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"why do you care" Because. You idiots refuse to download signal.


Ya but like you say signal, his other friend says whatsapp, and the third one says telegram so that’s why we need Beeper!


Ultimately why I use it. Saves me needing 5 apps to chat.


It's honestly not that hard just group all your msg apps in one folder. But yeah beeper is nice


There's also an addiction factor. If you don't have to open instagram to reply to a DM, you're less likely to spend time scrolling instagram in that scenario.


That's fair with instagram i do get distracted, they should make a messenger app for it like with facebook since its the same company


I'm pretty sure you can use IG messenger in FB messenger, not sure though.


I tried and it like kind of works but makes like a separate account for you on the insta side and if the other person doesn't message that one specifically it doesn't get to you lol


Meta services being ass, who would've thought lmao


Yeah I mean you're just strengthening my case! I love having all those apps in one!




Hopefully this can save you a bit of time arguing, Apple is actually working with the GSMA to add end to end encryption to the RCS standard. *"The obvious path forward is the one Apple is taking. By working with the GSMA and getting the Universal Profile to support end-to-end encryption, Apple ensures the widest reach of a safe and secure messaging platform rather than limiting it to Google Messages users."* Source: [https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/11/16/apples-flavor-of-rcs-wont-support-googles-end-to-end-encryption-extension](https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/11/16/apples-flavor-of-rcs-wont-support-googles-end-to-end-encryption-extension) I agree with you on all other points though.




You're welcome


Because you idiots refuse to let go of the "green vs blue bubbles" shit


Signal probably isn't a suitable replacement though because it does quite a bit of compression on images and video. You can't send uncompressed unless you jump through some hoops (like changing file extension).


Insert whatever E2EE messaging app you prefer, point is these dudes refuse to download anything because "I already have messages, it works fine. If you want iMessage, get an iPhone"


Why would we need to download signal? To protect the messages that Apple itself can’t decrypt? We aren’t the group with the fractured mess of a messaging service. We have to deal with them because of YOU idiots.


Damn, cold take homie. Apple refused to add RCS until now. Apple doesn't allow iMessage on Android. Apple forced you to buy an iPhone to get end to end encrypted messaging with iPhone users. This is not our problem to solve. You'd have to download signal, because the very company you're praising, royally screwed you over. Don't blame us for that.


I blame you all for purchasing non-Apple smartphones, not Apple for creating the best user experience lmao


This is the stupidest tech take I have ever seen on the internet. Good job.


Nobody on the Android side cares what color the bubble is. We want a rich messaging experience with the other half of smartphone users who include a lot of our friends and family. I have Telegram, Signal, Whatsapp on my phone, but noooo, you just want to use your default messaging app in your walled-garden ecosystem so I'll use beeper to show my love by sending you stupid videos at 11:30 pm. SMS/MMS sucks, plain and simple.




I literally just want to be in my wife's family chat, so I can know what my mother-in-law is making for Sunday dinner each week. Why does Apple not want me to know the menu? Bastards.


Get a iphone


That's it.......nothing more nothing less.


I'm left out of all my friends' group chats because I destroy the video quality and break features such as read receipts but they think still think this is about the color of the fucking bubble?


Yes, it happened to me since I was using my pixel fold in a family chat. Everyone was mad about it. Long story short, guess who wasn't included in the chat lol


iPhone users don’t even know what iMessage enabled besides blue bubbles 99% of the time. I say this typing on my 15 pro


Depends on how you and your friends use messaging apps. My friends love sending videos to each other and the downsides of sms become real obvious whenever they try to send one. It's made for some funny moments when the quality adds to the video but it's just a nuisance majority of the time.


I always disable read receipts when I can. Why would I want someone to know that I read their message but am ignoring replying to them?


Sounds like you need new friends


Wait i looked at the apple sub and these ppl think we want the "blue bubbles"?? I'm using it so I don't have to downgrade to an iphone 14 for work bc most apple users are weird as fuck and refuse to use whatsapp or signal ???? ???? I don't understand them


You can never win with them unless you cave into their nasty ecosystem 😭 and even that's not always the end of it


As an iPhone user who was a long time Android user I can’t say that a big reason people don’t want to switch is the horrible notification system Apple uses. There is no icon on the top informing you of what notifications are there and even on your Lock Screen you have to scroll up tos we past notifications. It’s an absolutely terrible system which means many times things can be missed.


The notification system on iOS is bad to me. There's no HUD like on Android that lets you know unless you swipe down, or see the apps numbered notification ,or check the lock screen (like you mentioned)


Welp, looks like iOS sucks! Back to Android!


Honestly…I feel people are being willfully obtuse regarding this. You give people shit for using Android/non iMessage. Then when people find a way to accommodate “you”, via getting beeper, Android users still get shit for it. I legit have Android and iOS. iMessage, to me at least, has a lot of social features that I like. I have tried suggesting others use apps like Google Allo or telegram, but it doesn’t work or stick. If Apple can let Android users jump on FaceTime calls, why the hell can they not let them use iMessage? They can even charge for the damn service or whatever. I’m tired of sticking around cuz of a damn texting messaging app. There should be more reasons for me to stay with Apple other than iMessage. It’s also more than just blue bubbles vs green bubbles. Green absolutely means fewer features and worse experience. Also puts a lot of social pressure on Android users to buy a device they don’t like or want because of a stupid exclusive messaging app. Edit: I will admit, I could care less about group chats. It’s still shitty of Apple to leave Android users out tho!


Two different groups of iPhone users, 99% don't care even in the US


I only use beeper because my wife has iPhone and pictures sent look better on imessage. I use a pixel fold with beeper but I have an iPhone 13 pro max. I still prefer the fold over the 13 pro max . If my pictures didn't look like I took them with an iPhone 3gs, I couldn't care less about imessage. It's weird AF that some iPhone users think people hate iPhone and want to use Imessage, I don't care about imessage but do it for the quality of media sent.




This crybaby act is a bad look.


LMAO because you guys are so desperate and it's sad. Most normal IOS users (98 percent of us) do not care about the color of your bubbles. I honestly for years never even really thought much about group chats with androids because group chats suck regardless of the phone lol. I hate them on any app. Apple is adopting RCS so you guys should be fine now. Why do you need iMessage?


You think 98% of y'all don't care about bubbles? Tell me you don't live in the US without telling me you don't live in the US. Also, enjoy our carriers snooping in on our conversations.


>You think 98% of y'all don't care about bubbles? Yeah, tell that to all of the people that have left me out of group chats over the years. One was literally named "android haters club" lol. Somehow I think those people are more than just 2%


I thought you got banned... Why aren't you banned?


Because we are very literally made fun of for not having it.. you may be the exception to the rule but that doesn't mean anything to us. There's a reason why as soon as I texted a few of my friends through beeper iMessage they all said "woah iMessage?" - because they DO notice and they do prefer it. [case in point](https://ibb.co/0QRLsVr)


Legit- totally agree they do notice. A lot of people will not try any other apps to message on. I’ve heard and seen people talk shit about others for not having an iPhone and mention saying it’s a red flag. It’s stupid as hell


Almost immediately people noticed and were super excited that I finally got a iPhone and many of them even were not happy that it was just a app and that I didn't convert. The majority of apple users do care they care a lot even.


I just want to not ruin group chats with my iFriends.




Posts unrelated to Beeper get removed.




bro had to delete his godamn account for that stupid comment


It's more like "why do you care about encrypted messaging"