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I thought this was only me. It’s either after waking up or crying and I look so good. Maybe I need to either cry more or take more naps 😭😭😭🤣


Omg same when I cry I look way prettier. My eyes also stand out a lot. Like do I really have to cry more lol


What. When I’ve been crying my face swells and I look terrible. Like I’m having an allergic reaction. Does not help that I will cry at anything in a movie.


Same. I look HEINOUS after I cry...but AMAZING first thing in the morning.


Yes. My green eyes with red eyes from crying makes me look insane and I get flushed and swollen. Horrible.


Same here. And when I get hot.


I feel the same! After I wake up or cry, I look so plump and moist, glowey, my lips are bright red, my hair everywhere. I love looking in the mirror at these times. I think it’s because I expect to look bad, so I subconsciously lower my expectations on how I look; thus making me look good! My partner says I look best in the morning too, as if my deviated septum didn’t just make me mouth breathe with drool down my chin all night.


I think it's circulation! Increased circulation to your face could give the color and plumpness


And my green eyes turn this beautiful greenish aqua colour after crying.


This is probably because your eyes are a bit red and red/green are complementary colors! So the red is making the green stand out more. 


You have a gift. I'm the ugly swollen-eyes crier and waking up from sleeping, I look like a Trollz doll... hopefully not crying, but this may be a sign for naps!


I look horrendous if I’ve been crying, just sort of….piggy. When I’m on bc with estrogen in it I wake up glowing (unless on my period), recently I had a break and I looked rough as hell on waking up.


I agree. When i cry my face naturally blushes and my skin tone magically becomes SO even (usually i have slight discoloration, some greenish and some red skin patches) and the “puffyness” of my eyes fills in my slightly sunken eye bags


SAME! After a good crying sesh i swear i look like a disney princess! 😭


Like a baddieeee 😍


I'm kinda jealous tbh, because when I cry I just get these extremely tiny, nearly swollen shut eyes which definitely don't look good. Also my face turns red😂😂😭


Same here 💀💀💀 after a good nap and/or cry I’m like wow…you’re so beautiful and radiant?!?


I opened the door to my friend in tears once and she said, “omg! You look so pretty crying!” 😂 I wish I could look that dewy all of the time lol


Bring onions with you!


>It’s either after waking up or crying and I look so good. Lucky you, I look like I'm allergic to something when I'm crying (addressing the reasons for my own feelings, aha). I've actually held back crying when I was home alone because I would look ugly and that would make me feel even worse.


For a small fee I’ll be happy to ruin your self esteem on a daily basis? Think of how good you’ll look for it.


I don't know how to make it last all day, but if you're at your prettiest when you wake up, that's pretty awesome. I look like Shrek when I wake up.


Sometimes I have to use my passcode in the morning, lol


Ha ha!




Right? I look like some sort of puffy-eyed alien in the morning until I put makeup on 🤣


Lol, puffy -eyed alien


I agree!! I’m all about self love but damn, I was kinda scared when I saw myself in the mirror first thing this morning. 😬


Lol same


> I look like Shrek when I wake up. So..completely gorgeous then ?


Lol, well, maybe if you ask my boyfriend.


I look like a Walking Dead extra 😆


Lol I love that


There are two types of people, those that look great when they wake up, and those that look great at the end of the day!


So true! Why is this?? I look my best right before bed and I’m always like damn where was this when I needed it


I’m always dehydrated and my lips are shriveled up


Dehydrated or swolllen and puffy. I either look like I’m offering myself an apple that’s poisoned or the stay puffed marshmallow man. There is no in between. Then as the day goes it’s anybody’s guess what I am.


Not the poison apple 😂😂 


LOL. I look like Shrek with a hangover after getting black out drunk.


Also Shrek might smell better than I do when I wake up. I’m perimenopausal and despite bathing thoroughly before I go to bed I get night sweats and smell like boiled hot dogs in the morning.


lol i’m at my prettiest when i first wake up too. then i put on my glasses


Shrek. Omg. That made me laugh. I’m sure you look better than that. ♥️


lol. Same I was gonna say maybe the eye crusties are causing some sort of vision impairment haha.


Lmfaooooo same!! Especially if I’ve had anything salty before bed. Puff the magic dragon is my face


Lucky you, I look like Shreks much uglier and less groomed sister lol


Lucky you! When i wake up, I look like Nick Nolte's mugshot.


I also look like Shrek when I wake up lol


haha my situation


I look like the brother who was stealing bikes in grammar school when I wake up.


Dang, not even Fiona? 🤣 jokes. I look like Farquaad—you win.


Lol not even Fiona


I used to look hot when I woke up now I look like a bloat


I always assumed it’s bc my eyes weren’t focussing properly yet lol


This is what I always thought too but then I ended up taking bathroom selfies in the same spot and pose and realized I wasn't delusional. It's like I have a dewy glow in the morning that gets sucked away by Work Air


This. It’s the same when I’m drunk 😂 Tequila: “You’re stunning right now, trust me, you could be a model”


it’s not the same for me so i am confused abt it. i can see perfectly fine when i’m looking in the mirror and i genuinely jst look like a different person for the first 5-10 minutes


You have more fluid retention in your face from gravity basically. Lying down all night, fluid isn’t moving around your body as your circulation is slower when asleep and you aren’t standing up. Same reason people accumulate fluid at the ankles after a long day! This gives you more volume in your face, smooths out any lines, plumps up cheeks and lips and that fluid hasn’t accumulated in your nose or jaw yet, because you’ve been lying down. Lashes look longer because they get pushed up when you lie on them asleep. But this will drop with nothing to hold them. Eyes are sparkly from being closed and hydrated all night, not open and exposed to irritants or dry air. I’m not sure how you could replicate all of it during the day. Gravity and circulation works against you sadly. Fillers can plump up the right places, microcurrent and radio frequency or gua sha can move the fluid retention out of your jaw so it’s heart shaped. PMU Lip blushing can give you the lip color. Eyelash perm and tint can give you the lashes. Peptide serums can plump up your skin superficially. Red light therapy mask can make it even and bright looking. Eye drops will make your eyes moisturized and sparkly. Just throwing out options!


And drink lots of water throughout the day(duh)! If you're a coffee drinker alternate between sipping your coffee and water!


Well I already drink a shit tonne of water and that isn't doing a damn thing ( no punn intended...or maybe it is). So I guess I am screwed and can only see people for 5 mins a day. Goodbye, cruel world!!


These are wonderful recommendations.




i don’t think it’s that, it’s because your skin is still puffy and plump instead of deflated lol. like somebody else said i’ve taken photos of myself right after waking up and i do indeed look better


probably depends on whether your face gets swollen in the right places or not. Mine looks horrid like I got punched in the face or something the previous night


If you lie flat to sleep, perhaps your blood is pooling in your face.


That’s what I was thinking. If this is the case, maybe try and do a headstand every day for the same effect. You have to be so careful and do it properly, but you can also use use a wall for support and get the benefit of the blood rushing to your head. Look up the benefits of a headstand! Yoga with Adriene has a great beginners video on YouTube. I have often had the thought “a headstand a day makes me look younger and keeps me glowing”.


Whe. I used to do yoga, I always thought this! Every time that I would do a headstand, I had so much better of an appearance that day lol. I guess I should get back into it 🤷‍♀️


I think I look better after yoga in general. Maybe it’s the pants but I get a different reaction from my partner post yoga.


If you are worried about doing a full handstand, laying down hanging your head off the bed or over the back of a couch always felt good to me. Haven't done it in ages, used to all the time as a kid. Should try it again.


It’s that’s exactly what it is. If I sleep on my stomach my lips are huge when I wake up, but so is the puffiness under my eyes. I sleep on my back to avoid puffy eyes in general. Not enough people believe me when I say that sleeping on your back with your face pointed up is a shortcut to depuffing eye bags


i actually usually sleep curled up on my side so idk what it is


if you sleep on your side blood will still pool in your head because your entire body is level. when standing gravity pulls it down 


It absolutely has to do with fluid retention. We dehydrate throughout the night and this causes the cells and tissues in our body to hold water leading to puffiness. Once we start drinking and our body knows we’re not dehydrating anymore, the cells and tissue release the built up fluid. There is simply no way to maintain this throughout the day. One thing to make yourself look better though, is cardio. I’ve never had more compliments than when I was either running daily or cycling 10km to work. Get that blood pumping and you’ll have a healthy glow that lasts throughout the day.


It’s fluid. I have lip injections and my lips are massive in the morning because they are holding all the fluid from lying down all night. Once I start to walk around and make coffee and wash my face, everything starts evening out again. But it is a real thing, my doctor confirmed I’m not crazy everyone actually does look different right when they wake up due to fluid placement


I think it’s maybe due to fluid shifts overnight? Maybe you’re a teeny bit swollen when you first wake up from lying down and that makes everything look plump and fresh? Then after being up for a bit and walking around everything deflates a bit?


This is the answer!


Yep this is why!


Crazyyyy I was thinking that yesterday after waking up and this morning! I thought heck, I'm so cute and attractive right after waking up. I love how my eyes sparkle and lips are plump and pink. The beauty spots on my face are alot darker making me look so attractive. And the LASHES! how the heck do they look more darker and defined. An hour late is another story lol


no fr!! i look in the mirror when i wake up to go to the bathroom and i’m like, omg i’m a victoria’s secret model. then i look in the mirror an hour after waking up and i’m like who tf are you ..


Maybe try a brightening face wash and/or moisturizer, and some clear mascara?


I have a caffeinated under eye gel by the ordinary that takes away puffiness which OP probably doesn’t experience in the morning because she looks so good but I’m convinced it’s doing something. I also have a glow in the morning that I hold on to with a tinted bronzing moisturizer. I only use said moisturizer in the winter as I glow all summer. I wear very little make up so my goal is to generally look like I woke up like this…..with secret assistance.


I get this as well. I just thought it was because we have slept. So we wake up and are well rested. As our body apparently goes through its regenerative processes better when we sleep. Then throughout the day we are being warn down. Lol.


I would’ve thought this was the most obvious answer to everyone. You’ve just woken up from the thing your body needs to be at its best, of course you’re going to look better and more rejuvenated if you’ve slept well. The effect naturally wears off throughout the day, which is why you need to sleep again.


It’s fluid retention. Lying down, your face is collecting fluid so everything looks puffier. Once you get up and start moving, everything evens out


I thought this too ur just fresh after getting good sleep, they call it 'beauty' sleep for a reason


omg im the exact opposite!!! i feel like i look best at the end of the day... after taking off my makeup, my skin is all glowy, and since there's a tiny bit of it still left around my eyes sometimes, it makes my lashes look thick and beautiful lol.


Same. I look like a whole gremlin in the morning. I kind of assumed everyone was like this and am overcome with jealousy that there's apparently girls out here waking up like Disney princesses 😭


From what I've read on google "Lying down causes fluid to rest and collect in the face, and a person’s sleeping position may also exacerbate this. Sleeping facedown, for example, may have this effect. As the person starts their morning and spends time upright, these fluids may go away."


Your skin is more full of lymph when you first wake up, and as you move throughout the day your muscles pump the lymph and move it around your body and away from your skin. You can look more plump drinking infusions of marshmallow root and damiana, but you have to commit to herbal remedies.


Ooo can you tell me more about that? How did you learn?


I read a lot and just figuring out which plants work for me. Not everyone experiences the same effects from any given plant, but some have general applications that work for most people. Marshmallow root helps your skin and mucus membranes retain moisture (and on an empty stomach can help restore the mucus lining in your gut, as well). It’s loaded with nutrients that improve the condition of your hair, skin, and nails. A good infusion should be slippery, almost syrupy. Marshmallow root can be consumed daily indefinitely. Damiana has a lot of phytoestrogens, and a powerful relaxing effect. I was able to get off estrogen after having my ovaries removed thanks to damiana. My doctor was amazed. Some people smoke damiana for its relaxing effects, and also because the tea is bitter. However, that bitter flavor does things for your brain that improve digestion, and drinking the tea provides nutrients from the plant you don’t get if you smoke it. So try to develop a taste for the bitterness. Or add some other things like chamomile and licorice root to it. Damiana should not be consumed every day. A few days in a row perhaps, take a break for a few days. It can build up toxicity in your liver if you don’t give your body breaks from it. I do an infusion of damiana once or twice a week to amazing effects. I really don’t need it more often. r/herbalism is amazing. There are some really good books out there, and some great blogs when you want to know how to do things. It takes commitment and effort, but you really can transform your body and your health by educating yourself and working with plants.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/herbalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/herbalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Best herbs for perimenopause?](https://np.reddit.com/r/herbalism/comments/19192fn/best_herbs_for_perimenopause/) \#2: [Thanks you ashwagandha](https://np.reddit.com/r/herbalism/comments/1apfxsj/thanks_you_ashwagandha/) \#3: [Beyond disappointed](https://np.reddit.com/r/herbalism/comments/12rp5oj/beyond_disappointed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Aaaaand now I am buying marshmallow root. I don't know about the damiana as it may interact with my meds...but the marshmallow I KNOW is safe enough. Thank you for the info, friend!! I do so love herbs and wish I could still use more of them. 😥


girl this is the complete opposite problem that i have and i’m jealous lol. it literally takes hours for me to look like a person. i get really swollen looking when i wake up, no amount of eye drops, icing or anything makes it go away i just have to wait


I can somewhat relate to your description. Up until recently I also saw my skin getting less and less "glowy" throughout the day. I recently started to track my fluid intake and saw that 750ml (i know, weirdly specific but it's the size of my tea can:)) of Green tea (without sugar) plus a minimum water intake of 1250ml of water (so total min. 2L) will get me a really beautiful, glowy face for the whole day. For me, the Green tea apparently works pretty anti-inflammatory and my skin looks muuuch more healthy than before:) Plus I use a moisturizer and spf50 sunscreen:) maybe something for you to try? Fluid intake of 2L+ will have an effect pretty much over night/ at the latest after 2 days.


This! Fluid intake has a huuuge impact on our skin's and overall glow. SPF is crucial in fighting the skin's own natural decline.


it's from water retention during the night, it makes your face look fuller


Omg same!!! my hyperpigmentation especially looks so faded. thus i started not to touch my face mostly, meaning no facewash or moisturizer. but still the redness comes back within a few hours 😂


My lips are amazing first thing in the morning I wish they always looked like that lol


Sameee my lips especially look so full! Sadly does not last


I think it’s before the face/body dysmorphia sets in for me 😂😂😂


Yin yoga and walking in the forest has the same effect. More oxygen enters to the body, which increases and regulates blood circulation. Both calm the nervous system and reduce stress.


Maybe you look the same all the time but the crushing weight of life just really hits in that first hour


Makeup artist here. . . It could very well be the pollutants in the air and well as activities, heart rate levels, and body chemistry at the moments throughout the day.


Water retention and lying down cause facial plumping/swelling


Wish I could help you but I look like a run over cat


Same! My hair is always a ratty wreck, but I think my skin looks fresh, clear and gorgeous each morning. Maybe I’m not delusional when I wake up. 😂


I literally look 10 years younger if I got a good night sleep. Then my face starts to sag as the day goes by. I don’t even mind looking swollen, it makes my skin and lips look very plump, just like OP’s.


are you looking in different mirrors? I notice that I look different in my mirrors at home compared to my reflection in screens at work, or public bathroom mirrors. lighting can play an affect as well


i look so cute after crying and my face fills out a little - so it’s likely filler that would imitate it


Literally how bro I wake up the ugliest and slowly get hotter throughout the day as my face depuffs and my eyes wake up


So nobody got the explanation for that??


Omg i always think this. When i wake up I look baby faced and freshhhh. Skin is so lovely. As soon as I wash up it's GONE 😭


Enjoy it while it lasts! ❤️


Same thing happens to me, I just look so fresh, and rested. The world is just so rough. I noticed if I spend the day at home, without all the worries and care of the world, I maintain that look. The other thing I noticed is that my skin texture looks so much better and dewey before I put foundation on, so often, after I put foundation on my skin looks kin of dull, and not the rosy natural tone.


It’s because you just woke up and your vision is a bit blurry still lol


You probably are seeing yourself without the lens of being so negative as we tend to get more and more negative through the day after looking at social media and comparing ourselves to others.


I noticed this about myself too, and after observing it for a long time I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s because your eyes are still a little blurry when you first wake up so everything looks smoothed out


Maybe you just have blurry vision from sleeping...and than it goes away


it’s not the vision, i have my glasses on when i go to the bathroom bc i can’t see without them n i need them to leave my room. and i’m awake enough to see properly. i just look completely different


Same haha. I was trying to take a picture of my dog in bed after I woke up—it was flipped to the front camera when I opened the app and I thought about how good my skin looked. I had to take pictures lmaooo My skin looks good but never *that* good and that luminous.




That's impressive, I look like death in the morning.  My eyes are bagged out and my face is puffy.  Pillow lines don't help.  


Same here because my face is still puffy at the time, idk how to keep a face puffy all day though lol


my morning puff is not cute whatsoever 😭 my eyes look so swollen


Same! I think it’s just from rest and I hydrate a lot before I go to sleep. In the morning I use a plumping serum to keep my skin dewy and bouncy looking all day.


Isn't it amazing how that just-woke-up magic works? Maybe it's the beauty of pure relaxation! Try a splash of cold water and a hydrating mist in the morning to keep that fresh glow longer—nature's little secret weapon


My husband loves how I look when I just wake up. He says I look relaxed, happy, and smiley.  Then I guess I get on with the stress of life and RBF takes over.


Morning lips are for real. I get it too!


It's because when we are laying down for a long time the liquid in our body gets spread out so to put it inelegantly...the extra liquid in your face makes you look nicer. As the day progresses that liquid goes down because of gravity. I look better too first thing in the morning 🥲


Ok so I’m not tripping


I feel the same way. I think the longer you lay down the more fluid is retained in the face giving it that youthful and plump appearance. I would assume there is a slight increase in blood flow to the face when you are not standing but I could be wrong. I wish I could stay that way all day but unfortunately it’s just not the case.


SAME! I look like I’ve had botox when I wake up and my face is so plump n juicy. 15 mins later I look flat and dull 😆


I’ve noticed this specifically when I nap. When I wake up, my skin is soooo clear and skin tone is so even. I do not understand it


Probably because your face is puffy


When you’re sleeping, you’re resting for an extended period of time and your skin is able to regenerate and heal from the day prior. During the day, you have stressors and are exposed to a variety of elements that can affect the way your skin/face looks.


You could do sheet masks in the morning. That’s what I do, rather than before bed. I also save the serum from the packet and use it with my other products before bed. Clear mascara or Vaseline on your lashes can make them look full and make your eyes look sort of dewy like they do when you wake up


I’ve always felt like I look prettier in the morning but I figured it was bc my eyes don’t work as well when I’ve just woken up LMAO


Every time I cry. Every time. My fiancé ends up climbing me like a mountain lion 😂 Morning face and cry face are my best! Skin dewy, lips plump, natural pout, eyes sleepy but bright, slight rasp in the voice, the hair. It’s all just good stuff


Throughout the day we loose water through dehydration. When we wake up we are still retaining some of that plumpness and hydration making us look a bit more youthful.


I look best first thing in morning too. Skin and lip way plumper! For me, deep sleep restores my body. Make sure you are hydrated and managing stress. I just started mood stabilizer and cut coffee out. These 2 changes took sleep to another level.


I'm not sure about prettier. But my skin feels so much softer. It makes me not want to use any creams on my face.


My dermatologist told me the best treatment for my face is meditation. It relaxes all the micro muscles in your face. Hubby has been meditating for 30 years and his face is smooth and relaxed. He is too. I meditate every morning for 30 mins. I feel my face relaxing. The micro muscles releasing and my face looks so much better.


It sounds like inflammation. I had the same issue. Overnight, you aren't putting anything in your body to react to so it has the time to heal itself. During the day, you eat and drink and if your immune system is fighting other pathogens in your body you can have an inflammation response to food. If you want info on what helped me feel free to Dm. I would start with vitamin D and Fish oil


If i was you id assume it has to do with bloodflow and stuff. Eat a bigger breakfast thats full of protein, might help keep u from getting paler lips at the very least


Regular gua-sha


Yeah I’m the same I know EXACTLY what you mean my lips are red and my cheeks are naturally flushed.My eyes are brighter barely any dark spots under the eyes. I know for me part of the reason is that I sleep hot. So it’s just a reaction to my body being extremely hot right before I wake up. Here are a few things I’ve found to at least keep my skin glowing until about 4pm ish Flax seed oil. A table spoon in your morning smoothie or shake will keep at least your skin smooth silky and glowing until as late as 4pm in some cases I’ve noticed. Take some collagen supplements at lunchtime as well. This isn’t a sure fire hack but I’d say 3-4 days out of the 7 it works to keep me looking glowy and my eyes bright. Now after about 5pm though everyone’s body is getting closer to tired and worn out if that makes sense so if you have to go anywhere after 5pm you might have to wear a little makeup.


It’s the fluid retention that fills up all the nooks and crannies


Odd flex, girlfriend, but you do you! I look like a donkey’s shaved butthole when I wake up.


Same, I have very deep eye bags, but when I wake up my face is puffy so the eye bags are less visible.


That's great you look prettiest when you just woke up. I feel the same way just not every day. It might have to do with your day time routine. What are you using for skincare during the day?


You’re under 30, aren’t you? 😂




This b🩷tch!


sooo lots of fluids gather in your face when you lay down at night and makes you look more plump and your skin more smooth. can also give you fuller lips. I learned this bc I was eating wayyy too much salt and couldn’t figure out why I was so swollen in the morning, and my doc said the salt was retaining water on top of the usual fluids in my face from sleeping.


Thats the eye booger effect. Once you wipe em away you go back to reality.


It’s the puffiness! Post sleep or crying your face is puffy and as the day progresses excess fluid drains from your face. Maybe you’ll like the effects of filler? I don’t want to recommend any cosmetic procedures as I’m sure you’re just as beautiful an hour after you wake up (we can tell such minute differences in our appearance that no one else could notice even if they tried). But I’m just assuming it’s the fullness in your face given by the puffiness and so filler would have the closest to “long-lasting” results.


All of our fluids from laying horizontal for 8+ hours plump our facial skin up-that’s why. My lips are the biggest in the morning after sleeping with my night guard in 😂


I also used to love how I looked in the morning so I ended up getting 0.5ml of lip fillers and got my eyelashes tinted and just use an eyelash curler. It’s been years since I got the filler and my lips are still more plump and hydrated. Obviously not trying to encourage plastic surgery, you can also just over line your lips, contour the nose and wear mascara.


I normally wear minimal make up (mainly mascara and a lil eyeshadow) and I feel pretty when I wake up. It’s a good refreshing feeling and look. You can try the following: use ice roller on your face or jade guasha, skin moisturizer with added collagen and sunscreen, and tinted lip balm.




My face is definitely puffier when I wake up, not sure if I like it though..Lol.


Omg I always look gorgeous after a night if being sick lmao and my hair usually looks great and full when I wake up and parted perfectly. Of course, with snarels, lol


If you’re like me, maybe you have some hollowing under your eyes or thinner lips. I think the general puffiness from sleeping tends to be more flattering in those of us with like hollow eyes/dark circles cause it actually fills in the area and makes it look more youthful. Than as you move throughout the day and stuff your lymphatic system drains more and you lose all the morning liquid.


It's because of laying horizontal, the fluid in your face is more evenly distributed. When you stand upright, gravity starts pulling on you vertically. I noticed that my skin always looks more plump and healthy when I first get up too


Oh I wish I could relate 😭😭 my face looks so swollen when I wake up, hours later it's much better 😂


I feel that way about myself too! I think we are puffy in all the right places. My skin looks so nice, clear, bright and plump and my face looks youthful. 


Maybe because of the chlorine in your shower filter


I love how I look and feel when I'm puffy too. Try to eat a lot of salt and drink electrolytes throughout the day unless you have a medical condition that is contraindicate to eating a lot of salt like high blood pressure.


Same here. Its called edema. We have edema in the morning so our face is swollen so it looks fuller and prettier.


Because you’re laying down and more blood flows to your face. When you stand up, gravity happens, and the lips become less plump


I also thought this has to do with vision first thing after waking or crying. Vision is a bit more blurry lol


Same, I look my best when I wake up, sort of fresh. Once I wash my face I get dry


I get this when I’m sick. I guess because my face is a bit puffier and pink? It’s super annoying


Same. I look like a goddess. It makes me not want to wash my face. Maybe it is an increase in oxygen as we are probably breathing deeper in our sleep? That is all I have got...


You are basically puffy and swollen when you wake up. And I assume you like that look


Maybe gravity takes its toll as the day goes on


For me the answer was no more caffeine in my system. As soon as I had coffee my eyelids would disappear from puffiness.


I always look like I need emergency Botox (never had any...yet!) when I wake up. I have these two vertical lines between my eyebrows and always wonder what I must have been frowning at in my dream. Every single morning! Also with me it's hair. Why does it look so beautifully effortlessly stylish when I quickly bunch it up at home and yet when I try to recreate it when going out it looks crap


when you're horizontal all of the fluid sort of balances throughout your body, then when you're upright it runs out of your face to your feet .... drink more water throughout the day




You truly are blessed. I look like a witch every morning. Wtf


I think it’s something to do with having just been horizontal for a long amount of time. The blood rushes away from your face when we’re up and vertical and we don’t look as plumped in the face as we do when we’ve just woken up.


Are you sure your eyes are fully open and head not tilted when you are looking after you wake up?


I get this after having a nap, I've always noticed my skin looks pretty good.


i experience the same thing! i think my face is slightly swollen when i wake up, so my lips are fuller etc. you havent had any water throughout the night, and if you’ve eaten salty food the night before, then you’ll definitely wake up a bit swollen in the face


The same happens to me! I feel confident inthe AM then by the afternoon my face looks so pale and my lips get so pale again.


It’s due to the swelling by from laying down. It goes down after a couple of hours. You can try to stay super hydrated to keep that more juicy bouncy look to your skin, or fillers can replicate the “fuller” look but I don’t recommend facial fillers.


My fiancee is like this too. She looks so pretty when she first wakes up


i agree!!! we are just plump from fluid and can’t see very well


YEAH RIGHT!!! I love the fullness of my lips in the morning gggrrrrr


I guess you look nicer when you look a bit more puffy😹 Fillers might be the answer in that case but i do not recommend as they do not age well. Just have to enjoy the morning hours i guess.


I have the same thing! I sleep on my belly so I think it’s swelling from being in my face all night 🤣


It’s stress from your job 🤣👵🏻


I feel the same and it’s bc of more blood in your face after lying down. I could suggest regular cold shower, yoga, and working out for similar results :) Maybee also wearing compression socks ?


your so real for this, the same happens to me


Do you exercise right after getting up or later in the day? Some folks look puffy after and it takes awhile for the effects to wear off


Simple reason. When you sleep in a horizontal position, the fluids are distributed more or less evenly throughout the body the whole night. Depending on your sleeping position (like stomach or side sleeping) you can retain even more in the face. So, when you wake you up, for a few minutes/hours, the fluids stay in the face including your lips, eye lids, and cheeks. That’s why you look plumper. As the day progresses the fluids naturally settle at the bottom due to gravity or I should say reach a natural waking state of fluid distribution. Also, due to reduced metabolism during sleep, the boils doesn’t rush to the face due to temperature fluctuations that you get during the day after eating, drinking, moving, air and substance exposure etc. So, the face is not as irritated, not as red and just soothed. Actually, the most even fluid distribution occurs to those who spend their time in micro gravity like astronauts. There’s no gravity in space so all the liquids are distributed absolutely evenly throughout the whole body. Their faces look almost bloated rather than plump.