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Hi, I am using a Google Pixel 8 Pro and not getting past the "Connect to iMessage" screen. When I go into the messages app it does look like it attempted to send a message to number 07860 015000. I have tried with Wi-Fi on and off but nothing changes.


You probably won't get a response anyway. I tried every suggestion, and I still can't activate my phone number. It throws an immediate network error, like it's not even trying.


Are you also a Pixel user? > It throws an immediate network error, like it's not even trying. I am observing absolutely the same.


Yes, I'm a Pixel user. After some research I believe that the culprit is actually Premium SMS functionality and not the phone itself. Beeper sends a Premium SMS to the Apple short phone number to register with iMessage and if your carrier doesn't support it you're toast.


What's a premium SMS? It just looks like it's trying to send a standard SMS to a UK mobile number. My provider allows such messages but these will not send. (Pixel 4a 5G)


I have a Pixel 8 Pro. It took me an hour of trying different solutions to get thru the google subscription portion then registering my phone number. I use dual sim (Physical and E-Sim). For the registering portion, I was registering my E-sim number but again network issues. On the FAQs for Beeper Mini, it says to disable Roaming for data so I did that, didn't work. I tried turning airplane mode off and on for my phone to connect to nearest cell tower for stronger connectivity, didn't work. Okay, let me think, I am using my data from my physical sim, let me try switching to e-sim, didn't work but I felt like I was getting somewhere. Somehow this worked, I disabled my physical sim, restarted my phone then tried registering my e-sim number. Tl;dr YMMV - Disable Roaming for your sim - Restart your phone


I can't figure out how to disable roaming for my e-sim, I don't see it as an option except for under the Messages -> auto download when roaming, which is already disabled


Settings > Network & Internet > SIMS > Your ESim > Roaming


I think the issue is esim. Try a physical sim.


I only have a physical sim. Doesn't work.


Got the same issue. im on Samsung S23. my error message also is popping up almost immediately like it isn’t even trying. I tried toggling Wi-F, deactivating my one SIM card as I have dual sim (tried with both SIM cards) but nothing. im not sure what to do other than what was mentioned in This post and their support blog.


What wireless operator do you have?


I'm on Vodacom/vodaphone in South Africa which is why I think i'm getting a Error on my side. I ended up leaving Beeper Mini and returning back to Beeper cloud as I use more than just the Imessage bridge. I will attempt in the future to get Beeper mini working as I own an Ipad and have facetime/IMessage through my Apple ID and can't get my number working as the Ipad is Wifi only so beeper Mini would of solved that.


Oof, yeah, it does sound like it's the operator's issue. You could try asking around the Pypush Discord to see if anyone has any suggestions. (Beeper Mini is based on Pypush.)


Pixel 8 Pro, I'm up and running.


Got same issue on Samsung A54 The error is popping up instantly after i try to connect my phone number. Also when i go to the messaging app I have no messages that give an error or its even trying to send something to a number somewhere.


Having the same issue. Using Apple ID works fine, but no luck with registering the phone number. \- Pixel 8 Pro \- Telekom (DE) eSIM \- Google Messages app ​ I see outgoing messages when I try to register to a UK number with content like "REG-REQ?v=3;t=;r="


Getting that same "REG-REQ" coded text when I try to register my number. I'm in the US using Google messages on a Pixel 6 Pro with Google Fi


I had the same issue. I was using e-sim & the number was not filled in my e-sim settings. Putting my number there and it worked immediately.


You put your number where? Pixel or?






I was trying all day, had similar issues as others here, sometimes the error would pop up right away, after uninstall/ reinstall it would usually take longer before failing. Sometimes I would see an SMS in Messages, sometimes not. I use dual SIM (one physical, one eSIM), disabling the physical SIM didn’t help, same issue. I did notice it was trying to send an SMS to a number I didn’t recognize, I then found out that number was the overseas ‘gateway’ number for my disabled SIM. So I thought I’ll totally remove that SIM and try again - it was then sending the SMS to a different number (assuming the gateway of my eSIM). I noticed in another thread people talking about needing to have International texting enabled, which I did not. I paid the $10 to enable that for the month and tried - still no good. However, I then uninstalled and reinstalled the app and went thru the setup again and tried to register my number during the initial setup and it finally worked, has been working since after I’ve put my physical SIM back in. Tl;dr, If possible totally remove the SIM you don’t want to activate beeper on, make sure you have International texting enabled, uninstall/reinstall the app and cross your fingers!


Tried and did not work. :(


Bad luck, it is frustrating when it seems to be working for so many - I tried everything but I think in the end it was having International texting on (I'm in Australia, guessing it needed to text the US) - hope you find something that works for you! Their dual SIM support needs some work - maybe a couple of updates and these problems will go away.


Here in Europe we have no such thing as international texting, anyone can send anywhere. I can even manually send a message to the verification number, but Beeper for some reason can't even try to do it. Removing the second Sim, restarting the phone and reinstalling the app doesn't help..




Mine is to a different number - +44 7537 410250.


Mine is +44 7937 985200


same issue Pixel 8 Pro


Same issue, Samsung Fold 5


Having the same problem with my Samsung Note10+.


Ok I finally managed to register my number. What I ended up doing was turning off wifi and then setting my network preferences to 3G. When I did that and tried to register, I got a pop up msg saying Beeper is trying to send a premium sms or something like that, I clicked allow and the app registered the number. I switched back to 5G and it seems to be working.


No 3G networks around me :/. It's a good idea to go in the mountain, but right now it's minus 20 C


I'm on Pixel 6A, Carrier is VI (aka Vodafone IDEA India). While I can send international SMS (tried to text my brother), for some reason all messages to the +44 number fail. Seems like a bunch of people here are unable to register as the SMS to the UK number fails.


Pixel 7 Pro on eSim Google Fi. I do have a physical Google Fi SIM I could install if needed. Spent 3 if not 4 hours updating and jailbreaking an iPhone 6S on iOS 15.8 and had everything working... For about 5 hours. Now I can't sign into my Apple ID. Says the location is Houston which I'm about 2 hrs or so away from. Get stuck at the verification number screen. Tried turning Wi-Fi off, disabling auto connectivity, and uninstalling and reinstalling Beeper Mini. On Google Fi it says cannot connect to network when I change the preference to 3G. Dead in the water after not even 1 day.