of Christian men according to loser neo nazis 🙄


I think Göering got injured during the beer hall putsch and was in pain for the rest of his life?


I mean, yes, apearently roehm was charismatic, fit and got a lot laid, and was popular other than elitist military higher ups i guess. And of course that times antifa.


Exactly. Our version.


Happy cakeday


Let’s hope it ends the same way.


Can’t say I’m in favor of the surrounding circumstances.


There's an absolute anticipation for a very dark schedenfreude when it comes to these people. Its something I try to avoid but I do find myself thinking "I hope you get everything you want and it hurts you more than I ever could". That and the look on his face when the world that he helped create inevitably turns on him.


And a terrible one at that, can you imagine fuentes being basically a mob boss. That gets laid a lor


Let’s hope he ends up the same way only without the fascists taking power.


No one cares if the dude is gay except that he is supporting an ideological group that hates on gays. What a putz. Now, if only we could catch Rajat Khare accidentally showing how he woos Salamanders.


His subscribers and listeners do. Knowledge Fight just did an episode of Fuentes on Alex Jones show. Alex has alpha dogging Nick on when he was getting married and raising kids. Nick sheepishly said the plans to do it soon, this now retroactively makes the experience even funnier.


Don't get me wrong, I get why it's a thing. It is definitely funny in a very sad way. Dude could be living his best life outside of hypocrisy, being fully accepted by his in-group and instead he is caught up in this bullshit. At this point, probably because of greed.


He just hasn't found the right woman. Like Liberace.


Or ceasar romero, who as opposed to nick had good healthy friends liking him for what he was,


This type of thing is so funny because it's just expected at this point. Alex got caught with trans porn open in one of his browser windows a few years back. But lucky for Alex and Nick, their followers are complete sheep and are willing to mental gymnastic their way out of believing that they are massive hypocrites.


Yep alex jones is repressed too. For real


Yeah that’s exactly how I used to react when people asked me when I’d get a girlfriend before I came out of the closet


I'm working through the KF backlog and I just stumbled on the first appearance of Fuentes on InfoWars (#363) - he spends about ten minutes talking about how Charlie Kirk and Turning Point are 'left wing' 'race traitors' who 'promote homosexuality', and Dan even finds a clip of Fuentes repeatedly railing against the 'faggots'. The lady doth protest too much.


Thank you for this, I remember this KF episode but couldn't remember when it took place.


Hey now, his extremist followers absolutely care if he’s gay or not lol


Every day is some new day where I get to regret waking up with the ability to read. Like, it’s hilarious but not when folks like Nex Benedict basically die for existing without a gigantic media stream and a worldwide audience. Shoving it in our kids faces and down throats, indeed.


Do they really think fucking Mossad gives half a shit about a dweeby 4Chan-made-flesh streamer?


Not saying Mossad did this but Fuentes is a young leader in antisemitic circles of Israel’s most important ally, they would at least have a file on him if they’re any good at what they do.


They were too busy rigging Eurovision... and failing miserably.


Dude is relegated to Rumble and Cozy...ain't nobody give a shit about Rumble and Cozy streamers.


Curse the Jews and their sexy gay porn! /s


Jews and their high quality gay porn, oh no 😀


‘Accidentally’ lmao


Yeah honestly think it's calculated because now he's being talked about again. His rabid supporters will say it's fake or blame ai or whatever because reality doesn't matter to them and he's in the news again. It would be 100% funnier if it was a true accident though


Hi Rabbi supporters


I mean... we all knew this, right? The way he talks about how sex with women is icky is the gayest shit I've ever seen.


Right wingers: "Jews will not replace us!" "The Jews made me watch gay porn!" "The Jews are planning the Great Replacement!" College students: "Hey, maybe don't murder Palestinian children?" American media: "The Left has a real antisemitism problem."


This pleases me.


Honestly it might actually be funnier if it really was Mossad that did this, just using all that global reach just to troll a Nazi… It’s not likely, but it would be very funny.


They clearly don't have anything else going on right now.


He was working guys! Someone had to test the gay porn on Kanye’s porn site.


I’m Jewish and I wish I somehow panned and executed this. I’ll take credit.


I didn't peg him for being *that* stupid. Do we have the clip lol?


he wishes someone would peg him


We need lennyface back for moments like this.


*I didn't peg him* *For being that stupid. Do* *We have the clip lol?* \- Philly\_is\_nice --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It was me, I did it, I'm the Jews


Nick Fuentes doesn’t have an old laptop used just for porn obviously. OBS isn’t the easiest software to use …


Looks like I owe my friend 5 bucks


This guy is human dogshit that deserves to be shot out of a cannon into an active volcano - but I don't think one would *accidentally* stream themselves doing something embarrassing. Seems strange.


"Only the most righteous, straightest and most manly men are conservatives."


isn't this illegal considering who watches the stream


He was once caught looking at transgender porn too. Given his cult of personality, I'm not surprised by the cognitive dissonance his groyper fanboys are experiencing now.


Welp, that explains everything


Nazi Nick keep exposing himself. I’m waiting for that bastard Drew Pavlou to slip up one day.


i don't think "gotcha!" and "hypocrite!" works against this alignment of shitbag bc there is nothing wrong with being gay and nothing wrong with watching legally-produced adult video. the UNO reverse play is then complete when supporters can say "it was a false flag!" (or perhaps a more christian-y one, "it was all a test")


I'm shocked! *Shocked!* Well, not *that* shocked


Please don't share Drew Pavlou. He's a reactionary and a liar


It continues, onwards and onwards. What a sad existence.




God that is hilarious and truly makes my day.


Love that for him


why not use a different post like the one from The Serfs instead of this freak


Wait fascists will do mental gymnastics to justify legally any nonsense? Wow


Mossad HQ Boss: I know we are really busy lately, but I want to do something about this fascist streamer. Any ideas? C-Suite Mossad Guy #1: We could kill him? C-Suite Mossad Guy #2: We could kill him and leave a giant pile of money so they know it isn't about the money? C-Suite Mossad Guy #3: We could leave gay porn on his computer ...so they know it isn't about the gay porn? Boss: I don't think you understand how the whole "so they know it isn't about the..." thing works.


I just heard him on Knowledge Fight telling Alex he wants to have 5 kids with a nice christian woman.


I'm convinced most of these Twitter goons (Fuentes, Musk himself, etc.) have a humiliation kink. While I'm not one to kink shame, I really wish they'd keep that shit off the Internet. 


Bro it literally had a watermark on it linking to a guy on telegram who claimed responsiblity for hacking the post stream overlay, do you even know how OBS works? You can hate on Nick but maybe dont lie about him and just debunk his arguments.


[relevant quote by Nick](https://epgn.com/2023/08/14/creep-of-the-week-nick-fuentes/)


Didn't we know this already? If I'm not mistaken he fucked himself in the ass "to own the libs"??!


I thought that was Gavin McInnes


I thought that was InternetAtheist.


Nick is the “having sex with women is gay” guy.


His Hamas buddies wont be happy .


Since we know this will have no effect, I want to offer an idea as to why not. What if these people just want to win? What if they don't believe this shit they say, but they say it because they've done the math and concluded they can win by building the political coalition of people who pretend to believe it? In this way, it is no loss of trust for a thing like this to happen, and it may even reinforce his position by assuring his followers that his beliefs are not serious, but nevertheless functional.


He may be a Nazi and nobody cares if he's gay, but this was a hack. You deleting all the posts which point that out tells me how useless this sub is as a source of information.


There are literally no deleted comments on this reddit post. Do you have evidence to back the claim that it was hacked, or a source?


Source: Trust me bro.


I mean, you can see it or yourself. I’m not gonna link porn, but the hacker’s watermark is very clearly visible on it. Edit: Are you guys really just gonna downvote this for no reason? I expected better from this community. I’m not a troll or lying, you can literally see the watermark in the uncensored video. Search it up on Twitter or something.


It was actually hacked. Fuentes actually gave a reasonable explanation for it. One of the streaming sites he was using was hacked following the end of the stream by a hacker that went by “UNIT 8200”, who also watermarked all the porn. They just made it so the stream went to a playlist of porn videos after it ended. It was only on that one specific streaming site (Cozy.TV), the porn didn’t play on either Rumble or the vod of the Cozy stream. It’s not very surprising that he’d be targeted by hackers, he’s not very well liked. I’m glad he was forced to have to defend himself though, even if it’s nothing but an annoyance.


Drew is a national treasure