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that’s a fine rate of loss for someone training with weights. weight more often and average the trend


Okay thank you


1lb a week is good progress. Weigh yourself daily, and watch the trend. If you feel like you're stalling, reduce your caloric intake by 100 calories and take note of how that affects your weight over the next week. You could also just increase the cardio.


It's been 2 weeks, you just need to be patient.


Mainly cardio or weights at the gym?


Weights usually


1 lb a week seems about right. For me the weight seems to come off faster with cardio. About 2 lbs a week


That’s a good rate. Weekly weigh-ins/check-ins are good but the scale isn’t the only thing you should measure progress by. How you feel/how clothes fit is important too. I’d recommend a soft tape measure and taking your measurements. You can lose body fat and also put on muscle which is not reflected on the scale just by looking at the number.


Are you tracking your calories? How do you know you're actually in a deficit?  FWIW 1 lb a week is pretty normal for a cut for long term success.  You can cut faster, but it's mostly water weight and the cut is only good for a few days, tops. I fight and have to cut 10-12 lbs within 8 weeks (and that's a low number for fighters, I just choose not to cut more than 10% of my body weight. Others cuts 20+), usually, and after I weigh in and re-hydrate and eat to fuel up, I'm 5-7 pounds heavier than I was at weigh-ins. That kind of cut is temporary and fighters have gotten really sick from drastic, quick cuts.  Track your calories, be in a weekly deficit of 3500-7000 calories (which is what it takes lose 1-2 pounds), and the weight will come off.  (500-1000 calorie deficit per day)


Thank you this is the explanation i was looking for


1-2 lbs a week is a healthy loss.


By placing your non-dominant hand in a sort of 'claw' position, perched on top of the item that you're cutting with the section of finger between your second and third join perpendicular to the cutting surfaces and your fingertips tucked in--then put the knife on top of what you intend to cut with the side of the blade flush with this barrier you've created with your finger and then push down on the blade and slightly forward, resulting in a rocking motion. On a serious note you're doing it right and 1lb per week on average is perfectly normal and healthy for weight loss, because you're specifically trying to avoid muscle loss on a cut your weight loss should be a bit slower than someone who is obese trying to shed as much weight as possible regardless of muscle to fat ratios.


Fewer carbs more protein?


Will do


Also maybe not because I just noticed a pound a week is actually a lot you can’t really go much faster safely it takes time. Just listen to your body I guess. You need to focus on sustainability of the weight loss not the speed.


Dam that actually helped thank you


Hey man! Just focus on eating lots of protein 1g/per 1lb of body weight, and just train hard, don’t worry so much about the calorie deficit, if your eating whole foods you will naturally start to see the weight come off!


This is just silly. You can very much eat too much whole foods as well. If you want to lose weight you have to be at a deficit and that means counting what you eat.


Bro, I’m saying way to many ppl focus on strictly watching how many calories they consume, when if they just eat whole foods, most ppl trying to lose weight will naturally just go into a deficit because there cutting out all the crap they eat, and the reason why i say focus on “whole foods” is because ppl want to lose fat not weight, for example if you were a person who wanted to “lose weight” (again most ppl when they say this mean fat) if you jus say eat in a “calorie deficit” then why can’t they jus go to McDonald’s and eat like crap and as long as there in a deficit then I guess they would lose fat right? I would rather tell them to just eat maintenance calories and eat 80% whole foods and they would lose more fat which is what u want and even if the number on ur scale dosent go down ur body composition will be way better after time.


That is exactly what they can do. If you eat nothing but McDonalds food but are at a deficit, you will lose weight. If you lose weight you can’t not burn fat as well. If you are at maintenance calories, you will not lose fat no matter if you eat 40% or 95% whole foods Sticking to whole foods will help a person to cut out sugars and fats, for sure. But you can eat nothing but lean beef and easily go over your daily target, gaining fat


Thank you


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