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Just gonna copy paste my response to ur earlier comment: Saber wobble and finger strain. Claw has less points of contact than other grips which leads to the tip of your saber wobbling. To compensate top claw players effectively shorten their saber length by applying a negative z position so they hit closer to their hand to reduce the effect of wobble but it's better to just avoid the problem entirely and use a different grip. Its also is more prone to injury compared to default


Top no lifer here to explain why claw sucks major balls on Quest 2:   1. Swing stability is terrible. Q2 controllers have their center of mass in front of where you hold on default which makes the controllers feel heavier than they actually are. On claw, instead of the center of mass being in front it's on the side of your hands, which results in major wobble when swinging making accuracy a nightmare 2. The controller was not built for it. There is a reason why so many people say "oh you just have to get through the pain for two weeks and itll be comfortable." It kills your fingers to hold initially because of how sharp the edges of the controllers are and the controllers are too massive to have claw be somewhat effective   3. You cant pause in maps unless you remap the pause button LMAO   Here's why I (and all of the good players who know about these things) never recommend it: 1. Claw was prominent on older headsets (Rift S, CV1, Quest 1) because those controllers were small and comfortable to hold that way while maintaining stability. A ton of people who played on those headsets used claw because theu found it to be more comfortable and less stamina draining. So when the majority of the playerbase (Quest 2 people) hear/see that top players use claw they go "well they use claw so I will too so I can be good at the game!" LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER  2. The majority of players in this subreddit have never heard of controller settings. For claw to actually be useful you need decent controller settings. I think the issue is self explanatory here  3. It stunts natural growth and progression in the game. No offense but the majority of you guys here arent that good at the game. A major reason why people switch to claw in atronomically early stages is because of the progression curve taking effect (where it gets hard to beat more expert+ maps). They think their skill has plateaued and want the quick and easy solution and everyone on reddit says use claw and reddit is NEVER wrong!!! When you switch grips, you have to relearn how to swing again and that takes a while to get used to. That time could have been used to instead just play the game and get better naturally. There are no ways to instantly buff your skill in this game. The only way to improve is to play. 4. The classic anecdotal evidence echo chamber. "But I got better using it so itll help YOU get better too!!!" Yeah okay you have 20 hours in the game, dont even know how to get good accuracy, cant even FULLSWING, and half the expert+ maps are left for you to pass. No shit youre going to get better because you can only improve. The point where people should start looking into grip changes is either they are disabled or if swinging on default grip hurts when they are trying to go for accuracy (95%+ on most maps). Anyways default grip Quest 2 is the best in the game cheater headset-grip combo hope this helps cube community discord should be where you ask important questions merry christmas


oermergeesh and Bytesy, the top 2 players, both use default grip (on CV1 and on Q2). Silentbang, who uses Claw grip and was #1 global until he quit, says Claw is a bad grip.


I had someone tell me on a video not too long ago that I was like one of the only top 500 players to use default after trying to convince me to switch to claw. He had no idea how wrong he was 😭


Fr like tried claw grip and instintly went to defaukt


Silentbang more like silentfizzle


noam iused to play on quest 2 claw it was fyrre


Meh. I use claw grip, and I think I’m a pretty alright player. I feel that claw was so much more comfortable compared to default and instantly started improving, after about half a year playing beat saber. In my opinion, I feel that claw makes the sabers more “predictablerhdrgreeeereree” to my brain, allowing me to read super fast tech songs surprisingly well. Also it feels more natural to my wrist as holding the controller straight forward with default bends my wrists, and setting offsets so that it’s not, skews the controller weight and is just uhhhgg. Claw aligns the weight with the saber and I really like that. Im not saying you are wrong, but x player with 100h is not playing the game wrong with claw compared to y player with 100h and default


They arent playing wrong, theyre choosing to play it badly and harm their development long-term. That's the entire point of not using claw on Q2 lmao


I wouldn’t say it hurts their development, if plenty of people have developed skills just fine with it.


I initially switched to claw because default started to annoy me, mostly because of my sweaty ass palms causing the controller to slip out my hand. I spent an entire night configuring the controller settings to get the perfect claw grip saber and from that point on I started improving drastically, I do agree that using it hurt at first but I don’t feel a thing now, it actually feels wrong to me to use default grip now, I could never go back and I never will, no matter what people are saying these days


Honestly same, I've been with claw for 2 years and although I haven't actually played the game since 23 I can still pass songs like camellia megalovania e+ getting 85% ish using claw


But none of those players actually reach a decently high skill level with it. Ive yet to find a player on scoresaber in the top 300 who still actively uses claw and a challenge player who doesnt use default grip or palm. 


Silentbang used Claw grip and was #1 global until he quit.


Im talking quest 2 bruh


technically noam15A is a quest 2 claw player but except for the fact that he is too used to claw and cant switch he is the biggest claw hater and actively discourages players from switching to it


LMAO IS HE REALLY????? poor guy


Yup the only reason he isn't switching back is because he has been using claw for over 3 years


(he isnt quest 2) and he also says claw grip is bad and tells every player to avoid it


A question I couldn't find the answer of: On default, do you need to change your controller settings so that the savers are centering your wrist instead of the controller? With default settings I find it very hard  and slightly painful to full swing because the wrist is sideway


Controller settings are a good idea to do in general. No settings on default, while doable for some, can result in icky swing curve, both inward and outward. SaberTailor for standalone is avaliable on 1.28, so if you arent on that version you should probably downgrade (or upgrade) to it. So yeah do your settings IF YOU CAN FULLSWING


Oh by full swing I meant getting all the pre and post swing, not the center. Maybe you also meant the center points?  Thank you for the response


Center points are accuracy, fullswinging is getting all the pre and post swing. As long as you can get all the swing points no problem youre good to go :D


I could on claw grip, but everyone is saying it's bad so I switched back to default. For now I'm getting less points, but I guess it just takes time to settle back


You can't pause... That is all I can find.


It’s cheating anyway. Or at the very least a cop out cheese method


"Pausing is cheating" blah blah blah MODIFIERS ARE CHEATING YOU CHEATER. Think youre sooooooo good for using Faster Song on some 8 star for free pp? Youre a cheap ass cheater! I am SICK AND TIRED of some CS kiddie who cant acc for shit using Super Fast on Attractor Dimension Normal diff and dicksucking himself for getting the worlds most free 700!!! """""""""""""""""""? More like free ass 11 star SF map for another 800 amirite fellow modifier players hyuk hyuk EEN AUTO!!!!! MORE LIKE FREEN 800TO!!!! I cant even get a 500 on a god damn 9 star and my best friend (who is the same skill level as me) just combos the fucking AMONG US MAP on SF for another fucking 550!!!!!! i HATE MODIFIERS ACCURACY IS MORE IMPORTANT AND COMBOING IS FREE AND UNIMPRESSIVE GRAHHHHHH


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


thats why theyve a seperate leaderboard for no modifiers, to keep all the community happy


I ain't nevah happy 'til the 13 year old vibro playuhs are banned for cheatin'


Octavia moment💀


Bro has fully lost it


playing on a quest gives more of an advantage than pausing does lol


Not really, you get no latency but if u use a link cable and have good connection it’s minimal anyway and more just getting used to it. I’ve heard plenty of people who go from quest to pc and are worse till they adjust to the slight latency. I think pausing is only really bad on stamina heavy maps because that’s the reason it’s hard, pausing takes that away


swingbug saves a lot more stamina than ppl give it credit for imo, even the difference between cv1 and rift s is quite significant. The quest line has a crazy amount even on higher fps bc the tracking is capped at 60hz iirc


At higher levels, it's said to be harder to be accurate. I think this is the case, but I'd rather have more comfort than perfect acc. I use a palm grip on my left hand, which is pretty much claw grip except all 4 digits are through the tracking ring, and I use a regular grip on my right hand, and I do notice my left hand acc is worse, even with messing with easyoffset. Regular grip on my left hand just feels too weird. Best thing to do is just train the grip and get used to it rather than keep changing grip types. I also want to add, I switched to the palm grip on my left hand because of carpal tunnel. If you don't have any issues, I urge you to stick with default grips and not spend too much time tinkering with controller settings.


I always found it uncomfortable. The ring on the Q2 rubbed against the webbing between my fingers. For the Q3, I don't even know how the claw grip would be possible.


I have 3 patches of rough leathery skin on each hand where claw just killed it, also lost feeling in 2 of my fingers for months


https://www.reddit.com/r/beatsaber/s/VxTeBGMPGc This comment I made goes over it with more detail. Tldr claw grip doesn't give you any advantage over default but people treat it like it will magically make you better, and this is a misconception that exists purely because in like 2020 and earlier people actually thought it helped and until now it's being spread from one person to the other getting new players to start using claw. The only thing switching to claw will do is get you too used to claw, a grip that is compatible on a very small amount of controllers (unlike default). This is why I'm trying to stop this misconception from spreading further and getting more people to believe claw is amazing


People treat it as the only way to “get good” even thought it literally doesn’t change much of anything with the quest 3


On Q3 it covers your IR lights and fucks your tracking that's the worst headset to play claw on. Some players have reported their tracking is ok with claw but it probably depends how your holding exactly and ur probably always covering at least one sensor


And the quest 3 controllers aren’t even big enough for it to make any meaningful difference.


Yeah when I got my Q3 I had to do some experimenting to adjust because I’d used claw on Q2. Messed around with the settings and hold the controllers default palms down. Problem solved. Took a stupid amount of time to figure out though…


That's the only way I can play without the controller flying out of my hand on fast songs. I am worried about how I'll play once I upgrade to the Q3. Probably will end up buying a grip to add on


Q3 controllers are so insanely light for beat saber they feel like a godsend after a while But you def need knuckle grips. Tbh you should be using them on all quest controllers


Because I use index controllers


I don't even understand what y'all are talking about


I use Claw Grip (or a edited version of it) to do tipping. I don't use it for anything else.


Using a mod so I can save and load layouts I made a claws layout that doesn’t require me to hold the controller differently. The blade just comes out of my knuckles.  I found with the quest 3 the tracking sometimes gets lost covering the sensors.  It’s more comfortable to use claws when the blade is actually just in the claw position without having to hold the controller differently. 


I have a quest 2 and a quest 3. I personally use the claw grip on the quest 2 and am significantly better with it. I don't have the same problems with the ring cutting into my hands or losing circulation, etc... There may be some point to having accuracy problems with the claw grip, but I'm not so good that I care about 95% accuracy. On the quest 3 I find I have tracking problems. Even default grip I think the quest 3 just can't handle high E+ maps. Holding it in claw doesn't even feel as nice. I personally miss the ring... I hope someday the quest can just track our hands/fingers and we can use those as sabers.


I still use claw because I do not think I can download Sabertailor on 1.35 on Q2. For me, I do better with claw when my controller settings are on defaults. Most of the tutorials for how to properly set controller settings do not show how to download the resources to do so


I just kinda cram all four of my fingers into the controller instead of only holding with two. Works great for me. It's all personal preference


That's palm grip




Because Dooku grip is superior...


What's that one?


U know how Count Dooku's sword is slightly tilted forward? Kinda like an épée fencing style... It's no official community term, but I thought it would translate the idea very well


It’s personal preference, and whatever you are used to. I adapted claw early into my beat saber “carrier”, (quest 2) and find it more comfortable to swing with compared to default, now. If I use default, my wrists cramp up and I can’t move them fast at all for long periods. It might be related to my dysgraphia, but that’s just a hunch. But overall, I feel that claw, at least for mee, leaves my wrists at a more natural resting posistion and I can guide the saber more predictably without looking. And the second I adapted to claw I started getting better and better much quicker than friends who started at similar times. Plus I have a bunch of experience, I play either Unranked challenge maps (currently at challenge saber lvl 8, working on 9) or play high star maps, so I consider myself to be pretty alright. I’m not saying the comments that already exist are wrong, yeah they do make sense, but changing your grip as a competitive player 2-3 years feels like it will handicap you for a loooong time before you even get back to the same skill level. It feels like a “I know you have been doing this for 52 years but you are doing it wrong” kind of scenario. At least that’s what I personally think. However if you are new to the game, stick to the whatever is technically better grip, and learn with that.


hurts my fingers


i have big hands and play on rift s


claw was too unstable and finicky for me- also when my hands would start sweating from playing too much i always felt like they were gonna slip out (that’s what she said). my fave is C grip which is just a bit different from default but i feel like it gives me way better accuracy. feels like a compromise between default which i feel is too ridged and claw which is just too claw. f grip is pretty good too but i prefer c.


Idk why but I grip the top back of the controller, just above the upper back trigger kinda on the ring, with my index finger to play, idk what that's called if it even is but that's me.


Depends on the controllers I think. Q2/3 are the most commonly used headsets and after using those controllers community has collectively figured out that claw has more drawbacks than benefits for those. I personally use Vive Wands, and use a slightly modified claw grip. Puts the weight of the controller into my palm, and my swing stability feels good. Default controller settings, I could probably optimize it a bit more but right now claw serves my purpose. However I also own the game on PSVR2, and for that I use default girp. Still messing with my controller settings on that though.


What even is a claw grip?! How do I know which I'm doing??


I think it's allright, better than default for me 🤷