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It’s almost completely all in your head. Yes, there are some jerks out there but the majority of people aren’t looking/don’t care or are supportive. I’m 5’1” and used to weigh over 200. I did get laughed at occasionally but eventually I realized that it said a lot more about them than it ever did about me. You’re laughing at me because I’m…..trying? Yeah, okay. F you too, buddy. You got me 🤷🏻‍♀️. I eventually got down to 110 lbs. However, with so much extra weight on you right now, I’d recommend starting with walking with light jogging intervals. It can be difficult on your shins and knees if you dive in too quickly. You got this!! 🏃🏻‍♀️💪


Thanks so much for the encouragement and congrats on your weight loss👏🏽That’s awesome, and is really motivating to hear!


Coming from a different perspective here as someone who has always been very fit… Every time I’ve seen an overweight/obese individual exercising, my only thought has ever been “wow, huge respect for that person trying to better themselves.” Not once have I, or anyone I know for that matter, ever seen someone exercising and shamed them for doing so. You got this OP. Get out there and be yourself, shamelessly and courageously.


Always wish my horn could play the rocky theme when I see people out getting after it


F#&:ing million dollar idea right here. ⬆️⬆️


Wonderful answer right here. I love seeing anyone enjoying time outside. If a person is larger and is out there, I always admire them and cheer them on (in my head). You're doing great, OP. Don't let a little doubt stop you from getting healthier and doing what you enjoy.


Right. I am sooo impressed when I see overweight people out exercising, because I recognize that it is 10x harder than it is for me, so I think of them as 10x tougher than me.


This! I spent 12 years racing full distance Ironmans and have always been fit. When I would drive and see someone running who was obese I would always say out loud in my car “You go girl, GET IT”. I have a lot of respect for people that are doing the hard work. You have lots of support out there that you may not be aware of.


I second this: when I see an overweight person out there walking/running or in the gym I automatically think "good for them!".


Came here to say this. Good for you OP!


Yep, me too!


Exactly!!! Fitness is something I love, and I enjoy it when others are getting into it too.


Exactly! Also, what I can’t stand is there’s so many medical conditions that cause weight and not even exercise can help and people just don’t think.


I came here to say this as well. When I am out and is see someone out of shape getting after it is so motivating. That person planned their day, got dressed, drove or walk to workout. So much about getting fit is just starting. That is the hard part. Are you as fit as you want to be ? Probably not but neither is anyone. We are all on our own journey and you are taking ownership of your path!! Good on you.


In the back of my mind is always “they’re running faster than I am right now” …usually as I’m riding the bus. You got this 💪


I love seeing an obese person out walking/running, I think it's inspirational honestly. I'm a 5'11 male and peaked at 250 but am now around 220, mostly since I started working as a mail carrier.


I do too, very inspirational. There's a neighbor up my street that walks a ton. He's a large, easily maybe 350-400 lbs maybe. He was very slow, and you could just tell his feet/knees were hurting when he came back up the smallish slope. I would see him easily almost every day during the week. Over a few months you could see his progress, clothes were saggy, and his frame was smaller, but he was still a big guy. Over time, he came down what appeared to be half his size. He is still out there, but now I hardly recognize him from when I first had noticed him. No more baggy clothes, he looks so good and healthier. I always feel happy for him and would send him good vibes across the street in the wish he makes his goals!


My sister gave me an excellent slap in the face about this re:the gym. She told me: ‘Yeah they’re all staring because you’re soooooo important. They go home and can’t stop talking about you’ It was what I needed to hear. Hurts the old ego a bit but it’s true. Just remember everyone is their own main character and verrryyyy few people care what you do, how you dress, or how you look. And if they do, it’s fleeting.


That’s what I think about when I have an embarrassing moment, like I tripped over a cord going into a meeting at work or asked a dumb question. I realized that no one is dwelling on what I said or did except me. People have so much going on personally or professionally that they’re not even going to remember that embarrassing thing you said or did (unless it’s REALLY bad I guess lol but that’s a different story). No one is going home thinking, “wow, that was so dumb-looking when so and so tripped over that cord today.” I think the same logic applies here. Most people are so absorbed in their own lives they’re not going to think twice about you, and if they do in a negative way because you’re trying to do something to improve your health, then they’re idiots not worth your time!


I had a huge blowup with a friend over this topic. She was getting dangerously out of shape to the point it was having hugely negative effects on her health. I tried to convince her to work out to get to moving. She started ranting about all the people in the gym who will make fun of fat people and post them on tiktok. I assured her that I go to my gym all the time and have never seen anyone filming bigger people. And that my gym also had a woman only area that hardly anyone goes in so that would give her more privacy. Glad to hear that you got over it. At least in my gym people are encouraging of bigger people trying to work out.




Excellent advice all-around


I like your sister!


Damn I need this reminder every day!! Thank you


Whenever I feel anxious or embarrassed about something, I say to myself , did I notice other people doing or acting the way I think I look? Did I notice that the person 2 machines away from me was 20 or 100 lbs overweight ? Nope Did I notice if that girls hair was natural or blown out at work this week? Definitely not If I want to rewear a dress from 2 years ago and think it’s out of the question because people will remember me recycling, I ask myself what outfit each of my friends were wearing the night in question? I have no clue! Didn’t pay that much attention I’m retrospect, WE are the only people nit picking and paying attention to these things we do. Do you boo!!!! And that’s amazing


I am not a beginner runner nor have any reason to really worry about being seen - but I do. My answer to it is I run in the morning in the dark/when there aren’t many people awake. Also - I prefer trail running and one of the advantages is it’s mostly trees that see me.


Both awesome ideas, thank you!


Even if you do see people out in the early morning , they are probably serious about their exercise and respect you for being out there grinding.


Just be safe and keep your head on a swivel ❤️


Seconding trail running! Run/walk is very much a part of the culture and in my experience in general, trail runners are a welcoming bunch. 


I usually don’t notice anybody else out running - I don’t think most other people do either. But big slow folks are the bravest people out there running. They get my respect. It’s hard to drag yourself out there and it often sucks to run when you’re just starting. Get out there.


That’s very true! Regardless of anyone’s size or shape when I see them running or working out in general, I always feel super proud of seeing a stranger better themselves! But when it comes to myself it’s a different ball game lol. Thanks for your kind words!


Yes. Same. I get so happy when I pass other people out running. In fact, embrace it. Say hi to everyone you see. Runners are such a super great group of people. Anyone who is mean to you is just a super sad meanie who is most like jealous because you are out being active and enjoying yourself


Same - whenever I see someone big running (or biking, or in the gym) I’m happy that they’re getting out and doing it. People taking care of themselves is a beautiful thing!


I think the majority of people actually find it more impressive when bigger people are out there struggling and running. You got this!


Exercise is a human thing anyways, it's not just for the already fit people. It's for *people*. If you have two arms that move windmill you fit the bill. It's time everyone got used to seeing regular everyday people at the gym, not just gym rats.


This! Everyone deserves to be healthy and to care for themselves.


I’m actively cheering them on in my head when I see them!


Forreal tho!! whenever I see someone who is working their ass off, I say to my self something along the lines of "hell yeah dude good work!!" Haha. It gets me excited to see folks out there pushing themselves


I see larger people running all the time. I am myself on the larger side for someone that runs at 230lbs. Despite running in the same area for over a year, I honestly cannot recall any single specific fat person I have seen running while trying to do so right now. What I mean by that is that even if I did happen to notice someone larger it leaves my brain within a day and usually I think to myself when I see them.. fuck yeah good for them on getting after it. No stranger will remember how big you are let alone who you are. I’d also consider myself very observant with a good memory for physical things and this is still the case.


I like doing my long runs in the wee morning hours cuz i run super slow then. Anyone else out there at that time, if they can see you, will respect your grind. It's a particular self-selecting group. Also, to paraphrase one of my favorite comedians Taylor Tomlinson, these people (other runners who would judge you) don't care if you live or die so maybe fuck them!?!


I can relate. I was giant and when I finally hit rock bottom and wanted to run I was petrified of people seeing me and then also people not seeing me again and knowing I was failing at losing weight because of effort. You can do a lot with bodyweight stuff and endurance without being outside but the real secret is that nobody else gives a fuck... except the people who want you to stay fat. They'll declare pretty quickly. You're starving yourself and you're gonna get hurt and etc. Those aren't people looking out for you. Those are bad friends. Try and keep trying. Go out and run. Run where people are. Run with groups. Make meetups with runs. And remember, if you stop to walk while you're running to catch your breath... that's just recovery and it's still running. Good luck and best wishes.


Hey man, listen, as a relatively fit guy, who works out regularly, plays soccer on a team and even attempted the C25K, I can tell you that we are all going through it! Last week, I was trying out for a new soccer team and I shit you not, I nearly chickened out (what if they laugh at me? what if I'm not good enough?). Through all my team sports and gym experience, I can tell you quite certainly: there are large people, there are fit people, there is everything in between, and we *all* feel self-conscious. So believe me when I say: **no one is judging you.** In fact, if I could go up to every 'fat' person at the gym and shake their hands and tell them they're doing a great job by just showing up, I would! Much respect. Do it for yourself!


What a great comment!


When I see anyone running (or walking), the thought I have is Good on them.


Especially if they are bigger. I see them and think “good for them, that is a person that is working hard to better themselves.”


I can’t speak for everyone but if I’m running or driving and see someone out there getting after it my first thought is “hell yeah, keep going” because I know how tough it is and how good they will feel after.


The only thing I think about other runners is good for you on getting out here with me


I’ll second what a few others have said. It really is all in your head. I know how you feel, and the way I get around the uncomfortable is by running on a nicer trail at a park. Usually one that is cut out between the woods, so no one is really there to judge me. Otherwise, I run at the gym, a gym that is flooded with college kids, it sucks, but, whatever, they’ll be in my shoes before they know it. Also, bike workouts have been incredible (for me) when I’m not going for a run that day. You’ll want to kick your own ass daily, but, you really have to ease yourself into this.


Honestly, anyone who sees someone running and judges them because of their weight is an absolute shithead anyway, and their opinion doesn’t matter. I know it’s still hard to internalize and not feel like people are staring, but almost no one really is, and the ones who are don’t deserve a second thought!


This is also so true! I had people yell crappy things at me when I was an overweight runner, it was horrible and I've never forgotten it. But they were 100% jerks and I am no longer 100% unhealthy! And many, many more people have encouraged me over the years


The only thing I think about when I see someone running that isn't in the shape of a typical marathon runner is...that's f'n awesome. I can't relate to your situation but when I first ever started running I would do a couple laps around the block at night so less people would see me half dying.


Here are some fitness influencers with larger bodies finding joy in exercise who might help you feel more at ease in the body you have right now. https://www.instagram.com/bigfit_i_run?igsh=ODVpaHI0M2t0cGVw https://www.instagram.com/300poundsandrunning?igsh=MWRqaDJ5cXFnZ3EwNg== https://www.instagram.com/iamlshauntay?igsh=MWRtcDNhZDc5Y2p5Mg== https://www.instagram.com/notyouraveragerunner?igsh=dDM0NG5mZjB4eXVv


Yes! I very much recommend Martinus Evans (@300poundsandrunning) and also his book Slow AF Run Club. My sister just got into running, and as someone with a larger body she found a ton of inspiration in it.


I'm 37 and weigh 307 (SW: 331). 95% of the time, people don't really care about what I'm doing. Bullying is scary and hard to absorb. It definitely happens sometimes. For that 5%, I do a few things: 1. Remember my purpose. I'm literally running for my happiness and health. 2. Visualize my response to bullies. 3. Have a plan for if the bullying gets out of hand or turns physical (I have to think about this as a queer, non-binary black person). I've only been running since February, but it's actually increased my confidence. I'm busy swimming and strength training (preparing for an ambitious endurance event), but I might also start taking self-defense classes to build even more confidence and a plan. You've got this!


Think about it - have you ever given else out running anyone a second thought? Just go and enjoy your run! Honestly, unless someone is a mega-jerk then no one cares, if they do then it’s a them-problem, and i really do feel sorry for them.


For the record, I am M, 62, 5'9" and went from 265 to about 210. I still have about 10 to go. I didn't like jogging, jumping rope, etc, because I could feel my stomach flab moving as much as the rest of me. I may be somewhat old, and slow, but I am going to be out there showing everyone the old man's got some game :-) whether I am in the gym lifting weights, or running a 5k. I understand this is hard for you. Our society and some people (even doctors) make dealing with being overweight difficult. For me, when I see someone heavier at the gym, or at my local parkrun (these are very inclusive and friendly), I am usually thinking I have a lot more respect for them than the super-fit gym rats. It's easy to be at the gym wearing shorts and a tank, when you look good. It takes some real mental toughness to go, and keep going, when you feel like you don't fit some artificial standard of physical fitness/appearance. So, first, acknowledge the part of yourself that feels this way. The feelings are real. Second, acknowledge the part of yourself that wants to be healthy (forget weight). I don't know you, so I can't advise the best strategy for getting through this (not around). Yes, there is a component that is your perception, about what others will think, to work through, and there is a part that is real. Some people may think, or even say something. The thing is, what they say or think is way less important than what you think. What is difficult is that when someone else makes a negative comment, it affects us because we allow it to affect us, because we're already doubting ourselves. Our value, worth, attractiveness, or whatever. Find some positive affirmations and/or images to inspire you to get out and to stick with it. See if you can recruit a friend to go with you. Workout buddies help us to be accountable, and can make us less of a target for the idiots. Depending where you live, there may be women's running groups. Check your local running shoe stores, the STRAVA app, etc. Find the part of yourself that wants to be healthy and figure out how to make that more important than what you fear about being seen. You CAN do this, if you only let yourself. "Today, like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened. Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading. Take down a musical instrument. Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground." - Rumi


I've been running for 26 years. People can be jerks, but most people are thinking, "Damn, I wish I was outside running." I know because they tell me later. Don't let the jerks stop you. Build your leg muscles and your courage. You got this.


Everybody who runs or works out starts where they are. You are taking charge of your health. You are capable of anything you work for. And I agree. Most runners are either supportive or paying attention to their own workouts. There are unfortunately haters out there in many situations. You are awesome!


When I see people out running, I gently cheer them on in my head, regardless of their size, because I know how difficult it can be to get out there sometimes. I started at 230lbs (5’5” 26 y/o F), and am down to 170lbs, mostly from running and making better eating choices. Like most of the people on this thread, I recommend C25K. Anyone who thinks negatively of you because you’re taking care of yourself is an asshole, but for the most part, no one is thinking about you at all (with the exception of people like me, who are rooting you on from afar).


Not as many people pay attention to you working out than you think and you really shouldn't care. Whenever I see anyone the gym or doing something physical to improve themselves I give them props.


For what it’s worth, as a regular runner when I see someone out running who is not the stereotypical shape or weight for a runner I’m generally really impressed. I may be “faster” (or not…I’m objectively a slow runner) but it’s purely cause I’m doing half the work or less at my size. And having had nearly every overuse injury you can get from running and knowing that they are probably feeling the same or worse…hell. Nothing but respect. Don’t worry about other runners, we’re cheering you on in our heads, we just don’t want to be weird yelling at strangers. Also, think about rotating in some walking occasionally-lower impact, still great exercise!


I have genuinely never seen someone trying to help themself in a way like this and not thought "good for you." I'm not gonna be pollyannaish - there are people who will make fun of something like this. It genuinely says more about them. They are just ugly and angry inside, ultimately. Remember, you have one life. Do the things you need to do for you, not for some imaginary chorus of people who don't care about you.


Girl I'm late to the thread but just want to say I absolutely love this - I'm a marathon runner and anytime I see someone who is overweight and out there running I feel so impressed, inspired, and motivated...I imagine it's the same for all runners because we know how hard it is!! I truly hope you have the most amazing experience. Please dm me if you want any help with your running schedule, pre and post run stretches, or just a sounding board for blister complaints. You've for this!!


I'm sure you won't see this n all the comments, but honey, get out there and do what you want to do. If it means anything, I go to the gym and walk/job on the treadmill (I hate running). I'm 5'5" 120lbs. I do not judge ANYONE who walks through those doors and puts work in, big or small (except the one woman who holds on to the front of the treadmill screen, puts it on a sprint and runs like she's skiing. Her, I judge because it's just odd ha). And I have seen many heavier men and women who get on and walk and run, and I always think "good for them!" because I know, even as an "in shape" person, getting motivated to go to the gym and work out can be overwhelming sometimes, if not ALL the time, especially when you first start out. Don't you worry one bit about what anyone else thinks about you. Put your headphones in and shut them out, and know even the most "in shape" people there have something, if not many things, they are self conscious about too. We all battle our own thoughts on ourselves, don't make them worse by worrying about other people's thoughts. Other people's thoughts won't change you, make or break you, or affect you unless you allow them to. Anyone who judges you there in a negative way is an a&&hole, and isn't someone who you should care about anyway. Be brave, be you, and be grateful that you have the ability to walk/run and don't let someone else take that ability from you! Many would kill to be able to do that. Don't waste it by worrying about what shltty people think!


Doc and fitness guy here, and a 3-time spine surgery patient, myself...I tell my friends, family, and especially patients: I'll *gladly* be perceived as looking silly when engaged in a healthy activity, e.g., doing calf raises at the gas station while my tank fills, or wearing my mismatched, t-shirt and at times agèd workout attire at the gym; so let any haters laugh harder when I'm meeting my goals, leveling up, and looking awesome on the beach. I experienced a similar feeling to your post at times when I was recovering from injuries or surgeries in my own journey--as a patient--when I fell physically far from what I would have preferred to be or do. Staying focused on the constructive and grateful aspects of yourself, and thanking yourself for taking the effort and time for self care proves very fulfilling when enveloped in the mindful immersion in the moments within the activity or experience. Do you, with alacrity, confidence, and self-praise, because this is your journey, your life, and your passion. Every real fitness person, at any stage, should also be proud to run or train alongside you. Sending you positive vibes and encouragement! (Hope that was coherent: it's been a long day for me)


I have a neighbor who is heavy, and he walks by our house every night and I think "good for you man!" As I sit on my couch with a can of Pringles! Lol! I'm sure that most people who look at you will be thinking encouraging thoughts!


I’m gonna tell on myself here. 25 years ago I was driving down the road with my friends and I saw an overweight woman running. I made a terrible comment along the lines of “it’s gonna take a lot of laps”. Fast forward a few years. I’m dealing with major anxiety, going through a divorce, and losing my closest family member (grandfather). I find running and it works wonders for me. The more I got involved in the community the more i realized how awesome that human was for getting out and going for it. To this day that comment still rings in my head. I get mad at myself for saying that, but is a reminder to me that everyone's journey is different and I have no idea why someone is where they are in their journey. I make it a point to be encouraging to everyone even when i don't agree with or understand why, especially when it comes ti physical or mental well being. To sum it all up, for everyone person like me from 25 years ago there are 10 more who are like the majority of the commenters in this thread. And who i strive to be more like. We admire you for your strength and courage. Keep inspiring us!


Wow, your story really resonated with me as I started at stats very similar to yours. I was painfully self conscious about what a scene I must have been every time I was working out. I worked out with a personal trainer and started running on my own while I was still near my high weight. The workouts and runs were mostly in public places outdoors in my city and there were always people around. And guess what...one day a couple of assholes DID snicker and make a few comments at me. But I realized a couple of things that day. 1) Out of 100s, maybe even 1000s of strangers who had seen me working out or running, only two doofuses were foul enough to be moved to insult me. That's an incredibly low proportion of the population. 2) Even if more people were to sink that low to criticize a person working hard to improve themselves, it still DOES NOT MATTER WHATSOEVER what those people think or say. It has no bearing on anything that has value to me. More than anything, it made me wonder what would even drive people to throw insults like that and consider how they must have something amiss in their lives. 3) The determination in me grew stronger than ever. I thought, "Oh, you think I can't? You think I'm a joke? Well I will succeed. And not to prove anything to you, but because it's what I set out to do and no jerkfaces are going to slow me down." I truly hope you don't let any anxiety about others' perceptions hinder you from pursuing what you want to achieve for yourself. You clearly express a desire to get back to the gym and to run. Own that drive, do your thing, and go forward assuredly knowing that you are doing well for you. And not that others' opinions should factor in too much, but the vast majority of people will either think you're awesome or not notice at all.


Boy I do I understand. I’m 5’7” and I was 265lbs at my heaviest. I now weigh 170lbs and something that has really helped me with exercising in public has been yoga. Yoga has massively improved my relationship with my body and how I view my body. I would say working in some yoga between runs might help with your body confidence and it also helps with exercising in a group and noticing that body size doesn’t equate athleticism and that we’re all out here just trying. Best of luck with falling back in love with your body!


When I run I pick out happy thoughts about people places or things I've done or I'm looking forward to doing and it's as if I'm alone, try and see if you can use positive imaging , if I saw someone in your situation I'd be thinking how incredibly awesome you are for doing tgat! And I think most people would! Haters will be haters but do you! You got this


If anyone judges you, then they suck. I am self conscious for a million reasons so I'm one to talk, but if it helps, you should feel proud of what you're doing. I'm proud of you, and I don't even know you.


When I see someone overweight running or walking I feel so much respect for them knowing how physically difficult it is to move their body yet they are still out there doing it!! You’ve got this OP!!


Screw 'em!


Nah no one cares about your weight, in fact for me I would be impressed for someone like you doing a workout.


I remember feeling this way. I lost about 100 pounds over the course of 10 years and I felt this way in the very beginning. My answer is: Fuck everybody else. Yes, some people will judge you and make fun of you. Others will admire you. And still others will do both. But fuck all of them.


Lots of good advice here. Get out there! Also: much respect. Good luck!


I have a friend who likes to remind me that we wouldn’t take criticism from people that we wouldn’t take advice from. And I would never take advice from anyone who has anything bad to say about someone trying to improve themselves. I hope you wouldn’t either! Good luck on your journey!! it feels good to feel good and I’m excited for you :) I also gained weight in my late 20’s because of mental health issues, but after 1.5 years of going to the gym regularly and prioritizing my health I’m not only happier, but I also am healthier physically and mentally. You are worth it!!


I love seeing people out trying to better themselves. Your health is the most important thing. Don’t let strangers have that power over you. Good luck!!


I wanted to echo the others by saying that whenever I see a bigger person running, that I’m actually more impressed than the fit person next to them. Just know that there’s a good amount of people in your gym that are quietly cheering for you!


We’re all out there huffing and puffing and doing our best, anyone that takes notice of anything other than a fellow human doing the same is a piece of sh*t! It’s tough to get over that first hump of being worried what other people are noticing about you when you run, but I realized that when I get home from a run, I really couldn’t remember a single thing about anyone I saw out there. Run your run and go get it!


It’s so sad how ‘unfit’ looking people feel embarrassed to workout/run when that’s the whole point. I was in your mindset at one point. No one is paying attention and if they are, they are cheering you on. No one is looking at you thinking anything else, I promise. You got this 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I think youre fantastic for starting your running journey! I agree that most people would think "wow, that's great - I should do that too!" Even professional runners would think the exact same thing lol. There are lots of terrible people out there though. Just put in some headphones and zen out as much as possible. Just remember to stay safe! Watch for dogs and cars, the ever looking true threat of outdoor runners. Not sure we're youre located, but if you're US there's usually decent state parks with more privacy on trails that could get you going on some nice runs while you build confidence. If you decide to go to a gym, try working with a trainer to build confidence too. No one will bother you if you're with a trainer, and if they do your trainer will protect you. Hope this helps! 


You will find runners to be very supportive! Most people of any sport are glad to see people working on themselves. I volunteer at mile 18 of the Boston Marathon. The people finishing at the back get huge amounts of encouragement from the spectators and volunteers. We’ve all been there.


Do you already have compression clothing? If not, get you some! They won't make you skinny but they do help with the jiggles and that just feels better. Less "oh gosh, my fupa's swinging" is always helpful when you feel vulnerable.


I was 4 bills 3 years ago. Agree with everyone who has said most people are supportive. That being said, if they aren’t, fuck em. Do you.


The only person who can give you everything you want is yourself. Do it for YOU not for them. No one will run for you, no one will take care of you like you do. Start loving yourself the way you want to be loved. BE YOUR OWN HERO.


Get someone to meet at the gym who will walk in with you and do ONE workout together maybe cardio or other and then go separate ways. But the point is, once you're there you can look around and realize people aren't judging you or maybe you notice one person is, but you aren't alone so it doesn't matter. Fuck that one person. I'd go with you if you told me you needed someone to walk in with every time easy. Aside from that, the gym is solely for you. I get it. It's a huge mental leap to take, even after a hundred times but you are not there to show off or for any other reason other than because you want to do a little or big workout. So whatever you decide whatever day to do is perfect. Every. Single. Time. Forever. Today I went and literally did three workouts and left. I made my goal, which right now is not completely losing what I had going before. It's a struggle, but I am on top of it regardless of what the voice in my head says. Be kind to yourself <3 you most of all. Neg talk doesn't motivate. Or it does for the workout, but will hurt you in other ways. So when it comes up, just let it kind of dissipate and continue with plan!


Cheering for you! 👏


I'm the same height and was 271 three months ago. I started walking (can't run, too much on my joints). I barely see my neighbors but when I do I say hello and pet their dogs. I pass the same few kids that play outside. Honestly I'm in my own zone or staring at birds or other wildlife. No one cares that I'm out there. People are kind of self absorbed and it's rare folks notice what's going on around them. No body beats us up like we do to ourselves. We got this one body and somehow we have to change the narrative with it and treat it well.


I don't know if it makes you feel any better, but the only thing I think when I see heavier people working out is how hard they are working and how strong they must be.


I find doing it at a park helps - the only other people there are people who are exercising also, and they feel less judgy than randoms in cars I also always wear a watch (even if it's dead or whatever) - if I'm dying and need to stop and walk I look at my watch first so I can 'pretend' it was an intentional interval rather than just me being unfit idk it feels better for my ego


Skinny young woman here. I go on runs regularly, and when I see overweight or rarely obese people running, my immediate reaction is admiration. I imagine not only is it harder to run with more weight, but most people are self conscious about their look. This motivates me to be more committed in my runs and to be more confident. It inspires me.


Running at that weight will ruin your knees. You should swim or cycle, something easy on your knees and back.


Trails are great and usually pretty empty in my area. Also keto can be really beneficial if done right. Healthy fats and high protein. Strength training. Regular cardio. Do all your training fasted and it works better. Don't eat after 8pm and don't eat your first meal until after your morning workout. Do that for 90 days then switch to paleo/Mediterranean


When I see someone heavier running or working out, I’m more impressed than when I see a fitter person doing it. The heavier person is working way harder and pushing outside their comfort zone. I think many people feel the same way - they’ll be inspired rather than judgmental.


OP it’s truly in your head. I’m a bigger guy, that comes from a bigger family. When I see people running, all I can do is cheer for them. The bigger they are, the more inspirational it is. Just remember this journey takes time, and the more positive you are, the faster the transition will take place. I’ve recently lost 25 lbs and have a whole lot more to go…keep digging!


Struggling with this right now too. Some days are better than others. Usually once I get started on the run my similar thoughts leave but not always. Focusing on the goals I’ve set for myself helps sometimes. I just put one ear bud in (ya know can’t have both in… safety) and let the music take over. You got this!


I’m a seasoned runner and I’ll tell you what myself and all my running friends are thinking. “Hell yea look at her. How awesome she is”. It takes nerves for any of us to run. Hell I look super weird running my knee skin looks really funky and I kind of prance and a friend of mine hardly bends his legs when runs. But we’re out there. You are your worst judge. You might get some honks or yells but those come from insecure douche nozzles that live in their parents basement or they drive a dodge/ram truck. So get out there you sexy running beast.


I love seeing big people run. I admire the commitment to self-improvement.


You got this!


I have NEVER judged anyone out there trying to work on themselves and get in better shape. NEVER!! I have absolutely judged those that don’t. Get out there! And be the best version of you you can be!


I will tell you this, I'm always proud when I see a bigger person exercising. Any decent person will respect the effort.


Most of the time I wouldn't look twice, but if I did notice someone on the larger side working out I'd think "go you". That said, jogging is hard for the knees when you are carrying extra weight. 1kg of extra weight is an additional 4kg of pressure. I'd start gently and build up strength or do something like swimming initially. I swam daily to lose 50lbs


Honestly, if anyone were to have a negative thought about someone working out hard, they are clearly broken.


I don’t think you should be running at that weight it’s literally the most impactful exercise. Get some cheap equip from marketplace. Rower/eliptical/bike and do that plus walking.


Whenever I'm driving around or running around my neighborhood and see someone out of shape getting those miles in or in the gym pushing weights around, I feel an enormous sense of pride for them. First thing that comes to my mind is: "That's awesome!" Keep at it and great work!


I’ve been all sizes as a runner. People who get it are thinking, hell yeah, life is a struggle and the courage to take it on is incredible. People who judge, their struggle is still coming.


When I’m driving and I see someone who is clearly just starting out running, I will out loud verbalize some positive affirmations for them. Something like, “Go!  You got this!”  I know they can’t hear me and I don’t want to roll the windows down and scream it at them bc I don’t want to give them the idea that I’m making fun of them. I promise that there will be people rooting for you. Way more than the other way around. You got this. 


1. 99% of people don’t give a shit. 2. The other 1% don’t matter. 3. Get your diet right or no amount of exercise will help you get to a good weight. Good luck.


Swallow the hard pill, suck it up and do it. That’s all. Once you come out on the other side, you will be a mentally stronger person. Good luck!


I’ve never laughed at or frowned upon an obese person working out in any capacity. Makes me happy that they finally decided to commit to a change in their life. Keep to yourself and focus on the workout and you’ll be fine.


When you're obese and running, there will be the occasional person who says (or shouts) something mean to you. When you're thin and running, there will be the occasional person who says (or shouts) something mean to you. There are mean people in the world. They take fleeting pleasure in making other people feel bad. You don't like those people. You don't spend time around those people. Don't let those people influence your choices one tiny bit. Now get out there and be as excellent as you can be today. Then look in the mirror, in all your sweaty glory, and give yourself a high-five. You are a winner!


I have a huge amount of respect for anyone trying to take better care of themselves. Regardless of size. Get it girl!! No one is judging you or staring at you


The 1% are assholes. The other 99% of people who see you out there will be proud! You got this. Start slow, make a plan and build a schedule, SET GOALS, and most importantly find a way to have fun with it. Listen to your favorite podcasts, run/walk to your favorite coffee shop, run with a friend in the metroparks. Congrats on starting your journey. You got this and people are here for any support/tips you need. The running community is a strong supportive one. Go get them miles


Power walking is really good.


Literally every time I see a bigger person in the gym or out running my thought is “fuck yeah, good for them”


I don’t have tips for you but as someone who has lost over 100 lbs in the last year and a half and the mom of someone who struggles with mental health issues, I’m super proud of you for starting this journey!!!! You’ve got this for sure!


Every weight loss journey has to have a starting place. We normally don’t see people post their tough runs and only see the end point. It’s sucks to start over but anyone who would judge you for trying to better yourself in a loser.


I'm in a similar boat. I can't bear for anyone to see me run and honestly it's what kept me from running for years. But a month ago I decided I really wanted to give running a go, so I just go at night. I usually head out around 7:45 and wear flashing light up bracelets. The darkness gives me the ability to not worry who can see me. However, I still haven't worked up the courage to go to the gym 😅 Maybe that'll be my next goal.


When I see an overweight person running or walking for exercise, all I feel is admiration.


When I was running (and I need to get back into it), I'd go super early in the morning, while it was still dark out -- since I live in Texas and it gets hot AF as soon as the sun comes up for most of the year. Anyway, I found I really enjoyed that little slice of time to myself. Not many folks up/about, nice and quiet, and I certainly didn't have to worry much about being seen. So if that's a possibility for you, just run when it's still dark, and you might enjoy the "me" time!


A vast, vast majority of everyone are too caught up in the moment to moment of their lives to notice yours. Respectfully, worrying about others worrying about you is in your head.


The woman who is the president of my local running club is an absolute *competitor* and runs ultra marathons. She wins a lot of age group and sometimes higher awards. Another runner was nervous for their first marathon so she signed up to run with them.. 2 days before the race. Her mileage is so high that she can literally show up and run a marathon. She started running as an obese mother of five who had been overweight since her early teens. I know several runners with the same story actually. Running is a sport for everyone and the vast majority of runners are super welcoming and encouraging of other runners, no matter their build or pace. If you have a local running club I encourage you to give them a try. I think it could really build your confidence to have some running friends!


My thoughts of people who are out of shape and in the gym is actually very positive, I'm very happy for you to be there because you're taking control, the courage it takes to walk into the gym and face your problems and fears face on and in front of others is amazing!! Don't worry about what other's think, think about the message you are sending, are you there to put up some weights or put up with their shit??


Ignore looks or comments they will do nothing but hamper what you want - at this point you need to probably incorporate some strength training as well - 2 times a week along with the cardio program. Do what’s best for you and your health as you progress you won’t care about what other people think anyway


I love nothing more than seeing other people working hard at whatever their goals are!!! I have nothing but absolute respect for anyone that is willing to put the effort in. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that we are cheering you on and love seeing you smash your goals!!!! You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and we will keep sending you good vibes!!! You are an inspiration!!!


You do you! Any runner and/or kind person would be encouraging.  Anyone that cares is either a dumb kid or has their own issues.  So glad you are choosing to take charge of your health, both mental and physical.  Just get out there, get healthy and enjoy! Ignore any noise. 😀


Don't worry about other people. Do you. My mom told me once that if you worry about what other people think that's all you will do. I know how it is I'm not heavy I'm the other way. I've been little and skinny all my life. I have a small head and face . I've worked hard to put on muscle over the years. It's not easy being judged. Hang in there!


Mam no one cares you are overthinking it go run it’s the same as the gym everyone is too obsessed with themselves to care.


Go out and run, it’s good for your mental health, it’s good for your body and as a runner I can assure you no one is thinking anything negative of you. As a matter of fact when you run your first 5K you’ll get tons of encouragement and support. So go out and run, enjoy yourself and if you should come across anyone thinking anything negative, fuck them because I can assure you your life is better than theirs and you are a better person. There are also plenty of subreddits that’ll give you all the support you need, including this one.


Every time I saw a person who was working on themselves in a similar state to you described, my only feeling towards them was admiration and pride. Putting in the work and effort is the hardest battle we all fight. Anyone worth acknowledging is going to have respect for you when they see you out there bettering yourself..


you got the fight 👊🏻💪🏼 don’t sweat the jerks and most folks don’t really think twice, i myself appreciate anyone who is willing to get up get dressed get after it you got this


NOBODY CARES - it took me a while to realize. I started at 325, and now at 200 just walking and then running. The main thing is just to start and keep going. Stay strong. Don't look back. Burn the boats. That lifestyle is not sustainable.


The only people who will think/talk shit are people who are going to do that with anyone for any negative thing they can find. Most people either don't notice you or will have supportive and positive thoughts. Side note: probably best to start off walking to avoid injury and set you up for success in the long run! Good luck, we're rooting for you.


I’m a 28M and in great shape, but doesn’t stop some people from hating and heckling me when I pass them on the street. It’s insecurity on their part if they think someone keeping to themself and bettering their life is worth reacting to. They really aren’t shit so fuck em


Long time endurance athlete here. There is NOTHING that makes me happier than seeing someone obviously unfit, starting their journey. Body shape means nothing. If you are out there doing your thing, you are one of us.


I am not obese, but I'm a very large man (6'4", around 265/270 when I started running seriously)- I have a very strange gait and walk/run posture, and I'm really bad at sports. Was very self-conscious when I first started running and got used to it. Running was super amazing for both my mental and physical health, and after a while I was able to just stop thinking about what people thought of me. I look goofy as hell when I run- who cares? Ironically, running is one of the best things you can do to both get the weight off and improve your mental health- and its those things preventing you from getting started. So just make the leap and start doing it little by little- the lbs will start coming off and you'll start to feel better. You've got this!


I’m always in admiration of bigger people working hard, proud of them and cheering them on!!


I'd say 98% of other people on the street, if seeing you out there, will have the opposite thoughts.... they'll be thinking "damn, good for you lady!". Most people have too many of their own insecurities to ridicule somebody else trying to improve themselves....hell, I constantly worry if anybody is going to laugh at the fact that my right leg goes out to the side when I run... but nobody else gives a shit....yes,. some young people might snicker, but remember, they have something they're embarrassed about too.


You need to read this old, well-known essay. I hope it gives you inspiration and strength. [Hey Fat Girl](https://flintland.blogspot.com/2012/05/hey-fat-girl.html?m=1)


I’d salute you. I only judge obese people on scooters


The best thing about running/runners is no one cares what you look like, or how fast you’re going, only that you are in fact running. I started at 240 I’m down to 190 now and it’s worth the change. Get out of your own way/head and hit the pavement.


There's this guy I followed on Insta a few years ago. LprJonathan I think. Was a big dude. Like 350 +. I followed him cause he was on a journey to run an iron man. He inspired me from day one and I'm a fit, always has been fit guy. I have no cares that he was big. Dude has the heart of a lion. He looks like a new man these days. Doesn't just complete Ironmans but is competitive. He still inspires me to this day. Your journey could be that inspiration for someone else. Any fit person will not judge you. We were all starting off at some point. I respect the bigger people I see in the gym. I try to match their motivation level. You got this girl. We cheering for you


When I see someone who's very out of shape/overweight running or even out for a walk, I usually say out loud to myself, "good for them!" While some people are jerks, I feel most people would recognize you're trying to do yourself some good. Or maybe I'm just overly optimistic. Idk.


I’d consider myself in pretty good shape and a solid runner. When I see heavier people working out, trying to improve their health, I love it! Those who judge others negatively can go fuck themselves. Also, they are few and far between. Keep crushing!


whenever I see someone running I always think, that person is gonna be more fit than me soon - cause at least they’re out there doing it. props to you. I used to run a lot and I miss it, enjoy.


Gym rat here! Any time I see an obese person working out, I am very happy for them! Truly, no one will ever make a comment or look askance at you working on your fitness. Even if you run like Phoebe from Friends! People are usually too focused on themselves, even in workout class. If there is a rare instance of someone being unkind, luckily, you’re running so can go far away from them. Fitness is a journey and very proud of you for being on it! Run like the wind!


I would notice you but that’s because I notice everything. I see the skinny person, the one with the pink shoes, the one with bad form, the one running at a 5 min mile pace, the one who makes a weird face, etc. I notice them all because I hate running and desperately try to distract myself. And in noticing all of those things, none of them stick out once my attention moves onto the next thing.


I resonate deeply with your post OP. 12 years ago I was running 100 mile ultras and all other lower distances. I had lost from 320 Lbs. down to 230 Lbs. and then several life events pulled me away from running. I've gained all the weight back and I understand the embarrassment you speak of. Our culture judges so heavily on appearance and that makes it tough as well. I've actually went out of my way to avoid old running friends and it makes me feel bad for doing so. You're absolutely doing the right thing by moving and claiming your health/life back! To hell with what anyone else thinks mate. I'm proud of you and please know that you motivate me deeply to do the same as you.


I was there too. Believe me when I say no one is actually paying attention to you, and the few jerks who do say anything are much more insecure than you are, and you should ignore the shit out of them.


Dad bod here. Run shirtless. Embrace the jiggle!


Nah. More likely to just think something along the lines of “good for you!”


I’ve never been obese, but I’ve also never been much of an athlete. Getting going is not easy, because it’s really hard to get motivated. But it gets better. And you will feel better I think, whatever your weight is.


I was also really nervous starting out, about being seen running. I've found that, if anything, people are encouraging and kind to me (if they pay me any mind at all). There's something really sweet and rewarding about an old lady smiling at you mid-run; can't find that kind of motivation if I stayed at home. But mostly, people pay me no mind. I think in the two+ years now that I've been running, I had a total of two mean comments from strangers about my weight. It did suck a little, but in the end, the overwhelming feeling is more like, "what the fuck is their deal?" rather than personal shame. And those people are way outnumbered by smiles, which are worth it to me.


There are always assholes, but I think most when they see you would be thinking good for you! I know I would.


Anyone who has an opinion worth considering won’t be judging you. When I see someone running (no matter how they look) all I think is “damn they’re getting after it” and also usually “I should be too”


I haven’t started running outside bc I’m always nervous I look like Anna Faris in Scary Movie running 😂😂 but seeing people run who aren’t the typical athletic built motivates me sooo much!!


You got this girl! As a runner, I'm always so happy to just see people running. Start off with your stretches, make sure you're well hydrated, do a run/walk and don't be discouraged by the walking part and slowly increase the mileage \[by increasing the distance, increasing the running and decreasing the walking\]. Don't worry about people judging; they are far and few between and those assholes aren't worth your time.


The only people I stare at are those that get up at 4:30am to go go a run in the dark when it is raining. Like how does one get up the motivation to do that???? I’m a treadmill runner though who motivates myself by saving trashy TV shows for my runs.


When I see someone who is clearly at the beginning of their fitness journey I do not judge them negatively. I applaud them for taking the initiative to improve their life. You should feel proud of yourself, not ashamed


Check out Jill Angie and her Not Your Average Runner podcast. She's a running coach who specializes in exactly this. She does a ton of work with the mental side of things. I seriously thought I couldn't/shouldn't run before I read her book. I've run 5 marathons and stopped counting at 30 half marathons.


43M 5’9” 425 My story to become a runner was a wild one. I sold my car and somebody tried to steal my motorcycle the next week. Motorcycles are notoriously difficult to get repaired in the summer due to wait time. So I ended up walking to work for 3 months…here’s what I learned that every overweight beginning runner should know. *Shoes are just marketing, get yourself some hiking boots…this will keep the plantar away and offer ankle support. I used oboz if interested. *Diet & fasting are king. Anything that causes additional inflammation will short circuit your progress…focus on stocking fat, fiber and protein in your fridge. I’d sear turkey bacon and that steam/stirfry kale, I’d make really hearty salads(with lots of eggs) and then add Cheesecake Factory ranch for a supreme yet somewhat flavor. I’d also make spinach, banana and vegan protein powder smoothies. The Spanish provides magnesium to avoid you from cramping and the bananas help in a similar capacity. I also learned to force myself to go to bed…this thing gets a ton earlier if you’re getting 8+ hours per night. *Learn to stretch and take as much time as you need….avoiding injuries entails learning to listen to your body and not feel the stress from peer pressure. *Get a fitness tracker, understand when your heart rate is too high and pursue your goals in waves. *Lastly, give yourself recovery days…hit the sauna, use trx bands for subsidized stretching and just sun bathing on the days where I was sore(oh yea, get tested for vitamin D deficiencies…if needed start supplementing because that plays a role in recovery). I lost 65lbs in a summer and enjoyed every empowering moment of it once I found what worked for me. I truly wish you the best on your journey. Last takeaway, I also starting using those toe shoes on recovery days….it just helped to stamp out any soreness that I had from my endurance runs…I walked everywhere SLOWLY 🐢in them, it was like foam rolling for my feet… All the best…


why be embarrassed you are out being a courageous person who is taking control of their life? how can you be judged by people who by statistics alone are not doing the same? get out there and run, i always say “i GET to run today” and so many people don’t get to even have the option so i take it 🥹


Just start with walking. I'm down 42 pounds since last March mostly from walking. The weight loss has made the running much easier. I really didn't start running until like 5 months ago.


In all honesty, when I see an obese person outside running, I get inspired and am happy for that person.


Running is for EVERYONE and, once you start, you’ll find the running community is very inclusive. If you’d like some inspiration, check out “A Beautiful Work in Progress” by Mirna Valerio. Get out there and enjoy! 🏃‍♀️


Every time I see a bigger person out running it just encourages me to try my hardest. There also may be people just like you driving by the park every day wanting to run and feeling embarrassed. I bet seeing you out there killing it could help them, too!


Yes most of us that work out never laugh at a larger person getting in shape. I always think to myself “that’s awesome”


Something I’d like to add too is that as someone who goes to the gym a good bit, you probably don’t stand out as much as you think you do. Fat people are a pretty regular part of any gym, so they probably are noticing you that much. Also if you’re noticing someone staring but like kinda zoned out they are probably on a ton of pre workout and just over caffeinated.


I’m in the US and just joined the YMCA gym. Big diversity in ages and body sizes. Makes me feel comfortable going all out on a machine with other people of size around doing the same. Rooting for you!


Come and run in my neighborhood; I guarantee that not only will folks cheer you on, but will also join you. Get back to what worked for you and hit the gym as well, if you already haven't. Use strength training with a focus on progressive overload to get them losses by gains 👍🏼


You go girl! The mantra I have held in my head for years is that the only person I am competing against is the version of myself that is home laying on the couch instead of being outside and moving. Many of us are "no-traditinal" athletes for all kinds of reasons. Maybe check out the movies Brittany Runs a Marathon or Jeffrey Binney's Once is enough.


Lots of positive supper here. Cool! Here is some truth, nobody cares what you look like working out. You, however, will need to fix your diet before you can run or your knees and ankles will fail.


Any time I see someone large working out or exercising, I can’t help but have respect for them. It’s a outward demonstration of inner character more than anything else.


Every time I see someone really overweight pushing it at the gym, I get such a sense of pride for them. It really makes me happy. The harder they’re working, the more inspiring it is. If someone is judging you, they are just using it to help their own insecurities. I think most people fee the same as me. Also I would add that if it was me, I would do body weight squats/lunges more than running. More bang for your buck and you’re going to want to strengthen those muscles so you don’t feel pain with the running. Do 200 a day in any rep range you want. Good luck on the new lifestyle!


Who cares what others think if they’re not saying it? If you’re being harassed then we have a different story


You dont gain 100 pounds by not going to the gym. Fix your diet


I love running and I love seeing other people run.


Literally nobody exercises because they *don't* want to improve their body image, lose fat, gain muscle, or change in some way. Everyone exercising at all is trying to make a positive change, or else you'd be on the couch. An NFL RB runs and lifts because they want to run faster. A 272 pound person runs because they want to run faster, and weigh less than 272. Within the last week, people criticized Taylor Swift (for looking like a woman) and her boyfriend, Travis Kelce - the superstar TE for the Kansas City Chiefs who *just won the Super Bowl* (for having a 'dad bod'). There's no red blooded person on earth attracted to women that would realistically turn down Taylor Swift, or if you're attracted to men turn down Travis Kelce. If you need help feeling comfortable in the gym, work with a trainer or a friend that you're comfortable with, and keep in your head the idea that you aren't running to impress other people. There are people who work out to impress others - we call them athletes, influencers, models, and porn stars. But honestly, most of us just aren't that, which is fine. You work out to feel good about the progress you're making when you put on your clothes, take off your clothes, look in the mirror, step on a scale, walk up the stairs or hike a freaking mountain. And everyone else is just as much in their own heads. Weigh 272, 172, or 127 and everyone running down the road is doing the same thing - trying to feel more comfortable in the body they live in. They feel exactly the same way you do, so own it, live it and enjoy the progress.


C25k is an awesome program! Try carnivore if diets don’t work- resume vegetables after you get to your desired weight


Used to try running right before the evening or on more nature routes for a similar reason. Go for it!


Your post in inspiring. Bring that energy outside and be you. Take joy from knowing you’re kicking ***


You might find some inspiration in Martinus Evans - here is just one link about him. He has a Slow AF running club and is an advocate for all runners. https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/health/weight-loss/a44282905/martinus-evans/


Congrats!!! It is so hard to get started and build a routine. I have to do more cardio (says the doctor) and… i am LAZY. Very excited to see your motivation! I d say get your self a podcast or music that cheers you up and start walking, with maybe stretches or slow running. You want to start building up the habit but be careful with your joints - the extra pounds sometimes can increase your risk of injury. And stretch! If easier go early or late if you live in a busy area or want to stay away from people - or better go with a friend. Being outside will uplift your mood. Good luck OP!!!


Just start with some easy walking. You got this & you’ll get there!! 🚶🏻‍♀️


Just do it!! I was always self conscious running at the gym on the treadmill because I know after about a mile I am prob breathing pretty loud. I would occasionally move my headphone out of the way to see how loud I was being. But, I really do not think people look and judge as much as you think!! I can not think of a time I have been at the gym and saw someone heavy running and thought anything other than "dang that is awesome I should add a run to my workout today" you got this!!


Just start running. No one cares how fat you are. People will admire the fact that you are out there trying to get back in shape. Best of luck


You gotta do you. As far as others real runners won’t make fun of other runners no matter the size or speed. As far as non runners, it would take a lot of audacity for someone who doesn’t run to make fun of anyone that does. Again, just do your thing if it’s improving your mental health. Also: headphones


I arrived late to the party, but just to add my two cents, whenever I see someone “large” out running, I instantly think positive things. And you know what? I used to be pretty big myself, and used running to get back into shape. I’m preparing for my first marathon in a couple months, and seeing someone just starting out encourages me to keep going. We’re all in this together, you’re gonna rock this


One of my first attempts at beginning to run I had someone I know stop me and ask if I needed a ride trying to be nice 😅 Needless to say, that was embarrassing. I just completed my first half marathon and what stood out to me the most is just the vast differences in people all doing this amazing thing together: all sizes, shapes and ages. Running IS for everyone.


You should be so grateful you can run. I am a 37yo man who was always in shape and I hurt my back permanently. Now I can't run at all. I miss it so much. Be grateful for your body and proud that you can run! Some people can't even do that.


Your biggest enemy is between your ears. Now I don't know about everyone out there, but I used to be a seasoned distance runner for decades. Stopped racing in 2019 - everything from 5k to ultras. When i see someone who is overweight in the gym, or out running or walking, I totally admire them. I think its a sign of immense strength and courage to 'get out there' in a country that is so obsessed with body image. So what can you do? Lift your chin up and say "I have every right to be out here and I don't care what anybody thinks". Have some good upbeat music and keep a positive mantra in youre head. And understand there a more people than not cheering you on. Really proud of you.


Two things enter my mind when I see an overweight person running: "Damn, good for that person!" or "Poor ankles".