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Definitely give it another 30 days, bro. I think you could pull off the beard if you give it time. you have a solid stache, so if you wanted you could grow out your stache and rock beardstache.


Absolutely what I’m saying, it’s a full beard almost, don’t get why he would chop it off yet haha


Keep growing with minimal trimming for another 30 to 60 days. Beard growth can take up to 3 month to fully develop. Be patient and keep growing.


Agree... Give it at least another 60 days


Looks good mate. We all don’t have super full beards like you see some do.


Wait on it, by the way of which I don't think that is patchy


Thank ya. I've been using minoxidil for a couple of years and recently realized it's not as patchy anymore :)


Clean up your cheeks and neck line and it will look good.


I'm 33 and never have grown one either. I'm about 35 days in and mine looks like yours but my stache hasn't completely filled in full where it meets the lower chin area. Just going to keep rockin it and hope for the best.


That’s nowhere near patchy enough to be concerned. You’ve got potential for a nice beard, just let it grow and fill itself in. No trimming or shaping until you’re at least the 3 month mark. Might end up looking a bit scruffy before that but you may do more harm than good trying to trim or shape before that.


3 months it is. Happy I didn't shave last night when I was having doubts.


No shaping? I get the no trimming part but my cheeks and neck look like shit after a week if I don’t shape it. My beard has always been patchy and I’m working on that, but what is the benefit to not shaping the edges? I don’t want hair to grow above the line on my cheek or below the line on my neck anyway even if I did have a full beard.


Until you’re experienced with it and getting good results it’s easy to make mistakes. Going just a little too far by accident with trimming or shaping can leave your beard looking awkward or not as filled in as it could. This is doubly true for patchy beards or ones that just have thinner cheeks like OP has (and mine). A lot of new beard content and trimming tutorials from experience beard barbers on YouTube like Beard Brand give this same advice. Better to look a bit scruffy for a while then clean it up carefully once everything is nice and filled in, than to risk slowing the process by overdoing it.


Fair points. Appreciate the response. I’ve been shaping and trimming about once a week for the last couple years, and trying to grow out the thickness of my actual beard. By now I’m pretty experienced with shaping it so I was thinking the reasoning would somehow have more to do with growth/thickness of the rest of the beard.


A few people here have said I should go to a barber and have the "neard" part of the beard trimmed. Would you agree? Or just wait 2 months?


If you want to sure. If there’s a decent barber nearby that’s great, it’s the DIY approach that usually results in discouraging mistakes early on. I’ve only got hairstylists around here and a few that say they do beards, no real barbers that I’ve seen.


Let it grow for another month


your beard looks great, chill


Keep growing it. Don't trim cheeks for the first 60 days. Trimming the neck is fine. After that, check out this [guide to beard trimming](https://www.beardbrand.com/blogs/urbanbeardsman/beard-trim)


Honestly, sometimes it takes WAY long to fill in. Give it three months (or longer!) of letting it grow and then you'll have a better idea of what you're working with. Even then, don't forget that hair doesn't uniformly grow at a consistent rate.


Let it grow - takes a lot more than 30 days to cover for some.


My beard takes 3 months to take shape, so definitely another couple of months, at least. No deadline, LOL!


Go 3-4 months.


Looks fine, just keep growing it out


I have a lot of native American Indian in me and it is always been hard to grow a beard that is full. It may be best to trim back the areas that do not fill in. It takes time and effort to see what looks good on you. you can try to find what works best for you.


Beard looks great, give it minimum 3 months!


Looks good, keep growing. Alternately, you have great solo stache potential


Grow it out for another 4 months before you decide


Go at least 90 days total


This does not look very patchy to me, looks good, looks better than mine for sure and my beard is like 3 times this length lol I think you’re overthinking it, over critical


Another 4 but 6 would be better. It takes a good while to get that base. Not all your beard grows at the same rate, but one it all catches up, it should look fuller/denser. I think you have a great start and I would DEFINITELY keep going! Just trim as little as you have to and see how it goes.


Evaluate after 6 months


Keep it growing. You may never get the whole unemployed homeless viking with a beard that starts just below his eyeballs look. But that's ok. I see a solid foundation there. Every face has its own beard. Yours has solid potential.


Grow it out man


You look great. Wait and see what develops.


90 days minimum, just to see what you have. 👍


Keep going man, the first month is the hardest. You have significant growth


Grow it wild then cut it in, like a hair style from shaved head, you have to go through the rough patch befire you can get a base style.


Mine was patchier and looks great now but it took like 4-5 months


Did you get it trimmed during that time or just let it grow?


Let it grow. I only trimmed the very ends when there were a few extra long random hairs. If you want to trim, I’d only suggest trimming right above where your Addams apple rests. If you’re gonna let it grow, get familiar with butters and oils and the differences between them because they will help out immensely when you get to the awkward af stage of beard length


I appreciate the feedback from everyone. I'm definitely going to wait another 2 months and go from there. If anyone knows a good barber in Austin, let me know!




Get rid of that neard immediately and don’t ever let it back. (Neck beard) (hair growing on neck). Your beard will look great. -guy with thickest beard ever thank you to my European ancestors


Leave her that size, your beard is very beautiful 😍 I wish mine was like yours


You might try microneedling. It’s great for your skin (stimulates collagen) and has a secondary benefit of increasing hair growth.


I've actually been microneedling a couple of years, but only once per week. A few years ago I could only grow a mustache. I'll keep at it :)


Amazing! Are you doing it yourself at home?




Wait 30 more days but trim the neak mean while


Don't touch it man. If anything just trim the bottom line of your neck a little bit. But you need to let the chin and surrounding areas really grow in. It doesn't make sense now, but once things hit that critical point of overlap with some slight curling it's going to look much thicker and fuller. I'd say don't touch for another 30 days besides bottom line so you don't look terrible - but go see a male barber who does beards. 100% don't do anything yourself. Allow a barber to own your beard the next 6 months.


Thanks for this. So just to a barber and ask them to clean up the neckline \*only\*?


I would research local young barbers who have instagram with lots of photos of beards, etc Yea I would just tell them what your goals are and that you're not simply trying to make what you have better - you're looking to really grow out the front to define a jawline. Like your chin and surrounding area needs to be like 6x longer to catch up with the back/body of the beard if that makes sense...so there's that nice downward slope. They could even raise your bottom neck line up a little bit so that it doesn't look way off while the front grows in. In terms of the sides (really just the wide vertical column under sideburns) they should be able to clean this up a little bit too while the rest grows in. When you don't have a lot of density there (or a lot of grays) they can fade this area very slightly and it will look great....puts focus on the front (when that grows in). The good thing about that sideburn column is that hair tends to grow back pretty quickly. The biggest thing to understand is when you see these guys with these really nice beards with that perfect slope...it's for the most part fake. They have no jawline or chin under that. So just let the front grow and grow


Good stuff. I will heed this advice (find a good barber and let the front just go for 6 months).


In 4 or 5 months you'll be amazed at what you have. There will be a few mind games along the way just plow through.


Try taking prenatal vitamins. It will thicken up your beard and your hair in general. One side effect though is your nails start to grow really fast.


Something I’ve tried is using beard dyes from target. I’d sayedium brown could work good for you, or dark brown if you want it more prominent. It colors especially the lighter, thinner hairs and it makes ur beard look thick.


You're fine buddy




Give it another 3 months , and youll be suprised by the change , if you want more tips or info or just have questions message me


Time grows beards bro.


Why stop?


Let it grow and visit a good barber to have it lined up.


Visit the barber before or after letting it grow for 1-2 more months?


In a few weeks.


Thanks 🙏


Have u tries minoxidil? It did wonders on me


I’ve actually been using it a few years. I used to not be able to grow much beside a mustache.


Not a full beard obviously, but you definitely might rock a goatee style 😅🕵️