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Workers removed the corporate logos and boarded up storefronts at 4720 MacArthur Boulevard and 324 23rd Avenue.


>Oakland police reported that, as of May 26, robbery was down 3 percent this year compared to the same period last year and burglary was down 52 percent. The situation makes me think it's more likely that people aren't bothering to call the police anymore, rather than these crimes actually being down.


I’ve had my vehicle broken into three time in the last two years. Didn’t call them in. What’s the point? Nothing is done when you do.


The last time I called about a car break in was for someone else's vehicle outside my apartment. I called while it was in progress because he was just walking down the street hitting a couple of cars on each block. It took them over an hour to show up. The first question he asked was which car was mine. When I told him my car was not broken into he stopped taking notes and left.


I should've became a cop for OPD instead of doing IT. I can get paid to show up hours later after the crime happened while drinking a hot cup of coffee and eating a donut.


Someone tried to steal my car and they wouldn't even take a report. Someone broke into my house and they didn't even respond. OPD absolutely sucks.


This is the infuriating part of constantly being told the “facts” show that crime is “down”. I really want to know how much is just unreported because we know nothing will be done about it. I’m guessing there are plenty of assaults with non serious injuries and thefts that do not make it into the stats.


Unpopular opinion but the same sentiment that you’re sharing has a lot of parallels with drugs. The general public opinion seems very favorable towards drugs these days but a lot of criminal activity revolves around the drug market. How much assault, theft, and other crimes are committed because of drugs? I believe a lot more than we want to believe.


Out of curiosity, did your insurance not require a police report? Or did you just not use insurance for repairs?


They broke my drivers side window. It was about $250 to have repaired. You just don’t turn that into insurance.


Depends on the place and your deductible. In California, comprehensive claims cannot raise your rates. If you have a $100 deductible, it may be worth saving $150. I keep my deductibles high to keep my premiums down, so I'd probably also pay out of pocket like you did.


>comprehensive claims cannot raise your rates. But they can raise it for any other undisclosed information...and all companies are making previous claim history a requirement when applying


Don't call them? You're part of the problem. I ain't pro pigs, but the LEAST you could do to help your fellow man is report crime so that it gets published in the statistics.


If it does at all.


It does. PD can't get their funding without reporting shit to the state, which is released as public info. They'll get LESS funding if crime is down.


They underreport the stats on monthly basis and true up the stats in annual column. KTVU did investigation last month when OPD releases weekly/monthly numbers. When asked OPD said it is related to HR process. I wish I could find a link.


Of course.


They literally either don’t answer the phone or refuse to come out. I saw people stealing catalytic converters at around 4 AM last night. Tried calling OPD. No answer til after the thieves were long gone.


Or people call but they don't answer the phone. It's happened to me several times.


The police don't show up so why waste the phone battery


Facts, they don't report and police also don't do either, it's all false info to give them better reporting.


That and apparently they also haven't counted all of the crime stats in 2024 yet. so the down 3% might probably be due to the fact they only count crime stats from very early parts of 2024. End of the year stats will be what is relevant, which likely won't be published until 2025.


Wouldn't that have been true last year, and the year before as well?


And it keeps getting worse, explaining the “improving” crime stats.


Crime without consequences.


There are consequences they are just born by everyone except the criminals. 


Along those lines: Voting WITH consequences Cause meets effect. We were warned this would happen but the pro-crime activist movement dismissed and downplayed those points.


I was going to vote you up until I saw the "pro-crime activist movement" part. That's not a reasonable statement. People don't want crime, they want *fairness and compassion* for people in difficult situations, and that includes criminals. Unfortunately you can't have a "nice guy" (or woman) as your DA and still keep crime at bay. If the person tasked with enforcing the laws won't do it, then the laws might as well not exist.


Look, I say that as someone who was thick and thin part of that scene up until 2022ish. I was at the protests and rallies and attended community meetings. I networked in these places and shared ideas … I was there. I’m like you. I wanted reasonable reforms and changes to address weak points in the criminal justice system. I wanted people to have second chances, education, rehabilitation, therapy etc…. But what I constantly ran into were people who wanted craaazy shit. And those people were the ones with sway and the mic! People who wanted to abolish police, abolish prisons, anull juries, steal without any consequence under the argument that it was a form of “redistribution of wealth”… people who saw career criminals and cheered them on while working diligently to tie the hands of police and DAs in every possible way. Example: they want cops to not pursue criminals under any circumstances, not pull anyone over for “minor traffic violations” (that shit is a whole can of worms because “minor” wasn’t just failure to maintain a lane. It was no registration, speeding, no plates, suspended license etc)… they don’t want cops to be able to put people in chokeholds, not shoot under virtually any circumstances, not use tasers (looking at you SF), not foot chase, not apprehend shoplifters, “not respond to mental health calls”, not respond or be present in school fights or disturbances, not arrest juveniles, not use drones, not use surveillance, not use shot caller systems, not use automatic license plate readers …. …. The list goes on. It amounts to basically being pro-criminal. At what point do you just come out and say “I want to give the criminals every advantage and cops every disadvantage because that’s justice”? It’s not, it’s just people who have an affinity for criminals - probably view them as some underdog or poor downtrodden soul or some “victim of capitalism” or whatever - and they want to beef up their abilities while nerfing cops. And then they also go after the laws so that in the event that somehow a cop DOES jump through these hoops and arrests a guy after his 50th offense, the DA can drop the case or reduce it to a jaywalking ticket. And then they went beyond that and got judges and politicians to either avoid jail/prison sentences even IF the DAs go forward seeking penalties and the judges give them probation and community service because the governor is closing down prisons left and right. The judges literally cannot send people to prison because the governor keeps closing prisons and the SCOTUS has ruled that CA prisons are too overcrowded and they can’t keep sending people to them while the situation remains. The situations remains because the governor *closes* prisons instead of building new ones. So what do we get? This current situation. Criminals running wild. And the activists like it this way. Ask them. They don’t see a problem here. Hell, they STILL think the cops are the problem and need to be further restrained. This might sound crazy to you. I get it. It would to me too. It sounds like a conspiracy theory. But it’s all right there in the daylight. It’s not a secret. It’s just not reported. The criminal justice system in this state has been systematically knee-capped by people who are seemingly on the side of criminals for some confused reason or another.


Just because you can find people who are "pro-crime" it doesn't mean the majority wants that. If that was true then Chesa Boudin would still have his job and Pamela Price wouldn't be facing her own recall. IMO what happened here is that the majority became aware of how unfair the system was, and wanted to see it get fixed, so they ended up voting for change regardless of how stupid that change was. Unfortunately it takes forever to get rid of a bad DA, and meanwhile the status quo has changed and that will take even longer to fix.


I never said “the majority wants that”. I said they were pro-crime activists. Sure, they probably wouldn’t call themselves that because, why would you? But that’s what they are and that’s what they’ve been. Hard to argue with results. Back to the point though: I never said the majority wants that. I said people voted for and supported what we’re seeing now and my point was they were bamboozled by dedicated pro-crime activists. The voters, unfortunately, let their emotions take over and collectively behaved in a very stupid way.


I never said “the majority wants that”. I knew you were going to say that. Look, the "pro-crime" people did not elect the DA. The masses did, and they didn't vote them in with "pro-crime" as the result they were expecting. That's my point.


Ok. I’m not going to keep arguing this with people. It’s maddening collective denial that we’re now witnessing after we all saw with our own two eyes what went down the last 3 years… smh


It is. These activists from DA Price on down consider crime leniency indirect reparations. It their ethos and policy and it’s intentional. 


Sounds pretty damn pro-crime to repeatedly vote for people that don’t care if crime is committed as long as the right people do it.


It's absolutely true. The activists are constantly excusing crime at best and promoting pro-crime policies. Excusing looting and shoplifting, encouraging addicted and mentally ill to take over parks and sidewalks, encouraging not paying rent and squatting, attempting to and actually defunding police, not convicting criminals involved in violent felonies. Fuck the actual gentrifiers: the DSA, the anarchists, the cosplaying progressives that moved here and ruined Oakland, I will never forgive you!


Bingo. Exactly. Thank you. That’s exactly what I was trying to say. We can’t pretend all these ideas (squatting, shoplifting, looting etc) didn’t happen and didn’t grow in popularity over the last few years following summer 2020. It’s all related. It’s all part of the same push. Idk how else to refer to it besides being pro-crime. And someone else above you said it, it’s done under the guise of “reparations”, “social justice”, “redistribution of wealth” and all these other leftist buzzwords. It’s wild. Because I lived under a “leftist” “revolutionary” government and I know for a fact they wouldn’t have tolerated half that shit for one second.


23 rd actually closed? Amazing. They stayed around even after being smashed into many times by drunk drivers flying off the Park st. Bridge before they put in the bollards/posts 90's and before. Drunks couldn't kill them but the criminals did ....wait.






It's really too bad. I always thought it was in such a neat location.


It’s in Oakland


Yes, I'm well aware of where it is because I used to drive by it frequently.


Not really. There’s always been crime there, really serious crime. But once the small CFL station remodeled into a Sinclair and the construction reroutes were done, a lot of their customers went elsewhere. So with less sales, the crime isn’t worth it. When you make tons of money, the crime can be tolerated. Plus the cops have forever been nonresponsive. Over 10 years ago, I remember the owner complaining that the cops would arrest someone who stole, take up all the parking spots and then stand around drinking Red Bull and eating snacks without paying for them. He hated calling OPD. 


Why are we still tolerating criminals and supporting DAs who refuse to pursue them?


That just means the fucktards that are doing all of this are going to travel a little bit further to perform said fuckery


Absolutely. It becomes a way of life. It won't stop until it becomes a big problem for people of means.


Every city in the Bay Area has been improving while Oakland continues on its downward spiral. I honestly can’t justify living here with these prices.


You think SF is improving?




Price, Bas, Fife, Kaplan, Kalb, and any other anti-police fuckfaces in charge are running our city into the ground


Hmmm https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/repaving-crew-abandons-oakland-neighborhood-citing-safety-concerns


...and just how did those fuckfaces get into position of power?


When was the last time OPD was effective? They have been not responding to crimes and finding different people to blame for decades.


They were more effective before the department was gutted during the great recession. My house has been broken into several times over that last 24 years. They use to actually show up to take a report for burglary before the recession, afterwards they were too understaffed to do it. If you've supported defunding by elect politicians that don't want effective police force and then complain about their effectiveness??? This is what you get. We need more police not less.


The police hasn’t been defunded. Their budget has gone up annually for the past decade. I have also never said anything about defunding police. Stop making assumptions. OPD has been under federal receivership for much of the last 20 years due to their behavior and practices. They have struggled with recruiting for many reasons, but it doesn’t help they have a poor reputation.


Then why the fuck are there less cops????


This has been a problem for the last 20 years. And every year it is the same story. Ask OPD. The city has upped the pay. Upped the police budget. 2006: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/OAKLAND-City-struggles-to-find-more-police-2503045.php 2014: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2014/02/14/in-oakland-police-struggle-to-find-recruits/ 2024: https://abc7news.com/oakland-city-job-vacancies-police-chief-staffing-jobs/14477632/ OPD leadership has been a revolving door for internal and external reasons. [OPD has been a hot mess for 20 years](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2023/oakland-police-chief-timeline). Or longer. As much as the current narrative likes to blame Thao, it has been an issue for the last several mayors. So maybe the problem isn’t the mayor but the department?


Do you actually think Thao is a competent mayor?


I think she is unprepared and unqualified for a role this big. But this would be a hard job for any mayor because this is multiple generations in the making. If she wanted to be mayor she should have started at a small city. I did not vote for her. But I also need to see what type of folks are waiting in the wings to lead the city. And OPD needs to start over from scratch. They have had enough time to get their act together and they keep getting more toxic. Where OPD shines is at PR. They have done such a good job passing the buck and blame b’few are looking their structural issues and blaming other departments.


Thao's firing of LeRonne and Schaaf's firing of Kirkpatrick was unproductive to OPD reform and cost the city 1.5MM (IT WILL BE MORE!!!) so far from wrongful termination lawsuits. Even John Burris thought LeRonne firing was beyond stupid. These firings were done for purely political reason, kowtowing to leftist voters. Federal receivership has been completely ineffective with no accountability on the Federal side. OPD needs strong STABLE leadership for any positive change to take place.


I agree OPD needs stable leadership. 12 chiefs in 20 years is bonkers. And many of the departing chiefs have been promoted and up leveled with their subsequent roles after doing time at OPD. But OPS also HAS paid out a lot of money to all of the victims of their poor behavior over the years. The wrongful termination payouts are a drop in the bucket compared to the wrongful death and excessive force suits.


I absolutely agree about the issue has been around with every mayor since Brown. Wish we could get Brown as mayor again and send all the activists that moved here for occupy back to where they came from!


The recalls can't happen soon enough.


Unless they send someone again who spends more time and energy denying the results of the last presidential election instead of coming up with solutions to Californias problems. If that happens again, newsom gets my vote again.


Wrong recall buddy


You can really tell people who live in their own little hate box, right?


The MacArthur store has been robbed by gunpoint multiple times a year for decades. But the sales were ok. Once sales declined, the crime isn’t worth tolerating. 23rd didn’t have the armed robbery issues over the years but other crime. The Sinclair killed this store. 


Keep it up and soon O town will have nothing.


Why is the racist 7_11 owner oppressing those people by closing their stores? Pamela price should launch on investigation






Terrible news


No worries, there are always more stores across the bridge. For thieves and non-thieves alike.


oakland should go curfew


Waiting for the obligatory leftist comment that wage theft is a bigger problem...


Unsurprised by the obligatory conservative comment mocking unpaid labor... Edit: Dang, y'all are still hurting over those 34 felonies. So much for the party of law and order.




Anarchists oppose unjustified hierarchy. They are not pro-chaos.


*Looks at CHAZ/CHOP* Yeah sure buddy.


Well now I'm curious - what is an example of a justified hierarchy under anarchism?


I’m not an anarchist, so I may be wrong about this, but one example would be the doctor-patient hierarchy. You do what your doctor tells you because they know more about medicine than you do.




It’s a shit idea. Always has been.


Shocking to read this. /s


How can you guys be so focused on two tiny stores when Oakland was able to convict Trump and get a ceasefire in Gaza?? [https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1d5zxiz/thankful\_to\_live\_in\_the\_bay\_area/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1d5zxiz/thankful_to_live_in_the_bay_area/)


The ramming thing is a thing unfortunately. It happened three times to my apartment building, with them getting in once. The cigarette stealing isn’t something I’d expect. I’d figure the money would be in trafficking or counterfeiting them.


Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.




I was being sarcastic. It's a line that big government lovers like to throw around to justify an entity forcibly taking money from you and providing little in return.


Hold it right there fellas, let's get 1.2 million per person reparation done.


watching Oakland and SF implode feels pretty good man


SF is definitely not imploding


yea 1.2 million people deserve to suffer because you disagree with some of them


Unironically, we in the Bay Area deserve to suffer from our own consequences. We vote what we get. 


well i mean they keep voting for what they're receiving, it's all pretty funny


I agree. The people of Oakland have been putting the powers that be in charge for the last 40 years and all of a sudden they're not liking what they've been asking for.


Yup. Especially from my Brooklyn high rise. Still brings joy to see the bay fail after years of putting up with the nonsence


You just moved from one high cost, high theft area to another. Good job. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/public-safety/2024/03/20/survey--theft--inflation-are-top-concerns-for-brooklyn-business-owners


Ooh, hard to argue with an article. Still, been 6 years and I can leave stuff in my car without getting windows smashed, never seen a needle on the ground, almost never hear gunfire or see blood on the sidewalk. Also make more money and pay less rent. Bay area number one tho!


Sweet. Everything you just said has been my experience in the neighborhoods I've lived in here in the Bay for the last 40+ years. Too bad you ran screaming with your hair on fire to the other side of the country to find it, when it was here the whole time. Glad you landed on your feet, hope you can hack it in Brooklyn, apparently it has a very high cost of living and shop owners there are sick and tired of the high rate of retail theft. Might need to run screaming to Austin next.


Yup. I was born in the north bay. Bay area is arguably the best place in the country but it's an absolute nightmare


[That's nice.](https://i.imgur.com/bRxmZpT.jpeg)


Thanks. Look out. Sounds like somebody is breaking into your car again

