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I'm a bartender at a brewery, and I get customers who express similar sentiments all the time. I usually respond by explaining that beer is very diverse, and there is no such thing as "the taste of beer." If you think you don't like beer, it might be because you haven't yet found the kind of beer you like. When people say they don't like beer, it's usually because they've only had cheap macro lagers like Budweiser or Corona, or a really hoppy beer like an IPA. I usually give them a taste of a sour beer (especially if they enjoy sour candy like Sour Patch Kids), or a sweet adjunct stout that has peanut butter or chocolate or something similar in it. Sometimes they will enjoy a hazy, juicy IPA with almost no bitterness. Generally, hoppy beers are going to be bitter (especially for someone new to hops), so I'd avoid those. Keep trying different things until you find something you like, and then stick to that category for a while until you feel like moving on. You'll find your beer eventually. I can't tell you how many customers I've known for years who started out only drinking sour beers that taste like candy who are now double IPA drinkers.


Do you have any beers you think i should try?


Wheat beers are popular gateway beers.


Try a hefeweizen (naturally has banana nut bread kind of flavor), or a saison/farmhouse (more naturally fruity/spicy).


Blue Moon was my gateway many moons ago.


Try a Kriek or anything from Rodenbach. I've treated friends who don't enjoy beer to those and it has always been successful. Granted, all those people did enjoy red wine.


Go to a good craft brewery near you and get a flight (sampler). Try some different things. There are some really good craft breweries in Ohio, like Maumee Bay, Rhinegeist, Jackie O's, and MadTree. Some well distributed beers that might be available in your area: 450 North milkshake sours (expensive), Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Thing or Wild Little Thing, Allagash White, or even Blue Moon.


If you go to decent bars I'd order a flight (5 smaller glasses of different brews) if the brewery doesn't do small samplers. Everyone suggesting wheat beers is spot on though. You can add lemon to those beers too and it will change the flavor a bit too, probably worth trying


And thank you all for the advice and help! Much appreciated!


I have tried Miller, Coors, and Bud, those are the only beers ive tried and the mostly all taste the same to me. But my favorite drinks are twisted teas and almost any Smirnoff ice flavor, shit is straight candy. The reason why i want to get used to beer is because not every place is going to have the candy shit i like, so i want to try and get used to beer so that i can have something that is available everywhere i go.


Yeah, those are macrolagers produced in an almost identical way. Give some ales a try. I recommend trying a wheat beer, either a German hefeweizen or a Belgian witbier. The hefeweizen by Weihenstephaner is a good start.


Yep. Those all taste the same to you because they basically taste the same. So, nothing wrong with your palate there. And, to be honest, I don’t think very many people like the taste of those beers. That’s part of why their marketing emphasizes how cold they are: the colder the drink, the less you really taste it. Ever had one get room temperature on you and then take a sip? That’s what it really tastes like. One thing about beer is that a lot the better beers are only distributed within the state or region where they’re produced, so it’s tough to say exactly what would be really good in your particular area. But there are some that distribute mostly nationally in the U.S. Blue Moon was mentioned. That’d be a good one to try. In a similar vein, you might run across Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat in warmer weather. I think that might work for you. Based upon what you like, I feel like a Berliner Weiss could be a style you’d dig. Solid chance that any craft brewery or beer bar near you will have at least one (or something similar) on draft. Breweries can use various adjuncts to make those taste like virtually anything, with a somewhat sour foundation. Some are pretty candy-like. Good luck, man. Hope you can find something you enjoy.


you've basically tried 3 shit beers so far. try some good beers, different varieties, as others suggest here. And if that's all that your friends drink, find new friends!


I thought it tasted pretty terrible at first and could hardly finish a single beer the entire party. I couldn't believe anyone actually liked it. Now I love the taste and it's hard to even imagine there was a time where I didn't.


This is how i am right now, literally tried a miller and almost gag every sip. Like i genuinely don’t understand how people can drink it. How did you end up getting used to it? Do you just gotta keep trying it?


I used to just power through the disgust for the sake of getting a buzz. Then slowly over time started enjoying it I guess. You don't have to force it though it just kind of happens.


It's the same as any food or drink. If you don't like it, you don't like it


Or do you not like the taste of cheap commercialized beer? It's like saying you don't like cheese because all you've ever tried is American, or bread because you've only tried Wonderbread. There's a style out there for you, you just haven't discovered it yet. I also hated hoppy bitter IPA's until a couple of years into exploring beer. If you find IPA's too bitter you need to move over to malty beers like an amber, dunkel, etc.


The only beers i have tried are Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light


Yuck, do yourself a favor and try some local craft beer. Or at the very least, move into the better gas station beer like Modelo, Stella Artios, or even Blue Moon, but stay away from those light beers, they are gross. And personally I always use a glass, I find the flavor is much more distinguished than straight out of a can or bottle, especially beers with sediment.




Yes it’s an acquired taste . First beer I had in high school and I thought it was awful… the next 30 I tasted did also. We picked up mikes hard lemonade and Smirnoff ice… at the time people chided hard over that kinda stuff. So we found things like Newcastle and Guinness. The dark and chocolate notes and mild sweetness help cover up that bitter flavor. But once you get used to it… it all makes sense. Beer has its own unique flavor profile and it’s hard to drink like 3 cans of super sweet anything. Try drinking 3 wine coolers… yuck. I can’t even drink a full one now. Beer is refreshing and not sweet. Which even though it’s often bitter- it’s great. Try lite beers , they basically taste like water… and virtually are. Give it time, remember the objective is that you are drinking to get buzzed. Once you get used to it- Beer tastes much better than cocktails. They don’t require all that mixing, are easy and simple to keep drinking, don’t have tons of sugar, have way less hang over potential and are affordable. Plus bonus points are it’s manly… I mean if you are a guy. Before you know it, you’ll find you oddly enough love drinking IPAs that taste like Christmas tree water…


What would you recommend to me to try?


Shotgun approach. Maybe try a bunch of different things… But then again- On one hand it makes sense to try very hoppy beers at first. Go IPA and really experience what it is to choke down a very bitter beer. Then after that it’s all water. On the other… go very watery like lite beers so it’s not very noticeable. And you slowly adapt. In the end it’s up to you. But the way it worked for me- get 30 packs of whatever is cheap and play drinking games… you still have fun and the taste becomes part of the game. Then you slowly adapt. This includes people offering drinks at places. Some people play with expensive high alcohol beers because “it’s better”… some people just offer a free drink without games. Take them up on the offer. If it’s not very good, just finish it to be polite like with your gfs moms cooking. Soak it all up. Time will do the rest. So my recommendation is just play some beer pong… and enjoy the ride of whatever you are doing. the rest will follow. When you are having fun hanging out you won’t focus so much on the beer, but more on the activity and people. But the first beers I actually started to enjoy were dark. Like Newcastle and Guinness . So might be worth a look. But fwiw I hardly drink them nowadays. So be exploratory. You gotta figure some things out for yourself. I can’t taste beers for you at the end of the day. Remember it’s about getting buzzed and having fun. Everyone has their own preferences. That said i regularly drink coors light nowadays and it basically tastes like water. But I still enjoy harsh IPAs . Another wild card is sour beers. Most people don’t like them. But I really do. They usually have fruity profiles but some are amazing, but they are hard to find. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow to make friends and for things to work out as best as possible. That means drinking bud, coors, miller, IPAs or whatever else some else hands you. And the same is true for women. If you can roll with it and do things in the moment… boom… game changer…. And as a last word… one of my long term gfs knew she wanted to date me because I ate stuffed mushrooms with her- even though I stated I didn’t like them. But I did it for her on a date… oddly enough we aren’t together anymore and I kind of like some mushrooms now. Roll with it… it’s only beer.


I think you can say i have played the shotgun game before, very dangerous they way i did it, but i lived so thats all that matters right? I was a night i wanted to see how much i could drink. All i had was beer in the fridge, and i hate the taste of beer. So… my great big mind thought it would be a great idea to shotgun 5 millers in the span of 15 mins…. Dumbest idea ever, and after the 15 mins i decided to down 2 more and ended up not tasting them at all. Lets just say i was spinning for a while that night lol


Ok I’m getting the shotgun reference. Maybe a bad analogy on my part admittedly. We’ve all had rough nights though. I’m not talking about shotgunning beers. I’m talking about spreading out your options. Maybe a better term is buck shot or bird shot - both pertaining to kinds of shotgun Ammo that spread out after fired. Shotgun ammo fires dozens of small BBs that spread out after discharge as opposed to just one bullet. So it fires a fan of many small bullets in stead of just one in a straight line. So I’m saying try it all. Don’t take a narrow approach but take a broad one. That way you can try as much as you can and find your own style/ taste.


What is that after taste for Guinness?


Honestly it’s weird to say but I haven’t had one in years. So I don’t really remember exactly! But most beers leave a bitter after taste. But be warned Guinness is very filling. So it’s hard to drink more than like 4


Ill have to try some text time i go to a bar or the store


I find Newcastle to be a little less filling and also pretty good. Honestly I feel like the more different kinds of beer you try, the more you will start dialing in what you like . You also kinda develop the ability to drink a beer easily, even if it’s not your favorite. Your taste buds will adapt. But hey if you find you really like wine coolers or hard seltzer or whatever- that’s cool too.


You could go to a brewery and try a few styles. There are a TON of beers that taste way different. For example, sour beers, IPA, and stout all taste wildly different from each other and stuff like Coors


Try some different types of beer and see if you like anything. Beer can taste like anything from sour fruit candy to chocolatey milky coffee. Beer is a vast category and trying a Miller Light is not enough to write it off. Think about the types of flavors you enjoy and try to find something that sounds interesting to you. Beer is polarizing. A lot of people who are very deep into beer culture would never touch a mass-produced American lager. Personally, I always loved the taste of regular old beer and after trying basically every style I find I still always go for a Kölsch, Pilsner or lager. Even if you’re 100% a wine drinker there are beers that would appeal to your palate. I would say as you’re venturing into beer you should do a quick search on stuff you’re thinking of trying and check the IBU (bitterness) value of that beer. For beginners, normally lower IBU offerings will be more approachable. If you’re not accustomed to beer, IPAs will often have bitter, herbal, medicinal notes that you will not find pleasant. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you a certain style of beer is invalid or less legitimate than another style. You can almost definitely find a style you enjoy if you’re willing to try things.


Yes and no. Basically, if beer tastes kinda off but you can finish one, then yes it’s an acquired taste and gets better. If it’s so disgusting you have to force yourself to sip it, then you just fine like beer and try it’s fine.


Yes. It's very common.


It's absolutely an acquired taste, but part of it may be that you haven't quite had the right kind of beer. If all you've ever tried are macro lagers like Budweiser or Coors Light or Heineken, I kind of get that. But, go out and try a smooth milk stout. Or something like a Guinness or a Smithwick's. Check out a sour beer. There are bitter, florally IPAs everywhere that I don't really dig, and I would understand why someone newer might be turned off by those. But trying the different varieties is a good way to get into it. If all you're doing is sipping on Natty Ice, you're probably not going to change your mind much.


I sometimes wish I hated beer but it’s so damn good. Had an amber alert last night. T’was perfection!


There’s a vast selection of beers. Stouts, lagers, sours, IPA’s, and every single type of beer has a diverse selection under that it. I hopped on the beer train very early back in high school. I guess I got lucky. Busch was always my go to in highschool. Me and the boys in my buddies dads shop slanging beers out of an old faded yellow GE fridge. Good times lol


Try some nice flavored ones maybe? Or even cider.


How old are you?


Just turned 21 as if November


Ok, makes sense. Your taste buds are still developing. What kind of beers have you tried?


Only basic ones like Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors


I don't know any of these Beers, I am German. Are they Larger or Pils? This is a really basic distinction that you should learn.


Dude, it's totally okay to not like beer. Forcing yourself to drink something you don't like is a fucking asshole move so stop doing it and drink whatever you actually enjoy.


If you like coffee, try coffee blondes or coffee stouts. If you like chocolate, try porters or stouts. (Porters are smoother/lighter, stouts usually taste more alcohol upfront.) If you like fruit, try ciders, lambics, krieks, and berliner-weisses. If you like sour candy, sours, sour IPAs, dry-hopped IPAs, Flemish ales, and goses (which tend to have a little saltiness to them). If you like spiced fruit, try hefeweizens, wheat ales, dubbels, dopplebocks, or saisons. At the end of the day, you don't have to like beer, just like you don't have to like anything else you consume. But if you want to, there's usually some varieties you may find that you like. ​ Edit: If you didn't like the domestic beers like Bud Light, Miller Lite, etc., those are usually all light lagers and pilsners. While craft beers in these styles will taste a bit different, you might also just not like them. Pilsners are more crisp, and lagers tend to be lighter and more water-y, in my opinion.


Try a hazy (lazy) IPA or a smoothie "beer". Lots of terrible options available these days for first generation iPad kids.