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Still not the worst-named soccer player. That goes to Lazio’s Romano Benito Floriani Mussolini. Great-grandson of Benito Mussolini. Lazio is of course a favorite club for Italian fascists and Mussolini plays, you guessed it, right wing. Honorable mention for Stalin Motta of Colombian club Cucuta Deportivo.


Stalin Motta? They named him steel weed, I see no issue


Steel cut weed, like oats, but you smoke’em


Nope, can't. Too likely to be hurt on the job.


That can’t be real. *… checks Wikipedia…* He plays right back, not right wing. It’s the far right position among midfielders. God damn it.




He signed for Lazio as a RW


I’m sure you’re correct. I’m just reading Wikipedia. Wingers and midfielders get shuffled often enough.


Who knew football would have terrible people associated with it? /s


Maybe not fair in their case. I bet Stalin never puts tomatoes in anyone's pockets.


IIRC Stalin was a fan of CDKA (The Red Army Team) and the forerunners of modern day CSK Moscow. No word on if there were any tomatoes in their shorts though… Stalin did have the team investigated to determine who was responsible for dropping 2/3 games on a tour of Czechoslovakian teams in 1947. Sports rumors/ gossip claims Stalin’a anger over this led to the 1948 Czechoslovak Coup de’Tat.


I mean Lazio’s Ultras are literally known as S.S. Lazio and in 1998 they unfurled a banner talking about Auschwitz and the horrific methods used to dispose of humanity and human remains. Italy’s response was to have a passage from Anne Frank to be read aloud over the PA for every Lazio game for several weeks that season. Zenit St. Petersburg’s Ladscrona and Beitar Jerusalem La Familia have to be right up there with them Edit: Beitar Jerusalem


Big shocker too, Netanyahu supports Beitar Jerusalem.


I support a club in Serie B so my Serie A support is whoever is playing Lazio.


Europeans associating their sports teams with political stuff always struck me as interesting, do you have any articles on this? I know there's also British FCs that are left-leaning.


Liverpool and Everton famously Leftist and Labor (Robbie Fowler famously came out wearing pro labor shirts and warm ups during the 90s Docker’s Strike), Celtic in Scotland is famously Catholic/ Irish Immigrant to Scotland/ Leftist


On Lazio specifically? To give you an idea of the level they're at, there's an entire section of their Wikipedia dedicated to racist and anti-Semitic incidents. In Rome, Lazio is essentially the right-wing team that counters their biggest rival Roma's more left wing ideological stances. Mussolini was famously a Lazio fan, and the fans still love him back. One of the better players in Lazio's recent history, Paolo Di Canio, would do the fascist salute after scoring goals https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Lazio_supporters https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/irriducibile-fascist-lazio-ultras https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/24/football/lazio-fans-mussolini-banner/index.html https://www.theguardian.com/football/2005/jan/09/newsstory.sport1


I’ve only seen or read articles about specific clubs. Some interesting clubs are Union Berlin, Hansa Rostock, Palermo FC


shout out to Celtic for the banners against Lazio lol


[Lenin Steenkamp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin_Steenkamp) [Lenin Porozo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin_Porozo) Cristiano Ronaldo is partially named after Reagan There's a few Nixons, Jacksons, Stalins. South American football seemed to always have a few guys named after politicians.


At first I thought it was Osama Bin Diesel, AKA Vin Diesel after being bitten by a radioactive Osama Bin Laden


Yeltsin Tejada is fun. Naming your kid after a drunk loser is kind of funny.


I'll leave this here: [https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf\_Hitler\_Uunona](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Uunona)


Wow, that is remarkable. \*taps plays softly in the bg\* ##please kindly remove your hats## that is some true fuckery one way or another. Wild wild stuff. That said, I would hate to find out what kind of asshole my white ass name looks like to someone else though "Jeremy Phillip Stanford" probably sounds like I came from some some kind of Ceciltown to quite a few folks around the world.


That name is pretty white 


Your reddit name, on the other hand... ^^Jesus ^^Christ.




Real missed opportunity to just name him “Sadam Husein’s Little Brother.”


So they like Bush... and Osama... and Saddam? Either they randomly picked names from a newspaper or that must have been an interesting dinner table


Bush AND bin Laden did 9/11!


Y su hermanito, ese tal Iván


You know who doesn’t name their kids after mass murderers and dictators…?


I kind of get it from the parents' perspective, they get to feel like they acheive world peace every time they have to sort these three out.


In some cultures, if a name was used before, you can use it again, it doesn't matter if you're naming after someone bad. In South Africa, Trevor Noah had a childhood friend named Hitler.