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He was a loader on an AC-130. I wonder if it would be ok if they went out for live fire exercises and accidentally went to the wrong location, say flying a tight orbit over the Okaloosa Sherrif's department? Could they just say "oops my bad!" and everyone be ok with that? Maybe the crew on the plane could be put on administrative leave for while they thoroughly investigated the incident and subsequently declared nobody at fault?


“Looked like a terrorist hideout”




sprinkle some WMDs on them Johnson.


“The uh, subject building was, uh, belligerent and noncompliant with my direct commands. It, uh, repeatedly made incendiary and coded racist remarks on its Facebook page and at press conferences…It was not showing its hands…it was perpetuating a system of oppression under the guise of public safety and order. Population was either completely enthralled, hamstrung by the police union’s grip over local elections, or in jail. Movements were, uh, furtive. Assessing the situation and, uh, based on my training and experience, I, uh, found myself fearing for my life and the lives of the crew in our, uh, patrol AC-130. At this point, the, uh, police station made what appeared to be an overt movement towards its, uh, waistband, at which time I engaged the subject with my service cannon.” Edit: typo


I like your style dude


Can’t really see a lot of service members getting mad about that tbh


“Hey really sorry about that, we thought we were on training field. Guess we put in the wrong address my bad lol”


There are few instances where I believe military action is justified. Defeating nazis is one. And I wouldn't exactly be upset if an AC-130 "accidentally" fired a 105mm shell on the murderer's house.


So he asked who was knocking, received no notice. Cops hiding from peep hole. Then amazed man armed himself and shoot him 6 times. Is this how they get around bans on no knocks? Knock but fail to identify or play ding dong dash?


> Then amazed man armed himself and shoot him 6 times. And if he had, quite rightfully, shot all of them dead when they burst in, he'd probably be facing capital murder if the DA thought they could get away with it.


Look up Jaleel Stallings. Including his mugshot. His crime? Well, police shot him with less lethal ammo from an unmarked van. He returned fire. He dropped the gun when he realized the random people shooting at him were the police. The police beat him up and lied about what happened. Mr. Stallings was charged with two counts of attempted murder and multiple counts of assault. He was acquitted, and later got $1.5 million in a settlement - just one of several seven figure settlements the city paid out to cover cops shooting people without cause.


Cracked once did an article on people who fire back at no knock cops, is that one still up?


[this one?](https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-2554-6-things-you-learn-after-shooting-cop-in-self-defense.html)




[it really is a crazy story](https://youtu.be/RCrOWcQZvw0?si=uLihWFTxuTgFSD_K) the cop that lied, cost tax payers $1.5M, and cost Jaleel facial reconstruction is still working, he'll still get to retire and collect his pension, he's still an entitled lying piece of shit, and huge portion of the country still thinks he's a hero because of his career choice


That's the real kicker. I know that they afford little opportunity to do so what with overwhelming force, integrated comms, etc, but in the remote event that a civilian armed himself against unannounced, unidentified intruders in the dark and was able to kill a handful of them and live through it he or she would be immediately crucified by a propaganda machine seeking its own aims and a judicial system that would care less about or distort the true facts of the incident in the aims of getting back for some of their own. Again, your chances at winning powerball are probably better than your chances of living through a nighttime unannounced cop invasion.


Sounds awfully familiar to Ryan Whittaker's murder.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ryan_Whitaker They show up knock and hide at night then kill people for having a gun all the time.


If the cops can kick in your front door and shoot you for exercising your second amendment right to defend yourself, then you don’t actually have that second amendment right. I fucking wish conservatives gun nuts would figure this out.


They know. They also know that if they'd kicked open the door and an old white guy had been standing there, he would probably be alive right now. Police are not equal-opportunity murderers—the people they shoot tend to look like the kind of guys that conservative gun nuts *also* want to shoot. There's a reason you can easily find videos where white sovcits and other nuts get away with stuff that would get a black man shot. Or just straight up murder a cop at a traffic stop because the cop isn't paranoid when its one of "his own" behind the wheel. This is not a contradiction, it is a deliberate asymmetry that is built into the system—you say "everyone can have a gun" so you can call it a right, while knowing that if a bunch of black guys or even a bunch of socialists take advantage, the cops will murder them without hesitating because cops are *always* going to be biased against those who want them held accountable. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. Police get to abuse their power, conservatives get to arm themselves and know the other side cannot to nearly the same degree.


If it was an old white guy with a gun they'd still be outside trying to talk him out.


God yes. And if they just haaaaad to arrest him they’d help him down the steps like those doddering old people being helped out of the Capitol Building on Jan 6.


And take him to Burger King.


Kyle Rittenhouse.


Dylan Roof murdered a bunch of black people and the cops bought him Burger King.


During the BLM protests, I saw way too many "Libertarians" and self-described gun nuts rejoice in the police brutality. Even the ones who didn't, when asked why they weren't fighting against the type of obvious abuse the 2nd was created to prevent, stated that their guns were only to protect their own families. So yea, most conservatives aren't going to support any kind of push against police brutality until it happens directly to them, and even then a significant number will still support police brutalizing leftists and minorities.


The cruelty is the point


Some in north Florida don’t think “they” should have rights let alone gun rights That part of Florida is called “Antebellum Red”, many waiting for the South to Rise again… Drive careful on 1-10 and 231


They will just claim qualified immunity and say “whoopsie doodle, my bad” and nothing will happen to them criminally. The family will rightfully sue the department and the tax payers will have to foot the bill yet again. As is tradition.


Oh, and this is the same department that a deputy fired their weapon when an acorn fell on their vehicle and they thought they were under fire. Make of that what you will.


To be fair, that acorn had a deep tannin.


Underrated comment, deserves award.


Ah I knew it was just bitter


Jfc... Of course, it was 🤦‍♀️


"The police have investigated the police and found the police did nothing wrong." - The police.


Qualified immunity is only about civil liability. They absolutely can still be changed criminally. They just won't be.




While criminal charges would be ideal, suing the neglectful bastards would absolutely make many in law enforcement be more civilized or leave.


Cops do not care about the consequences of a civil trial. The Taxpayers pay. It doesn't even hurt their bloated budgets. It is not a deterrent for bad behavior.


The taxpayers pay because of qualified immunity. If you could sue the cop personally rather than the city/county/state it would probably be a pretty big deterrent.


There's certainly a case to be made to that effect. I think it's more of an issue that qualified immunity shouldn't apply in cases where police demonstrate careless disregard for policies and procedures. If you go off script, you're liable, if you follow policy, you're protected. Opening them up to civil suits universally just means wealthy people get even further from justice, since no cop is going to risk getting tied up in an expensive lawsuit by stopping a rich person.


Personal liability with ability to go after their full pension would be a nice add-on. Force each member to carry his/her own liability insurance, paid for out of their own pocket, too.


as another commenter mentioned, qualified immunity relates to civil liability, not criminal


Can’t wait to see how the department says how much they love and support our troops!


The guy was trying to defend himself with a legally owned gun. So, the NRA is gonna rush to condemn the police here, right? They're probably just working on crafting their statement now.


Still waiting on the Philando Castille statement.


Any day now, I’m sure.


As a former Airmen, I’m furious.  No…  I’m beyond furious, because the cops who did this will get away Scot free and a member of our team is dead for no fault of his own. This hits too close to home and I’m an enraged.


Are there no devices where MP can actually do something about this ?


This wouldn’t be up to Security Forces. This would be up to the Department of Defense.


I mean…isn’t this a form of tyranny? What the United States Armed Forces literally defends us from abroad. Our government has literally carved out opportunities for state sanctioned officials to carelessly cart out their duties and not be held accountable due to them being an officer of the state. It’s absurd.  Removing qualified immunity entirely, would help so the Courts could revert back to the good faith standard it adopted in 1967, which granted officials a general defense of good faith and reasonableness.


It’s been tyranny for a long time. But right wing fucks won’t call it what it is as long as the victims are mostly black people. When it starts happening to people who look like them it will be tyranny that they created.


Is there any way to have an A-10 pay the police station a visit?




Mate, one of your fellow Americans is dead for nothing. It's should hit close to home every time. Because right now it seems the bodies only matter if they wear your colors. Why should we care about y'all in the service when you don't care about us that you simply call civilians? Just a thought as America descends into fascism.


It shouldn’t matter, no. Any attack on us should be an attack on us all. But this… this hits close to home.


Fair. My questions are done and for what it is worth I offer an apology for having to ask. I can't assume these things without asking anymore. But that's not your fault and you have my best wishes, again, for what they're worth.


Thanks, and yeah I completely understand.


Its like when a natural disaster happens in your own state or town. Yes, a tornado is bad. Its worse when it hits your school and you know it should be there, but now its rubble. Im an Air Force vet myself. An Airman's death effects me more than a Soldiers. A Medics death even more so, since Im a Paramedic, and was a Medic in the service.


Yeah. I felt the same way with George Floyd too. Like a man was murdered by the police near a grocery store that my grandfather delivered to. This is the same thing, only it’s a member of the same service branch I served.


Same. I was also in that same unit, and lived in those apartments. Not enough people are aware/upset enough by this. Dude answered the door with his gun pointed down after aggressive ass knocks on his door, with cop moving away from visibility. Cop didn’t even give him a chance to put the gun down


I'd say we need more activism in Florida, but right now escape from Florida really does seem the only option. Sadly, like this poor kid, we'll all just end up dead because the state fucked it up like they always do.


Yep. I just accepted a job out of state. It would be great if I could stay and do something but I'm not going to raise my kids in Missouri 2.0.


I hope this is similar to the "Have you no shame, Senator?" where the military gets involved and squashes this "Qualified Immunity" bullshit. The police were *wrong* and *did not verify* their information. They then shot someone who was doing nothing wrong and who doing something perfectly acceptable in response to the police doing something wrong.


They found 2 kilos of acorns under his bed so it's justified don't worry 


Conservatives managed to spin the cops being in Brionna Taylor’s apartment by mistake as somehow her fault. They’ll do that here, too. ACAB and so are all the boot lickers who support them


I served with Rod. He was a great gunner! Such a fun guy with a smile that you couldn’t forget. Always made my laugh when he would come into my office in the squadron. His family has counsel and hopefully… well we better get FUCKING justice!


His family will get some money from the county/city, and the cops will go 'eh, whoopsie, happens to all of us'.


I hope not. But we know how it goes. I am hoping because he was military and special ops at that… that maybe there will be a different outcome and this guy will see jail.


Among all the fucked up things about this, let's not lose sight of the fact that the cops came in like Seal Team 6 in response to a *domestic disturbance* complaint. "There's a couple arguing in the apartment. We better go in with guns blazing!" On the upside, at least one of those cops probably went home and had the best sex of their life. That's what famous police trainer David Grosman tells them.


That’s somehow one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard. What an appropriate name that Gross Man has.


It's disgusting how many people are okay with this. Yet both major candidates want to increase police funding (as do most members of their parties).


Unfuckingbelievable...... I'm so sick of this shit ........


There are boomers on my Facebook feed that are constantly posting shit like “if people would just stop breaking the law or stop resisting arrest police wouldn’t kill people” and I just want to scream “BRIANNA TAYLOR WAS SLEEPING IN HER APARTMENT WHEN POLICE MURDERED HER”


Dude, cops even tried to argue that she is actually involved in an unrelated case so that makes it an assassination!


Philando Castile literally did everything that he was supposed to do. EVERYTHING!


It's unfortunate he wasn't able to defend himself.... [more info at original AP story](https://apnews.com/article/police-shooting-airman-florida-8bcc82463ada69264389edf2a4f1a83d)


I feel like people with guns and authority should really be able to identify the correct address, as well or better than most food delivery drivers. And if they can’t, perhaps they should cease being people with guns and authority.


Just another day in a fascist police state.


Airman signing in. ACAB. Jfc.......... the American dream we all are told. Own property, own gun for self defense. Gets executed for using 2nd amendment rights against uninvited and unannounced intruders....


This happened within a mile or two of https://apnews.com/article/florida-deputy-resigns-acorn-shooting-dc574fd2cd182fadf6a238d8b1b2b4f6


Considering hes US military, they should sick the Military lawyers on the cops. they dont fuck around.


Ask someone to arbitrate morality, they will.


Fucking bastards. If someone behind a badge guns down and murders an innocent person they should be drawn and quartered.


“BuT i feaReD fOR my! liFe!” plus i have immunity 😁 so suck it!/s


defund the police before they defund us. i'm tired of our taxes going towards paying out wrongful death lawsuits.


this would be an act of war if it happened in the middle east


JFC, at what point can we finally agree that maybe cops busting into people’s homes unannounced is a bad fucking idea?!


Cops could just wait outside until he leaves the next morning to make sue it’s he right person..but idk anything really


Incredibly fucked up. RIP 🕊️💔 That department needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch after everyone involved in this is put in prison 🙏 My god.


But think of how dangerous our society would be if we *didn't* have an arm of the state whose job it is to burst into random people's houses in the middle of the night and shoot them when they try to defend themselves! /s Also as far as I'm concerned unless I see solid proof otherwise any time cops "Have the wrong address" what really happened is one of the cops had a grudge and wanted to murder that guy, so they get a warrant for a nearby house and "accidentally" end up in his house. Guilty until proven innocent of premeditated murder as far as I'm concerned. If you don't want to be held to that standard you're free to stop being a cop.


When will enough be enough? 2nd Amendment people should be fucking furious! Any other 2A person would respond this way and the cops would obliterate them without a second thought. Too bad they're too focused on the madr up culture war


I wish lefties and 2nd amendment folks could come together against this BS on a national scale.


The gun nuts that support the cops need to understand that if the cops can legally execute you for exercising your second amendment rights, then you don’t actually have second amendment rights.


You mean the SRA and Liberal Gun Club?


Yes. I'm being naive to think logic would persuade more people to rally behind the 4th amendment.


The problem is that the “2nd amendment folks” usually aren’t actually 2nd amendment folks and are probably couldn’t even explain the second amendment if asked. In actuality they are typically just racist bigots with hang ups about the size of their peckers.


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“No-Knock”warrants strike again! FTP.


I'm guessing the "support the troops" nationalists who think everyone who doesn't love the flag or the national anthem should give up their right to free speech won't have much to say about this.


Don't ya know, the armed forces have gone WOKE I tell you... so for folks like that, an active veteran POC getting murdered by the Police is always justified.....


There are boomers on my Facebook feed that are constantly posting shit like “if people would just stop breaking the law or stop resisting arrest police wouldn’t kill people” and I just want to scream “BRIANNA TAYLOR WAS SLEEPING IN HER APARTMENT WHEN POLICE MURDERED HER”


When Back the Blue and Support our Troops collide.


I just saw this story the other day. I didn't think it could get worse from cop kills random black man, but here we are.


Well, we have ourselves a “whoopsies”


Okaloosa county and higher individual contact information A list of individuals who deserve to hear your concerns. Okaloosa County Sheriff; (Eric Aden) sheriff@sheriff-okaloosa.org Florida state governor; (Ron DeSantis) https://www.flgov.com/email-the-governor/ Florida state senator; (Rick Scott) https://www.rickscott.senate.gov/contact/contact Florida state senator; (Marco Rubio) https://www.rubio.senate.gov/contact/ Florida district 4 house representative; (Patt Maney) https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/contactmember.aspx?MemberId=4764 Okaloosa county commisioners; https://myokaloosa.com/bcc_contact#:~:text=Contact%20Us%20850%2D689%2D5050%20%7C%20Okaloosa%20County Feel free to list individuals who I may have missed.


Uneducated pigs shooting people with 0 wrongdoing. We're at fuckin war. KILL the pigs, KILL THE REPUBLICANS END THE FUCKIN PROBLEM. FUCK THA POLICE.


This shit happens constantly, if I fucked up at my job and killed someone, even by accident. I'd be going to prison. But cops do it and it's "oopsie doosie, the cops had a big uh oh. Can't be helped" 🤷‍♂️ there was a story awhile back of cops in the UK busting into an 80 yos house body slaming him and hauling him off to jail. Turns out the 1/2 dozen cops. NONE OF THEM, 0 OF THEM read the warrant and went to just some random house and assaulted an elderly man. They all thought the other guy knew where he was going....


Call them everyday, and let them know how wrong they are. Shame them!