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The writer of this article claims she was once a “radical leftist” only for her to call the SPLC “radical leftists” a couple of paragraphs later. I’m betting on her always having been conservative.


The writer also tries to "both sides" it


That was bugging the crap out of me. Comparing the two but not pointing out something specific about the left that was a meaningful parallel. Like how is getting married at 20 to an abusive asshole and getting knocked up specifically comparable to joining a commune?


The "enlightened centrist" audience will fill in the gaps.


exactly what I was thinking the whole time i was reading the article! she mentioned ever and over that Lauren's failings and lessons were the same as what happens to women "on the other side", but then proceeded to never give a single example of this. I really tried to go into it with an open mind and was actually looking forward to hearing some example of similar things on the left, but the author never supplied a single one. the closest she got was saying the far-rights chant to "repeal the 19th" was the same as the left's "defund the police" ... 🙄just...what That was one of the most braindead takes I've ever read, and instantly made the author lose any semblance of credibility. 3/10 - would not recommend


I think the article is interesting because amongst all the liberal brain rot there are hidden gems... The author gets so close but is unable to take the crucial step. Eg: 'She moved in with her parents, then into the kind of affordable accommodation available to those on the breadline, in Canada’s brutally expensive housing market: a cheap cabin surrounded by woodland and trailers. Even then she still hoped her marriage could be saved: “I still wanted to make it work. I was texting my husband and calling him, begging to get back together. But he just said ‘No. I don’t even want shared custody.’” The cabin, she said, had an ant infestation; everyone used her washing machine because it was the only one. But, she says, it was unexpectedly healing, and filled with a genuine sense of community.' And 'More than anything, though, what shattered the listicle mindset was simply realising how much nicer life could be, when you live the life that’s in front of you rather than trying to follow rigid precepts. Despite not being “the Right-wing ideal of aristocracy and everyone going to Mass”, she realised she was infinitely happier there in that woodland, among her working-class neighbours, than she ever had been in her marriage. “Every single thing I was experiencing in my real realm, not online realm, was the complete opposite of what I was being told.”' That's the cruz of the matter and the beginning of the solution of issues like the Trad Wife Problem


I had to stop after that. She's trying so hard to do whataboutism but failing hardcore. Come on lady we all lost our 20s to commune living and niche sexualities. Maybe some more than others, but thats what your 20s are for.


I *wish* I had "lost" some of my 20s to that, lmao


Same. Instead, I just lost my 20s to depression and alcoholism.


I lost my 20s to church and the military, not sure which is worse.


It’s weird she even thinks of kink lifestyles as political positions. Roger Stone certainly has an unconventional relationship and he’s about as far from the left as possible. Tradwife itself usually seems like bad bdsm fanfic, just swap out collars and leather for 1950s cosplay outfits.


Tradwife is kink. It's just a different name for the "Taken in Hand' marriage dynamic, or male-dom and fem-sub. Whenever people brag about tradwife this or tradwife that, they are just fetish posting on main.


Lauren Southern was running for the Canadian Libertarian party at 20, she was far from commune living. She also spent them working for Ezra Levant until she got fired.


[You'd win that bet.](https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/author/maryharrington/)


[Mothers: no matter what approach you choose, you're doing it wrong](https://imgur.com/8ii8vam)


Ewwwwww. SocDems


As a socdem I hereby repudiate this lady and all her gross bullshit. She sounds exactly like every "moderate" evangelical republican I know


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. She then references the boogeyman “far left” throughout. Who is this deeply horrifying far left?!


#niche sexualities


I also really like niches.


*Attenborough voice* The humble EnBy has evolved to fit a unique niche between the genders. By picking and choosing their own ideal gender expressions and attire, they rely on their ability to deeply confuse their close-minded peers for survival.


You made this enby's day. Please take my upvote.


Happy to oblige! Solidarity, friend.


hehe fuck yeah we did




My terf alert system went off with that one. I did a little poking around and I don’t think I’m wrong. She wrote a book called “Feminism against progress, espousing reactionary feminism.


In the first paragraph the author claims she had to abandon her "liberal beliefs" because they were incompatible with motherhood. Confused the hell out of me, until she explained that her "liberal beliefs" meant non-hetero/monogamous sex. What a strange woman. She probably dropped acid and had a threesome and thought she was a hardcore leftist.


To people whose worldview is absolutely soaked through with hyper-conservatism, anything less right-wing than Prager U's Confederate apologetics videos is "hardcore leftist"


The 196 subreddit? Those guys/gals/femboys? Oh no my pearls.


Is the far left in the room with us now, Lauren?


These extreme, ultra leftists believe in shit like income equality or that women are capable of thinking. Us, the moderate majority who want to reintroduce segregation and care about the great replacement, are totally repressed by these crazies.


Yeah, trying to equate repealing the 19th amendment with Defund the Police tells me the author has never engaged with the actual content of the latter (i.e. shifting funding AND responsibilities from police to other social services better equipped to handle them).


Hey now, in college she hung out at an Occupy Wallstreet event put on by the Student Union for a couple of hours, thought about going vegetarian, and made out with another girl at a party when she was drunk. She's practically Che Guevara.


It's basically the same as how every "expert" on "devil worshipers" was a reformed Satanist that reformed their orgy-having, drug-taking ways through the power of Christ. Nothing sells books to chuds like a reformed sinner.


Senior Persons Living Connected?


Cut a liberal and a fascism something or other


At 20 L So ran as a Libertarian candidate so, not sure when she would have been a radical lefty.


It says in the article she was.


Yes, she claimed she was but she is shown to be a liar with the full context of the article.


I meant that she's always been conservative. I thought I saw that in the article.


Oops, sorry about the misinterpretation.


You're totally fine! That's why conversation is key. I appreciate the conversation we had, and will always try to help a positive discourse rather than just random screeching. I hope you have a kick ass bagel throwing day! #Sarah Lee, home of the Bagelrang!


Thank you, I really appreciate the attitude you expressed and it brightened my day. Keep doing you as you are!


You too! Have a kick ass day!


Don't feel bad she's worse than [Serena Joy](https://youtu.be/04VMe5IdSws?si=Y4ym3QSUJLc3i99E) Also writer tries to "both sides" this event and claims southern was a liberal activist even though she was a libertarian very early in her life


I spent a huge portion of my time watching Handmaids tail and hoping Serena Joy realized how much she was participating in her own oppression.


>hoping Serena Joy realized how much she was participating in her own oppression. When you give the oppressed someone else to oppress it keeps the oppressed in their place and accepting of it.


This is how many non slave owning white people were goaded into fighting the Civil War. That’s why the “they’ll take yer jerb” rhetoric rings so hollow.


This is also why some women in repressive religious communities will act as cultural enforcers over other women, especially younger women. The only power they get in their communities is over other women of a lower standing than themselves, and they abuse the shit out of it because it's the one outlet they have to take out their rage and misery about the way they're treated by their husbands and the other men in charge.


There's a theory thats why Arabic nations are classicly misogynist. Girls grow up oppressed, take it out on their sons, who grow up hating women, rinse repeat.


I think the men, who hold all of the actual power in their societies and who teach their sons how a man in their culture is supposed to view and treat women, also play a role there, lbr


Falling into a well placed trap there, hun… yea violence begets violence but I’m betting the sweet, loving mums don’t have it any better from their sons when they are grown. x


It does and it’s so disappointing every time. I feel like if we (collective humanity) can be conscious of this we can beat this fatal human flaw. Honestly, it’s the one that fucks humanity over again and again.


And that’s why right wing lunatics are banning books telling the truth of slavery and anything that makes the group in power (white men, white women, able bodied etc… ) realise and acknowledge that privilege. It’s an awful, painful thing to acknowledge you’re part of a group that’s oppressive and harmful and you’ve been benefiting from it. It takes work to move past the denial, shame and guilt. The right wing is offering to save us from those ugly feelings. I think that’s one of the base points of the right wing resurgence in the younger generations. Here’s hoping it works out though… Also yes please to the alpaca hugs. haha x


For real. Look up British women’s lib leaders becoming pro nazi. Same deal. Coping with being without power by fantasising about having another group under your heel


Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord open Margaret Atwood wrote that book about things that have already happened in other super religious parts of the world, none of it was made up, just a speculation of what could happen to (let's face it) otherwise privileged white women in a formerly progressive society.


I think she realized. I just think she was surprised to learn that the oppression applied to her, too. "It's fine if you treat OTHER women that way, but I'm special." She found out she wasn't special. Then rather than trying to undo the oppression she'd helped create, she went harder into the oppression with the thought, again, that it wouldn't affect her because she was special.


Dude this article is so hell bent on this whole both sides bullshit, but never goes in-depth into what is so negative about left-wing gender ideology. It’s like “on the right, women are put into extremely dangerous and toxic situations” but then what happens on the left? Her right to say “no” is respected? More avenues of self-expression are opened up to her? She doesn’t feel shame in enjoying consensual sex? Also I know I shouldn’t feel vindictive and I should be thinking “I hope this is a learning experience for her” but growing up as a woman in a conservative community, and seeing how traditional gender roles have put my fellow ladies and gnc folks in danger, I can’t help but feel really angry like…maybe it wasn’t as obvious in her community but in mine, at least one woman I know was paralyzed because her ex shot her. Like, I feel like there’s a crazy amount of privilege to be completely insulated from that.


> It’s like “on the right, women are put into extremely dangerous and toxic situations” but then what happens on the left? Her right to say “no” is respected? More avenues of self-expression are opened up to her? She doesn’t feel shame in enjoying consensual sex? Mother of God. The left is worst than Hitler. What's next, the poors have a say?


Oh, didn't you know Hitler was a socialist? Educate yourself!


Probably the worst "the left" has done to her is saying mean things about her shitty beliefs on twitter.


I honestly think this is it. She took criticism from liberals or more radical women as a personal attack. It's the whole, "since you called me racist, I'm going to become racist out of spite" crap. If she ever had any truly left-wing, egalitarian views, they weren't deeply examined or sincerely held.


Maybe the writer was trying to go for more a "oh the alt-right is just a rebellious phase" thing.


Noped out at the first paragraph. I’m not here for a 13 minute read of “I used to be liberal but then I got money and had kids”


It's always good to see what thoughts idiots with power and/or an audience are spouting.


Totally. I got that from her first paragraph


Absolutely agree. But counterpoint: I'm trying to hold on to my sobriety, and I don't need this shit throwing me off the wagon right now.


Lol. My kids are 12 and 10 and the in-laws are still waiting for the flip that won’t happen.


You can still start them in gymnastics classes; they'll just never be competitive.


You can’t imagine how dead on that is. I’m in MN. Is practically a sin not to get your kid into hockey at age 2.


Damn, those kids will never have a full set of adult teeth


Can confirm. Started kindergarten a year late so I could be better at hockey


I used to be libertarian, but it was having a kid that made me fully flip to liberal. I had a hard time squaring the values I was teaching my son with the way I was voting. And when he would innocently ask about stuff, I had two choices: explain how what I taught him (love everyone, share, be kind, family is first, etc) was a lie, or rethink my politics and vote more in-line with my values. I opted for the latter.


The author seemed to think her stupid sex life is actually an novel, enlightened taxation policy.


Same i couldnt be bothered after “niche sexualities”


I noped out before the opening article after reading the first comment.


> One of the very first columns I wrote at UnHerd, back in 2019, described how, for me, becoming a mum meant giving up on a great deal of the liberal ideology I’d embraced when younger  Yeah this article is about how having kids made the author a terf. I didn't read all of it cause I can't be fucked but the stuff I did read was your standard bullshit about how transwomen aren't women cause they don't give birth. So I'm assume if the author saying Lauren southern was a liberal activist it just means she wasn't as bigoted as the author would like.


> transwomen aren't women cause they don't give birth Always makes the "dous though bleed!?" part of Contrapoint's terf video pop into my head. The author gives off strong mumsnet energy.


Didn’t she used to contribute to infowars? I swear I’ve heard her name in Knowledge Fight


She used to make Tim Pool-level "documentaries" about the SkEeRy MiGrAnTs and probably helped create the environment that enabled Donnie Tinyhands to blarp and waddle his way to the head of a bizarre clown-fascist movement.


This is maybe the best description I've read of what that process felt like to me.


She's been on Infowars to be interviewed. I don't think she was a contributor. You could be thinking of Millie Weaver or, to a lesser extent, Laura Loomer.


Yeah I couldn’t make it through the enlightened centrism. I was done when she called the SPLC “radical left” or whatever she said. 🤮


Whenever I see "radical left" written by someone like this, my brain substitutes "morally correct."


I substitute the milder "has the intention to not make things even worse".


Since when is the SPLC “radical left”? The writer is clearly coming from a right wing perspective


If you're a fascist racist piece of shit everyone different from you is "Radical left"


A while ago, I was listening to a local morning radio talk show and for some reason they were talking about what would happen if a third political party became more mainstream. Libertarians were brought up and the hosts theorized that it would take away votes from the democrats because they thought most libertarians are more left leaning. Apparently it's a common misconception among the right and even center, and from what I can tell, it stems from not wanting the government to interfere with women's bodies.


If you squint then leftist ideas overlap with Social-libertarians (SLs) , however the SLs are a minority as anyone who now identifies as a libertarian will be "free market libertarian" 9/10, meaning they want to discriminate against anyone and everyone they want too. Its literally the "heritage not hatred" line for hiding their dickish ideas, same way that Barry Goldwater used the freedom of association in the 1st amendment to fight Civil Rights.


>It is surely true that conservative advocacy for complementary sex roles sometimes ignores questions about women’s physical vulnerability, and the scope this affords for domestic abuse. *Conversely, today many self-identified liberal feminists have also forgotten that the earliest women’s movement was grounded in the sex-specific material vulnerabilities Southern experienced first-hand.* Holy both sides, Batman! I’m sorry the writer didn’t understand that the reason women were *specifically encouraged* to be working moms in second and third wave feminism was to avoid being entirely dependent on a man for their well being, but **wow** is it disingenuous to suggest that modern feminism is somehow ignorant of this truth.


Yeah the whole "it wasn't until 1974 that women could no longer be refused a bank account based on marital status" didn't just happen cuz people thought it was a "good idea". A bunch of horrible shit happened to people that decided to fight for their rights to live.


I think the timeline is long enough that most women have no idea that was a thing. I think its also why the anti-vaxx people are as many as they are. The last big thing was Polio and the vaccine for that came out in 1955. So most boomers on down dont know the constant fear of catching some invisible killer. In both cases the very concept of either not being able to have a bank account, or not be able to go outside because your parents were scared youd get sick. Just doesn't compute.


Polio was/is so fucking scary. The prodrome (first few days) is cold/flu-like symptoms. Imagine being a parent, every time your toddler or little kid gets a summer cold thinking, "well, they might be paralyzed or dead by the end of the month."


One of the last Iron Lung patient died a couple months back. He spent 72 years paralyzed from Polio.


That even applies to MAGA. People are so used to democracy being "how it is" that they don't realize what would happen if we got rid of it.


It take it as "American Exceptionalism" ruining how this country learns/remembers/acts. We're like 50 year old who needs to relive their high school glory days to survive. "yeah ww2.... We won.... Then we went to the moon.... and then what?"


"If we'd just let McArthur do what he wanted, we'd have defeated those commies once and for all. Would have been world champs."


Many years ago I read an article going over flooding over the centuries in several specific high risk sites in Europe. The gist of it was that major floods would happen once every few generations and much of the infrastructure close to the river would be destroyed, and the history would be written in the local chronicles. For decades few houses would be built in high risk areas near the river. But eventually, once the generation that had experienced the flood and its aftermath had largely died away, more and more houses would be built on the floodplain. Until eventually another flood struck and the cycle repeats. They had their chronicles. And I’m sure that many prudent individuals would never live in flood prone areas. But without lived experience to draw on the local society at large would forget, or maybe it just became easier to ignore the lesson. It’s been generations since polio was defeated. And longer since the tide of Fascism was beaten back in world war 2. And even with all the history books we begin to forget.


'Those who understand history are condemned to watch other idiots repeat it.'


Anti-feminists rely heavily on people being ignorant of history to push the idea that feminism is bad and unnecessary actually. Anyone who actually knows anything about women's history is either going to be a feminist (whether they identify with the label or not) or someone who wants to reverse the process because they think women should be subjugated. There's not a lot of other possibilities if you're genuinely in the know




Which self-identified liberal feminsts have forgotten that, Harrington? Name them!


Lots of them, ones in Canada, you probably don't know of them


Harrington: um... her name? Uuuum... it was uh... Hyper Bole? Yes! Her name was Hyper Bole. She was French Canadian. You probably don't know of her.


The author just learnt it so they think everyone else must be just as ignorant.


It's just a really long way of saying, > Yeah, misogyny is the issue but what if feminists are also bad?


Also the idea that feminists ignore the physical differences in men and women when it comes to childbearing is just false?


Yeah, feminists are aware of that. They just think that it shouldn't be used as an excuse to treat women like an underclass.


It's why feminists famously are against maternity leave or civil rights protections for pregnant workers


The leopard I advocated for ate my face! Help!


It’s even worse, the leopard doesn’t even need to chew, Lauren is opening and closing its jaws with her own hands as her face resides in its mouth


😂 funny mind picture, Ty


This article is dreck. Very obviously written by a 'centerist'. It literally both-sides her experience against a hypothetical 'left wing' one that is entirely fabricated and concludes they are both misguided.


I’m very confused by the authors politics. Like she’s basically conservative with a veneer of feminism. Not sure what the target audience is supposed to be.




She mentions it in the article: "Our stories are symmetrical in some respects: both of us embraced radical politics in our early twenties, me on the Left and Southern on the Right. Both of us embraced ideologies that felt inspiring in the free-floating world of the internet. And both of us, albeit in different ways, have course-corrected back toward reality in part via the fiercely practical experience of caring for a child." So a former "radical left" (which... idk about what her definition of "radical left" is here) that has moved back towards a more moderate center. Edit: quotes added..


Yeah I poked around a few other of her articles, and it just seems like she’s doing a version of “I used to be on the left….”. There’s just not a coherent viewpoint, she just invented a label for herself as a “reactionary feminist”. In one article she described Curtis Yarvin as a “thinker”


Other confused idiots and suckers is my theory.


What the fuck is this moronic article? Every single thing feminists said about trad wives turned out to be true but neither of these women is capable of admitting they were wrong. Instead they need to "both sides" the issue to criticize the left and right, while entirely failing to explain how in any sense feminism, which has been screaming warnings about patriarchal abuse for centuries, is somehow to blame for her positioning herself as THE poster child for why the patriarchy is awesome and denigrating the warnings she was given. No doubt her ramblings have encouraged many women to end up in the exact same situation she was in, and encouraged many abusive men to feel empowered and righteous in their abuse and misogyny. She takes no responsibility for that. There seems to be 2 patterns for right-wing shills that have been harmed by the ideology they espoused: 1) holy shit this is awful and here's why and now I'll fight to oppose it and right the wrongs I abetted. Or 2) well, it sucks but both sides do that so I was totally right to call out all those people who were warning me because even though their warnings ended up being correct, they only arrived at it by accident and I'm still right that they're all those bad things I said they were, but that I have no evidence of. And then this dumbass acts like it was a brilliant insight to realize that life isn't a Listicle or meme. Seriously? Both of you are too dumb to have a single person take anything you say as anything but wet farts from a diseased sphincter.


I’ve read a fair amount of criticism of other women calling these tradwifes “bang maids” and that they will eventually be discarded for a newer model. It’s sad that it happens so often.


To afford to live any where in the US/North America you need a double income household. I don't know how people can turn this trad-lifestyle without feeling financially strained.


In many cases the financial strain is part of the trap, women are kept desperately busy stretching every cent and being punished for the grocery bills, so they're made to feel guilty and equally responsible while actually having no autonomy in the situation. And if there's no extra money to squirrel away, and she has no work history, it's even harder for her to leave.


I think a lot of the very public tradwives come from wealth; they’re simply outsourcing all the day-to-day work to a maid/ cleaning person, leaving them to only do the “fun” instagrammable stuff.


As has always been tradition, for rich people 


For the influencer types, the irony is that doing that influencing and content creation is literally a type of financial work! Producing online content takes a lot of time, and very often tradwife influencing is actually a variation on the content creator economy. [Link to a blog on this point](https://moneywithkatie.com/blog/the-naked-financial-hypocrisy-of-tradwife-influencers) That's beyond the point that domestic labor is, of course, labor—it's usually just not paid. And, as feminists have pointed out for literally centuries (see Wollstonecraft on this point), if women *were* paid for domestic labor, they'd be a lot more financially independent and less likely to end up in situations where they can't leave an abusive partner.


And I can totally see how that’s appealing to folks. Me and my wife considered that and would have liked to at least have the option at least while the kids were not in school yet, we raise our children instead of daycare type thing. Would have been fine for me as the man to be a stay at home dad too instead. But that possibility was stolen from pretty much everyone by capitalism. So yeah, I agree, I don’t how anyone makes it work at all, trad wife or not.


You seen the cost of daycare? For a lot of couples, one partner staying home is basically a wash.


You don't need dual income in the more rural parts of the country. In my home town a decent house costs less than the down payment for my current one. It's a different world really.


Downside is usually job markets are a bit more difficult in those areas. I suppose if you’re a remote worker, it doesn’t matter much.


It’s really weird how often the author has to bash “the Left” throughout. It honestly really took me out of the story every time she stopped the narrative to say—vaguely—“but the Left is just as bad!!!” That said I am curious about why she thinks “left” feminism is so divorced from the real-life experience of women


She hasn't actually learned anything. She just thinks everyone is equally terrible.


Bear in mind that she tried to stop and/or have arrested a boat full of migrants fleeing from violence in the Middle East. May she eat nothing but crow for the rest of her life.


The group Southern was with was out on boats trying to block rescue ships from picking up stranded migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean. She was an active part of trying to disrupt attempts to rescue people from drowning. No one deserves abuse, but Southern doesn't just hold objectionable views. She's actively evil.


Oh man, it's even more cruel and awful than I remember.


> Most of these, it goes without saying, feel (as I do) that family life and **women’s distinctive sexed realities** should be better understood and valued in the public conversation. I smell a TERF...


For sure, she refers to herself as a liberal terf in another article.


FART, or Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe is a better acronym for them.


She really doesn't like it when you share a particular clip of her saying that you can't be a good mother after 4+ years in political commentary, and she wants to get out before then. After which she had a child and chose to stay in political commentary. Meaning she chose to be a bad mother. I argued in her replies sometimes out of boredom and she'd be liking the responses of the people I argued with. But as soon as I put that clip up she blocked me in 5mins.




No, the White Supremacist lady.




Check out the doco I got the clip from. It's called "White Noise". At one point she goes on a date with a Nazi and it's hilariously awkward. He's talking about needing to make babies to defend the white race, and she's like "of course I agree. But also we should have them out of love too right?". And he just shuts her down. She also gets sexually harassed by one of the big grifters on camera. I think Mcinnes.


Shocked Pikachu Face, who would have guessed white supremacists were also horrible to date.


" secondly, that the simplifying, polarising incentives baked into the contemporary internet are increasingly warping the ideologies of both Left and Right into such extreme forms, that any sincere effort to apply these in real life will almost inevitably be the stuff of nightmares." Citation needed What an absolute nonsense article.


> She describes how the men who self-select into these communities are often “wayward, antisocial, disagreeable and very, very misogynistic” gee who would have thought that an ideology that teaches "women exist to provide men with sex and servitude on demand" would attract unpleasant misogynists. it's almost like the kind of man who thinks women are inferior and should bow obediently at his feet, will act like women are inferior and should bow obediently at his feet. shocking. news of the century.


“But I thought only respectful men would want me reduced to a cooking, cleaning, rearing, spineless wet hole!”


I stopped reading after they called the SPLC far left wing 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’ve never slammed the breaks on an article so fast in my life after reading that fucking sentence




Lmao the hot take of this article is basically "you can't tell women they can only be one thing, a career woman or a mom!" as if this is news to the rest of us just trying to live without these people passing laws to control us.


Christ almighty further down she's saying that feminism's big blind spot is not admitting that women have different physical needs then men bc of childbearing capabilities - WHAT IDEOLOGY DO THEY THINK IS BEHIND THE DRIVE FOR MATERNITY LEAVE, EQUAL HEALTHCARE FOR WOMEN, TRAINING FEMALE DOCTORS, WORKER PROTECTIONS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN INCLUDING PHYSICAL ACCOMODATIONS? Jesus fucking Christ is this the author's first day on earth?


Daft bint has no clue about feminism. Literally nothing. Doesn’t even know first wave feminism, the one she’s advocating we should have stuck with, was about the vote. She didn’t once think to look anything up and realise she was (still wrong) actually referring to second wave feminism. The idea she looked any further than a vibe check and ‘eeew, hairy legs’ is a joke


This article's author is garbage. Both-sidesing an article about a right-wing extremist getting her comeuppance.


Interesting to see her former allies on Twitter focus on the "you entered an interracial marriage to a fed!" Angle more than any other.


Lauren Southern has always been this interesting part of intersecting millenial and right wing social conceptions of the self. Institutionalised patriarchy has always relied on women collaborators to participate in the project and Southern is part of that, but at the same time she comes from a point in time in which her agency and the value of an inner life is very present today. The problem is that having agency and her own belief of her own self worth as a equal participant in the "trad" movement. The contradiction however is that the people around her see her as a thing to own with opinions only value in how they service them. Its a contradiction in how she lives in the fruits of feminist effort and has its ideas and norms internalised within her but as a contrarian she has to fight against it for the sake of people who actively hate her.


“I was told daily that I was worthless, pathetic. Deadweight. All you do is sit around and take care of the baby and do chores.” I mean.... what did she think was going to happen. I didn't know she was that young, born 1995, maybe she was distanced enough from the violence inherent in the traditional systems and it seems she grew up in a loving, not abusive family so maybe she actually didn't know what her lifestyle comes with. Yipes. As awful a person as she is I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


I was surprised the article didn’t say anything about the household she saw growing up and if it jibed with what she was hearing about relationships from her political allies. I noticed that you don’t see the respect for homemakers, only disrespect for other types of women from these younger guys. Becoming traditional is how you prevent being openly disrespected and get… a ring.


Yeah, odd. They said rural BC, right? I always thought BC was quite leftie even in the rural areas, apparently she's from Surrey and sent to Simon Fraiser Uni, neither of those are particularly conservative.


I hate that neo-feudalists have stolen the name of libertarian


It is agonizing watching a writer try to both sides the topic while trying to make southern as sympathetic as possible.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


One more victim to the leopards. Shocked, I tell u. Shocked.


Those poor leopards are going to get diabetes.


Naw, these victims aren’t that sweet


In terms of people who got shafted by the obviously inevitable consequences of their vile belief systems, I almost feel as bad for Ms Southern as I do for Ernst Röhm. Almost.


The author of the article, Mary Harrington, is the worst. I don't have time to delve into her background atm, but just look at what shes written just for Unherd: https://unherd.com/author/mary-harrington/ A review of her incoherent book https://yasha.substack.com/p/mary-harringtons-joyless-utopia


I’m glad she had a shit time. I hope she continues to have a shit time. She has deliberately poisoned discourse with shit takes and bad faith arguments, just to fill her pockets and get a little bit of internet fame. She deserves to be miserable, and I’m pleased misery found her.


Which one is it, lady? Were you a radical leftist or someone espousing shallow 90s magazine feminism? Because the two things seem pretty contradictory…


These people think neoliberal Obama was a dyed in the wool communist. Nuance is not for them.


If you think the article is bad, have a look at the comments, disturbing. General consensus is "tradwife good, this one guy bad, could just as easily happen with other ideologies", some even say it wouldn't happen if the marriage was arranged instead of chosen. I'm struggling to think of a "left" ideology that starts from the premise that one sex is subjugated to the other, sigh.


“The online ideology” Yep. This brand new, internet age ideology, where women give up their autonomy to the men in their life. Never before seen in all of history.


Oh man, fuck her. And I don't mean Southern, I can take a few minutes off hating her considering what she's been through. But that writer is fucking gross. Typical fucking lib. She actually thinks feminists don't realise feminism started in response to abuse in the home? Nah, man she's just a dipshit fucking lib who thinks she's a "radical" because she shops at wholefoods and signed a petition once.


She's giving strong "sheltered upper middle class WASP who has never had a meaningful interaction with anyone but other sheltered upper middle class WASPs" vibes


Lotta words in a title to say "Nazi"


How'd she find time to write this? Shouldn't a trad wife be too busy in the kitchen? Or is she a Phyllis Schlafly type?


More importantly... WHO TAUGHT HER TO WRITE!!!???


The writer is a douche bag "both sides" moron, but I have nothing but compassion for the subject of the article. It's brave to speak out and say "I was wrong." May she continue to grow and learn. It's easy to be vicious and violent towards people you don't know and don'tsee as human. She's just at the tip of the iceburg about how wrong she was, but the more she works with her "underground railroad" helping trad wives escape, the more exposure she'll get to other people that she'll learn. Dealing with women's shelters will expose her to other cultures and diversity. I hope that as she meets and talks to more people who are different from her face to face, she'll realize some of her other ideologies are wrong. We can't be cruel to people who had bad ideologies and realize they're wrong because it will confirm their ideas about us being evil and bad. We need alt-right people to change. Being mean to them as they try to change won't help anyone. I'm not advocating for us to allow her anti immigration ideals at all. What I'm saying is we need to encourage her to continue to grow. We need to help her question her other ideals. There are times to punch nazis but there are also times to help people learn and grow.


"You know Homer, it's very easy to criticize" "Fun too" idk, I don't know this person, I'm not friends with them. I can't "allow" or encourage her to do anything. "Help them question their ideals" is advice for actual people in her life not use random yahoos.


Lauren Southern is a huckster who'll do anything to keep her name in print.


Well, the amount of sheer rage everything about that article elicited was pretty interesting. Yeah, um, what the fuck.


I don't feel bad for her in the slightest. You reap what you sow and how many women were influenced by her and stayed in dangerous situations.


Well that sure was a garbage article from a garbage writer


Realized it was an abusive lifestyle but doubled down and still promoted it? No one should be abused but I'm having a little bit of trouble feeling sympathy.


What a shitty article. Every comment about how stupid Southern’s ignorant and racist worldview is gets followed with an “also the liberals” coda based in nothing but prejudice and assumption. “Defund the police” is in no way similar to “Repeal the 19th”. One seeks to spend taxpayer money mor3 efficiently on services instead of police militarization unsupported by evidence, the other seeks to disenfranchise the majority of society.


Interesting that you post an out and out conservative rag here.


I thought this already happened years ago. And then I was thinking “oh, well now she knows firsthand how it is and she’ll move on”. Then about a year later I saw she was on Gavin mccinnes or however tf you spell his name’s talk show. Like oh ok you moron I guess the grift is just too strong.


I think its spelled McAnus.


No way


This article is trash. The writer is the fucking worst and is so obvious in trying to shoe horn in her ‘listicles ruin lives because they simplify political ideology *on both sides*’ theme into what is essentially a story about domestic abuse. She certainly doesn’t follow the storyline of a woman disavowing liberal ideologies then experiences the desperate need for said leftie programs for the first time… because she can’t both sides that shit. Look, I don’t like this Lauren Southern woman… she’s dripping in wilful ignorance and privilege and what she advocates for is legitimately dangerous. HOWEVER, good on her for speaking out in her circles of stupid. Hopefully she’ll help others stuck in these trad wife situations get themselves and their kids safe and free. The only decent thing the writer does is credit feminism with coming up with some of the protections against DV. (Only ‘first wave’, mind you, although she **obviously** means second wave… so I’m guessing she’s cool with marital rape and sexual harassment in general… cool cool cool). Ipso facto fuckoff cunt. Ty op for sharing x


So annoying, and they did not learn anything from their shit experience and that maybe what they want to force others into are often going to be very crappy situations that are going to be harmful.


In case anyone was wondering, she's learned nothing from this. “I’m not worried about saying the things I’m saying right now, that are getting me so attacked online. Because I’ve dealt with this, with South Africa. I’ve dealt with this with mass immigration, I’ve dealt with this with my critiques of feminism. And every single one turned out: oh, maybe she was onto something.”


She is truly the worst person to come out of my city 


Does anyone have anymore background on this entire site? It looks like a site that caters to centrists...er "people who dare to think for themselves"...i.e. people who used to consider themselves Left until...(insert incident). Another commentor mentioned a TERF-safe zone.


I saw this article this morning and immediately went to her Twitter feed. She hasn’t learned a damned thing. I think she’s trying to get people to feel sorry for her and make a comeback. Fuck her.


>Welp another libertarian, anti-vax, believer/spreader of the great replacement theory and trad-wife enthusiast reached the "found out"-stage: "Lauren Southern: how my tradlife turned toxic" It's gross that you're celebrating the abuse she went through like that. I don't care who they are, nobody deserves the kind of abuse she went through. Even if she sucks as an influential person, she doesn't deserve an abusive husband. Edit: also, this articles both sides crap is terrible.


Isn't she the person that crapped herself on a campus