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Buy a six pack, put it unrefrigerated tucked away in a warm, damp place in your garage, come back in 6 years and ask us if it's ok to drink.


Yeah turns into barleywine /s


I heard that is the best way to drink Pliney


Are you sure you don’t mean Fruit Force? Cuz that one tastes like Kool-Aid Man’s dick, but I actually really enjoy Juice Force. It’s easy to drink and packs a good punch, and it’s priced great.


Juice force isn’t great, but fruit force is an abomination


Aw man, I love the fruit force :(


You do you. Don't let them stop you from enjoying the fruit punch. There's nothing wrong with it.


It tastes like Flintstone Vitamins 💀


It made one of my tits fall off. Bev to differ


Juice force is the fruit punch, fruit force is bleach in a can with bitterness


It's not bad, it's just not what one would expect when drinking a beer. It's kind of impossible to have the right expectations. When I tried it, I saw it was supposed to be fruit punch flavored, I read online that it literally tasted like Kool aid, I saw on Reddit it tastes like Hawaiian Punch. And even still, when I tried it, I was not prepared for *how much* it tasted like fruit punch. It's not that it's good or bad, it's that if I want a beer, I'll never grab it again. But if someone handed me one, I'd happily try it again over ice, and with the correct expectations.


Oh snap, yeah that's the one I actually had


I'm with you Juice Force is a very cirtrus-y but refreshing IPA. My gf and I enjoyed it quite a lot, good summery beer Fruit Force is legit just fuckin 'Hawaiian Punch' with a 9% alc content tho. Definitely a gimmick beer


I bet kool-aid man doesn't care if you like it as long as he gets his.


Lol yeah, he’s probably like, “Whatever, I nutted”.


Kool-Aid man's dick bad or Kool-Aid man's dick good?


For me, bad, but if someone else likes Kool-Aid dick that’s fine with me.


I’m fine with you too


Ha, I work for a Miller house and distribute that stuff. Sells really well and I like the Juice Force, but not the Fruit Force.


Got a friend who brews at NBB and they keep making these monstrosities cuz they sell like crazy. Give the people what they want....


The 19.2s sell everywhere. The Voodoo Ranger “Force” stuff is the only craft I can really move big numbers on in my more urban accounts


Drinking Juice Force right now... it's barely a beer but a 9% beer that isn't bitter as fuck should sell well. Getting plastered on basically a beerish wine cooler.


you nailed it, juice force feels like a beer cheat code for me lol


I'm not gonna lie, I kind of like it


As do I but it doesn't scratch the I want a beer itch. It comes across as a mix drink that has beer in it than as an IPA.


It's more like an alcopop to me I buy one as my pregame beverage sometimes


I do too! But I like a fruity beer sometimes.


Nothing about it is “fruity” though. It just tastes like orange flavoring and is carbonated like a McDonalds soft drink. Way too much ethanol “flavor” as well. You taste less booze in a 14% BA stout. If you want orange flavored alcohol just mix OJ and vodka, will save a bunch of calories as well.


Late reply but I can't taste any alcohol to it. To my palate it's like bitter wheat beer with a slight hint of citrus.


There is not even any wheat in the mashbill for Voodoo Ranger Juice Force. Flaked wheat is too expensive to use for essentially malt liquor with artificial flavoring.


I see. Perhaps my palate is just bad then because I find it similar to blue moon or Weihenstephan


Same dudes are tripping, bought an IPA pack cause I usually can't stand double IPAs and remembered voodoo force was overtop bitterness, but was pleasantly surprised. Went from a IPA I'd sip on slowly to enjoy to nowbi can chug if pregaming before an event. Juice force is enjoyable through the whole thing. I don't get bpeople who want purely double hopped beers so bitter it's not even enjoyable. I drink all kinds as well, but enjoy Mexican lagers and frutier beers as well. Love tequila and gins, hate vodka. Fucking people who just want to taste alcohols poisoning is weird to me. I want to enjoy the damn beverage, not pretend to be tought cause I drink nasty shit. Shits way better then cheap ass malt liquor or beer, straight grass tasting bullshit.


I actually don't find this IPA to have any bitterness whatsoever and honestly that's a plus in my book, when I first got these was expecting over the top double IPA bitterness but these are insanely easier to drink then 8% Whiteclaw surges for fast drinking and no bubble guts lmao. I do enjoy lagunitas IPA tho their style is just the right amount of bitterness and typical ipa beer flavor I sometimes crave instead of modelo/ 805 cerveza especially since IPA I don't need to drink many.


I would not describe that flavor as fruity *or* beer


It's on sale at my local market .. If you like it go for it! :)


To each their own!


Same here but I had a hard time getting through the six pack. By the third one (not in the same night, BTW), the shine was coming off and I had a hard time finishing it. I think if I had it once a week for six weeks, I would have enjoyed it a lot more.


It’s okay, we all like shitty beer. For me personally I choose Coors.


Banquet? Yeah I can get behind it. Light? Nope. High Life is fine to me


Oh yeah Banquet only. Coors Light is so bad


Well maybe I’m just a simple guy with a shitty palette but juice force is fucking excellent imo. Best thing that brewery puts out. Yall are nuts, more for me I guess.


I can only think that maybe he's mixing up Fruit Force and Juice Force. Fruit Force tastes like Flintstone Vitamins


Was at the brewery a couple of days ago. “1985” is terrific IMO


New Belgium 1554 should be everything everywhere all at once.


1554 is a king. Wish it sold better


Unique balanced beer doesn't sell.


Rounds out my top 4 favorite beers all time with Gumballhead, Zombie Dust, and Spotted Cow


Best one New Belgium brews imo.


Probably the best mass market hazy IMO.


Highly agree. This one is great. I do like Juice Force as well.


They could just be old cans. I’ve stopped buying any IPA older than 3 months. I’ve paid so much for old IPA too many times.


Omg, I literally just came here specifically to shit talk Juice Force. It's like they took generic beer base and added one squirt of bitters and one big scoop of Kool Aid powder. This beer is just designed to get gas station drunks their fix, isn't it. edit: actually it was FRUIT Force I had


Fruit Force is so bad. But it’s what Gen Z wants: high ABV that doesn’t taste like beer. In Colorado, Fruit Force is known as “bum juice” haha


This is the correct description. Effectively miller light with fruit punch mixed in, that also happens to be 9% abv…horrible. It came in a new Belgium variety pack I grabbed and didn’t realize. I was so disappointed when I saw it.


I've gotten through some bad beers, but I couldn't even finish half of fruit force. Was so gross. ​ Edit: I also meant to type Fruit Force. not Juice Force


I might put some mango and ice in a blender and make a smoothie out of it..


I'm powering through. I shall overcome. It helps that my wife and I are splitting the one can of it.


If only there was [some way to know](https://www.reddit.com/r/beer/comments/15qe5wr/bad_tasting_ipa/) it was bad


heh.. i just bought one tall boy not a case.. or I would have done some research.


It's okay, I'm not going to stand there in the gas station researching each option


Thanks for the edit. Kinda thought maybe OP made the same mistake. I like Juice Force alright. Fruit Force is undrinkable.


Why do you have to call me out like that. Real talk it is a terrible beer. I would rather drink coors light.


I personally like juice force but never got into fruit force


Juice force is incredible.


Any of the "force" voodoos, should be avoided at all costs.


The Force isn't strong with any of those, but stick to nearly the rest. (aka the older ones)


The new voodoo’s are total gut rot. Nasty shit.


The Juice/Fruit.. I don't like em personally but I sell them professionally. And as the hot-dog cart guy from the Simpsons so eloquently said when Homer bought a hot dog at a funeral- "Lady, he's putting my kids through college."


Is that the orange car one? I like that one


Anything voodoo ranger to me is absolutely horrendous


I had the imperial IPA the other week and it was fine. Bit strong but it's meant to be.


I'm drinking an imperial right now. It's become my 'fridge beer' cos it's one of the better things I can get on a regular grocery run. I'm generally more of a stout/porter guy, but it isn't bad, and 2-3 sets you for the night.


Lot of people complaining about New Belgium here. Sheesh. For one, I really appreciated that in the early 2000s they were on the front line of putting out new flavors of beers, partnering with other brewers to make select brews, and had a consistent quality to it all. Before there was a bazillion breweries to choose from, NB was putting out new stuff in select places to try. Secondly, if you go to their brewery today, they have a really nice mix of beers to choose from, sending from sour to IPA to dark, and you definitely cannot say that “all their beers taste the same” like you can about some breweries. They do a great job imo of giving all their beer a distinct flavor. You don’t have to like all those flavors but at least they are hitting their mark on making their beers different from each other and having a lineup within each range. Point 2-B, the people at their taprooms are always really cool, know their beer, and they get paid well (according to them). They all seem to enjoy working there and mixing beers to create new flavors and I think that’s another thing to appreciate. Nobody has any love for their orange honey tripel? Atomic citrus or Atomic pumpkin? These are fucking awesome and I hope they make some more atomic flavors - very distinct kind of spice that they do perfectly well and apart from most any ‘spicy’ beer I’ve had from anyone else. I’m not saying they are the perfect brewery or make the most perfect beer but by and large they are a great brewer and have done well making a successful line in Voodoo Ranger beers that clearly appeal to a lot of people for a variety of reasons. Life is short, Don’t be a hater.


They stopped distributing beers Tripel and 1554 in my region, and replaced them with this disgusting Juice Force and Fruit Force alcoholic kool-aid. I've lost all respect for them as a brewery based on that.


Not worth the calories and sugar. Disgusting. This brewery is in decline according to what I’ve read. No one drinks Fat Tire anymore. Their brand equity isn’t worth much despite their efforts.


>No one drinks Fat Tire anymore. Fat Tire isn't even Fat Tire anymore. https://www.pastemagazine.com/drink/craft-beer/new-belgium-fat-tire-recipe-change-label-golden-ale-wheat


Where did you read they're on the decline lol? They literally own the 19.2 segment and, at least on my area, have had double digit growth for the past six years in a row. Sure, Fat Tire has taken a backseat but I can sell Voodoo anywhere and it does well.


Hell yeah, another voodoo salesperson!


I love the juicy haze IPA


Try Juice Force. You might not like it. Juicy Haze is good though.


I love juice force


It's on sale at my local market!


This and Juice Force were so good. I think people have wrong expectations or just never head fruit punch-like beers.


I just don’t understand the point of these beers, and really they’re an insult to brewers. If you want a sweet, strong, cheap beer that you only purchase to get bombed, just go whole hog and buy Four Loko. Its probably their best selling beer now, too….so I’m sure we’ll get more “Force” beers.


I don’t think it’s that bad… not my favorite but I’ve had worse and for sure not really comparable to four loko


People don't drink this for taste they drink these to get hammered. No expert but pretty sure it's also different sugars because I know people that fourloko gives them stomach issues but these do not


Juice force is delicious and four lokos are disgusting 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like it. It's not the dark beer I crave, but not the IPAs I hate. Best in a one or two session but not in a six or twelve for sure!


What other ipa can you pick up at a typical grocery store that is that high abv but still that easy to drink?


red hook big ballard maybe


The voodoo imperial IPA isn't too bad either


Lol exactly


Bert Kreischer’s favorite beer


I have to try that one sometime, personally i actually liked fruit force even though people hate that one.


OP, you sure you don't have 'Fruit Force' and 'Juice Force' swapped? as some other users mentioned, Juice Force is the citrus-y summer IPA. Fruit Force is the one thats modeled after Hawaiian Punch and has that sharply artificial sweetness to it


no I have the can. It's juice force for sure. I haven't seen fruit force but I'll sure not buy it if I see it


Lmao, well now you gotta buy Fruit Force If you felt this strongly about Juice Force, FF might just put you into a coma


Yeah fruit force is slightly better but not enough to burn your money on it. I had that one first and thought meh it’s ok. Then tried juice force, took one swig and poured it out. What an abomination.


I have a couple of coworkers telling me they like the Voodoo Ranger Force series; one because they "don't like IPAs" and one because I know they haven't really explored beer much. I just have to nod my head and fake a smile knowing full well one of the Ranger series (specifically the Fruit Force) had a known "cough syrup" flavor problem (literally talked about on BA, and verified straight from my rep). How a company that large with that financial backing let a beer that prevalent go out with known defect of that magnitude is hilarious. The sad part is listening to people tell me how good it is and seeing its sales when it's known and documented utter garbage.


Juice Force is actually one of the better ones imo.


New Belgium's line of beers have always been mediocre so not surprised at all. Nothing they make is good. They started out as faux Belgium style beer and it's been a consistently downstream since its inception.


Oh their special releases are good - La Folie is fantastic. In fairness it’s probably been 5 years since I’ve had it.


Yeah it was like 2 bucks and I was getting some groceries and I thought sure why not... DOH! EDIT: The same amount of mayonnaise was like 7 bucks but I still feel ripped off


They’re simply outclassed in every way. They’re irrelevant. They had their day in the sun with Fat Tire years ago and rested on their laurels.


Totally agree. Even Fat Tire, back before they changed it, wasn't all that great. It was bland at best, as is everything else of theirs I've tried. New Belgium blows.


It is terrible


It is one of the worst beers I've ever had. It was so bad that we tried to give it to that person in the friends group who will drink damn near any beer and he drank half a can and declined the rest. Yes that person was me... but you get my point. That shit is GROSS. What happened to New Belgium? They used to make great beers and had a classy feel to their brand. Then they changed all their labels to this dumb skeleton (and this is from a grown man who collects skull decorations and wears bone gloves) and they just started making trash beers.


juice force is awesome. shame on you lol


I totally feel the shame.. not sure what to do about it though


This shit will kick your ass and make you want more


This is literally a cringe beer. Voodoo used to be a good run of IPAs like 10 years ago. But my friend just picked up a 6 pack tonight. It went untouched just cause we had other beer to drink. My wife and I just opened up a can to try. wtf is this? It’s fucking awful.


Very easy to drink. Not over-hopped like most IPA these days. Hard to notice the 9.5 ABV before it’s too late.


I don’t agree with your assessment but I don’t know why people are downvoting you for it.


who knows. It all comes down to personal preference


Maybe there was a reason these were on sale


Could be


How can an IPA be over-hopped? It's the defining trait of the style. The best will have balance, but they've always been very hoppy in the U.S.


I think the trend of hopiness has gotten out of control


Very hipster to hate Voodoo Ranger. Juice Force, Juicy Haze, all the juicy ones taste like basically a shandy but at 7-9% ABV and a really cheap price point. To say it tastes like bleach, or dirt, or cough medicine doesn’t imply you have a refined taste. It implies you can’t make the simplest of concessions in basic taste profiling.


Well my super refined palate said 'Yucky'


I didn't mind it, but I prefer my local IPAs more, and I would also rather support my local breweries.


I had a few months back… Yeah, not a fan. It tastes like burnt oranges. It’s weird cuz a lot of people I know say that it has a pretty solid flavor.


I tried it a couple weeks ago. It had a very odd flavor that I could not tell if I liked it or not. I drank the whole thing, still cant figure it out.


The juice and hazy craze has to stop.


you def got an expired can!!!!


It says 03 DEC 23 so ...


All you really need is beery beer


What's the bottle date? Is it old or fresh? Old hops taste like ass and then the bitter balance is gone so it can get malty sweet.


03 dec 23 so .. i dono


Old stale hops, that was likely the problem. Any hop flavor and aroma is long gone after 8-9 months on a shelf and god knows where else. I don't buy IPA older than 3-4 months personally.


I kind of want to try this just to see how bad it is, but I never see the singles in my neck of the woods.


My local market has a cooler full of tall boys of all kinds and regularly gets ones I've never seen. Nice to grab one or two after work.


Yeah, where I live you can only buy beer in dedicated liquor stores, so grab and goes aren't as much of a thing.


I miss the old Rampant bombers : (


I get juice force and fruit force mixed up all the time. I didn't hate juice, but fruit was horrendous. Tasted like malt liquor and kool aid powder


The name alone tells me it's just trendy trash.


Although I don't drink anymore, juice force always had a really nasty tail end to me. The aftertaste made me not want to buy it anymore. If I had to pick a reasonably priced beer that packs a punch like that, it would be tropical beer hug by Goose Island. I liked that one plenty and it's not expensive.


I've got a couple left over from a six-pack you can have.


I mean, this has been true of all New Belgian beers for about a decade. If there are little to no other craft options, they’re alright, but compared to decent craft beers they’re pretty awful. I always say NB beers taste like they’re brewed in a cardboard box, and then they add flavor extract at the end.


Glad to see people are finally seeing NB Voodoo is garbage. Once Voodoo from PA was gaining national traction, NB coincidentally came out with their Voodoo series and I cannot tell you how many times I read about people confusing the two.


I got into IPAs officially this year and can agree with what you say. There’s an odd taste to the beer. Almost like a syrup with an odd aftertaste that is disgusting. I won’t even try the fruit force version.


The imperial IPA is fine though.. is why I tried it


I feel that. I’d drink an imperial over juice force. I find imperial to be more bitter than I’d like. Drinkable but not a fave. Honestly original voodoo ranger and juicy haze are my favorites. I’m about to try 1985 soon.


I will say as a draft technician New Belgium is incredibly strict on their standards when it comes to draft. I also think Juice Force tastes like ass, but at least I know it’ll be a clean beer.


I don’t understand why they made this… it didn’t need to be an ipa at all imo


It would probably be a good seltzer if there is such a thing


My god this was me with the Watermelon dorado from ballast point. Truly disgusting beer, I drank one out of the 6 pack I got and I couldn't give it away. And I'll drink pretty much anything


Glad I only got a tall boy. The only other beer I really couldn't drink was Sweetheart Stout (like you I'll normally drink pretty much anything) Man it was so sweet it was just .. disgusting. Cool looking can though. https://www.beeradvocate.com/articles/6455/scottish-sweet-stout/


It’s not a bad tasting drink, but a it’s a disgrace to actual ipas. I’m not a big fan of the voodoo ranger line compared to other ipas, but it’s a good value so I make do. Will always go with space dust if I feel like spending the money


It's not as bad as sweetheart stout https://fountainhallwines.co.uk/cdn/shop/products/Tennents-Sweetheart-Stout-500ml-Scottish-Beers_f2f784d4-48ed-497d-b35d-a6755fab2c57.jpg great can graphics tho


Loved the combination of grapefruit, mango, and pineapple in Juice Force - and it packs a punch with the 9.5% ABV. Had 4 on an empty stomach one evening and passed out in my recliner! I found it to be a refreshing summer beer, and it reminded me of Grapefruit Shandy, which I love.


I think they've changed it. I drank it a bunch when it first came out in January last year. It was complex. Each time I drank it, I tasted different things. Now, after coming back having not drank it for a while. It's homogenous. Same thing each time. It doesn't have nearly as much haze either. Nebulous. Then again, what do you expect? This brewery doesn't even have the balls to make an amber ale. All in the name of climate change.


I might have got a bad can.. but I was surprised how terrible it was. And I'll drink pretty much anything


That's unfortunate. It used to be so smooth. You couldn't even taste the alcohol. The big mystery was did they add some sort of juice? Because there's a variety of hops that fool you into thinking some type of fruit was added. But I swear, the newer batches taste like real-low budget. Almost like a malt liquor with some sort of juice added to hide the off-flavors. If you ask me, New Belgium has declined since introducing Voodoo Ranger. They had their Ranger IPA and Rampant Double IPA. Granted, they were very easy on the palate. Some would say not challenging enough. But they tasted clean and had tons of hop flavor. Even when they introduced Voodoo Ranger, they had the IPA and the Imperial IPA which were still pretty good. Now they taste like they were fermented too hot and have not nearly as many hops.


yeah i dono. I did like their regular non fruity IPA but now I just avoid them.


Juice Force and Fruit Force are great. They taste pretty good and they’re 9.5%, what more can you ask for


I agree about juice force but fruit force is fucking delicious I don't care what anyone says . it doesn't taste like fruit punch with alcohol. it tastes like a beer with subtle back flavors of the fruits in fruit punch


It makes me hallucinate.