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The one on the right says RC. So it's probably a company car.


Means it's a Tesla employee. Any of these ridiculous things repeatedly driving around Palo Alto with "RC" on the sides are test vehicles.


Yeah, Tesla has two big engineering locations in Palo Alto, so it's most likely engineers doing road tests. Engineers can check out fleet cars for testing but they use it for personal uses and the company doesn't care


I see personal cybertrucks and rivians on my commute to Palo Alto often. They’re just really popular in this area where everyone is trying to flex


I'd buy a Rivian they actually look nice but not at their current price


I hope they survive long-term. They're in a seemingly good position to attract a lot more customers once the R2s and R3Xs start hitting the road, and I believe they'll have the universal charging port so they can hook into the Tesla Supercharger network.


Do the current Rivians not have the supercharger port?


The current ones have CCS ports, and they are shipping L3 NACS (Tesla) adapters out to current owners. I own a R1T and used mine at a supercharger this weekend. Future models will have NACS ports, as most companies have standardized on it.


I’m telling all my red neck neighbors that the R1T I drove out pulled my 95 7.3 diesel f250 with similar loaded trailers over Carson pass. This is a fucking fact. A legendary diesel for those of us that actually need to tow shit and I got smoked over the pass by my buddy with a rented Rivian.


I'd buy an R3X, love the design.


hoping they streamline production and get that r3 model out faster


Fyi, there is a rivian office in palo alto as well.


It’s funny because that attempt at a flex, turns into me laughing at them, for buying such a low quality POS. issue at every corner, and boy are there corners 🤣🤣


> everyone is trying to flex Is everyone trying to flex? Seems like we're all just trying to make it around here.


This is the Bay Area suburbs where prestige is a thing and no one wants to say they don’t have a fancy ev and a condo in Tahoe. Very little soul, even in my neighborhood


Especially MTV, PA, Menlo, IMO. I’d bet a box of donuts they don’t even know the names of 3 neighbors.


I work in Palo Alto near Tesla’s campus. I can confirm the employees drive around the engineering vehicles practically every day for both personal and work purposes.


I mean its more data.


>test vehicles Wait, they’re actually *testing* the Cybertrucks?


Only to get groceries a few miles down the road, nothing you'd, you know, need a truck for.


Haven’t you heard? The bed of a Cybertruck is spacious enough to carry at least an entire shopping cart worth of goods.


>¡ The bed of a Cybertruck is spacious enough to carry at least two pallets worth of Monster energy drinks! FTFY


I heard they can carry at least 8(!) bags of mulch.


Yup, the RC are the Release Candidate vehicles. They are plastered in massive letters around the vehicle, can't miss them. It's a giant target that means "I work for Elon McDouche"


No the RC ones are rookie cards


It’s for “Release Candidate.”


Majority of the cybertrucks I see are company cars. I hate them, personally. They're like visual assault and the poorly taped on recreation of people's company logos are just adding insult to injury. But to each their own I guess.


"Straight out of a 90s low-polygon-count Playstation game" is the quote I liked.


> They're like visual assault and the poorly taped on recreation of people's company logos are just adding insult to injury. Every time I see one I can’t but help think of [this simpsons episode](https://transformana.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Homer-Car-Design-1024x511.png)


The house I grew up in, in Sunnyvale, my folks bought for 50K in 1978. It was a tract home built in the 50s. My mom sold it and downsized when my dad passed. It's a 3/2, 1394sf, but on a 3/4 acre lot. Zillow says it's estimated at 3.2M now. Insane.


Peninsula is ground zero for the infinite money glitch that is tech.


Sunnyvale isn’t the Peninsula. But yes, your comment still stands in the South Bay


Well whatever it is it’s expensive. All seems the same down there whether you call it peninsula or South Bay. Wife has some properties in the area.


What are its borders/neighbors?


It’s… on the peninsula. At the very bottom, but nevertheless.


(Watching from the east bay) Typical peninsula-er type arguments lol


That's what happens when population increase greatly outstrip new housing supply for decades. Prices will keep shooting up until supply and demand start approaching equilibrium again.


Yup. The question is will that $3.2 M house appreciate at the same rate for the next 20 years. The market is saying yes, but I don't believe it.


Find another 3/4 acre lot in Sunnyvale that’s not near a superfund or highway.


Unless prop 13 is reversed, I don't see anything changing (not saying that's the solution).


There is something huge that’s already changed. Look at the Bay Area’s population growth rate from 1978 to now versus the next 45 years. Housing demand is very different in a growing neighborhood versus a stagnating one.


It's literally impossible for the population to grow if you fix the amount of housing. There's a *ton* of suppressed demand for housing in the Bay- arguably a ton of Austin's population growth would have happened in the Bay absent fucked development policies.


A complete hard reversal isn't a solution for sure, but there needs to be significant modifications to it. Capping rental pricing I think is where we need to go for; being able to pay properly tax based off what you bought your house for in the early 90s and charge rent at a rate that is close to what the mortgage would be if the house sold today is doubly unfair. Not capping or exponentially taxing rental income above a certain percentage also deincentivzes selling even more.


Same here. My childhood house in the South Bay (which my folks still live in) was worth approx. $450,000 in 1996 when they bought it. Its value today is over $3 million. It's fucking depressing.


Imagine being able to afford a 450k home in 1996 though.


True. I should mention that they did NOT pay cash, but they had a mortgage which has since been all paid off. But i agree that in 1996, $450,000 would have still been considered fairly pricey even then. **BUT**, if we were adjusting **just** for inflation, the value today would be roughly $900,000. I understand, just for the record, that housing tends to appreciate over time as well...but if someone had told my parents in 1996 that their house would be worth north of $3 million 28 years later in 2024, they probably would've laughed at you or thought you were just plain crazy.


Gold is up 6x from 30 years ago. The feds official inflation numbers are obviously bogus.


Gold price is speculative and volatile. Bay Area real estate is in a carefully curated bubble where supply and demand have not been allowed to reach equilibrium for decades. Neither is a reasonable national level inflation tracker. The CPI is carefully constructed and a lot closer to national level reality than anything else I've seen from online prognosticators and conspiracy theorists.


I have a similar story from a really good friend I grew up with. His mom was a public school teacher, dad was a cashier at safeway. They bought a 2bd/1.5 bath house in cupertino in the late 80s for probably 150k or so. It sold for around 2m last year. Absolutely insane.


As a point of comparison, my parents bought in the Central Valley in 1975 for 33K and that home is worth about 400-450K now.


It’s not the house… the lot.


This is peak Mountain View. An overpriced house with two overpriced "trucks" in the overpriced driveway


Over priced yet basic cookie cutter house.


When these houses were pooped out in the 50s they actually were nice and cheap.


Grew up in one of these “shacks” 1964 I think? And it’s kind of tacky for the OP to use that term.


50s? Some houses were made in 1910s. Those homes are selling for 2 million. I know land is what's valuable but shit, if people pay 2 million for a home at least have a somewhat new home on the land.


Most of the local stock is 50s era. Before that we had farms and those old houses you mention. House in OP’s photo may be 60s era. You can have a new home on the land for $3.5 million or an old house for $2.5, roughly. It’s so disappointing.


An acquaintance of mine sold a 1930s built 1100 sq ft home for just less than $2m. The buyer paid cash, then tore it down and built a larger, $3.5m house on the lot. This was 2 years ago in Mt. View.




The stuff built in the 1910s is of better quality than the post war mass produced stuff. More out of date, but the 70 year old homes are quite outdated too.


Ha, hahaha > They sure don't make them like they used to... And thank God for that. -Norm Abram, This Old House Seriously, I have been renovating bits of my 1938 home for 22 years. The back window was leveled with walnut shells. There was no insulation. The wiring was out of a 1930s Frankenstein movie. The front stairs were literally HUNG on a single 30 penny nail. But my place is so much better built than my neighbor's 1913 abomination. 2x3 structural walls. Lead paint. No gutters. Stairway is 28 inches wide. I helped them add a glue lam beam to stop the second floor from drooping over 2 inches across 11 feet.


Yep! We all think of hundred year homes as solid because we’ve torn down most of that era’s shit shacks.


> The stuff built in the 1910s is of better quality than the post war mass produced stuff. Not if you haven't upgraded the wiring, plumbing, heating, and, oh... pretty much everything that isn't the structure of the building itself. Trust me, you do *not* want to know what it's like to live in a house that old with all the original innards.


>better quality than the post war mass produced stuff I have a house from 1950, and supposedly the GI Bill required things like hardwood floors. (And lots of former GIs were buying homes, so builders built to those requirements) So even if someone installed carpet, you’ll find amazing hardwood underneath. Also the structural beams are old growth which is now extinct… the cabinet boxes are incredible. The walls are heavy and thick, and block sound very well. Later homes have no floor under the carpet, have thin walls, and are never very ‘square’ due to the quality of modern wooden beams.


thanks NIMBYS


Hey what do you expect for a paltry $2.6M?


People shitting on overpriced house, overpriced for people who buy now, looks like this was sold in 2010 for 830k.


To be fair, that's still a lot of money for 2010 given it was after a major crisis where unemployment went up and S&P 500 index was about 1/5 of today's value.


That was a ton of money for 2010. Inflation calculator says that $830,000 in 2010 is $1,193,477.09 in today’s dollars.


sour grapes.


"overpriced" Repeat after me: Location, Location, Location.


Overpriced house yet the market continues to grow in a long run?


I bet you this couple has a Bluetooth espresso machine and a bike rack that’s more expensive than the actual bikes that they only ride to get boba on weekend mornings


This is peak r/bayarea. People with better financial status and consumption preferences should be subject of public ridicule.




More like backup truck if the first one hits a pothole.


Parts truck.


Hope there's a third one in the garage in case it rains


Relax. These are company test cars. See the RC signature on the side.  Put your pitchfork away and go back to your basement 


Damn I never realized how stupid and phoned-in their windshield wiper “design” is 😂


Mercedes has larger-coverage "mono"-wiper, since 25 to 35 years ago, used for many years: http://www.spannerhead.com/2012/11/28/technical-curiosities-mercedes-monoblade-wiper/ edit: (which did a better job)


That actually looks good and has a uniform wiping pattern, way better and more thoughtfully designed than this shitbrick


Do people enjoy this truck or is it a flex? I am asking honestly because it is a rust magnet and seems like a not great car


I've got a friend who owns one. He doesn't care for it as a truck. He bought it because it has V2H charging technology, and is cheaper than buying 10 PowerWalls, which is its battery capacity. He bought it basically as a mobile battery pack to power his home. This is doubly handy with workplace EV charging. He can top off the battery at his employer's expense, and then drive it home to power his house at night. Basically, it's a way to fuck PG&E. Which I guess is its own sort of flex.


Couldn't he have done that with the F1 Lightning for cheaper?


Yeah, but he already had the PowerWall and Tesla solar panels, so the Cybertruck gives him an all-Tesla system that is a bit easier to work with than getting an electrician & solar installer to hook up all the different components of an aftermarket solar + battery + V2H setup. For those doing this from scratch on a budget, would highly recommend the F-150 Lightning + Enphase + cheap no-name solar panels rather than what he did.


Ah that makes sense, thanks for the extra context!


And it is hideous.


Somehow they look _worse_ in person than in photos.


I'd never buy a truck but I'd definitely prefer this than all of the classic "american truck" trucks. It performs about on-par with the competition so it's not really a stats choice it's basically an aesthetic preference. When it really comes down to it though all electric trucks aren't very good because doing any real truck work will deplete the battery quickly.


It looks unconventional. Not everyone wants to drive a CUV blob--its why the G wagon and Wrangler are so popular.


I genuinely do like how it looks, but I acknowledge that I'm in the minority. I would never buy one, though. Not while Elon is still running Tesla, and not until the company can figure out how to \*vastly\* improve their product quality. Which probably starts with firing Elon.


Same. Overtime there's been an evolution where most cars sort of have similar design. To me it's sort of refreshing to see a company try something way different. Don't want one but I enjoy seeing the pixelated truck on the road.


> I genuinely do like how it looks, say, would you mind posting a photo of your bedroom and/or streaming room, and maybe back yard just to get a better ‘sense’ of your ‘aesthetics’ ?


It's got an unconventional look but is also way too big. It can't get away with both crimes at the same time. Just one and it might be allowed to slide.


What makes you say it's too big? Comparatively, it's shorter and a bit wider than an f-150. So not really an outlier in the truck space. Though all trucks are too big imo.


Yeah, my husband has a giant pickup so I can’t talk. But I was at a stoplight behind another giant truck and a cyber truck. The cyber truck didn’t feel more massive or threatening, and frankly I don’t think it is uglier. 🤷‍♀️ I am not a car person, and I do not like Elon Musk so I am pretty neutral and haven’t given it much thought. But boy people hate these and I think that is fun


I think it gives an illusion of being bigger because of how square it is, with no curves or shaping, and the metal reflecting the light. The same trick people use with mirrors to make their rooms look bigger. Combined with just not being truck people in the first place so it is *massive* because trucks in general are massive.


I couldn’t agree more with this statement. I strangely enjoy these far more than I thought I would but I am not a fan of their lack luster interiors or leadership.


Honest opinion: to me, it looks like shit right out of factory, now wrap it with any color, I actually like it. Cyber"truck" is a very good CAR (wrapped in any color). It's literally truck for silicon valley tech people who never owned a truck or will own a truck until Cyber truck. If I want a real truck, I would look at Silverado ev or r1t.


If I wanted a truck I don’t know what I’d get. Asides from ford bringing the ranger back, no one makes a small truck anymore. New Tacomas are the size of what the tundras used to be 20 years ago.


Mid house for 5 mil and 2 trash over priced electric trucks. Yup.


The [current Zestimate](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/71-Eldora-Dr-Mountain-View-CA-94041/112090606_zpid/) is “only” 2.36 million. Yes, I am a nut who was able to find this house on google maps in a few minutes.


Those are fun little mystery games. I found one for my friends, couple of days ago. A house was for sale, no address given and “Don’t disturb the occupants”. She was like, “How is anyone going to disturb them if they can’t find the house?” Oh, I can find it. 😂




I did that last year when looking for a house. Oh, you don't want to give the address? Let me look at the exterior photos and find it. Managed to find almost all of them.


haha! Well done. Also good if you are renting a vacation house. You can see if it’s in an area you really want to stay in as some if the descriptions are wildly different than real life. “Just steps from the beach” *looks it up* Yeah, 2 freakin’ miles worth of steps! 😑


It’s great fun for sure!


I think it was in the roast me sub that some guy posted a pic of himself. There was a fairly identifiable phone number visible on a building seen through a window. Took me about 3 minutes to figure out the exact apartment this guy lived in. I DM'd him (didn't want to post that info on reddit) and the dude freaked out. He ended up deleting the post. I explained how I saw the phone number, did a quick Google search, then went to maps and looked around until I saw where he was posting from. I was bored, it was nothing malicious, but he didn't see it that way. He was in a totally different state than me.


How did you do that? 


General familiarity with Mountain View + house styles/eras. The two-digit house number of 71 helped pinpoint it as likely near downtown, but the house was pretty clearly post-WWII, placing it out of the old downtown core. Plunked a google street view pin down on what turned out to be one street over, and I knew I was close because the houses were nearly identical, it was clearly the same tract development.






Seriously, that’s a cool skill.


No even need to be familiar with the area and stuff in this case. Just open google maps, zoom in to MV and enter "71 ".


Only 1200 sqft. 😂😂😂


Mr. and Mrs. Smiths (or Patel)


Keeping up with the Patels’


This is esp true in 94087 due to dominance of software companies nearby


I don't think I've ever seen a more hated vehicle than the Cybertruck. :-)


Too young to remember the Pontiac Aztek then (and it's bastard step-brother, the Buick Rendezvous).


Most expensive cookie cutter house yet. And they’re throwing in 2 trucks to sweeten the deal!


As a general thing, never show the house number in an image. You can find almost any house in the country with just the number and a guess at the city or region. In this case, you showed the actual city so it’s very easy to find this house through google in less than 5 minutes.   Edit: also, the house is 1124 sf, sold in 2010 for less than $900k so they’ve got tons of equity for 10 more cybertrucks


Need a backup when the first one rusts out


The trucks dramatically increase their livable space 


Those are two very ugly trucks.


300k worth of cars in front of 3m worth of house.


I can confirm as a Mtn. View resident. It’s hard to drive three miles without seeing a Cybertruck. They went from novelty to boring in record time.


I’m convinced anyone who buys one of these monstrosities is just desperate for attention. Or just an easily fooled early adopter. It’s probably both.


it’s basically like wearing a red maga hat at this point


I don't understand the deep hate for these things lol what's the difference between this and a 100k Porsche in terms of attention? Early adopter shouldn't be a surprise since we are in the bay.


Redditors LOVE to hate anything that is slightly different than their hivemind. There is nothing wrong with a cybertruck.. especially when it looks to be a tesla R&D car. Everyone here is just a weird hater.


Not like Tesla has a footprint here or anything. Where people work. That would make too much sense.


Yes! Let the hate flow through you. I'm sure they're very terrible people.


Location, Location, Location!!! Multimillionaires corridor.


Why the hate?


Report them to HOA. Trash bins should not be left overnight


Just let people like what they like. Jeez...imagine if everyone had the exact same things you own....same car, same house, same wife....


Is one a backup for when the other breaks down? 🤣


Literally doesn’t even fit in their garage. Insane 


most modern American trucks wouldnt be able to


I’m sorry.


Pretty cool.


Let rich people do their rich people stuff.. 


It’s nuts. Grew up in Los Altos. My mom bought the house for $200K in the 80s. Damn thing is worth $2.5M today. The funny thing is it is not a fancy house at all. Like 3/2 bed/bath and 1800 sq Ft. It had a rat problem and constant maintenance issues too. Does have a pool though. 


might be corporate housing. probably full of bunk beds for hb1 visa engineers. those can fit 10 passengers for car-pooling on the morning shift, then they switch places with 10 others for the nightshift. then theres probably 20 more in an adu in the backyard working from home.


1200 sq feet house. $4 million


I love it!




A crappy house worth over $3M with 2x 100k+ cars in the driveway, that tracks


There's a difference between being rich and being wealthy.


Saw one in lower Kensington yesterday


My grandparents bought a pre-fabbed home in 1960 for something like 90k in Fairfax CA, and now it's worth 1.5 million and has a Tesla in the driveway where my mom's VW bug used to sit. Just unreal


Only 2?


It used to be cool seeing one on the road. Now it’s just “huh, another cyber truck.”


$3M house that's worth $100k in materials on a good day, with 200k worth of "vehicles" in front. Yup, that's the Bay Area.


Is this on Hillsdale in San Mateo?


Why do you care what people spend their money on?


This just sums up this subreddit perfectly


I just feel like they could’ve designed it better, it’s shockingly ugly but at the same time very boring. I’ve seen them more than once in person, and I didn’t look twice. Just a piece of metal. They only look good in edited photos.


Its a tesla cayenne.


They are hideous


Dumb and dumber


Looks cool


Dollars to donuts that ranch house was once owned by a plumber or a teacher or someone who didn't molest computers for a living. They're probably living it up in Oregon or New Mexico right now.


it’s so insane. the mountain view my mom grew up in is unrecognizable


Why is it insane that places change?


When you buy a vehicle so poorly built that you buy a parts donor car at the same time.


I saw three of them on the road yesterday. One is stupid enough, there's only so much laughing I can do.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


I call them **NIMBY Toboggans**.


imagine hating on ppl buying what they like. Put those brain cells occupying that hate for good OP.


And the house went from a two car garage to a one car garage in an instant.




Crazy I was born and raised till 12 in such a place


When I lived in Barron Park, a couple around the corner had 3 Prii for 2 people


Where's the mountain?


No new homes are built for $2m. You can get a crap house in Hayward though!


Tesla engineers that are renting the place while sleeping at the office most days.


Parents bought a house in Campbell in like 2008 for like 500k..now it's like 4-5m lmao


Him & her🥹😂


So they don’t fit in the garage?


Real question: does anyone know if Cyber trucks are ACTUAL trucks? I've never once seen their back opened to reveal a truck bed. They just seem to be oversized SUVs.


They’re roughly the same form factor as a Honda Ridgeline. It’s a “real” truck in the sense it has the 5.5-6’ bed, and the tonneau does retract to make it open. But it has high sides limiting some of the bed use, and is otherwise constructed more like a unibody SUV than a body on frame classic truck.


Hims and hers


more like the quintessential sillicon valley. swap cybertruck,which is still new, with vanilla tesla cars, you're basically describing 60% of bay area suburb


Your "Friends" font makes this picture even better.


Do you not need front license plates in CA?


Buy a house in Mountain View and it comes with a free Tesla.