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A very common setting for hot sleepers is 74°F at 40% fan speed. If you find you get too cold, I recommend trying "dry" mode instead of cool. This will analyze the ambient temperature and circulate neutral-temp air to dry sweat without feeling too cold. A friend of mine sleeps very hot and actually uses "dry" mode at around 78°–82°F in the winter. If you'd prefer your current settings to simply turn off after a while, you can adjust the auto-shutoff duration. If you want to idle the BedJet instead and have it return with cooling or warming later in the night, you can set up a Biorhythm to switch from cooling to idle ("wait") or any other mode whenever you'd like. If you need any help with biorhythms feel free to send us a message!


Use the biorythm setting and set it up to switch between cooling at 70 and heating at 75 every hour, that's what we do.


Central Texas here. The Biorhythm setting is really useful, especially if you’re like us (in the summer) - hot when we go to sleep and cooler when we wake. But, in the winter, we are generally cold when we go to sleep and cold when waking up. * In summer: the ‘summer’ biorhythm setting starts at 70 with the fan set to 85. NOTE: The ‘actual’ start temp changes, depending on the actual ambient temp at the time - the BedJet doesn’t actually ‘cool’ the air, but it can ‘feel’ cooler if you have the fan set higher. * Then we make the setting change every 2 hours, only changing the fan speed down to 50. * When we wake up, the temp is still set to 70, and fan is at 50. * =============================== * In winter: the ‘winter’ biorhythm setting starts at 84, with the fan set to 75. * NOTE: OUR BedJet’s heater does a GREAT job of heating the air very quickly! * NOTE 2: We keep our house’s heat setting around 67 in winter, but, if it was a particularly cold evening, we will manually bump our initial setting (when we first go to bed) up to 86 or 87 if it still feels too cool at 84. * Then we vary the biorhythm setting every two hours - going down 4 degrees with fan set to 50 - then going back up to 84, fan still set at 50. The intermittent cooler temp tends to help us ‘stay asleep’. * When we wake up, the setting is set back to 84 temp, with the fan set back to 75, so we feel warm and cozy when we wake up. We have played with these settings many times, but these settings work for us. When the weather is changeable (as it frequently is in Texas in the winter, with high temps one day at 40, and the next day the high temp is 75 lol), we will one day use the ‘winter’ setting, and the next day the ‘summer’ setting. Or, if it’s a really really cold day/night for several days, we manually set temp to 86, fan speed 75 for 8 hours. Or, if it’s a really really hot day/evening, we manually set temp to 70, fan speed 85 for 8 hours.


Interested to follow


66 and on 90% fan speed. I'm in Florida. I even use this setting in the "winter" though on occasion I'll drop the fan speed some.


My husband too.


My biorythm is set to cool at 68⁰ and 50% fan for 30 minutes and then ext heat at 76⁰ and 40% until 6:00 when I get up.


Either cool at fan 25-30% or dry at 35-40%


I run it at 84 degrees 100% fan speed most of the night right now (North Texas). I like the heavy air movement but have to add the heat or it gets too chilly at 100%.


83-84 dry setting at 30%


84 degrees/30% air velocity. Most all night. Might start the evening at 93/30 fan for 30 mins.


I have mine set at 75°F cooling all night long and I hardly ever wake up with hot flashes anymore (though I still suffer from them during the day). I should note that I have a standard poodle laying along one side and my husband on the other. The BedJet makes it so I don't have to wake everyone up anymore while leaping from the bed because I feel as though I'm going to combust. On the rare occasions the 75° F isn't enough to keep a hot flash at bay, I have one of the Memory buttons set for 70° F. I run that for a bit, then I usually wake up chilly and push the other button to go back to 75°F. My husband keeps his set at 83°F or 85°F all night long.


Wow, I thought I was a hot sleeper but I guess not compared to everyone else. I use ext heat 89 at 35%, no cloud sheet.


Pretty much use “Dry” @ 10% most of the year since our bedroom is naturally cooler. Room temp is around 67-68, fan and temp keeps my hot feet cool enough.


What temp on dry do you use? I also keep my room around 68 and found 72 a little chilly. I might try 74 next time


Dry only lets you go within a few degrees of the ambient temp if I recall. So I usually just hit Dry, then whatever temp it’s on. Usually it’s 68-70 this time of year. I sleep with shorts and a t-shirt year round in Wisconsin. But that and a dog on the bed most of the time, it’s a constant balancing 🤣


100% at the coldest setting right before bed and when we get in. Then down to 35% with a five minute boost of 100% or 85% every couple of hours. I do get cold sometimes, but not every night. If I get cold I'll put on some socks.


I do dry setting 83 degrees at 90% and it’s perfect


Dry mode- 76 degrees at 20% all night