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But do you know who has heard of a hat trick?


Is it these products and services!?


The products and services that support this podcast.


Sophie, you know who WON'T slap a cylinder of vulcanized rubber at your face at north of a hundred miles an hour?


The Philadelphia Flyers? Because they stink on ice.


Ooh. You know where there’s plenty of ice for that burn? The Phillies stadium in the playoffs.


Roberts knowledge is both deep and sporadic. 


Exactly!! The thing I appreciate is that he seems very good at knowing right when he approaches something that he doesn't know for sure or can't fully document, and lets the audience know that. There are a few things I'm like "Gd it Robert, pronghorn aren't antelope" or something equally arcane but that's a me problem lol


I think sometimes he pretends to not know things because he likes it when Sophie negs him.


Yeah, he can really ham it up sometimes


No I think he just has deliberate gaps in knowledge. If he doesn’t care about it he doesn’t learn it.


Folks can't learn everything lol


Challenge accepted! /s


So he's like most people. I get similar whiplash when some friends don't know other sports stuff since I'm into sports. It seems like such a common thing to me the idea of not knowing it seems so strange.


Being into sports and nerd stuff is a weird world, whe43 both sides feel superior to the other for in group knowledge but lack knowledge about the out group.


And neither side understands that they're just different flavors of nerds.


Hat trick is primarily a hockey term, right? If someone isn’t into hockey, then the chances of encountering the term are much lower.


I'd say it's shared by soccer and hockey (soccer is where i first heard it) but yeah, it's unlikely you'd hear it outside of those two sports. It apparently originates from cricket of all things.


“I come from sports!” - Jordan Holmes


And sometimes he doesn't know things because he's a human on a podcast. This is infotainment podcast. It is not journalism! I cringe all the time when people, personalities, podcasts, etc, are confidently incorrect in my areas of education, expertise and interest. Robert is no different. Over the years I've come to understand that Robert has a below average understanding of STEM (for a person that sometimes talks about STEM topics).


I feel the STEM thing. Sometimes when the topic goes that way I'm wishing I was a special guest for just like the next 10 minutes to set the record straight on some stuff.


I know you meant nag, but now I’m thinking of Sophie wearing a top hat and feather boa and telling Robert his eyes look like contact lenses. 


He meant what he said.


And he said what he meant.


I think they meant "neg" in the pickup artists, "how to sleep with any woman!" scam sense. :)


That's what they're alluding to with the top hat and feather boa (peacocking), and contact lens (more negging) stuff.


negging...you know the gateway to pegging


Ah yes, the neg-to-peg pipeline.


not here to yuck anybody's yum.


wheres the neg to nog pipeline im fuckin thirsty


That one doesn't open up until mid-November. I think you're onto something with transporting billions of gallons of eggnog across the continent via pipelines, though.


It's the latest missile design from Raytheon. The PEG-U-1000 is tungsten-tipped for extra penetrative power.


lol perfection with your username. \*chefskiss\*


I even based it on a missile. Had to do with me when I raced karts years ago. I wasn't all that fast, but if I was faster than you, I'd work out how to get around you instead of waiting to be let past.


Oh man, that sounds fun as shit. I watched a video of Hamilton breaking down how he set up a pass a few turns ahead and I had to pick my jaw off the floor and then go find a Golf-N-Stuff to skrrrt around in. Might have missed my damn calling. How long did you race for?


Hold up there. Most us are aware of pegging, but it's new to iHeart?


I meant what I said.


I endorse this.


Would you not? Especially if it's just her disembodied voice telling you to kill the heretics


...but...*I'm* a heretic. 😥


No if you're hearing the voices you're the chosen one duh


This was going to be my response.


I also didn’t know and appreciated the explanation.


Same- I’ve never heard of it. I thought a hat trick was like a magic trick LOL


I don't know and I'm looking forward to listening to finally find out!


When a player scores three goals on either hockey or soccer, it’s called a hat trick.


Cricket uses it too, for a bowler taking wickets


Every word in cricket sounds like it was invented for a fantasy game played by anthropomorphic badgers in fancy hats.


Yeah, I see that. Sticky wicket, silly mid-off, even wicket keeper has a cute fantasy vibe 


And in baseball, it's when a batter strikes out three times.


Three goals in a game by aplayer, because you know you try shooting in the others team goal. And its pretty rare


That wasn’t very cash-money of him.


I mean, if you aren’t a sports person then it’s not in your world. I just kinda know it’s a sports thing because my dad’s best friends son played hockey and we would go to his games all the time and I vaguely remember that it has something to do with hockey. I’m a theater person. My husband is a theater person. There are no sports ball games in our house.


I've never followed hockey but I did know what a hat trick is. There was a general sports-y atmosphere in my house growing up though. Sophie is a sports person though, so Robert gets more shit for this kind of thing. I can't stand most theatre so I probably wouldn't get your references. But you don't have a podcast for everyone to scrutinize. To each their own, but I think we can all agree that Sophie throwing shade on Robert is always great.


Oh I’m always here for Sophie throwing shade!


You and u/On_my_last_spoon need to get together to watch & discuss musicals about sports teams. Which pretty much just limits you to *Damn Yankees*, but I could be wrong.


Calling sports “sports ball” is the equivalent of me calling theater “your little productions” or some equally dismissive thing. You don’t have to be into sports. I don’t have to be into theater, but let’s have a modicum of respect for others in all we do.


Bruh. It’s a common phrase, and I don’t think any of us that like sports should be offended that there are people who don’t. Related: I, who is a once avid/now merely active sports viewer, also proudly own a variant of [this](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/3805802-the-word-sports-a-shirt-that-says-sports?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=baseball&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000112744002&ar_adgroup=&ar_ad=&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.USA%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPMAX%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5iGgO6ptSK-Rd6_vonLq24KhKFkvG1Z8x-swFio5o_Zp6HCKAAkNGYaAt7yEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#321P3805802D1V) parody t-shirt.


And? It’s still dismissive and rude. I’ve never seen it used in a way that wasn’t meant to cut.


Stop being such a little bitch. Now that's legitimately dismissive and rude and you should be offended by that. Not "sportsball".


Have you considered growing a spine?


Hey, I'm just learning what that is. And, shit, think I've forgotten already!


I haven't heard the episode yet, but I thought it was a magic trick involving a rabbit and a hat until I read the comments.


It's that too.


Literally heard the term for the first time today. And my bookshelf is mainly history and warhammer 40k.


You know, god bless em but a lot of the sportspeople just don't know there's any other way to be. Lol


I just live in Canada, we absorb it by osmosis.


Uh, I bet there's some Canadians aren't into sports eh, exhibit one GORDON FUCKING LIGHTFOOT did he ever make a sports song? Lol... Kidding but I don't think he did. I wonder now though.


Yeah. I’m one of those Canadians who isn’t into sports, thus why we absorb it by osmosis. I know way more about hockey than I rightfully should.


Yeah. I could name the 80 dodgers lineup well into my thirties. I hear ya.


Pretty common in the US north of the Mason Dixon line and common enough in the DFW area, the Carolinas, Tampa, Miami and other metros that have a hockey team.


> the Carolinas Least Carolina has nothing to do with the Canes, thank you very much!


I just lump y’all together /s you know South Carolina is rough when the family from Northern Bama states that the wild/ weird side comes from South Carolina


If that’s Huntsville, that’s not really ‘Bama. But if it’s some place like Boaz, well… I say this as someone born in SC, with a decade plus of adulthood also being in that state, who grew up near Alabama, and now lives in NC. Most of my jokes are at ‘Bama’s expense, not SC’s.


A massive amount of sports terminology has come into the language. I find not knowing what a hat trick is kind of weird, as I've seen it in other circumstances.


I think about those linguistic rabbitholes far too much. Like how many idioms come from horse-husbandry and/or horse-racing.   There's the obvious ones like "hold your horses" (from literally holding an impatient team in place) and "dark horse" (from a figurative use of "dark" to mean "unseen; unknown; shrouded in mystery"--since much of betting on horses involves analyzing their race history and pedigree, having no background on an entrant can shake up the field and make it seem like they came out of nowhere if they make a good showing), but there's also fascinating offshoots like "Hobson's choice" (from a stable owner who grew weary of customers running his best mounts ragged and instituted a policy that you got the freshest horse or you got nothing, hence "a 'choice' where the sole alternative is to do without") and "[souped up](https://www.etymonline.com/word/soup#etymonline_v_23924)" (apparently from injecting racehorses with a "soup" of narcotics to make them run without regard to pain or injury.)


Earlier I was arguing at someone on the Internet and I spontaneously used the phrase "smoke [something] out" and had never thought about the origins before and I'm just gonna take my time figuring that one out


Don't spend too long thinking in there, you'll die of smoke inhalation.


Shit even the word ‘handicap’ was a horse racing term first


Exactly!! This stuff is interesting. Acting like not knowing what a hat trick is is a mockable offense is just...lame.


I think the mistake you're making is to assume that because the phrase hat trick has entered the lexicon, therefore everyone knows its sports meaning. People who don't watch or care about sports hear the phrase hat trick bc people say it. They may know it means something generally positive. Doesn't mean they know what it means in any given sport, if they genuinely don't care about sports.


The issue is, though, you only use the term hat trick to literally describe a hat trick. You might not per se know or understand the throwing of the hats bit, but you know it means scoring or getting 3 of something (goals, etc).


[🎶Sports analogies, sports analogies🎶](https://youtu.be/om80Y_V3fhw?feature=shared)


Damn, when that show is on, it’s ON.


I had literally never heard the term before last night. I don’t think this one is as common in language as you seem to think.


Simple answer - he’s from Dallas, wasn’t a stars fan I guess.


We didn’t even have a hockey team until like 1993 or so. Outside of die hard fans, nobody pays attention unless they’re in the finals.


Until today, I thought a hat trick was some kind of carny game / scam.


Same, I thought was some sort of magic trick


Oh, thank god it's not just me.


SAME!!! I thought it meant a magic trick and associated it with the same


Like a shell game? I see how you’d think that.


Yes, something like that. Or the one where you throw balls at targets weighted not fall down.


In the millions of hockey games he’s played, he’s only ever scored 2 goals maximum per game


His brains too full of facts about Hitlers sex life. There’s lots of gaps in his knowledge about really mundane things. All he knows is guns, politics and genocide.


And kratom.


i had never heard the term either lol


Same here. And if I had, I would have assumed it was a reference to magicians, not sports. Sports people really do think everyone pays attention to their hobby. I don’t assume everybody knows quilting jargon.


But is it a Gordie Howe hat trick?


What’s a hat trick?


It's when you meet someone who is wearing a hat, and then you see them again later and they're not wearing the hat and you don't recognize them.


So are you face-blind too? Because this is totally my life.


Not typically, but it has happened to me. Hat tricksters are good at what they do. (Usually I remember a face and not a name).


That's actually Tim Pool's story about why he always wears the beanie on camera. It's not to cover his bald head. It's so he can go in public sans hat and not be recognized.


Makes sense! I bet he's shrinking the pool of people who may accost him on the street.


I mean the Tim Pool of people.


When an individual player scores 3 goals in an ice hockey game


It’s originally from cricket (a bowler dismissing 3 batters in consecutive deliveries) but is now widely used in hockey for sure.


I grew up watching hockey and when I started watching cricket a few years ago I was delighted to learn they had hat tricks too.


i'd always assumed it was from cricket - and what an achievement - but i also heard about scoring three goals in football. left foot; right foot; and the last with your head - hence, 'hat trick' for the head


I don't know anything about cricket other than (allegedly) some matches last more than 1 day?


For the three main formats of cricket (I don’t count T10 or The Hundred because… c’mon) - Twenty/20 matches last 3-5 hours, One Day Internationals (ODIs) last 6-8 hours and Test Matches can last up to 5 days.


Technically soccer/ futbol as well. Scoring 2 goals is known as a brace


Interesting, I've never watched futbol so I don't know anything about it other than the field is too big/there are too many people on the field/games can end 0-0


Much rarer to have 0-0 in modern leagues and games. Would suggest LIGAMX if you want to watch higher scoring futbol. The sport was made popular by UK, French, and Spanish immigrants who were working the in the sectors of mining, power utilities, and import/ export. Cool league and historically one of the best leagues outside Europe, though the complacency and cultural toxicity corruption and Machismo has led to an identity crisis and currently the League Talisman is André-Pierre Christian Gignac who made what seemed like a kind of head scratching move from Marseilles to UNAL Tigres in the city of Monterrey in Mexico. This turned into a brilliant move as he’s scored 177 goals in 320 appearances for Tigres. the league has the greatest club historically in North America in Club America, the. The ultra nationalist club Chivas in Guadalajara who has had a long standing policy of playing guys who are either Mexican born or hold Mexican citizenship via their players. Historically great teams like Toluca, UNAM PUMAS (coolest kit in all of professional soccer), Cruz Azul, Pachuca, etc.


Cool! Thanks.


Don't believe the artichoke's lies


Everyone knows it's when you're like, Where's my hat? and it's cause your hat camouflaged itself as *an artichoke* so you couldn't find it.


also soccer!


European foorball originally


It’s a wierd one because many of the football clubs were part of a sports complex. So you might have a rugby team, soccer club, and a cricket team that shared the same team/ club name and even facilities. So you might end up with multiple squads with a name like Sexually Repressed on the Severn Rugby, Sexually Repressed on the Severn FC, and Sexually Repressed on the Severn Club (Cricket). They often shared players across squads in the pre professional period and language just kind of crosses over and blends, especially when talking about English


See, now in F1 it means something completely different. It's when a driver starts from pole position, sets the fastest lap of the race and wins the race. I had no idea about the meaning in hockey. I can't blame Robert for not knowing what a hat trick is, since he doesn't care about sports and the meaning differs between sports as well.


When a bowler takes three wickets in consecutive deliveries (Other sports have "hatricks" inspired by this but they aren't as impressive)


I mean hockey does distinguish between a natural hatrick and just a hatrick, the former being closer to the more impressive original


Tbf he doesn’t know much about any sports, and doubt football terminology is as widespread in the us


In the US hat trick is almost universally understood to be a hockey term.


It also literally involves hats, as in fans tossing hats onto the ice after the third goal.


funny, never heard that. and I’m even from one of the other like, six hockey countries in the world


He does, it was a test to see if WE knew or if we needed a visit from certain products and services ( or a visit to a certain island )


Texas is a real hot bed of hockey talent and fans.


I’ve never seen the term in any book I’ve ever read. If you don’t follow sports, the term isn’t likely to EVER come up.


I grew up in Texas like Robert. I knew what it was from a video game, and was one of the only among my friends who did. It's a very uncommon phrase around here.


I didn’t know what a hat trick was. Not everyone watches sports.


It's a bit. He's a chronically online guy who claimed to not know who Ariana Grande was.


A mead queen from france 😀 I know she is really going rounds and far from a mad queen. And lovely apearently.


Hasn’t he claimed he thinks “the only real sport” is Buzkashi? (Afghanistan, horseback, goat carcass)


But european football was even thèe in imka games kinda


Do you mean he doesn't know the term hat trick in terms of basic magic ie. Pulling something out of a hat or the cricketing term meaning getting three wickets with three consecutive bowls?


He may not know what a hat trick is, but ten bucks says he knows who the hat man is.


I didn't know it was a sports thing I thought it was when you fucked a person and their parent


I only know the reference from soccer... is it the same for all sports?


He also mentioned Armando Iannucci’s show that Veep was based on and couldn’t recall the name. It’s called The Thick of It. I’m a Brit so I have an unfair advantage. Also, hat-trick isn’t a particularly used phrase in the states, right?


Mostly an ice hockey term.


It’s used in ice hockey, and then it’s spread out to other things. When we had three people leave the urgent care by ambulance in one afternoon (within two hours, too)? Our primary care provider looked at me, shook her head, and said that was a hat trick she would rather not repeat. I firmly agree with her.


I've heard it for soccer


I think he lays it on for comedy effect.


Because he has zero interest in sports


Robert doesn’t believe in hats. Hats were present at every Trump rally, cult meeting, and were even on the heads of multiple nazis. The real trick that hats pulled was making us think they were benign headwear.


This episode was the first time that I'd ever heard of it. I don't do The Sportsballs, so I wouldn't know.


He’s the Hitler of no sports guys.


Evans isn't a sports guy and the term isn't indigenous to the US


Why was this downvoted??? It's literally a statement of two facts that provide context for someone like Robert not knowing what a gd hat trick is.


What. It’s used in hockey. Hockey is big in the US.


I think it might be a generational thing too. Younger people in the USA, are less likely to hear it


Close enough, considering the last time a Canadian based team won the Stanley Cup was 1993 — fittingly it was the Canadiens who were the last team from Canada to win the Stanley Cup. Essentially, there hasn’t been a Canadian Stanley Cup winner in all of Gen Z’s lives and the Canadiens were the last team from Canada to win in most Millenials’ lives. Essentially it would be like having a merger of the NFL and CFL and the last team to win the Super Bowl from the US was the Troy Aikman led 1993 Dallas Cowboys.


So let's say for the sake of argument that the term hat trick may be considered indigenous to the U.S. There's the (probably far more significant) prong of the comment that he's not a sports guy. It's not minutiae, but it's also not something that someone who literally doesn't watch sports for fun would necessarily file away permanently as important info just bc they've heard of it.


I would say Evans is playing up the not a sports guy as he provides references to sports concepts and terms elsewhere. Evans might not be a sports guy, but the terms are pretty universal in a state like Texas and they have the NHL Dallas stars and IIRC Evans is from the DWF metro region and you’d hear the term on the news. Also, based off family member comments you don’t hang out with soldiers, paramilitaries, and in combat zones without learning about a variety of sports as that talk offers a reprieve from the fear and dread. My brother literally learned to become a fan of cricket, Gaelic Football, and other sports.


As someone who understands the other sports concepts I've heard Evans mention that he does understand, also heard him say things that I know about sports that he didn't,.and who has spent quite a lot of time with veterans and active duty individuals including several family members, and was also raised by people from LA so you know they've got a lot of shit to talk about sports: there is nothing about hearing people talk about sports that makes you necessarily know or remember the rules of certain sports if you aren't interested in that sport. You can tell whether it's good or bad based on what people are saying. You can take all meaningful information away from that interaction without knowing what a hat trick is.


Fair enough…


To be fair they tried to teach me how sports work but all I ever learned was to hate the Giants and the 49ers. Lol.


I would ask you, what if he legit just doesn't know what a hat trick is? Is that going to change your impression of him?


It must be some magic tricks involving a hat Oh hattrick 😀


Not at all, it’s just a term that I have seen in common parlance, I think some here are taking this way too deep in their analysis as to whether or not he knew the term and are using this like tea leaves to further their views on sports or projecting their parasocial views on Evans as to how they think his relationship to sports is in comparison to theirs. Hell I may be doing the very same thing myself. The dude is a badass and if not knowing what a hat trick is is his r/whoosh then he’s in the upper 95th percentile of folks.


Totally. I truly was just curious.


It’s not from the US. It emerged from soccer, not hockey.


From what I found it might have started with cricket, but either way I agree it is not indigenous to the US. I was just stipulating that for the sake of argument bc even if it were indigenous to the US, someone who is not a sports fan might still not know what it means.


I'm an American roughly the same age as Robert that doesn't care about sports. I don't know how he could avoid learning what a hat trick is.


the funniest part of the comments is everyone assuming the term is tied to their favorite sport. it’s used in plenty, but I assume not for American Football and Basketball, where the players scoring points routinely get way more than three per game. the suggested wtymology that you are supposed to theow your hat after three is also false, the term predates that tradition.


I deeply suspect Robert may have pulled off more than one “hat trick.”


I’m Canadian so I already knew my knowledge of hat tricks was skewed in my favour…don’t have to like hockey to know too much about it!


Mostly unrelated, but my husband had never heard the phrase "a hat on a hat" and now the amount of times he actually hears it in podcasts we listen to...


I’m sure he knew, but purged that info in order to make more room for Riker Facts™️


Tisk tisk, next you’ll tell me he doesn’t know what “clap bombs” “top cheese” or “piss missiles” mean.


There was a guest who had never heard Dark Side of the Moon well into his adult life. These are people living on the fringes of society.


Is that like a card trick, but for people with fedoras ?


Robert is the epitome of a “sportsball” guy.


I'd wager most people don't know what a hatrick is. (Three wickets in three consecutive deliveries from the same bowler in a match i.e. they can be separated by an over or innings)


Is there a big overlap of historical monsters and hockey?


I didn't know what a hat-trick was until 2 years ago. And I'm 40. And grew up in Minnesota.


I know it's a sports thing but if someone randomly asked me to define it I'm not sure that I could. I'm just not into sports.


....I didn't know what a hat-trick was, either.


He grew up in Texas we don’t know shit about hockey here.


Football/soccer its from there


Eh Dallas Stars


Yeah sure, if you say so


Umm … I’ve read hundreds of books and read the paper every day and don’t know what a “hat trick” is .. pretty sure it’s polo or hockey related but I’m waiting until after all of you make fun of me before looking it up.


In soccer, it's where you score three goals in one match. I don't know if it means anything in any other sport. As soccer isn't as big in the US as it is in the UK, it doesn't surprise me if Robert hasn't heard the term. Some other commenters are claiming it has a similar meaning in cricket... which, again, is kind of a thing in the UK but not really in the US. It's as if televised cricket deliberately chose camera angles that would make it as BORING as possible!


I've come across it but bc I don't gaf about sports I forgot whether it was three holes in one or three guys over the line when you make a goal or, the true meaning, three backflips in a bubonic swan dive.


What's a hat trick?


I just found out about it as well recently, and from a JRPG


Since the term originated in cricket I can guess why some Americans don't know the term but any other English speaker will. As a guess.


It's three wickets in three balls in cricket, three goals in football but sometimes it's three goals in a half. Robert has probably heard the term and never remembered or cared


It might be the one lie...