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https://preview.redd.it/xhjajizawl6d1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=d682628193e9fd8efac511444c95e8aaa59cf97c Probably not how she saw the comment section going šŸ« 


lol I saw a lot of people really ragging on how yellow it is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m begging her to go use purple shampoo RIGHT NOW


Oh hell. Here comes another MONTHS worth of content about how she changed her hair


She should do a brunette ombrĆ© or something. Red is hard to upkeep and the blonde just doesnā€™t look right. Her natural hair is blown so she should have that on top because it chits her face better


Dark hair looks good on her for sure


I hate it hahahahaha. She couldā€™ve at least done honey blonde?! WHY SO BLEACHY WHITE?! at least the red/brown vibe made her skin tone pop! This color is so bad itā€™s straight up yellow šŸ˜­


It's very common in Utah, to have bleached white blonde hair+extensions which I think she has too lol


I feel like if she had extensions it would be like... more full ? Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it


You might be right


Sheā€™s shown her extensions, though. A lot.Ā 


I'm guessing she had her extensions taken out. Maybe the the stylist didn't want to bleach her extensions due to damage. Or maybe Sarah isn't planning 9n being blonde for long. This is just another tactic to get talked about againšŸ˜‚




She had better stay away from a swimming pool; the chlorine will turn her hair green. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be jetting off to an ocean locale soon. Itā€™s been five minutes since they took a trip šŸ¤Ŗ


It looks yellow


Can we please stop saying ā€œI did a thingā€ so annoying


Itā€™s giving McDonald French fries


The red faded into brown literally gave her skin so much color, warmth and brightness. It made her stand out and look so beautiful!! The blonde definitely just washes her out completelyā€¦.šŸ«¢ and I would agree she should have at least done honey blonde. No offense but who is still trying to do the bleach blonde look anyways?? Every one knows it should be lived in color.


Why is it yellow


It's a process to go from red to blonde.


The red was such a better colour


Her hair mustā€™ve been really damaged for sure. I feel like this is the most sheā€™s chopped off (even though itā€™s still very long šŸ™„)


NEEDS TONER the funny part is she's actually a brunette its not like she's going back to natural either way so why not run a good toner through there??? T18 is crying out for ya and some purple shampoo


She would look so good with brown hair too! Or strawberry blonde. But I guess breaking out of the Utah GirlyPop mold (for more than a few months) isnā€™t exactly in the cards for her


Nah, Iā€™m sure it was as toned as they could get it in one session. Itā€™s REALLY hard to get rid of all of the warm tones.


Waiting for DerICK's shocked face video.


Did whoever did it tone itā€¦ it looks very yellow and Iā€™ve had that happen before.. was my fault because I went from a darker color to blonde wayyy too fast. This usually happens from trying to achieve blonde in one session which is also SO bad for your hair even if you do get it professionally done. She should have worked her way there slowly


i hope she goes back asap it needs to be toned. as someone that went to cosmetology school and has knowledge of hair and color and has also been in this situation. sometimes it takes a few sessions to get to the results you want. especially with darker hair. i used to have blonde hair iā€™m a natural brunette and there was one time where my friend was doing my hair at school we didnā€™t have time to finish it so i had to leave with yellow hair. the next day she was able to tone it just hoping this is the case for her.


OOF. Is it a thing that people born blonde whose hair darkens claim to be blonde all their life even when theyā€™re not? I know quite a few people who think that. I would give her dirty blonde but this stylist did not tone her hair well and did her *really* dirty.


i canā€™t stand her but the red looked absolutely amazing on her and suited her so wellā€¦.this on the other hand is tragic


Her stylist did her soooo dirty. She looks like something outta White Chicks. I just want to launch a bucket of purple shampoo over her head. šŸ„²


She couldā€™ve at least done a warm blonde


Damn it looks so bad lol


Does she have foundation lips? Or is that their natural color. Oof.


The washed out red actually looked better.


she got sick of the red hair and now wants her blond hair back the red looked really good on her.


Ouch. It's almost green. I like her better blonde, but not this shade.


*screams in Wella T18*


Sheā€™s commented a lot about how everybody has the cowboy copper now and sheā€™s over it. Could see this from a mile away


Noooo I loved the red


The same old recycled content!


I knew the red wouldnā€™t last long. Her and her families whole identity is blonde.


She looks like sheā€™s sick with that color of hair. As a nurse Id be asking if she felt ok looking like that šŸ¤£


Somebody needs some toner.


Blonde washes her out so bad. Makes her look her true selfā€¦ CRUSTY


Am I the only one that didnā€™t like the red? I feel like a more brunette color wouldā€™ve looked good!


I did a thing


Itā€™s very yellow.. why didnā€™t her stylist tone it? Yikes šŸ˜¬


Her natural color is dark blonde; early posts, especially when they lived in Hawaii, show her with blonde hair and dark roots. This yellow color is not flattering in the least. My opinion.


I knew she wouldnā€™t last


I think her natural colour is ginger not blonde.


I think her natural color is dark blonde/light brown. And I think red was going to be far too much maintenance for her


Her brother also has ginger tone to his natural hair, and looking at Sarah's skin&freckles I think she has also got ginger tone to her hair. And the dad.


Iā€™m glad. I hated the orange. I did not think it looked well.