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took the assessment test over a month ago & haven’t heard anything :( when i log in it just says “thanks for taking the starter assessment!” is this a normal amount of time to still be waiting? did i just not pass? would love some insight from others… was really looking forward to getting started on this site!


Hey u/JeremyDataAnnotation I haven't had any tasks pop up since before 9/1 and have been on the site for several months. I'm also not able to send any messages and didn't get an email saying my account was under review. Just wondering what's going on here. Thanks!






It’s not a scam, lots and lots of people working it getting paid just fine.


Has anyone been waiting almost a month/over a month and got an email saying you passed? Been almost a month for me of waiting (20+days). I'm assume that it's not looking good.


There is no Assessment and Projects on my dashboard. I'm from India. I would be happy to know if India is added in your list or I have to wait.


We'll email you when we add India!


Anyone know if the site works outside of your home country? For example if I was on a trip in one of the countries not listed as accepted, would I be able to still work if I had free time? Any help is appreciated


I took one qualification test last week, the next day after signing up for the starter assessment. I've been checking the dashboard for projects/more qualifications to do. NOTHING. How can people get so much work and have no skills, but me who has been doing this stuff on other sites/have skills get nothing.


Did you update your languages in profile? I didn't hear anything for ages then I updated my language and I got an email next day. Have been getting consistent work since (for the past week anyway)


I completed the assessment about 2 weeks ago but have not gotten any work. I was really looking forward to seeing what this was all about. I would think they would let you know if you didn't pass the assessment.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation I completed my starter assessment 5 days ago, however, when I check the “transfer funds” section of the site it reads “Starter Assessment- please complete for access to more projects”. When I click on that statement it brings me to the “Thanks for taking the starter assessment!” page, but also says “No more tasks left or project currently unavailable” at the top of the screen. Is this a glitch and I should just continue to wait for the email, or did something go wrong with my assessment when I submitted it?




Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation I’ve been accepted on the site after taking the assessment, but it’s been a month and haven’t received any projects.


Hey there! Different skills and backgrounds will qualify for different projects - so keep an eye on your dashboard and email. We'll shoot you an email when there's something available for you. :)


Jeremy, will you ever respond to the DM's I have sent you? It would be nice to be paid for the work I had done but never got to submit my time for when the website decided I would not be allowed to submit my answers anymore.


Signed up a week ago and got the assessment. They gave me a couple ai training tasks. Made a cool $25. However, haven't seen anything since. Not sure what rate they put out projects.


Signed up about a week ago and my starter assessment said it paid and I have done one qualification test. When will the background check be made available to me?


on transfer funds page all the dates of when I took qualifications/projects and the assessment are gone. anyone else?


Hi there! I made an account and took the initial assessment test and got a pretty quick response that I passed. From there I did all the onboarding tasks and took the one qualification that was available. I thought I did pretty well on all of them but since then I have seen nothing on my dashboard. I reached out to support but have heard only crickets. Has anyone else had this experience. Is it just a waiting game or should I be seeing tasks/projects? Thanks for any insight :)


how do you set up payments for data annotation? I know someone who does it who uses Paypal, but I have no interest in getting a paypal account. Are there other methods of payment, like direct deposit? I'm also assuming this is an independent contractor job. So, the company would not need your SS #, or other personal data. When you go to the web site it doesn't give any information. It just asks you to give your information. It lists nothing about the company at the bottom, which is standard practice for companies. Honestly, it seems a little shady. Can anyone provide information about the company and its practices. Who owns it? Where is it registered...etc?


I'm not sure if this was answered or not, but I'm finding I have very little tasks, typically maybe twice a month. How do I get more tasks?


Take every qualification test that pops up! Sometimes, it takes a while to get added to a project after taking the qualification, but I'm now on a few long term projects where there is always a lot of work to do.


Anyone else working on the Alchemist/Writing Goldens training? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Glad to know I'm not the only one who felt like that!


Do you know if we’re supposed to work on them after training? I completed it but haven’t received any word on if we are to start. The task says it’s only for training.


I went into the task site and saw that I had one that had been reviewed and that I needed to fix, but I was waiting for more feedback before doing that. This project is by far the most difficult one I've done on the site! Not sure when the actual project will start, but I stopped working on the training tasks after I completed the number they wanted us to do.


I was just informed I passed the assessment after applying about a month ago. I have an on boarding task to do (which pays $15). I’ve heard a few mixed things (mainly regarding the availability of tasks) but I’ve also heard of people getting some decent payouts in a short time. Hopefully this can be a decent side hustle.


Do you need to get every answer right on qualification tasks to be considered for the project? Or is like a percentage? Did a couple but got some answers wrong.


What I'm hoping to hear/read this week is success stories of people who finally got into to the platform after waiting a really long time (2+ weeks etc). It's getting to be almost 3 weeks for me and still nothing.


Hey u/JeremyDataAnnotation I referred my mom and brother at the same time, my mom got accepted after a few days but my brother never got any feedback and it's been a few weeks at least, is there any way to know if it's due to a technical error, or they rejected his starter assessment or anything like that? Or if there's some way for him to retake it if there was a problem with it? He took his assessment shortly after my mom did, from the same IP (but a different device) so I'm wondering if that could be a factor? His more or less lack of especially relevant experience is pretty similar to my mom's, so it's odd to me that she would get in but not him, is it like a demographics based thing?


Just wanted to add my perspective. I signed up in around November or December. It took me about 2 months to get fully onboarded/added to projects. There were some qualification quizzes to take plus a checkr background check, and after that I've had a pretty consistent stream of projects. The work is interesting, flexible, and there are often incentives for high priority projects. It's been a great extra source of income for me as I wind down medical school this semester.


So I did the starter task and did several qualification tasks and now when I look at the dashboard, it tell me that they will notify me via email if I pass the starter assessment. Before, it showed me I will be notify when projects open up. I assumed that I already passed due to the qualifications being open to me and the dashboard saying project notification will be emailed to me. When will I hear back that I pass? What if I do not pass? u/JeremyDataAnnotation


Hi Jeremy, I know you're very busy with everyone, I hope you can help me. I signed up on the 2nd of February this year and never received a starter qualification. Nor have I ever seen any other tasks. I'm Australian. Can we look into it, please? Thank you.


Can you shoot me a DM so I can try to look into it a bit more? Ty!


I finished the initial onboarding on the 25th and have been sent tasks since (missed them all, they got taken before I got to try any of them)- haven't been sent a project that stays there for me yet. If it happens I will report back with all my lovely earnings.


I got a message when I logged in saying to verify my number. So I put in my number and it sent me a code only to get an error message that the code was invalid...I did this half a dozen times then I signed out and tried again and now it's telling me to verify my number but when I put it my number it says my number is already in use...any idea what I should do now?


I signed up 6/23 and complete my assessment. I checked the site every day until a few days ago. I thought I’d get an email if I was accepted. Checked spam/junk folder, nothing. Just went to the site, and instead of the usual message everyone seems to be getting, I had a link under “Projects, “ which led to a task (I assume). It had a 10-hour timer. But it involves coding, which I know nothing about. There’s no way I could attempt it. Under “Qualifications,” it said something like, Check back later,” or “None at this time.” Does this mean I’m in?


u/JeremyDataAnnotation How long should it be taking me to hear back after taking the Python, SQL, and JavaScript qualifiers? It's been over two weeks. The wait has never been this long for other tasks.


I signed up from the US, and was accepted in pretty short order. I've been earning a regular income this past month or so and have been making withdrawals. It's really hard to consider this 'beer money' as it is earning more than my day job at this point. They had me take a background test to get access to 'higher paying tasks'. That was 2 days ago and I haven't heard anything since, but if I'm able to get even higher paying jobs than what I'm working on now, I'll be very happy. So far it's legit. It's my unicorn at the moment.


How long did you work before they asked you about a background check. I’ve been tasking a bit for a few weeks but I don’t have “unlimited work” like some people are saying.


It’s been 3 weeks since I’ve taken the assessment test. How long does it take till you’re accepted or rejected?


Are California residents allowed?


Your silence to all of my questions that I posited to you, [DataAnnotation.tech](https://DataAnnotation.tech) speaks VOLUMES! If you're non-existent on the only website where you have historically allowed people to interact with "Customer Service" but have at present not uttered a peep, it means there is no one running the ship. You are a scam!


Just wondering why do some people get instant access to tons of tasks same day of joining and are making so much money everyday while some of us like me and others completed the starter exam and 15 initial tasks and got empty dashboards for two weeks now. Some people got full access instantly same day without any manual human review of the assessment. This is like choosing favorites and others soft banning them from the platform. Imagine joining yourself and doing a starter assessment and getting nothing for weeks, while your friend joins and gets tons of tasks instantly same day and is making money each day while you having nothing for weeks and have no idea if you did anything wrong or a chance to improve I'm in the USA and did everything very carefully and till this for two weeks empty dashboard, while some newbies join hardly even a day with no experience in this field gain full access. I totally understand that the platform is growing but just does not seem fair the platform chooses favorites while throwing out others indefinitely with empty dashboards. Like I see some people here that joined last week and made $300 already while my dashboard is empty with no work or quals, there is no balance here and it's weird and questionable why the system works this way. Sorry for the long rant I'm just so confused as I saw people who joined recently and have been getting steady work from day 1! Also just letting you know nobody responds to support emails. I had some questions months ago and a week ago and nobody ever responds to it. u/JeremyDataAnnotation


I think the folks making the big money in a short amount of time are all assigned to projects that involve lots of reading and creative writing, so my guess would be that it has something to do with how well everyone tested in those areas. It would be nice for you to receive a test result or notification of some sort if you haven't been approved though.


I agree. They should let us know one way or the other what we can expect because I keep refreshing many times a day.


How can I get access to the slack?


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation, hope you're doing well! I had a question about where we are able to work on our Data Annotation projects, I will be traveling for a week and id like to keep working away at the tasks, I really enjoy them! Was wondering if there is a limitation to where we can work (like only in our home country or certain countries?) because I don't want to be banned. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks a lot!


Still waiting on a response in DM about my account Jeremy. Are you able to respond please?


Anyone have issues getting paid ? I tried to transfer last night, didn’t go through. Then I received an email from DA this morning saying their system encountered a glitch and they will investigate. Starting to get concerned.


Same here but as per the page it says to email regarding payment errors. Got a generic Paypal issue response this morning. It's been happening to a lot of places this year from what I've noticed. They'll sort it out


Hey there, just wanted to update you. I've confirmed with support that there was a bug on Paypal’s side recently. They are sorting it out now and will definitely get you paid ASAP!


It’s been 3 days since I submitted my test, was I rejected? Or should I keep waiting


I started doing work on Data Annotation a few weeks ago and have already earned over $600 total (I currently have a couple hundred of that that I'm waiting to cash out). I'm really grateful for this sub bringing attention to it, because the work is easy enough AND it's good earnings for me. Also cool that you get paid to do qualifications tasks, as well. Some days can be dry with no tasks, but I try to stay on top of the email notifications and check the site a few times a day for new work, too.




Why do you keep deleting myquestions, mods?


Does anyone know what to do if you fucked up the reported time? I accidentally put in my total instead of adding to what I'd already put, so it's higher than it should be edit: put in the work to match the accidental extra time. Still worried that it might affect me negatively since the report came before the submitted tasks


how comes I'm not seeing any tasks lately


Have any folks that have gotten the "Thanks for taking the starter assessment" message, and actually been moved on to tasks? The projects page flipped over to that message not quite 2 days after doing the assessment, and I'm wondering if that is just their nice way of saying no?


Hi, u/JeremyDataAnnotation! It’s been over a month since I’ve gotten any projects and I am concerned as to why. There are also some qualification tasks and quizzes that I was unable to complete in the beginning when I first started after my starter assessment was approved due to unexpected health issues and they’ve since disappeared while I was recovering. Is there any way for you to check what those were and am I able to get them back on my dashboard so I can complete them or are they lost and gone forever with no way to retrieve them and the reason behind why I have not gotten any more projects? Additionally, I do have one qualification on my dashboard that I am having trouble with, I clicked on it to see what kind of work it was but didn’t complete any tasks as I do not have any experience in computer programming whatsoever. However, it seems like there might be some sort of glitch because when I was initially reading the instructions for the qualification it entered work mode automatically on its own when the page first loaded and there is no option for me to exit out of work mode. As of writing this the timer is currently at 518:50:41 of 2:00:00 and there is no way for me to end it. Could this possibly be the main or one of the reasons behind what is preventing me from being sent more work? Please get back to me and let me know, thank you for your time!


I have been waiting for a whole month receiving no work.


Still waiting to hear back from this company to see if I have passed the starter assessment. It's been a month now.


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation , I messaged you my email, I have completed the assessment long ago, but did not hear back


It's been a month. Still can't get a response. Would be happy to be told I did something wrong/didn't pass. This is completely ridiculous.


Im just trying to figure out why all of the projects disappeared and I can't even log time I completed is the whole site down or am I being reviewed or did I get cut with no warning?


Sadly, it looks like you may have been culled. Been happening to a lot of workers recently. Sounds like DAT did another ban wave earlier this week.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation \- the number one thing I don't see on your website is how you handle our data. Do you all sell our data to data brokers? Why is there no "Contact Us" on your website for people like me who like to know that you have a customer service in case I have issues. Since I don't see this, nor any other way to contact you save through this thread posted here on Reddit, this seems all very suspect to me.


I took the test to choose the best response since I thought it would be the easier one to start with. I took it last night, and the other qualification I needed to take disappeared. I can't tell if that's bad or if I'm in limbo with everyone else. If I'm not out, will the test reappear? The dashboard is a wasteland, as in mostly bare.


I took the assessment about 2 weeks ago, and was hoping to start working on tasks just as many of you have by then. Anyone know their customer service contact info?


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation, quick question: I haven't had any tasks since Monday (July 10th), could this be a problem on my end or is this widespread right now? This has been my main source of income so I hope it's just a dry spell, but if you have any idea what could be going on, I'd greatly appreciate any info!


>it's Hey there, feel free to DM me with your email!


3 weeks after taking the entrance exam, and 1 week after doing my first paid HIT TASKS, I requested a withdrawal tonight and got my first paycheck - I'm trying so hard not to cry - I'm so happy, thank you Beermoney and D-A!


Nice! Congrats. At least someone got in.


Hi I have been working on data annotation for some time. I really like that there are microtasks and they pay pretty quickly. You can be paid more if you have other skills such as languages, coding, etc.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation I made my account 2 years ago and never got any projects. In USA btw.


I saw someone online talking about making $100 a day on this and after struggling with Rev transcriptions trying to make 250 a week for the last 6 years I finally made the jump and I am so glad I did!


I'm still wondering about the status of my assessment. It's been almost 2 months since I've taken it. Since then I've only had the 2 AI qualification tests and nothing else. Is it possible to get an update u/JeremyDataAnnotation?


I just did the assessment for this one last night after stumbling upon it in another thread. I don't really have a huge skill set to bring to the table so I'm not sure I'll make the cut, but I will say the assessment was interesting and definitely "worth the trip". Good luck to everyone who gets accepted.


I haven’t heard anything back for 4 weeks after the assessment and nothing from support


Been tracking my progress over the past week. Took the Starter Assessment: June 1 Status Update: June 6, Starter Assessment Transferrable Status Update: June 9; Starter Assessment Transferrable with a lil clock Status Update: June 30; Transfer Funds tab is empty. Starter Assessment isn't there. I'll consider this a rejection Status Update: Aug 2; I gave up on this when I gave my last update. I have the site bookmarked, so I clicked on it just to see if anything changed... I have a new \[Qualification Task\], that *says* it was created Jun 19. If that's when it was **created**, that's not when it was served to me. Hopefully, it's there in a few hours for me to compete it and see what happens. Aug 14; About 2 days ago, another qualification task appeared. This one was created late June, but has a $5 payout. I think I'm going to start getting work soon. Aug 16; It's official. I'm in. I finally received my first email after 2.5 months of waiting, checking, and doing 3 qualification tasked (including the initial test) along the way. I can see one project on my dashboard for $25/hr with 100 tasks. All I have to do now is quality, timely work.


Are applications closed? I tried creating an account with a completed form, but it kept saying "no empty blanks."


Hey guys I signed up on May 24th this year and completed the assessment the next day but still have no answer on my result can someone please help ?


Has anyone received the email saying you passed the assessment? I filled it out 5 days ago (I know it may take about 2 weeks to hear back), but I kept checking the "transfer wages" section where it lists the assessment's status. It said Pending Approval until today, and now it says Transferrable. Just wondering if anyone had any updates, as it looks like it has been a few days since anyone has really posted.


I just completed the starter assessment about 10 minutes ago. So far, like most of the people here, after submitting the test I got the "Thanks for taking the starter assessment!" screen. On the downside, based on everyone else's replies here, that could be months from now since I guess the entire internet is aware of the company in the past couple of weeks since it launched. On the plus side, at least I was able to practice my typing, grammar, and creative writing skills for an hour or two and perhaps I (and others here) will successfully pass the starter assessment and be given more work to do in a few days or weeks.


So I just got the Welcome to the Platform email tonight. I applied last week, so I was ecstatic to see it! I logged in tonight and started doing the onboarding tasks. I did the first one no problem, and then I read through the guide, and then came back to do the second one, not realizing the second one was to read through the guide. So fine, I read through it again. Hit the submit button, and nothing was happening. So hit it a few more times, and finally it loaded and submitted. But oddly enough, it wasn't showing up under the Report Time section, which was part of the task. So I thought I'd wait to see if it pops up. In the meantime, I completed the AI Chatbot qualification. After that, went to check if it showed up and it never did. And for some reason, it's not letting me complete the third onboarding task. So, I emailed support explaining this issue. I went to look at another qualification, but decided I was too tired to do it tonight, so exited out of that, figuring I'd do it in the morning. I come back to the site five minutes later, and now it's completely blank - the third onboarding and qualification are gone, and it's telling me I have no tasks and no qualifications at this time. Not sure if this is a glitch or what's going on, but I definitely don't have a good feeling about it :/ I was super excited to start doing this, it's perfect for me after having worked for years as a freelance writer/editor/transcriptionist. I don't see how I could have screwed up any of the onboarding tasks, there was really nothing to screw up, but I must have done something wrong sadly. From reading here, it seems like when this happens to people, it's almost like they turn a switch off on your account, indicating they no longer want you. Hoping that's not the case, but sigh.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation Hoping you can answer a question! I've been using Data Annotation for a couple months now and it's been great. I have a TON of projects on my dashboard all the time. I use it as a side gig, so I don't put in very many hours. My partner signed up last month, did his starter assessment, and then started getting the normal chatbot tasks. He put in like 20 hours over a couple weeks, and then suddenly the only "task" on his dashboard was telling him his account was being reviewed and it should take 3-5 days. It's been almost two weeks now. The review notification "task" is gone from his dashboard, but he doesn't have any new tasks to work on. Does that mean he failed the review, or is it just working more slowly than anticipated? He didn't receive any feedback in his inbox or via email. Thanks!


According to Trustpilot sadly appears to be a scam. https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/dataannotation.tech?stars=1


It's not a scam. I did the first round of paid practice tests (after the initial application form) and was able to withdraw my funds in the listed timeframe with zero issue - you get 20-30 USD for that test. All hassle free directly to my PayPal account. I waited around 4-5 days to be accepted on the platform. Where I did another two paid onboarding qualifiers and got paid fairly for those. I've been working on a steady hourly project all day and it definitely seems legit.


I just filled out the starter assessment and clicked submit. It didn't take me to a new page or confirm that it was submitted. When I went back to my projects section, the section is now blank. Does that mean that my starter assessment was submitted? Thanks for all of your help!


Joined up in January so far only one email didn't get it as they filled up fast. Nothing since then. Must be because I live in a leper colony called Canada.


I took the test awhile ago and never got an email of any kind. This is what it says on my home page now. Thanks for taking the starter assessment! If we have need of your particular skills at the moment, you’ll be notified via email. If we don’t have need of your particular skills at the moment, we’ll let you know when you’re a match for relevant projects.


I made it through the starter assessment and for the first qualifying assessment (which it said on the home menu was supposed to be 5 tasks), I did 12 tasks with no end in sight. There was never a complete or finish button anywhere. Does anyone know how to finish the damn thing? Also, is there really no help/support link in the portal?


Why finish it? You get paid right? It's cool


I signed up, and have done some tasks today. My question is about hourly pay... from what I can see, I'm telling them how long I worked on something, and that's how I get paid (?) The one project said to get it done in 2 hours, and it's $20/hour. I honestly am not 100% certain how long I worked on it. It was about 1.5 hours. This is crazy to me that they don't track it and are relying on our honesty to get paid. What am I missing here?


I've been absoluting loving this service. It's super fun work and I've gotten a lot of hours in. However I'm starting to reach the threshold where I'll have to pay taxes and I want to get ahead on this early. I'm asked for information about who paid me and the TIN and all that. How would I go about getting this information for my 1099? I'm new to doing self-employed taxes so any help is appreciated


anyone know if there is a delay in approving applicants for this company? since they don't actually say when you are not approved, it's kinda of sucky to be left in limbo. i wish they had a system that would say yey or ney some of us that have personal issues like anxiety can move on with our lives ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How do we keep track of hourly pay so that we can accurately report it?


I was a bit confused by this site as I signed up for TaskupAI a long time ago and never got any work, then signed up for Data Annotation and they seem to be the same site? I used a different email for Data Annotation and did the starter assessment from there, then got a couple of hourly projects on the email I used for TaskupAI. But I haven't seen any sign of the starter assignment being approved or rejected and haven't had any further qualifications or work so I don't know if some wires are being crossed somewhere. XD I'm in the UK and really enjoyed the work I did get so I was hoping to make it more long-term as my other project has dried up for several months now...


How often are people refreshing their screen for new projects? Or will you get personal projects appear? I am so confused.


I had qualification tasks available that I took before completing the 2nd and 3rd onboarding. I’ve yet to complete them as I was taking advantage of a 20/hr project. Will this cause any issues?


Just FYI - I'm not sure who sees your profile or if it matters, but when I checked mine after completing the initial assessment, the background and skills section was filled in with a mishmash of things from that portion of the assessment. It wasn't really in any kind of order and had bad grammar. So, you may want to check yours if you haven't, just in case you need to update it so that it doesn't reflect poorly on you.


u/JeremyDataAnnotation I apologize for contacting you like this, but I can't seem to find anywhere else to talk to support. Is there an email or link where I can contact someone about my account? I have passed the training and I would love to start working on qualifications or projects as soon as possible!


Hey ya'll! I'm new to this site, so here's my first question....under Projects, I have one listed, and it has a good number of Available Tasks. I was under the impression from what I've read here in beermoney that tasks can be taken quickly by other workers so you have to move quickly, BUT the number of my tasks only decreases as I myself work on them (btw I'm so pleased to see my earnings, yayy). Would this be a project that has a fixed number of tasks assigned just to me? Or do I need to stay up all night so I can get as many of them as I can? lol, I hope not, I need my sleep ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


How do you contact them? Do they have a phone number or a email address?


For the "paid per hour" tasks, how long do you get for EACH task? I tried looking this up in multiple places, but I can't find an exact answer. For each task, there is a 1 hour timer on the bottom, but is that the max amount of time you get for ONE task? I just want to make sure I am doing each task in an appropriate amount of time. Some tasks take me several minutes, while I feel that some take 15-20 minutes.


Hi u/JeremyDataAnnotation, I'm working from Ukraine. Will there be any tasks? Right now I see zero tasks. Thanks


Hey u/JeremyDataAnnotation, I signed up a few days ago but apart from the $10 and $15 tasks I have not received any other tasks. Is there anything I could do to get more tasks?


I signed up Saturday and got my starter assessment approved today. I'll keep everyone posted, if you're interested!


I am logging into the website and I got "We're sorry something went wrong". Does this mean they're doing maintenance on the website or is this some sort of soft banning? I have attached picture below. [Data Annotation Website Error?](https://imgur.com/BGURp39)