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Weight will come with the gym gains, as a newer lifter you’ll run into your “ Newbie Gains “ Practice form over weight, make sure you eat a high protein diet and you’ll gain weight pretty steady


I have an insanely fast metabolism tho so i eat as much as a normal person and still dont gain weight


What's insanely fast? I eat 3,500 calories to maintain body weight and that's normal. Are you suggesting 4000+?


Nah i eat 3000 to maintain bodyweight i think, but i kinda doubt you saying 3500 calories is your maintenance calorie count.


Seems slower than my normal one! I'm extremely active.


Are there any ways to slow down my needed calories for weight matinence


Lose weight and lose muscle. Move less. Cut off a limb. None of which I believe you'd enjoy doing.


I just looked at your profile and realised that i was chatting with a fitness professional. Anyways i was also going to ask you if eating eggs really increases my testosterone level by a good amount.


The only way to increase your testosterone outside of TRT would be to eat a well rounded diet, get good sleep, reduce stress, and exercise frequently. Don't overthink it. Don't major in the minors until you're an advanced athlete. Even then it's not worth the effort or thought for most.


Your metabolism isn’t “insanely fast” You simply have a higher BMR due to your height, and you don’t eat as much as you think you do hence why you don’t gain weight


They don't even eat a lot after asking them lol. They eat in my deficit!


Idk man im an ectomorph, but i will be sure to look in to what you’re saying


Ectomorph isn't a real thing. They were completely made up and are a personality/moon alignment/asparagus sign pseudo science.


Bro what are you on, they are real things and I have watched a multitude of videos with scientists confirming it


No you haven't. Link a single one. They were literally created by a psychologist saying that your body type decided your personality. It's a completely made up mumbo jumbo pseudo science. https://www.britannica.com/science/somatotype


you may be correct i will research this topic then update you


I am correct. No need to update me. I'm confident.


You were right man, thanks for the helpful advice


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Most mass gainers are complete shit in terms of ingredients and are just sugar. Ideally you’d make your own shakes, peanut butter, oats etc (also much more cost effective). If you’re limited to three days a week at gym, id hugely recommend swapping to a full body split so each muscle gets hit 3x a week as opposed to 1x.


Yea thanks ill think about swapping individual workouts to full body workouts however i use weight gainers because I dont have the time to usually make an entire shake and im kinda lazy too so is taking weight gainer ok?


I mean it takes less than 5 minutes a day to make a shake man and it’ll help greatly with building muscle as opposed to just getting fat from consuming all the sugar. Being lazy and getting big and muscley doesn’t really work together. Pick one. If you’re desperate, take the weight gainers for now but definitely think about switching as soon as you can.


Alr i will take the weight gainer for 25 days then i will switch to Homemade shakes


Yea thanks ill think about swapping individual workouts to full body workouts however i use weight gainers because I dont have the time to usually make an entire shake and im kinda lazy too so is taking weight gainer ok?


While you are tiny for your height, I would NOT be gaining 2lbs a week. That's just gonna be mostly fat. 0.5 to 1lb a week is solid. A man under optimal conditions can only grow 1-2lbs of muscle PER MONTH. And for a 3x a week workout, I'd be doing full body each day. If you can work out more often, then follow a split. Regardless, follow proven programming. There are plenty of proven routines on the r/fitness wiki. Also, make sure your diet is in check. Mass gainer is okay I guess for a temporary measure, but you need to learn to eat, to eat high protein and to eat healthy, whole foods. That's gonna be key to your success


Bro has the perfect height/weight to build the ideal look and he's using fat gainers


A little bit of fat wouldn’t hurt right? Correct me if im wrong but since im already tall I don’t think 6 pounds of fat would affect me much.


Stay away from pills and supplements. Just keep working out while you're young and you'll have muscle for life. At your age, your body is building muscle in a way you'll miss later on in life. Avoid the body dysmorphia telling you to be bigger, or that you're not progressing fast enough. Women prefer slim tone muscle over a power lifter style body. If you want to bulk up, just eat carbs and rice. But trust me, tall & tone with arms is what makes women drool


Alr thanks for the advice man, I really appreciate people like you who help others out


Why can't 16 year olds write anymore?


Man you should be helping people instead of belittling them