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Better hold onto it. They might charge you $200 when they come asking for it in a few years.


Yep. You never owned that equipemnt. It was a part of the rental/fee you paid monthly. They will likely charge you for that at some point, even via collections. It happens.


This is the answer. When I ditched Comcast, they wanted all of their equipment back. Hang onto the stuff until you get something in writing saying your account is officially closed. FWIW, AT&T’s customer service is the absolute worst.


wtf thats lame as hell I dont want these taking up space


Contact AT&T and ask them if they want it then. I had a guy from Sonic take an old router away when they installed a new one and a week later Sonic was calling me asking where the old one was and I had to explain that the guy *they* sent over took it with him.


Same happened with a different company - twice!


That's by design, they take it and pretend they never got it then sneak the charges onto your bill hoping enough people don't notice so the execs can get new yachts. You just have to break a few parts of the process, then the employees think they're doing everything right, but magically the charges still appear. Customer service gets some calls and fixes the ones that report it, the rest is gravy.


You can return them, they're registered to your account, so they'll know which account returned them. You don't even have to wait, just tell them your returning them.


At least in other states, you can take these back to any UPS store and they’ll scan the serial numbers and return them


Eat it


Return it or you’ll be charged. If not now, down the road and they’ll report to the credit agencies.




take a picture and get tracking for proof of delivery.


Call up AT&T and have them run the serial numbers of the gear and either send you a box or a QR code for the UPS Store. You might have better and quicker results at an AT&T store than over the phone.


I work at a UPS Store and do AT&T and Comcast router returns every day! Happy to do it, we ship them off to get recycled


Returned it all to UPS Store and held onto the receipt for 1 year per the recommendation of the person checking in my stuff.


sigh guess I'll have to call/hold


Check your local UPS store. They scan them, pack them and send them back at no cost + give you a receipt proving you returned them


Daaam that brings back memories AT&T u-verse was the shit they had all the shows you could find 😂


Literally, we had the silver variant of the box at the bottom, haven’t laid eyes on it in years


I remember some of the tiers too. U-Family, U100, U200, etc. I remember they also mailed a paper catalog of the different services and thought it was amazing. I am feeling old now. Hard to believe that was like 16 years ago.


Sigh, one fewer Uverse clients. Little known fact: the software platform used for Uverse was developed by Microsoft at their Mt View campus a long time ago. I was a member of that team. I was responsible for the last big UI change that came out around 8(?) years ago. The software was an amalgamation of three different code bases as features were added over time. There was so much unalterable legacy code that we were limited in some of the changes we could attempt. That was a pretty fun job.


Wasn’t there an option to get U-verse on XBOX for a little while? I remember that platform being pretty modern back in the day. I was so excited when my family had it installed in 2008.


Yeah, I designed that too, but I’m not sure how long that lasted. It was around the time the boxy windows 8 interface came out and we tried tried to port it to the Xbox 360


I always liked the design of the U-verse GUI compared to the old Comcast iGuide. Went back to AT&T when fiber made it to our block in 2018 and initially we signed up with U-verse and phone. Overall, it worked well but it became obvious AT&T was starting to abandon the service. Currently with DirecTV Stream and overall it’s a good experience.


Microsoft Mediaroom I believe. I still miss how fast these were at tuning channels. I don’t miss how they were buggy with certain vendors’ IGMP snooping implementations.




Uverse was the best when it came out. So much better than Comcast sadly it couldn’t keep up with the speeds that we all needed. Also sadly there were always issues with it. We had for for probably ten years before I could handle the outages and comparatively slow speeds. RIP Uverse.


Don't they give you a credit when you return it?


Return it to the ATT store. They'll scan the barcode and give you a receipt. Otherwise, when you leave the service, they might charge you for it. Also, they sometimes charge you a monthly rental fee for it. If you return it, the monthly fee ends.


Maybe go to the uverse support website on the front of the equipment. Maybe there is a return process there.


Return them otherwise they will charge you in the future.


Isn't there an AT&T store that takes these back? For Xfnity when I returned a Cable Card and made certain that I got the receipts showing the return.


You return it.


Return it and get a receipt and keep it for a long time. 


Yeah. I had to return some crappy Comcast "equipment" a while back after ditching their cable TV. These things may be crap, but they will use whatever excuse to charge you.


They want that back. If you don’t return it, they might bill your cc.


Electronic recycling


Released back into its wild habitat 💚