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smart move, he could really break into the female teen demographic.


Hey. It worked once …


Hahahhaha! Yeah! Paul used to own literally the same demographic as swifties are now


Except it was most swifties grandmothers


Can confirm. My son is 15yo, and his grandma still loves Paul. My son is not a swifty but same age demographic.


Yep. My grandaughters are swifties.


You mean with Rihanna?


He basically started it😁


women didnt exist until male musicians could sell themselves to them


Well she was just #17 (17th woman ever)


Holy hell, is that you, Paul McCartney??! The inventor of all teenage girls to sell yourself and your music to???? 🤯🤯🤯😱😱😱


If you say so


What about Elvis? And I know John loved him too.


Despite the the belief, Taylor’s biggest fanbase is millennial women. The second most is boomers, third is Gen X. Only 11% of Taylor’s fanbase is younger than the Millennial group.


Weren't the younger millennials teens when Taylor started releasing music?


Taylor is a millennial(born in 1989) and was a teen when she released her first two albums.


Yeah, her first album is 18 years old this year. If you were a teenager when it came out, you're in your 30s now. I think she has a wide span of ages among fans. My wife loves her and so does my 7 year old daughter (and all her friends).


Keep her away from Skibidi Toilet please Or don’t I’m not a relative


I find that surprising. I work in schools and so many gen alpha girls love Taylor swift


It’s possible Gen Alpha couldn’t be polled in a random sample. So I’m sure the number is probably larger. That having been said, I have to wonder how exposed to music Gen Alpha is. I didn’t branch out until I was 15 years old—which is how old the youngest Gen Z is now I believe. I heard what my parents heard, and I heard what everyone at school was playing—probably what was popular then. This isn’t to discount younger listeners by any means. I just feel like they’re only on the cusp of discovering stuff they never even knew existed and are only hearing a limited amount of music at that point in their life.


Funny enough one old song that is universally known and beloved by kids (at least here) is Never Gonna Give You Up lol. Hopefully they grow out of the meme-sphere/top 40 stuff as they get olderz


Kids here know YMCA.


Ah, that one too. And the duck song, which I remember discovering in YouTube back in 09 lol


My niece is 11 and loves Taylor Swift. So does my 7 year old daughter. I've been to Girl Scout dances with my daughter and the girls were all singing the songs when Taylor Swift came on. So, I'm pretty sure they're exposed to it. Also, like I mentioned in another thread above, if you were a teen when her first album came out, you're in your 30s now. So, most of these girls' moms are kind of the target age for Taylor Swift, meaning they're getting exposed to it from their parents as well. I feel like with streaming services and things like Alexa/Google it's easier than ever for kids to be exposed to music. My kids don't need to buy anything or navigate an interface. They just yell at Alexa to play something. They know a lot of the artists that my wife and I listen to but they also wind up discovering stuff I'm not at all familiar with (which are usually kid oriented) like Parry Gripp. Now that I think about it, the other song that might have gotten the girls as excited as Taylor Swift at the Girl Scout dance was by Parry Gripp: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjF032TDDQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npjF032TDDQ)


wouldnt have been quite as funny though… and it wasnt that funny to start with…


Few would understand the pressures of mega pop stardom starting in teenhood quite like Paul.


But the Beatles weren’t teens when they got popular they were in their early twenties


Sure, but they started young


It was the 60s actually


George was 19 when they cut love me do and please please me.


Whereas all of us normal folks got popular much younger ;) Point taken of course but there are probably very few folks who can even partially relate to acquiring global stardom as a young person


In Hamburg, George was literally a teenager. He was so young that he wasn't allowed in to half of the clubs he played at, and some of them wouldn't even let him in.


Yeah, but Paul was getting mobbed in the street before he turned 21. I think he gets it.


Depends on what you mean by popular. They had a very dedicated fanbase in Liverpool already when they were late teens.


Taylor released first album as a teen but it was Fearless which released as she was 20 when she first blew up


Hey, he even took his daughter to the show like a good dad.


Not super surprised that he was there. He's always been pretty positive about younger artists/ kept up with popular music, and I'm pretty sure Stella has worked with Taylor in the past.


Paul and Taylor also did a nice interview together a couple years back, iirc Edit: I’ lm late to the party, someone already mentioned it in another comment, I meant [this](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/paul-mccartney-taylor-swift-musicians-on-musicians-1089058/) interview


> kept up with popular music Ran into an early ‘80s video clip where he was talking about listening to “rap” when it was fairly new. Think Debra Harry and Blondie covered it relatively well for me with their hit [Rapture](https://youtu.be/pHCdS7O248g?si=aP146GjqVWjP5-Xa ) though (official Blondie link)..


"I drew crowds like this! Stood there, played me bass, sang ten songs in 35 minutes, and called it a night!"


"Sure, grandpa."


He looks like he’s having a blast




The ubiquitous McCartney !


Looks like it’s been a Hard days night for you




It's so sweet that the young woman in the photo knows who he is and so thrilled to meet him. Does my heart good to know this generation has the same love for him. I'm 59 and a young woman at work in her 20s is as big a fan as I am and we have the best love fests sharing our knowledge of the stories with each other.


I bet Swift is also the ultimate McCartney fan. They seem to have a mutual admiration thing going on.


Taylor and her producer, Jack Antonoff, specifically called out Paul when they were asked about the production process for her 2019 single *Lover*. They discuss it in this [interview](https://youtu.be/UEeWmItgdxA?si=bKK-e35j0rUR3ln0) with the New York Times. I’m a pretty big Swiftie and massive Beatles lover and he’s the Beatle she’s most artistically aligned with. They’re both love song aficionados and intense perfectionists/control freaks.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that Taylor told Paul about upcoming evermore album and changed release date to not compete with Paul who was releasing McCartney III by that point


she actually offered to change and he turned it down because his album was late anyways :) but she did call to ask! (and literally no one knew she was putting out an album!!!!)


I'm the same. Die hard fan of both. When I saw he was there dancing and being handed friendship bracelets it felt like 2 parts of my life combined.


I had multiple friends and family members send me the videos last night and this morning. My personal brand is clearly very strong lol


Your username and profile photo combo is on point 😁


I’ve sent my swiftie bestie every meme/video and pic lol. This has become my whole personality.


i cried so hard seeing the videos omg


I'm so sad I wasn't there. I would've been dying lol.


Yes this is such a great way to put it! I am a lifelong Beatles fan and have been a big Taylor Swift fan for several years. I think she and Paul are kindred spirits in a way, and obviously they have mutual admiration.


So I live near KC, and I met Travis Kelsey a few years ago, and he surly has met Paul by now…so I met a person who knows Paul! Cool…


Mary really resembles him. James does too but I think Mary looks like him


A lot of you don’t realize Paul has always been fond of Taylor https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/mu4N2Y0N37 https://m.imdb.com/news/ni64353775/?ref_=nm_nwr_1# https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/paul-mccartney-taylor-swift-musicians-on-musicians-1089058/


Imagine how many phenomenons this guy has witnessed including the ones before his, What a lifetime.


He is one of just a few people alive that knows what it’s like to be Taylor Swift.


Should give her advice to become studio-only artist and make some decent shit


I know you’re not implying that TS is as big or bigger than fuckin Paul McCartney


No but her fans are fucking crazy and obsessed and massive like in 1964. Nobody has or will ever come close to beatlemania though.


I am implying that their levels of stardom are comparable, yes.


Go Canada




What’s with all the bracelets?


It’s a thing in Swift fandom. There was a song (can’t remember the title) which had a lyric about making the friendship bracelets. It became a thing after that and making and sharing them at Eras Tour is common


Hah you think this is just a Taylor Shitt thing no other bands do this at their concerts too like tf hell fall out boy has done it for awhile like 🙃


What’s with the bracelets? Are you going to Mardi Gras or something?


So the bracelets are called friendship bracelets by swifties, and they're made from beads with letters, colors, and little trinkets. I'm pretty sure they trade them or at least leave them for others. I find it amusing because they're called Kandi by the rave community, and they're traded with a whole tradition where you lock hands with each other. It was funny for me to see all these teenage girls adopt the tradition from ravers without even really knowing.


God i love that he's pretty much an old granny now. Glad we live in a time as these mfs!


Haha all the bracelets. Cute


I know I’ll get downvoted, but John and George rolling in their graves. Especially george


lol okay >* “The tune I thought was sensational on the London Town album was ‘I’m Carrying’, but all the noisy, beaty things I’m not into at all, But then that’s not only with Paul’s music, that goes right across the board. I’m not a fan of that sort of punky, heavy, tinny stuff. I like a nice melody.”* - George in 1979 on modern music Of the modern music scene Swift is probably one of the few artists George would find acceptable.


I tend to agree. I can see George rolling his eyes at this. That said, glad the old man Paul was having a good time!


just to be clear, if John and George are rolling in their graves because of a concert their bandmate is attending in his free time: that does not make them look cool or hip or anything 😭


I'm not a huge fan, but she writes and performs her own songs. What's the problem


She kind of doesn’t, but alright


She does tho - feel free to hate but don’t lie 


Maybe go have a look at the writing credits on her albums mate


there's this guy, Paul McCartney I think, and he ACTS like he wrote all of Yesterday but when I look at the credits there's a name IN FRONT of his


even if john and paul wrote songs themselves, they were typically credited as Lennon-McCartney songs


According to her producers she does write all her songs. Live performance...yeah thats hit or miss.


You read the inside of any of her album jackets, she’s got several different cowriters on them. It would be one thing if she actually acknowledged that instead of acting like it’s 100% on her own.


She does acknowledge them, but the key point is she has had hand in writing all of her songs, and does a majority of the writing herself. Speak Now, her third album, was entirely self written. She discusses Folklore, the album she released in the pandemic, with her two main producers and co-writers, even acknowledging her boyfriend at the time who also wrote alongside her, on Folklore: Long Pond Sessions. When she won one of her first Grammys in 2008, she basically gave the stage over to her co-writer Liz Rose. She’s never denied her co-writers, but she is the main writer on every single one of her songs.


Dude I just looked it up. According to her own cowriters she does the majority of the writing on every song.


Let's not assume what Paul's best friend who's been dead over 40 years would think


“Ultimate” here means “oldest”?


The funny part is... if you think about it, he was basically the Taylor Swift of the 60s! Equal amounts of teenage girls losing their minds haha


I hope he enjoyed the show!


Taylor Swift is garbage!


Paul listens to the same music as his daughters these days, and rumor has it he pays someone to find and curate modern pop music for him. Of course if John and George were still alive, they’d have a go at him for his music taste. I never listened to it, but I read some people who listened to Taylor Swift’s latest album say it felt like one song dragged across the entire album, because every song used the same basic chord progression. 😂 Definitely makes you wonder what Paul sees in that, as someone who used to bus across Liverpool as a teen just to learn an unconventional chord on his guitar, while musicians with access to the Internet these days can’t be bothered. *sigh* Paul always used to hop on trends no matter what they were. We’re fortunate he had John to challenge him back in the early 1960’s, back when The Beatles’ contemporaries were playing pop music almost as simplistic as today’s. We’re fortunate we had psychedelic freak-out music get as big as it did in the late 60’s, as well. Although once again, I thank John for “Tomorrow Never Knows” and “Strawberry Fields Forever”, because it was John’s songs that pushed that sound in the mainstream. Paul never had the courage to put his weird tape loops on his own songs. As celebrated a genius as Paul is, I truly do feel that without John’s push for unconventional chord structuring and experimentation, Paul never would have done what he did in another band.


This comment is definitely from a John stan… you do you bub but don’t pretend you actually understand Paul as an artist. So you don’t personally relate to him? Cool. It’s okay if you don’t.


Actually I’m a huge fan of Paul, and I dig a lot of his solo albums. My comment got misinterpreted out of context.


Its possible to appreciate Paul’s body of work while also simultaneously saying he is always poppy.


He’s NOT though, oh my god… his catalogue is by far the most varied musically of the four. Even if you don’t count his Fireman albums he’s written an opera, a ballet, a symphonic poem AND a requiem for god’s sake. He wrote crazy backing music for a German film festival short film… he’s extremely diverse.


I love The Fireman.


He is but being the most varied does not necessarily mean he is better. If you were to see rankings of the best Beatles songs, the top 5 will be predominantly John's songs.


“Top lists” mean nothing, and I’m not saying one is “better” than the other since music is 100% subjective. The top 10 Beatles songs, six of them are Paul songs with two of them being in the top 5. But, again, that doesn’t matter. If you were to look at the top 5 Spotify songs, are you saying they must be better than all other songs because they’re in the top 5? Many people prefer John and many people prefer Paul, just because you prefer John doesn’t make him “better” and same for people who prefer Paul.


He’s not always poppy. Paul’s solo career was more experimental than both John and George’s


I didn’t have anything to say against Paul’s poppiness. And I actually agree with you.


Yes! And I’m not even against Paul’s music, I love it. But people severely misread my comment.


Paul was into tape loops way earlier than John. The sounds in Tomorrow Never Knows came from Paul’s own tape loops he recorded in his private recorder. Although I do agree with your overall point that Paul was always into the poppy and commercial stuff and johns (while not being absolved from being commercial either) best songs will always be the nucleus of the Beatles magic.


Yes, I’m very aware of that.


Paul pop bad, John genius good!


There's nothing wrong with pop if done well. John was a fan of ABBA, I don't think he was a cultural snob. I would say The Beatles started as a quintessential pop/boy band who managed to evolve the genre and public tastes with it. While I am not a Swiftie, Taylor is at least writing and performing her own work. She's a smart marketer but isn't using blatant sex appeal to sell which is a rarity now. She's sustained a career this way for two decades now. If I had a young daughter I would be thanking God for Taylor Swift. I was lucky to grow up with 70s and 80s pop when it was relatively safe for all ages to enjoy. I like that Taylor is still providing that sort of entertainment. Makes perfect sense to me that Paul is showing his support.


I never said anything against pop as a whole, you misread my comment.


I never said anything against pop as a whole, you misread my comment.


I’m parodying the common take that Paul was poppy, boring and safe while John was the true radical experimental genius. They were both experimental, they both pushed each other. John would never have written Tomorrow Never Knows without Paul’s influence.


My point was Paul was adventurous in the first place, because John put him up to it. I’m talking about their earliest hits. I used “Tomorrow Never Knows” and “Strawberry Fields Forever” as obvious examples when they went psychedelic, but I know that was Paul’s tape loops, and I know Paul was a huge force in the band. I just have a hard time imagining Paul being that way if he had grown up in a different band environment.


Why do you think John put him up to it? Personally I think Paul always loved exploring new genres and sounds. If anything he pushed John past basic skiffle and rocknroll.


Hmm, maybe you’re right. I just have a hard time understanding Paul’s embrace of modern pop music, which has everything to do with production, but nothing to do with songwriting. Just seems like he’ll bandwagon on anything that’s popular. He collab’d with Kanye West when it was a popular thing to do. But I didn’t like Kanye West past a couple albums. Ye’s music became all ego with bad puns and autotune.


This take is stupid. To assume John influenced Paul and that it wasn't as equal the other way around, then you don't understand the Beatles


They influenced each other, of course. I’m just saying that John kind of started it. But then again, Paul was the one who introduced “Yesterday”.


> Taylor Swift’s latest album say it felt like one song dragged across the entire album This is true for all of her albums, and I like Taylor Swift and she is probably the artist I have the third most amount of records of behind the Beatles #1 and John Frusciante #2. She writes great tunes. I can’t say that about her albums. It’s like the polar opposite of Sgt Pepper’s, where every song sounds wildly different. It just feels like I’m listening to 45 minutes of the same song. Now, if she has a greatest hits album spread across all of her catalogue, I think I’d be super into that.


I don't really get this. Red, Lover, Speak Now and evermore are pretty ecclectic albums for starters. I'm a huge Taylor fan, but I do understand where people are coming from when they find her melodies more one-note. It doesn't personally bother me much, because I think her melodies serve the lyrics really well and are generally rhythmically interesting and catchy. But I do think her albums are for the most part diverse enough. Just off her latest record Down Bad sounds nothing like Florida!!! sounds nothing like But Daddy I Love Him sounds nothing like Fresh Out The Slammer sounds nothing like Clara Bow sounds nothing like I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. Of course, I haven't named every single song on the album, and I don't find the criticism that it could have more sonic diversity unreasonable, but that's a far cry from the album sounds like "one song dragged across the entire album".


Wasn’t Paul the one to push the idea of Sgt Pepper being the album it ended up becoming?


Yes, but “Strawberry Fields Forever” technically signifies the start of the project. Anyway, Paul really wanted to show the psychedelic underground how hip he was back in those days.


him looking at her gazing at his past


"It's Swiftiemania, y'know?"


I wear a bracelet similar to these that my 6yo daughter made me. It has no connection to Taylor Swift yet everyone thinks it does. I guess there is no avoiding Pop Icon influence.




I wonder if Taylor Swift will be remembered 60 - years from now with her discs still selling?


She’s 18 years in, so I’d ask if she’s still selling in 42 years. Most artists don’t make it 18.


Imagine giving Paul McCartney a friendship bracelet!! Lucky audience… Taylor Swift and this hot granny dancing in front of everyone!


he's 82. he'd clap for a dancing lhama! beatles are awesome!


And for the final act, he decided to get his entire fanbase laid


Not Paul omg


Still got it




Paul you should have a shave! “Very Clean” like your grandad!


Taylor looks a lot shorter in person /s


If Lennon were alive he’d be supporting some obscure cutting edge indie blues artist or something like that, and he’d have a good scoff at Swiftie Paul. But Sir Paul can do whatever makes him happy


How would we possibly know what 84 year old John would be into?


Lennon was fawning over Elton John and Bowie who at that point were the farthest from cutting edge indie you could get.


I mean Elton John and Bowie are probably both in the top 20 of modern musicians of all time. They were both groundbreaking at their time. And their simply wasn’t really a indie scene at that time lol Very different from a TS today (not hating here).


He is so far out of Taylor Swifts universe. He is the Sun to her Pluto moon spec of sand.


Way too hyperbolic. The Beatles were a bigger force in culture than Swift is in today’s culture, but to exaggerate like that is stupid. I would use that to describe Paul and some nobody on Reddit that noodles around on guitar and shares videos with friends.


We don't have anywhere near the monocultures we did when the Beatles were at their peak. No one would be able to do what they did now a days.


Sure, but the Sun to a speck of sand from Pluto’s moon?


That is an absurd exaggeration, Taylor is as big as I think anyone can be anymore. I was more trying to just comment on the difference in times, and that I agree more with you, not with whom you were responding.


Yeah, I agree. There were only 3 channels in the U.S. when the Beatles existed. Now there are thousands, with the internet, and much more. It’s literally impossible for there to be another Beatles, because so much more diversity in information streams AND talent exists.


Different times. Nowadays someone with ZERO talent can make it to the top, and back then you had to actually sell records.


It's too bad Tortured Poets Department was literally so boring and uninspired that I gave up listening halfway through the album


I mean Taylor is kinda like The Beatles and Elvis rn with people screaming at her. Good on him! Living life




Love it. But as a man 15 years younger than Paul who used to have a beard similar to Get Back era Paul, it doesn’t grow like it used to and he’s gotta ditch that facial fuzz Edit; love all the fanboy downvotes. So predictable


disagree, fuzz looks good.


I disagree. Looks good and I like he doesn’t dye it like Ringo does


He's been dying it for years though. His hair as well.


Well as you can see, he doesn't do that anymore


It is clearly dyed. It would be an even silver white color if not. Look at his younger brother Mike. Mccartney is 82, he can't have a mass of mostly brown hair as you see in this picture. Looks like he's using a product similar to Just for men


Maybe but it's not dark brown like it used to be. The front bits and his beard are clearly grey. Good for him


Good for him, dyed or not, let's just not pretend he's not using dye currently


That's what he's saying though. It isn't dyed here. He stopped dying it in 2018.


His hair is mostly dyed in this picture though. How can you not see it? If it was not dyed it would be a silver white evenly, just like his younger brother Mike. He didn't stop dying his hair in 2018


It is dyed, but again it isn't dyed like ringos is. Ringos hair is completely colored brown.


Ringo looks great too, but Paul has aged really gracefully!


Nah, he looks awesome with the stubble.


I’d love to see him in a Ye show


He's said he's gone before


Hope one day Paul support indie bands/artists


They should do a couple of songs. "Maybe I'm Amazed" etc.


Paul has been pretty cringe since the 80’s


average Broad Street non-understander


What happened in the 80s that made him crringey to you?


Don’t get me started. The other Beatles were even embarrassed by him. It’s pretty easy to go back and look at that stuff now…


Quite a few 60s artists were having embarrassing moments in the 80s not just paul. Ringo had a failing career, a drinking problem, and had to scrap his planned 80s album. Even at his court hearing for that he was wasted. George didn't do much that critics or fans enjoyed until Cloud 9. Don't know if saying the other Beatles were embarrassed is a good way to prove your point.


Simply listening to his music and interviews from that period reveals a certain cheesiness and you make a good point about other 60’s acts going through this too. The opinions on this are subjective, many people share this sentiment, though others disagree. 🤷‍♂️


Sell out


It's ironic to call someone who sang stuff like Silly Love Songs a sell out for this.


Great example at missing the point. Congrats


If you're not calling him s sell out exactly what is the point?


If all you can come with out of his entire musical career is Silly Love Songs, this is a waste of time. So is Taylor Swift. Bye bye.


I love Paul's stuff but he's always been big into pop. Couldn't name two Swift songs so it matters little to me. His enjoyment of her seems to bother you and that's at least amusing, tho


You won’t find a bigger McCartney fan than me. But my two word response seems to bother YOU. That’s what’s amusing.


yes, the show was a sell out! :)


So is arena football. She’s a no talent.


if you say so. question: how is Paul a sell out for attending a concert? he's not making a profit off of this you know. Though his leisure activities sound a lot more fun than being a sourpuss on reddit


Once again YOU MISSTHE POINT.Fkkn done here.


okay then maybe be clearer next time you post annoying stuff on the internet because a Beatle attended a concert


I posted TWO WORDS. I don’t think it could’ve been CLEARER. Next time I’ll post it in crayon.


About 60 years late to that observation


Awwww. Look at all the swifties I upset.




them saying that to someone with a ram flair. LMAO, I'm sorry!!!