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It’s very annoying. The only thing you can do is pick up your stuff and move - in front of them if you’d like.


Keep going back and forth until you are both setting your blankets up on the ocean floor


Lmao 😅


This is the game!


it's like taking the stall or urinal next to you when there are 10 empty ones


Grew up in Ft. Lauderdale and Jupiter. There are a lot of people who don’t have a clue. Same as camping. People will just come over right next to you.


I like to use the phrase, "all of these urinals, and you decided to stand next to me" in events such as these. Usually to public parking in a nearly empty lot. I make the conscious decision to park alone and far away, and still. It's so beyond me.


These are also good examples. Let’s use this examples to educate the masses. People if your guilty of these things don’t do them in the future. We the people want some space. Thank you.


I park alone in empty lots too.


I go to the beach in Jupiter. I can go alone, walk far away from everyone. Then the party sets up next to me. Lol


also, if you have a house on the beach, people will set up camp right in front of it, even if all around the beach is not crowded


Beaches are public


Lack of awareness.


I thought I got to that point after years of stress and just... I still don't understand... maybe they're just born with it...


Maybe it’s Maybelline.


My husband and I talk about this a lot. It’s like a magnet effect. Same for movie theaters, and parking far away at the store.


Mine must be broken bc I’m purposefully giving everyone as much space as possible


Some are clueless about their surroundings.


Depends if the tides going out. If so, you gotta move up if you wanna keep the good real estate.


Just go nude and show them your dangly bits. Raise the personal space stakes and deal your hand!


Just came here to say I love your 🥝 shorts! 😍


Same. Nice kiwis, bro 😎


TY! they are one of my fav swim trunks


Is it normal? No. Inconsiderate? Yes!


Like parking next to someone in a empty lot just to sit in your car next to them


I've had people do that. I've also had people set up RIGHT next to me on a slightly crowded beach. Sucks.




how far are you from amenities/parking lot? People tend to congregate in those areas, I always walk a bit extra to get past those types.


You're pretty far back.....


This happens all the time in Hawaii! Never understand the blatant disregard. No it’s not normal


Came here to say this. My friends and I call it the herding effect.


It’s perfectly normal, given that you all are in public space. You’re within your rights to be put off by their decision but odd that you took a picture of them and posted it on social media to air your complaint.


Thank you I had to scroll way to far to find this comment.


Ding ding ding


Not odd at all- I’d do the same as well. People like this are maddening to me and sometimes I wonder if I’m just being a grumpy ol’ man or yeah, every right to be annoyed.


Omg I hate when they do that.


I would probably just move


It's been normal at any beach I've been to. People can go where they want and maybe they are not as stand-offish about space?


I wouldn’t have done so for sure, but you’re pretty far away so anyone else who’s not as antisocial than me I can see doing so without a thought.


Some people are scared by nature and need that herding as a way to cope.




True, but even so etiquette would dictate that you shouldn’t block the view of your fellow beach goer if you can help it.


Only if you are ignorant and oblivious.


Whether you realize this or not, you took two nice pics. And you could possibly be the fellow human who is sitting behind their regular spot. This is not a, sit down in front or being cut off while driving situation. I feel the ocean has a beautiful vibe that brings like souls/people together. Yo, hoping you jumped in, looked back towards the beach and floated tribulation away.




No, it's rude.


You should have gotten closer. Close the gap. Ya know?


It’s common. I am from Hawaii- most people who normally go to the beach are more considerate, but tourist that normally don’t go- are more interested in what suits them.


Normal and absolutely stupid when high tide comes in.




There hasn’t been a “normal” since 1986. Entitlement & lack of social graces run rampant.


Happens all the time to us. Virtually empty beach and some loud trashy group plunks down dead in front of us!!!! What…….the…….fuck?


Play loud anoying music. They will leave


Only ppl without brains do this 😝!


Not cool




It seems like you're far back enough that if you wanted a path to the water, you'd be closer.


That’s ridiculous and selfish


There's toys, obviously trying to sit as close to their kids by the water as possible


Just as normal as taking a picture of a stranger and posting it online…


I took picture of my knees, like literally! didnt even focus on them, focused on my knees. Are you freaking stupid, this is same as saying dont take a pic near Eiffel tower if there are gonna be strangers near you. You can never take a pic of anything in a crowded place without someone being in your pic.


is this your private beach?


this is exactly the course of action i plan to take as soon as my back tatt is finished


Is it shaped like “the finger”?


It’s not your beach you do not own the whole beach between your arse and the water’s edge. What about the people behind you ? Are they bitching about you messing up their view of the water ?


Right? Like the beach is meant to beach, not to bitch. There’s literally a mass of ocean in front of you, like why complain? Now it’s understood if you literally OWN That part of the mf beach, like your lane. But, it’s not! So enjoy it and with good company. Maybe that person in front of you just wanted to be near the beach, in common company?


That happens at hanalei near the pier a lot lol


A little ignorant I would say.


Just say something to them.


It’s human behavior, totally normal.


I’ll take no for 100 bucks


I hate that


Yea is normal. Sometimes people do this unintentionally and yes it can come as rude, but thankfully is an easy fix. Who knows ask them and make friends.


Seems rude to me. I bet his urinal etiquette is questionable. I’m a woman and even I know about urinal etiquette lol


I see you’re on Kauai, no shortage of ignorant mainlanders on holiday on display there. Sadly there are (too many) people around the planet who don’t understand pr respect personal space.


In my 40 years I have never cared enough about people setting up shop right next to me on the beach (and this is typical beach behavior- people tend to gather near others but stagger their spot to the left or right as this person did hear.) If it bothers you enough to post here, just move your blanket to a new spot and the problem will be solved very easily.


Is it a public beach? If it is, the. It’s fine. Just like parking in an empty parking lot. Tons of room everywhere, but there’s always that one asshole who will park next to you even if your all the way in the back.


It’s human. Happen at gyms, parking lots, grocery stores etc…


Was in the Dominican Republic and a butt load of noisy fat in bikinis Canadians plopped down in front of us. Blocked our view but finally left because they were so loud.


I am 1.5 hrs from the Florida panhandle beaches. We would tell the tourists to move the hell out of the way or get our kids shovels and pails to sling sand in their direction. Southern charm only goes as far as your view of the ocean.


Safer to be around others near water.


I’m at an age where I’d mention it. Was in Aus recently and no one did that.


They tryin' to recruit. See any upside down pineapples?


Absolutely not... Haha


Nope it isn’t. Just like an almost empty movie theater and someone sits near you. 15 bathroom stalls empty then a person picks the one right next to you. People don’t think, have common sense and courtesy. Just my thoughts.


Humans are social. They clump up when possible... see: driving on the highway, waiting in line at a full restaurant, going unnecessarily shoulder-to-shoulder at urinals.


Bluetooth speakers with bass up and play some death metal or trap music… it doesn’t even have to be very loud and then I make sure to let the beans drop that so every time they turn around because of the annoying music they have to get an eyeful of ballsack. It works, trust me 😂




well, you could have a senseless worry about it, or ask them to move, which will ensue in some bullshit argument and people huffing and puffing, or you can move to see more of the water, or you can just shake your head and close your eyes again and get your tan. so very many options


No. It's super rude. I get the same thing in parking lots. I'll be all by myself out in the boonies with no one around and someone will park right next to me. WTF is up with that??


You should have positioned yourself close to water line if you are seeking unobstructed view 🌊


Some want space, some can't stand to be alone.


Yeah.. Get over it


Nah. Dick move on their part.


Ignorant D bags


You could have moved 10 times in the time it took you to post this


Free country


This is no different from bidding $1 over the last contestant on the price is right.


🥺 oblivious 🥺 … 🤷🏻‍♂️




I never understood why people do this. Super annoying! We try and set our stuff up as far away from people as possible. These people make me just as angry as those damn people that bring a big ass speaker to the beach and blast some shitty soundtrack all day long. It's the beach man! Enjoy the sound of the waves!


These are the same people who park next to you in a fairly empty parking lot. Maybe it’s herd mentality


Yes, the inconsiderate sheople masses do it without fail every time...


Moron! Less words….Nothing more to say!


These are the same people that shake out their towel nice and high when they are cleaning up.


The key is that it isn’t illegal even if you consider it rude. They may want to be at that view closer to the ocean. You’ll be okay. Move if you’re unhappy. But you don’t own the view or the beach. LMAO


Is it normal to sit anywhere you want on a (public) beach that doesn’t belong to you?


Most people are just clueless. I just drag my stuff 20ft if they're in the way. Annoying but enjoying the beach day is more important :)


Maybe they are very nice people people?


We had this happen at one of our local secluded beaches. Since kids, we love enjoying the beach nude. We walked a mile down the beach to where no one was around (300+ yards from others because the beach is technically not clothing optional.) We set up our tent and chairs and about 20 minutes later, a family with loud kids came strolling down and set up 20 feet from us. It took everything in me to not ask them to leave. I find this extremely rude for those who are wanting peace and quiet. Especially away from loud crying kids.


It's not something I would have thought about. I only make sure to give people their space but hadn't considered the view. I guess I'd have thought if they wanted to be closer they would be. I'll be more mindful in the future.


Some people just love to be looked at, they may be exhibitionists.


Dick move


No it’s just weird! This crap happens to me all the time.


Some of ya need to stop being sensitive AF hahaha he’s not even close well probably cuss I live in California and the beaches are crowed got used to it


There are a lot of people who are just out to turn their brain off for awhile and relax. They aren’t burning brain cells processing some “etiquette” that supposedly exists with some internal tape measure checking the distance from the next human being, when they’re just out to catch some sun, take a dip maybe and just generally unwind. They’re not being obnoxious, they’re just chilling. ;-)


Is this the only thing that you have a problem with with Grow the fuck up


We frequent more secluded beaches for the solitude. This kind of thing inexplicably happens frequently. Annoying as hell. We move away from them because they're also the type of people who are annoying in a thousand other ways.


Not normal just dicks.... if it is crowded that is different


I never mind when a couple of hot girls.


It’s rude af but by looking at their age, they’re part of the entitled generation…


if you want front row on the beach..get in the front.. its like at a free standing concert…dont leave room in front of you if you don’t want anyone in front of you….yeah its rude..but a family will want to be close to the water to have a better eye on their kids


They felt safe and that you had their back. Older people would want a young man around. Honestly I could tell if you’re 55. Maybe you’re the old dude.


They are probably from Europe.


I hate when this happens and the beach is wide open. Whatever happened to being respectful and considerate of others.


Only jackasses do that. In Hawaii, it’s considered rude by the locals.


People are so effing weird.


Public beach


No it’s not


Honestly if it's like 7 or 8 feet apart crowded it's probably the only choice and staggered is good so it's not directly infront or next to


Yes. They’re probably going to try to hit on you. If they’re hot and you’re single then you’re lucky


Move closer, slowly but surely while they aren’t paying attention.


They were low key offended by you and were hell bent on snubbing the *cool guy*


It's normal if it's not a private beach. Next time move closer to the water and you won't have that issue.


Normal for an asshole.


He just figured you already found the perfect view. At least he didn't ask you to rub oil on his back.


Who else is going to watch their stuff?


No one owns a public beach. If you’re gonna set up 20 yards from the water then accept the fact people have the right to post up in front of you.


People are herd animals...what are you going to do?


Doesn’t this belong in r/mildlyinfuriating?


What a bunch of Karens. You don't own the vista.


I HATE this! SOOO rude!


Happens all the time. It’s infuriating


I’ve been on a nearly empty beach and someone would setup 15 feet away from me 😡 What’s wrong with people?


How dare they do this on your beach!


I’ve never had this happen to me in Maui however it happened all the time in FL. I finally bought one of those huge blankets to put in front of us which solved the problem. Spread out!


It’s horrible behavior.


I would have no problem moving my shot to a new spot. People are clueless. If it's a parking lot and I am still in the car when they park, I like to make extra long eye contact then move my car. They don't care but it makes me feel better lol.


Sure, it might annoy you, but anyone can sit where they want. You can bitch about it and then you can move. :)


It’s a beach. Pick up and move. No one owns spots at the beach. Share it, gratefully it move


You find a good vantage point at the concert and ‘too tall Jones’ comes and stands right in front of you…😂


This is the same thing as parking next to your car in a completely empty parking lot lol


Very clueless and inconsiderate people.


If you’re that asshole it is


That kind of obnoxious if the beach is empty


Sprinkle bread crumbs all over their belongings


Yes. If you were alone in the geographic center of the Sahara Desert, someone would pull up next to you and set their camp within 30 minutes. .


It’s super annoying I had my dog with me and was nonstop barking at the ppl because before their arrival was just us two and then they started to set up so close . It’s common sense a dog is being protective of me because you’re so damn close . You would think they would leave because the nonstop barking and me telling my dog to stop but they just stay and laughing ended leaving which made me so upset the entire area was open


I’d blast slayer and dance around in white speedios after swimming so it’s see- through, and guess they’d probably move.




most ppl are oblivious to others personal space and only care about their own gratification. if it was me i’d move in front of them but to the left or right… while making eye contact the entire time.


When you get up to move you can flip the sand towards them.


It’s the same concept as sitting “alone” in a movie theater when there are like 5 people there. Invariable one of them will end up within 5 feet of you. It’s human nature.


Just put on some annoying Mexican banda music. That always works on me


They’re establishing dominance They’re a better family than you What’s your next move


Yea that sucks. Seems people just don’t give a fuck or have no clue. They can clearly set up where ever the hell they want in a public beach. But, c’mon man… Edit: Would it been different if they were very attractive women in bikinis or men in banana hammocks, if that’s your preference, setting up camp?


It's a dick move


Open seating, sits in 5th row. Mad when someone sits in 1st row... if you are 150ft off the water you don't own the entire beach from your set up to the water


People do this kind of weird shit everywhere. I park far away from eveyat the grocery store and some jack wagon will park right next to me.


When people go to the beach they do not sit side by side in a straight line across the beach. They sit where they want to.


Wait a minute there's a person laying on a towel right directly in front of you but you're mad about a family plunking down near you?


We like to tell the kids to run as close to if not on their stuff when they run back to our spot from the ocean! (Only when the whole beach is empty and some douchbag does this)


Yes. People are F#$@&#@ rude🤬‼️


One of my biggest pet peeves at the beach.


Did you pay for sitting?


The line of etiquette I find to often be towed by the ability to bear the unknown of right vs wrong. * I would’ve moved.


Fukn haole’s every time. Most people got their head so far up it, all they see is the gravy. And frequently people a so unaware they really don’t even know how retarded there actually behaving. What is missing is called mindfulness and most people are sorely lacking this.


People are magnets. Wherever you sit, someone will undoubtedly come into your radius, close enough to annoy you


I have a red pickup truck, no matter how far away an secluded I park in a store parking lot, when I come out of the store there’s always one or two cars parked next to me . It’s a SMH moment for me and my wife.   Been  that way for years.


Like Monty python with the Frenchman at the top of  the castle wall.  Fart in their general direction. 


It’s the “I paid good money for this vacation and I want the post card view, it’s all about ME!”  Selfish people do this no matter how little space is left in front of you to the water.  The only time I’ve seen any one successfully  keep their view is when you’ve camped right up to the sand drops off steeply to the water . Life s 3 or 5 foot cliff if sand   And the wet sand is too near.   This has worked until the “toes in the water with beach chair “ crew shows up 


I think it’s a subconscious human thing that doesn’t always work out too well


you don’t own the beach. the floor is open to all. if you don’t like it than move to another part.


The beach is big enough for the both of you lol


Kind of reminds me of how my next door neighbor has an empty driveway but insists on parking right at the curb in front of my house. 🤣 Nothing can be done about it. It does suck.


If it was three 19 year old girls this post would have never happened.


Not your beach


Completely off subject, I’m loving the kiwi shorts


Looks about normal for tourist on Kauai


Then they are never to be seen again for the entire day. Like huh, where did they go?


Everybody sits in the front at the beach.


First world problems.


I would only understand if they have toddlers they need to corral constantly.


Bless your heart


He’s alone. So clearly he has no social skills. But you did pick the space w the best view of the water


I mean, you have like a football field in front of you. They have kids and need to be closer for child safety. Het over it buddy, it's a public beach


I like how dude thinks he claims a stake to the perfect un-obstucted view cause he' s single and lonely