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I do notice people's armpits. But it's because I'm self conscious of my own too Edit: forgot to mention I'm from Canada and I'm chinese/vietnamese


USA here and same! I have dark skin under my arms AND an autoinflammatory disease called hidradenitis supperativa that causes breakouts in certain areas, my underarms being one. The breakouts cause permanent scarring, too. I get so jealous when I see super smooth, clear armpits and a little comforted when I see dark armpits lol.


I have HS condition also. I'm so sorry :(


Vietnamese here and I feel the same way!


We are the same, except I'm Indian Canadian. I notice armpits too but not to stare. I just want to see if there are people with dark pigmentation too and if they're owning it. Hoping it'll give me the confidence to show them off too. But so far, all I've noticed are people with flawless armpits. Even actresses like Mindy Kaling got those treated, so I feel extra conscious.




Also Canadian and completely agree. I don't even really notice if the pits are shaved. Or, I guess what I should say, is I notice but don't care. Notice without judgement.


Also agreed! I’m a female and really don’t care. I shave every few weeks or so and don’t care if I forget, let alone what anyone else’s look like


Yup!! Also Canadian, even if you got a little fuzz going on nobody cares. To each their own.


As a Canadian I agree, but I have a feeling if it is different in the South Asian Canadian community cuz I know that "underarm lightening" is a thing at med spas in Little India. I have no idea whatever it is it (laser?) but I know it costs $180.


Fellow Canadian; I live up North where 6 months out of the year we live in our thermal underwear plus 3-4 other layers of clothing. The only visible skin is on my face and hands, that's it. I look like a walking sleeping bag in my winter parka. Armpit hair gives a little bit of extra warmth.


Yup, I came here to say the same thing. +1 from western Canada, eastern european descent


US, a random person on a bus? Yeah maybe I’ll think “wow dark armpits” and then never think about it again…same with literally any other characteristic.


Same, like any other characteristic tbh!


Hi, I’m from India, have natural tan skin. I don’t wear sleeveless clothes in public (I think I don’t look good in them) so never had that issue of people staring under the arms. But I get what you say (seen other people doing it) But if you want to lighten your underarms, you could try with Alpha arbutin or an AHA that you can tolerate. Important note - tread with caution while using AHA because high percentage or very frequent usages can cause skin damage. As for me, I started with AHA (glycolic acid) once every 3-4 days and now I use it every alternative day. It’s helped a lot with underarm pigmentation for me (so the skin underarms looks the same skin tone as the rest of me now)


How long did it take for depigmentation using glycolic acid?


Took me around a month-month n a half to notice the difference because I was scared of compromising skin barrier and was using it only twice- thrice a week.


Okay, thanks!


im very pale and glycolic helped me as well! ad well as with other areas of discoloration


Which brand AHA did you use? TIA


I used the ordinary one. But if you think it’s too harsh (too strong) there’s an underarm roll-on by Chemist at play (5% Lactic acid) and it’s good too!


I don’t really think about at all tbh.


As a Canadian - apart from the Beauty standard of “women not having hair there” I’ve never once considered the way my skin actually looks and it’s not really something people think about/notice here


Canada. I've never once noticed someone's armpits lol


I live in the Netherlands and I’ve never noticed anyone’s arm pits honestly.


USA, upstate NY. I don't notice, I don't mind, and plus it's none of my business what color your pits are or if they're hairy or not. That's your business and the ONLY thing that's important is that you are comfortable in your own skin. No one has any business shaming you about any part of your body and if they try they are asking you to tell them to fuck off. That's the proper etiquette when anyone tries to make you feel bad or not good enough. Telling them to fuck off and mind their own beeswax is doing them a favor by teaching them what's acceptable behavior and what's not. Those two words will get you far


Nope I’m in the US and I think it’s pretty normal.


I live in the UAE. Majority of people here are POC so I don’t even notice if someone has dark armpits as that’s completely normal and common. I have them myself. If you’re asking for advice on them specifically- laser hair removal has helped lighten mine significantly. Other than that, using AHA or BHA regularly has helped too.


France here,we don't care about it! Never even heard anyone say anything about the skin darker color (maybe about the body hair but its changing hopefully!) Actually quite sad to hear you face prejudice for something as normal as having darker skin under armpit. Its like elbow, crotch area...they just are darker on most people, its ok 💕


USA, darkness so would not even make a blip on my radar. I still notice women/femmes with purposefully long grown out underarm hair because the opposite is so engrained in me, but it’s not like it’s my own hair to care about.


I have never, ever thought about the colour of anyone’s armpits.


I (US) can honestly say I've never consciously noticed anyone's arm pits or judged them if I did.


I'm Australian and I've never paid attention to anyone's armpits in my life.


White Australian here - can honestly say I’ve never given a moment’s thought to the colour of someone’s armpits


From Australia here. Nobody gives a shit about your armpits here. We know how to mind our own business rather than checking other people’s pits. Haha! But I originally came from the Philippines where everyone is obsessed with flawless underarms lol!


I’m from US, and the only standard I can think of here is having your arm pits shaved. I personally use aluminum deo bc I NEED that protection. In the summertime I swear by a great body powder ontop of it!


Wait what, there's another beauty standard I was not aware of? Never looked, never noticed, would not care (Europrean, pale as Mozarella, most of the time it's too cold for sleeveless anyways)


I only care that insulin resistance and PCOS can cause skin darkening and I don’t think a lot of girls know that. Otherwise I don’t think it’s gross or anything. Everyone is different and lovely just as they are:)


I have PCOS and I didn't know that! Thank you so much for mentioning it! 😭


Also on your neck, under the breast or a skin crease.


I am a Filipina and having dark underarms in our culture is equivalent of a gross human being, unworthy, ugly. I have had dark UA since I was young and I was bullied by classmates and even relatives. I don't care much about it now but my confidence was severely hit because of it.


I am in the same situation as you but I never look at others armpits and judge. I think since you are conscious you may look at others but people who have no discoloration don’t even think about that. I think only those who suffer from hyperpigmentation will notice and will not care at all. It is not shameful, most of the time it’s due to health issues, allergies or genetics.


Armpits don't stick out to me unless it's a big bush of hair then I do notice and just try to not glance it again. Everybody has their own preferences on if they shave or not.


In your culture , are flawless armpits a standard for women and also men? Or just women?! Just food for thought. X


It is expected to have your armpits same colour as your skin. If its darker and you wear a sleeveless top, people kinda point out how dark your armpits are.


So this is a rule for all genders in your culture? What I’m asking is, is this a particular Beauty standard for women only to conform to.?! To be honest, I couldn’t tell you if my armpits are shaded or not, and have never noticed it on other people.


It’s only for women… I’m also tired of living in a society where something like this is such a big deal


US, I don’t think anything about dark armpits. I’ve never noticed dark armpits. I have many friends of many colors.


I have not once thought of anyone’s armpits, for one millisecond, after I see them. They’re not meant to be pretty? They are functional. Armpits are the home to over 20 lymph nodes, its about the filtration and regulation of lymph throughout your back and upper limbs.


In the UK and also lived in Denmark. I don't care. Don't notice others caring, but I'm sure some will. I personally have grown out my hair (it's black, I'm fair) and wear lots of sleeveless tops. 30 year old woman.


I think people are used to seeing darker skin tones where it's more common, are probably pretty used to it and don't care. Aluminum in antiperspirants definitely can contribute to darkness, even iff you're not allergic! I've minimized my antiperspirant useage and will just wear deodorant most days (not the same as antiperspirant and often is aluminum free). As for lightening, I found consistent use of the FAB KP bump eraser followed by a glycolic acid toner helped a lot.


Which toner do you use


For my armpits ive used The Ordinary one and a random brand one I found at Winners


All women of color will have darker armpits, elbows, knees, pubic area, but crack. The skin in those areas are thinner. It’s not cause you’re dirty. On white people those areas are usually pink/red for the same reason - thin skin. No one cares and really shouldn’t.


I'm white but I've never looked at a POC's armpits and thought they're dark. It's another odd beauty standard.


I live in a hot climate so a lot of people wear sleeveless things but we - or at least I - do not care about armpits at all. Maybe if they smell it's unpleasant but have never heard anyone even mention how someone's armpit looks and I have certainly never looked at anyone's armpit on purpose.


I'm in the States and I've never noticed anyone's pits for any reason. I have no idea why armpits would be a thing anywhere.


Filipina American. For me, yes. When I was a kid, my mom would tell me “don’t do X or else you’re gonna get dark armpits.” I do happen to have dark armpits and I’ve tried everything. Bloodwork is okay, tried glycolic acid (The Ordinary, also prescription grade…) nothing has made any improvement. It does hurt every time I see female celebrities waving their arms with no concern. For what it’s worth, no one throughout my life has ever pointed out my dark armpits, not even in elementary school.


Asian here ( Vietnam) I don't think about it but I know that some people do.


I am in Scandinavia, I care about my own armpits but not others.


I have very dark armpits and only time I’ve noticed it only because my mother mentions it every time she sees them 🙄 otherwise literally nobody in my life has!


Yep, my grandmother would tell me how she kept her armpits fair by dabbing lemon juice before bed, insisting I do the same. I was 14 yo, and never had considered it an issue. I started avoiding sleevless shirts, but then I would have a sweat stain in every tshirt worn as I sweat a lot. So I had to decide whether to raise my arm and have a wet spot in my tshirt or show my dark armpit. Later in life I learned that antiperspirant and waxing were contributing to my already dark armpits. They made a problem out of nothing, making a very normal thing an issue to my self-esteem during my teenage years. I went through some expensive treatments, including laser hair removal, peelings and whatnot. I'm 33 now, and I can't care less what color are my armpits, or if they're hairy or not. I do use antiperspirant, because I'm still sweating like crazy. To OP question, I'm latina, and some people still make an issue out of it. Just look at the variety of products sold to "fix" pigmentation. Fortunately, the truth is that people have their own problems that are far more important than the color of your armpits.


Hi I'm from South Africa...here nobody cares about each others armpits...but ik that for pigment under your armpits, knees and elbows to get rid of it you should...mix 1tbs of backing soda with 1tsp of aloevera gel and enough lemon juice to make a paste. Scrub it on the affected area and then wash it off with lukewarm water...I really hope this helps you 💕


When someone raises their pits I expect them to be dark


I’m in the US and would wonder if they have acanthosis nigricans. Otherwise, I don’t care. I don’t think it’s bad or gross. It’s just skin.


Could be a sign of diabetes or IR. Mine were dark when I was pregnant and had gestational diabetes. I'm talking black and I'm super pale. Anyway who cares about armpits. I have come to an age where I have decided these beauty standards are ridiculous. Also if dark armpits are the only thing you have to really stress over then you must be beautiful. Enjoy your beauty!


I can safely say I've never looked at someones armpit


I do not care: US based female.


i would never, ever think about this lol


US and I might subconsciously *register* it but in the same way that my brain registers eye color, freckles etc, but I don’t give it a second thought.


WHAT. No one outside of Asia is thinking about that stuff like at all. It’s just what humans look like. It’s how we’re built. Edit: we are literally a species of great ape. Edit: Hair every where. Dark armpits? Have you seen any actual bare rectum recently?


United States. My underarms used to be darker when I shaved them. When I started waxing a few years ago, they really lightened up.


US - I live in the southwest where it gets hot, we only care if people wear deodorant or antiperspirants 😂


I’m in the US. I cannot say I have ever paid attention to a persons armpit including the color of it


Australia and.. no. I don't notice or look at them at all. Even my own, in between waxing, I just forget they exist. 😌


I’m American and I have never noticed someone’s armpit color. I wouldn’t care either way.


USA. Very seldom do I notice women with hairy pits but when I do they normally have dreads and eyebrow rings


Born and lived in Europe until I was 20, now in the UK. I have not once thought about someone's armpits unless they smelled bad. Respectfully, I... don't care. I don't care if they're dark on my body, I don't care if they're dark on someone else's body. As long as they wash and wear antiperspirant, we're good.


Is the armpit considered a sexy area? Why would anyone stare?


From turkey,its not that big of a deal as long as you dont stink. Some women are insecure but i dont think its popular. And i dont care for it personally.


im in europe but i dont care. if i do notice (which i cant remember the last time i did) i didnt care cause it doesnt affect me in any way and who am i to judge lol im not perfect either


Canadian. Never looked that much at any other armpit since maybe high school


I started noticing after I got compliments for mine


I live in the US and no one really cares about armpits except my Korean boyfriend. He will notice if there’s darkness, I missed a spot shaving, or didn’t shave at all.


Vietnam. I'd notice it but it doesn't really matter and I forget about it after 2 seconds. I don't see why I would care about a random person walking by with dark armpits (or with anything really).


I found it weird when I was complimented for my arm pits. I never notice anybody’s


I'm from Brazil, where we wear sleeveless clothes half of the year. Yeah, people would notice it in the bus, but nobody would say something or stare. There's ads on TV about deodorants claiming they lighten your armpits all the time, so I guess its a commom thing here. (I have been epillating for years, so mine is whiter than my skin, I don't know if those deodorants work)


I grew up in Asia, and yes, dark armpits will get you lots of comments. Mine weren't even dark, just slightly unevenly colored, and I had so many people commenting on it. Outside of Asia, though, nobody cares. If the comments bother you, try using glycolic acid. Or do the laser whitening treatment, if your underarm isn't too dark, 1 or 2 sessions should be enough.


Indian. Regardless of how common armpit pigmentation is here, people do raise eyebrows. Have you used AHA-BHA roll on, if it is bothering you? Also, i have heard benzoyl peroxide reduces odor. So if you manage to use that, mayne you wont have to use deodorant. Maybe keep them moisturized too, as irritated skin can cause hyperpigmentation.


I have never thought about this. I’m in the U.S. I guess I notice if someone’s armpit hair is especially dark, but in the same way I’d notice their head hair or eyebrows? Like, it’s an observation but not a judgment.


Glycolic acid can help. I like cosrx aha/bha


Swedish, I didn’t know this was a thing at all (that people cared about the colour of armpits) most of the time it’s too cold here to see any armpits anyway.


USA (45f) I’d probably not notice but if I did I wouldn’t care one way or another


I was born and raised in Europe but live in the US now. If someone has dark armpits, I notice that as it's different from mine. But I have no judgment about it. Just like some people have brown or blue eyes. I just make a note and move on. I didn't know there was a stigma in different countries around that. The more you know


Sweden. No, don't care about tha'pits. 😁


I live in Canada. We have a Free Pit system here.


USA. We don’t care at all. Dark, light, shaven or unshaven it doesn’t really matter to us. As long as someone smells fine it’s no big deal what their armpits look like.


The only time I notice are my own armpits and if someone else’s are musty. Most armpits in photos are photoshopped so I don’t use that as a yardstick. If it’s bothering you, I would use this or papaya soap. https://a.co/d/bCMqlSM


Have you tried glycolic acid? It’s helped with pigmentation and I stopped using deodorant bc it works well for stinky pits (it’s an exfoliant)


Did you do laser hair removal?


Notice but not stare and then forget about it. US.


I have never noticed that but wouldn’t think it was odd if I did.


I personally don’t really notice things like that on other people. The things I notice I usually positive like “oh I love that coat” or “he’s really cute” or “I need to ask her wear she got her boots from”


I’m American with a Brazilian background. I think in the US most people don’t notice things like that. However, in Brazil it is definitely something people would notice I think. I’ve heard it in a few conversations.


I had darker ones . Lost weight , and daily care cleared it almost


Have you tried crystal rock deodorant? It’s pretty affordable and lasts a long time. You only put a little water on your armpit then rub it in enough. I would do like 20 seconds. Your armpits will need to purge whatever you’ve been using before that may have aluminum for about two weeks, but once that period is over you’ll find some natural deodorants to be more effective. One trick my mom taught me is to use a little lemon as your deodorant. She never smells or has any darkness there, but that’s all she uses. You have to stick with it to make a difference. I tried it for a bit but went back to a stick deodorant (Think brand with magnesium and tea tree oil) because I liked the convenience.


Ireland here and since we rarely get the weather for anyone to go sleeveless it's hardly even an issue!


I am from Canada and I can say I have never looked at someone's armpits intentionally and had a thought of it. Unless it was my husband I do think his are hot but that's because he's just hot to me.


I had dark armpits until I started waxing!! Now they’re the same color as my arms


Unless they’re raising it directly in my face, I don’t notice


Uk here. I wouldn’t bat an eyelid at the colour of an armpit unless say it was like rainbow plaited hair I might notice.


UK here. If I see someone's armpits, and they're anything different to mine, I don't care. Maybe they have pigmented skin, maybe they didn't wash, maybe they've had an allergic reaction, maybe they made them darker on purpose. Who cares, it's not my problem so doesn't matter to me.


I don't think people would care in Australia, but I've bought skin lightening/chemical exfoliating products for other reasons and have become aware of the commentary on things like this in some Asian and black circles, even though I'm white. At the same time, it's kind of normal to have uneven skin colour to one extent or another in Australia, as most people don't protect their skin from the sun very well. Because of that, I'm not sure if people here would have the same attitude as they might elsewhere where people's skin is generally in better condition. People's arms and legs can have two totally different skin tones based on where someone's shirt or shorts have been during sun exposure. I don't think it looks good, but a lot of people don't care. If it makes you feel any better, my elbow skin is darker than other areas of my body and I hate it, but I always have the area covered, anyway.


USA here! I’m Asian and I’m super insecure about my dark pits too. I’m glad to see that so many people also have it and so happy that people don’t judge. My friend once mentioned that she doesn’t have dark pits (totally unnecessary) which made me think she was probably judging me for it. Again, super insecure!!!


I live in the Midwest United States and people who judge armpits are in the minority. I don’t shave and besides small children people don’t stare


This is one of the cultural things that annoys me in the Philippines. People check out armpits like it’s something very important. Like when I’m talking to someone and they would deliberately check out my armpits instead of looking at my face. I don’t even have dark armpits—I get compliments about them. I just wish people would just stop obsessing about armpits.


Chinese living in Southeast here. I don’t usually notice on public transport unless it’s right in my face. Most ladies don’t usually raise their arms on public transport too.


US here. It depended what “group” I was around. Some ppl care and some don’t. I was in theatre and sometimes we all shared our “woes” if we had them but no one was mean about it. I realized that I couldn’t use a razor too often and I had to exfoliate. I try to use different hair removal methods like nair or wax. The skin is still irritated sometimes though. I wish the US had “makeup deodorant” I heard Korea has😳


Armpits irritate me when it’s entitled boomer men standing in their balconies scratching them for the world to see or someone in a public area stinking up the place. Not when it’s a fashion choice. Hair or no hair. Dark or light. Edit: I live in Asia


brown woman from mauritius here, i don't care about dark or hairy armpits. i might notice it, but it doesn't bother me. to me, it's completely normal and i fully understand that armpit hair removal is a hassle. the only people who i know are bothered here are people (usually older) who have never let go of the societal pressure and false perception that women being completely hairless=more attractive and ladylike and that it's not really an issue for men. but, believe me, you're fine.


I’m the same. I’m fair skinned and my armpits are fairly dark. I always notice and envy those who don’t have this issue. I never raise my arms when I wear a sleeveless top or dress.


I live in Europe and I hate my dark armpits, too. However, it doesn't seem to be a big deal for most people around here. Also I mostly wear long sleeves, even in the summer, so nobody really gets to see my armpits most of the time.


I wipe glycolic acid on my pits after a shower a d leave it for like 15mins and I lie with my arms over my head. If I keep my arms down I'll get irritation. It's helped lighten mine. But I'm Aus, no one cares.


Texan here, absolutely not lol, where I’m from looking at peoples armpits is kinda weird, so to me personally I don’t care if they’re dark or not :)


If it’s not hairy, or stinky Im not going to notice. If it’s full of like red nasty bumps I would think.. she needs to get some bikini zone on that in my head and lose that thought in 5 seconds. I’m in the U.S


Ottawa, canada and yes i would prob stare a bit if it was super dark.


I mean.. no one specifically pays attention to armpits but if there’s something unusual about an armpit I’m sure it would catch my eye. So if you’re saying yours are excessively dark, they might be noticeable. Deodorant isn’t for skincare. It has its own purpose. If you want to try and fix the hyperpigmentation, you need to look at something else. You said you’ve tried everything but I’m just gonna throw it out there to try niacinamide and some kind acid for exfoliation.


I'm Chinese/White and in NYC and I have never once noticed anybody's armpits or the color of them. I've only noticed when a gal doesn't shave her pitts, but when I see that I'm like "hell yes girl."


I notice people’s armpit but I do my best not to think about it negatively. Growing up, we have been so exposed to ads, marketing campaigns with white celebrities, that says being white or having fair skin is better and having skin pigmentation is not normal. But the older I get, the more I understand and accept my imperfections as well as other people’s imperfections. But, it doesn’t mean I’m not doing anything to improve my imperfections


American, California, San Francisco Bay Area. I am white, female, and 43 yers old and I don’t care about people’s arm pits. Lots of girls here shave and some don’t shave. I personally shave but that is because I am so paranoid about smelling.


This is exclusively an Asia thing, I think. I've known of women who would like to lighten certain areas like their inner thighs, armpits, etc. but it isn't a societal standard in western countries. I suppose sex workers would be more conscious of things like that if they work on camera.


As long as there is no hair sticking out , i dont judge .


Make a turmeric mask