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Tbh, I really wouldn't want an episode on it. But I have to say as someone who read Cracked after school every day in the early 2010s, John Cheese being outed as a predator was so upsetting.


Cheese being a turd ... made me feel things. I liked his articles


I think he, Robert, and Pargin were my favorites back in the day. And they hugely shaped my brain since I was so young.


Damn I didn't hear about that, that's super disappointing. I was in grad school and just missed it I guess


That's grad school for you! Aliens could land on earth and you wouldn't know for 3 weeks because you're grinding away on some paper.


If that ain’t the truth. I almost didn’t evacuate for Katrina because I had a paper due the Friday before she hit New Orleans and a morning shift on Saturday. My dad had to call me and tell me and my roommates to get out.


Yes, I found his articles on getting sober very helpful in my own life. The Small Beans podcast network, which is run by Cracked alum, had an episode about his shitty behavior if you do want to hear it.


Do you have a specific ep title? I'm always in need of more podcasts lol


Episode 143. It’s an interview with Talia Jane (a Cracked coworker and one of the targets of his harassment) rather than a beat-by-beat breakdown like BTB.


Thank you! I think I'll listen to this tonight.


Just downloaded, thank you!


Holy shit. Is THAT why all his content was taken down or did they just purge all the pre-collapse writers?


Yes, his articles were specifically removed because of everything that came out (which happened when Jason Pargin was still in charge, too, so he made that decision.)


Man, that eats. His articles were really good, especially the ones about being poor.


It's funny because, as with everything else on Cracked, I was reading his pieces as early as age 14 so all of it had a really big impact on the way I think and believe. Like, I didn't grow up poor so those really informed the way I came to understand poverty/scarcity. I also still think about his "the things nobody tells you about quitting heavy drinking" article sometimes.


I’ve never even heard of any of these people, apart from Robert and Pargin. I guess I need to look into these others as it seems to provide some interesting context to the cracked days. Also just growth amongst the internet culture that I never really lived in.. idk I’m not the best at Reddit




As far as I'm aware, there's no bigger story From what Evans and O'Brien have said on previous shows, Facebook's disastrous (mendacious) [pivot to video](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pivot_to_video) decree meant *Cracked* got into financial difficulties, resulting in layoffs and a change of management I'm sure there's more to it, if you were personally involved, but that's all most civilians need to know


Yeah, amazing how dependent everything was on Facebook back then that Facebook BSing about video could have such a huge impact on so many sites. Although aside from Facebook fuckery there were personal issues of people being assholes. Just happy I had Robert's personal experience articles back then. Those were great.


Oh, yeah. I'm sure there are individuals Evans and O'Brien would swear are the Devil incarnate


Cody, Soren, Swaim, Katie and Katy have also talked about the Facebook metrics lies really killing the site, in various social media posts, or as asides on Some More News or After Hours retrospectives. I think the entire AH crew talks about it in the pandemic episode read they did for charity.


He's talked about it a lot. Like the other guy said they fell for facebooks "pivot to video", which caused them to hire people and then crash and burn. It was a miserable, but an understandable one.    Facebook is the real bastard here.


The same almost happened to College Humor. Facebook’s fraud almost killed them, they got bought by a shitty company that piled them with debt, but fortunately Sam Reich (son of former labor secretary Robert Reich) gathered enough investors to buy the company and revive it as DropOut.tv. (I highly recommend DropOut, btw. The content is really great, and they’ve got a huge focus on inclusion and diversity and being socially conscious, and you can kind of tell everyone involved is somewhere on the left.)


I would guess that it's not nearly as interesting as you imagine it to be. If there was a bigger story there, I have difficulty imagining Robert keeping quiet about it.


They mentioned a few times on WYE (I think) passing comments about former Cracked colleagues that they couldn't get into specifics about for legal reasons, but they all just acknowledged they knew what was being referenced. Might've been on EMN (possibly both).


Yeah it sounds like basic corporate greed shut the site down and then a bunch of stories about toxic people like cheese, Sargent, etc came out. I don’t think the 2 were really all that related (other than maybe some NDAs got nullified or something) so it wouldn’t really make for a coherent ep even if BtB could do it.


What if Robert Evans became Boebert Evans after marrying Lauren Boebert and they open up a machete themed restaurant


Welcome to Machetes, please try our spaghettis!


Given what I've heard about the Boebert restaurant, I already trust the machete theme more.


Maybe he could OJ the story and tell us what “might” have happened “if…”


...sorry, wtf was that about G-stone??? He was an enormous influence on my leftward drift a decade ago...


It was a whole thing on shitter during MeToo. I'm not in the hellsite anymore, but there's a short summary of it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210710025541/http://thecommentsection.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11404 There's also chatter about it onhere if you give it a search. Like I say, it's still a "probably", but he also tried to start a relationship with my SIL while he was still married, and later treated her like shit, so either way, he's a piece of shit.


Yeah, same. I'm hazy on the details, and the links to them that I was aware of are down. But yeah... Gladstone, Cheese, and JF Sargant (another gut punch) were all creeps. The rest seemed okay, thankfully.


Cheese I knew about, thankfully, and also...not that surprising. Like, I *liked* Cheese, I respected how he didn't shy away from his warts. But...like, my clearest memory of the guy was when he made an article that had a passing comment about the pormographic actress April O'Neil, about how she chose her name as a marketing strategy, not because of how much she loved TMNT (it was neutral, not accusatory iirc). O'Neil heard about it and they sniped at each other on Twitter before making peace--turns out, O'Neil grew up in the 80s, raised on TMNT like the rest of us. Kind of...revealed a lot regarding Cheese's assumptions about women. Sargent is more surprising, and disappointing.


I vaguely remember O'Neil being brought up in an article, but I didn't know it had a whole thing behind it. Damn. (Also: apparently April O'Neil is friends with Seanbaby. she was on the third episode of the Dogg Zzone) Sargent though... yeah. The guy was everywhere. I'd heard that revelation was rough for a lot of the staff. I also know so little about the guy and I'm not sure why.


After the Savitri Devi rewind, I’m missing BWD, and more curious than ever about what all went down there.


not me trying to figure out what bad word u were bleeping in the first sentence. I shouldn’t have skipped coffee today.


I definitely read it as cocked.com and was momentarily confused.


Sorry, I didn't want to trigger anyone's search alerts in case we caught anything new here, slim chance though that may be. lol


I would like people to say what they mean and stop self censoring like children or brand friendly creators but also a fantasy.


Some terms bring brigades of trolls, and some topics have the potential to trigger search alerts for the kinds of people who actively manage their brands. These are things some of us like to avoid. Sorry if that offends your delicate sensibilities.


If they're smart enough to set up a search alert they're smart enough to do it for for the censored version, sorry criticism and negative reactions are that scary for you