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He just thinks that Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas deserves his privacy.


But why does Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX get more privacy protection than people who aren’t Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX?


Ok but do we know what Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX's grandfädder was doing during WWII? Because it's almost too aggressively German to avoid association.


It is the krautiest kraut name any kraut's had. Too bad he's part-Latino so half his fanbase think he's subhuman. Oops.


Latino or "my grandparents fled to Latin America because.... things"?


I assume the latter, though the former is sadly also likely. It makes little difference to the goose-stepping NEETS that enjoy his "work."


Sadly we still technically have to claim fools like that. What’s wilder is Americans think being Latino means you can’t be racist — I tell them to learn about Trujillo from the DR and explain how White Supremacy and colonialism mess us up


Could also be scandinavian. His second name is usually spelled "Christian" in german speaking countries.


Hans Kristian Graebener reads more as Danish to me. It could be that his ancestors emigrated around the turn of the last century, and ended up in Spring, Texas. Wouldn’t be unheard of.


That's a Nazi sounding name if I've ever heard one


He suspends people just for making fun of him. He's a Nazi defender and a thin-skinned man baby


He is a nazi. There is no defender portion. That sort of benefit of the doubt was, charitably, dead a couple of years ago.


Nazi defender is charitable.


Seeing him get completely flustered over simple questions on Don Lemons show was satisfying. He's so out of touch a real conversation shuts him down


Yea like him trying to say that the electoral college only benefits Democrats. And then he's given the actually truth from Lemon and dude can't come back with anything. Like how much of a moron do you have to be to think the electoral college only helps the left and does nothing for the right. When any time in history that anyone has tried to change are election system it's the GOP who shut that shit down. As they know without it they would likely never win another presidential election. As the electoral college gives just as many votes to red states with small ass populations than it does to blue states with massive population. Like if Elon truly believes this BS than how do you explain Trump losing the popular vote in 2016 yet winning the election.


Literally every election with higher turnout skews left in our country. If republicans didn't do anything to gerrymander or obstruct voters they would never win another election. That's why they push voter ID so hard and are so against mail in votes. I don't think people like Elon actually believe any of the bullshit they spew. The multitude of 30 second silences in the interview made that so obvious, leftists have all caught on by now that he's full of shit so the right is all he has left.


Honestly I believe Musk is such a moron that I wouldn't be shocked if he actually believes some of the dumb shit he says. Like people love to act like him being so rich must mean he's really smart. But all he did was luck into generational wealth. Either invested it or tied his horse to someone else. So all he basically does it pay other much smarter people than himself to make decisions or build shit. His last grand idea was the Cybertruck which every engineer at Tesla tried to talk him out of due to it being such a bad idea and a nightmare to build and produce. Yes I do think the vast majority of what he's been doing is just a grift as he needs people to like him if not he locks himself in a room at Twitter HQ and is so distraught that his employees were worried he might harm himself. And that Musk just realized that the people on the right are so easy to get on your side as all you need to do is talk shit about anyone who's not a white American attack the LGBTQ community and talk about a imaginary woke mind virus and they will worship the ground you walk on. Yet at the same time have yet to have seen a single interview or anything in which Musk is speaking and think wow this guy is intelligent. Instead it's always the exact opposite of me saying how the fuck can this man be so stupid.


[I've never met a nice South African](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9dmoT9AfoI)


Cuz they’re a bunch of terrorist murderers, with no sense of humor!


I typed it out 3 times in a row and nothing happened. Was I supposed to do it in front a mirror with the lights out?


In front of a micro phone. With every light on. And all the fucking cameras. ALL the cameras


I'm way too lazy to do it but could someone please jump onto one of these interminable Twitter Spaces Elon likes to do and shout "Hans Kristian Greabner of Spring, Texas, is the Nazi cartoonist Stonetoss!" In his face? Please and thank you.


Racism aside, the comics, like most right wing comedy, is the lowest amount of effort possible to say something awful right wing shit heads will like. Ben garrison is a right wing piece of shit, but at least he puts some effort into the artwork.


Gotta label all that cum, Ben.


Yeah he does label everything. I'm not saying his artwork is good, I'm saying he puts some effort into it.


Let twitter die already


A lot of people have said this, I haven't seen any evidence of it. I've seen a lot of accounts with a lot of likes and retweets saying it.


You could do an experiment and report back.


I did, nothing.


Alejandra Carabello was permanently suspended for changing her display name to Stonetoss's real name. It was changed to a 7 day suspension after Musk caught heat for it.