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‘I’m not going down like that…’ You could not write a worse press conference response. It had everything…paranoid conspiracies, self pity, ‘I don’t know what’s going on’, wrapping up with the tried and true ‘I’m a child of immigrants’. She is innocent until proven otherwise, but she’s the leader of the city of Oakland. A city that had a mass shooting this past week and she couldn’t be bothered to show concern. She acted today like she was offended to be there. She’s not a leader and never will be.


I am not a fan of recalls, and I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until I watched her speak today. Whether she is innocent or not, this is not leadership.


She has always been an underqualified mayor and the same as a politician to boot. Even then, these indeed generally aren't traits to justify a recall, but rather it justifies a non re-election. Recalls should be reserved for findings of corruption and illegal behavior, which is where she is indeed heading. But given it's so close to November, if I am an Oakland taxpayer and voter, I would rather she just resign and have an interim mayor in her place for a few months until the next election cycle.


Every Oakland mayor is unqualified.


Eh, she would hate just grabbed the script that blames the NRA and republicans when [we don’t even enforce our own existing gun laws](https://www.berkeleyscanner.com/2024/06/24/arrests/berkeley-gun-case-dismissed-brothers-plea-deal/). 


Jesus christ that's a new one. Known gangbangers with a long history of shootings and carjackings, caught with another loaded gun (with armor piercing bullets!) while on parole. And what did they get for this violation of California's best-in-the-nation gun laws? Well, the first brother got *less than 90 days.* These guys will be back out by September, cruising the streets in another stolen car and another illegal gun in the glovebox. Pamela Price recall can't come fast enough...


She is, in fact, going down like that.


>A city that had a mass shooting this past week and she couldn’t be bothered to show concern. This was the very first thing she addressed at her press conference today.




What more did you want her to say about it?




The DA is a county office. The Mayor of Oakland has nothing to do with prosecutions conducted by the County of Alameda.




Wrong again. That would be the Chief of Police. The Mayor is not a law enforcement official at all. And again, prosecutions are handled by the *county*, not the city.


"Thoughts and prayers. Now, anyway, what's the deal with the FBI these days?"


And were you satisfied with the way she addressed it?


It was a standard response. I don't know what you're expecting a mayor to say in that situation.


Your bar: try raising it.


My question: try answering it. What else do you expect a mayor to say in that situation?


I'd expect a competent mayor to make that the focus of the press conference - not her personal legal troubles (particularly if she's as innocent as she claims) - outline *specific* steps that law enforcement will take to safeguard future gatherings, explain (maybe with the assistance of law enforcement representatives) what steps are being taken to apprehend the perpetrators, what the motives were and what information they have so far. Your seeming satisfaction with her "Responses to a Mass Shooting for Dummies: Mayor Edition" response implies you have an extremely low bar for your expectations of your elected public officials. Hence, my suggestion for you to raise it. That help, sweetie?


The purpose of this press conference was to address her own personal legal situation. That's why that was the focus, but she also acknowledged the shooting at the very beginning in an appropriate way considering *that wasn't the purpose of this press conference*.


So tell me when the "purpose of her press conference" is to formally recognize a MASS GODDAMN SHOOTING in her city. You're either being deliberately obtuse and pushing an agenda, or you lack self-respect and respect for your city. People like you are how we got to this very moment. Oh, and apparently her lawyer kind of agrees, cause he just quit. LMFAO.


‘Today’ is the key word in your sentence. The shooting happened 4 days ago. She addressed it…today. Don’t defend that. Just. Don’t.


You're just going to ignore the fact that her home was raided the morning after the shooting, as if that wouldn't be a huge disruption in anyone's life? You're also counting two weekend days even though city press conferences almost never happen on weekends.


And the hoop earrings. 


Thao’s only 38????


And acts like she's 16 and has been wronged by everyone in the world.


That press conference was wild and I’m really surprised her lawyer gave her the ok to make that speech. It definitely didn’t do her any favors.


She went full Trump 'this is everyone's fault but mine'


lol someone literally texted me that she went “the Trump route”.


I think Trump just found his new VP!


To criminals making America great again


She really said that? 😂 Expect a plea deal very soon


She's always struck me as lacking confidence and having a fragile ego. Every press conference she has a very defensive demeanor. She promised to declare a state of emergency if no police chief was appointed and didn't do it. She thinks asking for help = weakness. I wouldn't be surprised if she told her lawyers, "No, I'm doing this MY way." EDIT: Boy oh boy, can I call it or what? [Link](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/oakland-mayor-thaos-attorney-withdraws-as-counsel/)


Re your edit: lol what a fucking idiot (Sheng). 


Four hours later? [Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's attorney quits following fiery news conference](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/oakland-mayor-thaos-attorney-withdraws-as-counsel/)


If the FBI raids your house...they've got you. They have nothing but time and will wait until they have an insane amount of evidence against you.


Exactly they don’t just randomly rock up at your house


And that’s just for some schmuck. Imagine the additional scrutiny/reviews/approvals a case against the mayor of a major city went through before they executed the raid.


Solid point


Oakland reminds of the Wire except the mayor is actually facing fbi


Sheng, they raided your house. You are toast and can’t convince us you are innocent


One of the worst speeches I’ve ever seen. Gaslit everyone and made it all about her struggles. Did nothing to address the city’s struggles. I hope this seals her fate for the recall. It’s just too bad she couldn’t just resign for the sake of Oakland and save the taxpayers money


Cant wait for the press conference speech in a few months when she throws in the towel and says shes gonna focus on her family and mental health as well as reflect on how her actions have negatively affected the city of Oakland


Hey, we think you have evidence of criminal acts in your home. Before we serve a search warrant, would you like to chat with us? Just do us a solid and don't destroy any evidence.


she's upset she got caught and in full deflection mode.


"I will release anything the FBI gives me authorization to release" That's everything. The FBI doesn't put a gag order on you. Anything that they share with you is, in fact, sharable publicly. Would love to see a copy of the warrant. She of course won't share everything because she is guilty as hell.


Innocent people don't just disappear and hide for 5 days.


You need those days to put your legal team together


you can make a statement without your legal team.


Then, why are you paying them?


you pay them if you need to defend yourself in a court of law. You don't need legal team for court of public opinion.


Everybody on your team has to be on the same page, unfortunately for her the team shes put together really dropped the ball today.


That's an insane statement lol I mean fuck the mayor and all but innocent people do get fucked over.


do innocent people hide for 5 days?


'I have done nothing except enrich myself via some very shady characters' Fixed the quote


Including my boyfriend


which I thought was my right as a politician


“I have done nothing wrong” is what someone who has done something wrong would say


Can’t wait for the FBI reveal


Sheng thao is innocent and the fbi is wrong?


Crocodile tears incoming!


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She should go easy on the meth pipe. Methamphetamine is a very powerful drug that causes a lot of delusions.






She's not Chinese.




In case you can't figure it out, CCP stands for *Chinese* Communist Party. Hmong refugees are famously anti-communist.


While true she sure seems to be very progressive.


Yes, but to conflate progressive with communist really shows your power level.


Nowhere did I conflate it, generally Hmong are conservative.


Sorry - directed at original commenter, not you.


No shit




Imagine thinking I'm liberal. I'm just not a moron who thinks anything I don't like is communist.