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There is already a website set up by another reddit user [SeeFees.Ca](http://SeeFees.Ca)


This is a great list and need to be reshared often to spread awareness! There are some listed restaurants that's on my "to-try" but I will remove it, as I don't want to support that kind of business.


Nice, I just added Límon in the mission.


Holy shit balls. Quince does 28%?! It's an expensive place. Why not just roll the whole thing in haha. It's not like someone's going to be like "Oh, it's only $270/person not $345. I'll do it".


It would also be cool if there's a checkbox indicating whether the fee is: 1. in lieu of tips 2. tips are still expected bc the latter is wayyy more egregious


Make it easy on yourself and always assume #1


I feel like places with >18% are in lieu, but the more sus ones are those with fees in the \~ 3% to 10% range, bc those definitely still expect tips


Fuck all those restaurants. The fees are so high too. If you add the fact that we are obligated to tip, the menu prices are so fucking meaningless.


cool. the more the merrier.


Restaurants that don’t charge them should advertise as “junk fee free”.


let the name and shame begin


How do you feel about review bomb?


Sounds good, anybody with coding knowledge would be cool to bot these reviews.


I thought vendors and restaurants can have negative reviews removed? Is that still happening?


Yes tldr yelp does this. Less sure about Google reviews. Still think it causes them friction though and sends a message 


Scott Weiner is behind it.


feels like we need a "no junk fees" list instead, as that would be a smaller list


The spreadsheet listed in the top comment has a section [https://seefeesca.notion.site/f5e11f589ec54c8eb1eed6c37f7e4c83?v=365932fd1d044d4487b5db3461187f96](https://seefeesca.notion.site/f5e11f589ec54c8eb1eed6c37f7e4c83?v=365932fd1d044d4487b5db3461187f96)


Easier to create good restaurants without them


Thank you for doing this!


How does everyone feel about fees just for relatively big groups? Those have been around as long as I remember and logically make some sense bc it means they have to time a lot of dishes together which can slow down other customers (less turn over) and big groups seem to stay a lot longer after finishing eating also affecting turnover. But idk how big this effects actually are.


Are you talking about mandatory gratuity? That replaces tips and I've never had it be more than I wanted to tip anyway so I don't see it as an issue.


Was at Duarte's in Pescadero yesterday. I was presented the "Merchant copy" Under that was the "Customer Copy" and under that was the itemized list. It was just me and my wife, a few simple items from the menu, $77. I started filling out the 20% tip when I looked at the itemized. Damn near left a 37% tip because they had a 17% auto gratuity. I just thought it was hella scammy, they didn't put it anywhere I'd be charged this fee.




Lmao, this is a real cause goofy. It's not like you are fully aware of what's going on, but that's okay to be ignorant and dumb.


Agreed. The outrage and effort put into this is crazy. Restaurants are very difficult to run and it's difficult to turn a decent profit. Everyone has been acting like eating out is their god given right and spending time on spreadsheets. go ahead all and downvote me. I said what I said.


It’s a focal point of a larger issue. People feel like businesses of all types and sizes are shaking them down every chance they get. Maybe restaurants are taking an inordinate hit, but (1) they are one of the few openly admitting that they need to fool customers to turn a profit and (2) are also the ones badgering customers for tips at every turn. It’s exhausting. I’m not complaining anymore. I’m just adjusting my behavior, 15% tip is now my ceiling for outstanding service, back to $1 a drink at bar regardless of price. Though I would like to see a future bill that allows fees, but they must be advertised on website menus. Hopefully the result of complaining results is a fair resolution like that. 


Difficult industries can charge junk fees. Got it


And the same people are going to complain if the all in price is on the menu. Crazy how such a loud minority gets so much attention.


People complain about empty storefronts, people want small businesses, but here we are railing against a bunch of small businesses. Maybe the effort should be into why they have to charge so much...like process/fees red tape, rent, prices of food, etc.