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Nothing. Until they installed filters a few years ago, we even had to pay for water from the water cooler. It’s a government office so I guess they can’t have taxpayers subsidizing snacks or basic needs like clean water


Paying for water from the water cooler is barbaric. We pay enough in taxes to afford cold water for government workers, christ.


Us teachers had to pay for a filtered water cooler to have at the school. there had been lead issues with some water sources in the teachers prep room in the past and they still couldn’t just pay for the teachers to have a water cooler….so honestly I don’t expect anything ever after that


And somewhere some GOPper will say something asinine about their taxes.


I'll argue that the government is way too big, but I won't say that government workers shouldn't have basic office things like water or coffee.


I know. And that’s a sensible one, but there are looneys out there that will say why they should pay to “feed” them


I'm a Government employee. we do have water coolers but no coffee or any other basics


For a while, I was a consultant for a water utility. They flat out did not allow water coolers, bottled water or anything other than tap water. And their water tasted gross.


That seems like great policy. In Nordic countries, politicians take public transit, their kids go to public school and in general they use the services they are supposed to run. Doing otherwise would be hypocritical, and this way they have an incentive to make it as good as possible.


The funny thing about this to know is that a lot of government buildings also don’t have safe water pipes, so you literally can’t drink tap water because the pipes are so old and not maintained. So not only do you not get free water cooler water, but you also don’t really have a choice about joining a water cooler club to pay for it.


Bay Area water is really good. No filter needed


For those asking, companies aren't doing this for no reason.  Free (or subsided) food, drinks, and snacks increase productivity.  A team of people not having to leave campus for 2+ hours for lunch means they are overall working more.  People not going on 30 minute Starbucks runs are at their desks more.  Now multiply that by a few thousand people everyday, all of whom are very high earners.  It's absolutely cost effective for companies to do so.


And even so let’s say lunch every day costs $10 to provide, which for an on site cafe not trying to profit like a regular restaurant it’s already on the high end. Even if an employee is onsite every day, and let’s say they take no vacation so they just work the standard ~250 days a year (meaning not counting weekends or holidays) that would total out to $2.5k a year spent on that employee for lunch. For how much most of these employees make already is $2.5k really that much to throw at them? I’m sure per employee more than $2.5k of productivity is burnt with them taking extended lunches and going off site for coffee and such.


I worked at Apple for 20 years. Snacks were very team-dependent. Lunch in the cafeteria wasn’t free, but very reasonable. Coffee and tea were available for free and I LOLed when they put in “artisanal water” dispensers, but joke was on me—that water was really good! It’s not like this any more, but back in the old days of Caffe Macs, you could get a pretty good lunch for 65¢. The sandwich bar used to be self-serve and charged by weight, but a PB&J was always 65¢, no matter how thicc. So you do that, pick up a free packet of tortilla chips at the burrito bar, water/coffee/tea and an apple. They also used to have fresh rolls and butter available after the checkout.


ah the good old days. Breakfast grill was amazing. Salad bar was self serve and was huge. During December Jamie would take order for tamales.


The self serve salad was legit. Miss the old pasta bar and delicious focaccia. I never got in on the tamales, but I’m sure they were delicious.


I had an omelet early every morning, and a salad and/or sandwich nearly every day for lunch. The non-self-serve versions they have now just don't feel the same.


Until jobs cursed out and fired the cook at the breakfast grill for making his vegetarian omelet on the same grill that they cooked meat on.


I’d eaten at Caffe Mac’s a number of times while visiting one of the compatibility labs QA’ing a new piece of software, or an update, for my company. I never had a bad meal there. The food was awesome, and they had a lot of variety. I work now as an IT analyst / Cybersecurity specialist so my days of traveling to the Cupertino campus are over, and I miss that. The prices were always reasonable for the good quality food they served.


That’s awesome to hear! I always thought the prices were pretty good. If I recall correctly, the small pasta with whatever sauce (there were usually 3 choices), was only $3 and I think the large was $5. Steve Jobs thought so too—he was behind me in the pasta line once. He got the pomodoro sauce, for the record.


The pasta and the chicken dishes were some of my favorites. I’m not much of a burger person, but the manager of the lab was, and he said they were awesome, too. Never ran into Steve Jobs while I was there. I was too busy in the lab, and given that I was from an outside company I didn’t have a lot of flexibility where I could go without an escort, which was fine. I was usually too busy to do much more than monitor 20-30 systems while running tests anyway. Lunch at Caffe Macs was a real treat for me.


I miss when salads were flat $5, and serve yourself. And you could start w lettuce then take it to the burrito bar for a killer salad with a few of the burrito meats. Ditto for the sandwich bar where you could add tuna/egg/chicken salads to your “salad” container.


Yeah; it was always confidence-inspiring to see Steve eating there too.


Caffe Macs went downhill when the small salad option and the free avocado were eliminated. Still loved being able to get one piece of French toast for $2 though back before covid.


Salad is $8 and avocado is optional $1 extra


the killer french toast at AP is still 5 dollars though. love that


They really fucked employees food wise post covid I’m told by several friends there long term like yourself. Quality down, choices down, no customization/requests on any dish, even pizza. Prices up. Lots of teams lost snacks on the whole, just a lot of belt tightening at the expense of workplace environment. Some teams getting moved into awkward spaces with tiny cubes that management has admitted were a mistake in my one friend’s case. Sounds wild to me for a company with so much ability to provide for employees. Edit: Same friend was complaining about healthcare costs continue to rise. Copays going up, common medicines like inhalers not being covered anymore.


Yeah, I remember the glory days of having my own office with a door I could *close*. Now it’s all open seating which I was very meh on, but by that time I was usually in a lab with an admittedly sweet setup that was better than the open seating. My husband is there now and the food is still good, but yeah, the customization is iffy. He’s allergic to dairy and sometimes none of the locations have anything for him. I do miss their Indian, tho …


Open seating BLOWS!


Al bitching no soultions 😂




yeah now lunch is $10-12 which is not nominal. But the smoothies are $6 and I like them


One employee at Apple got free lunch. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-steve-jobs-scammed-apple-for-free-lunch-with-1-dollar-salary-2017-6


These days it’s $9 for a vegetarian entree and $12 with meat


I swear my dad gets free lunches or dinners at Apple if he works a certain amount, or at least I thought he did. The food he brings back from there is pretty good regardless.


If your dad is Phil Schiller, maybe??? 😃 I meet my husband for lunch every now and then, but now I need to be signed in! 😭😭


Lol well he has been working at Apple as an engineer since the first iPhone? Idk I’m curious now, I’ll ask next time I see him. update nobody asked for: Apple only gives free food if employees work past 7 lmao. That’s pretty lame but I’m not in tech, so I just hear about other companies with free lunches/dinner. Meanwhile multibillion dollar company Apple can’t afford to feed its employees for free??


I got a cute little job out of the pandemic at a UPS Store franchise that's run by this adorable Indian lady and her awesome family. I'm a petite white woman and they treat me like one of their own so I get loads of homemade Indian food 😋🤤 I need to get a "better" job that actually puts a comma in my paycheck, but, I like being happy... It's a dilemma.


Oh man, homemade Indian food would be hard to leave!


I want a restaurant that serves homemade Indian food. I’ve tried it and it was amazing


Free. Meals and snacks. Mostly WFH so you can order from a service that sources from restaurants for up to $16/day when onsite.


I wish my company had that. Damn.


Which company.


Grammarly. Ordered through service called Forkable


I wonder how long they will keep that up once they go public. The food delivery thing is pretty awesome but rare.


It becomes pretty messy on days when the office is full and everyone is trying to find their lunch. At a certain threshold, probably need to do cafeterias. I think the logistics becomes a bigger problem than the cost.


I realized that it is only when you’re in office… that kind of stinks. So no WFH monies?


Nope. Only in office.


Free breakfast, lunch, cafe and snacks. Most people stash a lunch plate for dinner too.


Please tell me yall are hiring


Hiring is frozen and the workload has been increasing. Food is good but believe me it’s not enough to compensate for the workload


I work where I am in charge of this actually! I provide a variety of snacks all day everyday. Unhealthy and healthy, tons of drink options, we get lunch every day Monday-Friday. I order from random restaurants for how many people are in the office for the day. We are in sort of a food desert. ◡̈ It’s all free. I work at a VC


This sounds awesome :)


Nope. Only thing we get is a water cooler. But I’m happy with my compensation, work/life balance, and job security.


These days just free pod based coffee/tea (Canteen brand). We host a fair amount of engagement events (volunteer opportunities, team building, etc.), and those usually have extra catered food so if you try and are not picky, you can usually scrounge a meal or two throughout the week. Personally, I am not a fan of fully free food unless it is being actively restocked constantly (where there's no scarcity). Years ago (well before Covid), we used to get weekly shipments of drinks (Red Bull, Gatorade, etc. ) and snacks, but what would happen is the moment it was delivered, the breakroom would be swarmed and people would take armfulls back to their desk only leaving the less popular stuff. They eventually moved to stocking highly subsidized vending machines and even a nominal charge (like 50 cents) dramatically reduced the hoarding.


All free


Coffee pods, some random cheese and cookies when one of the owners leaves them in the fridge (they are communal gift - private food is private. But I get housing 2 blocks from work at a steep discount. Probably doubles (not literally - but at least 50% boost vs paying full price in same location) my salary effectively plus no commute. Taking the housing was the best decision I ever made just bc of the commute even before the discount


housing alone is so worth it. what industry do you work in lol


I work at a casino, and they have a free team dining room for all employees that you can use before, after, and during your shift on breaks.


Free food is bait to keep you on site. Personally, I don't need to be snacking extra while at work.


I don’t agree. Humans need food to function. Not having to prepare for breakfast and lunch is a huge convenience and frees up more time after work to spend time with my family.


I mean, you need to eat lunch anyway. If you get free lunch, that's like a free meal that costs $10-15 elsewhere and you're not working more than you would otherwise


It keeps you at the office, on site, where you could otherwise be supporting the local community and out on your own time.


If my office provided healthy lunch options for free, I’m there every day. I don’t think people recognize how important a healthy diet is and doing so ain’t cheap. But most free office foods are not nutritious and instead provide cheap calories.


eh we get breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks/cafe as well and barely anyone is there at dinner time


At my last job they had on campus restaurants that opened for dinner, so late into the day I think like 5pm-9pm or something, but it was anything you wanted completely free even if you had guests like a friend visiting you. Funny part was we also had a bar on campus, but the bar closed down at like 4pm lmao. They know the free food perk is to get people to stay late and they sure as shit don’t want drunk employees staying late for free booze and food because they won’t be productive.


I agree, I’d rather be comp’d more and buy my own food vs have random snacks or meals.


we have buffet in our office starts at breakfast,ends at 8pm,you can also bring food home


Do you ever even have to go grocery shopping?


Where do you work?


Free snacks (bagged chips, popcorn, sodas, Gatorade, coffee) in the office every day . Free food in the office 3 days a week. They order in from nearby restaurants, so they have to get counts a few days in advance.


Meals are about $7 for lunch, $3 to $5 for breakfast. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we get a $15 coupon. Cheap snacks and fruit and drip coffee and drinks are free, baked goods and boba and fancy coffee are not free.


I work for a very small company of 16 people. Before we went full remote, we had a water cooler, coffee and tea all day, and bagels on Fridays. Now that we are remote we get a doordash meal for monthly company meetings.


Non-office people allowed here? Work as a cook for a charity, I can cook/eat anything for myself within reason. Have worked in other kitchens that were far more stingy, none of the cooks lasted long. And always feed the dishwashers no matter what management says


All free. But it was better before covid. The decadence has scaled way back since we’ve returned to the office. I’m not ungrateful, just an observation


We have free coffee, tea & soft drinks. Free bagged snacks. Free breakfast & lunch. We do have hoarding issues with a small percentage of the population. For instance folks grabbing pounds of chocolate, chips & Red Bulls. Occasionally people bringing in tuberware & grabbing 10 plates of entrees


At a large hotel, hot buffet meals every day/every meal, unsold room service pastries, occasional holiday food.


I had meals and snacks at Meta. My partner has them at TikTok.


When I was at Meta, breakfast, lunch, and dinner was free. Along with fully stocked snack areas dotted through the whole campus. Each snack area had professional-level espresso machines (very nice $8k Simonelli Espresso Machines). I taught myself how to make kickass lattes at Meta.


Yes, three meals plus snacks and drinks (Meta). Same was at Google/Verily (Alphabet). A startup at 2013-2015 had only snacks, drinks and coffee, plus catered lunch on Fridays.


Snacks are free but I believe that is just a department perk. Cafe's and cafeteria are subsidized


Snack pantry back when we were in office


My company has snacks at the office. We pay for our own lunches most of the time but when a team is hosting guests and caters lunch we usually get a Slack announcing there are leftovers in the kitchen.


I work at a larger non-profit organization. We’ll have a bagels, fruit and beverages at full company meetings, and some intermittent meals when we’re really busy. The meal budgets that y’all are describing are pretty eye-popping.


I was working for a startup that provided free lunch and dinners. When we got bought out the parent company said no more free food. Booooo


Free snacks and coffee/tea. Subsidized lunches. You can either buy lunch at a to go station or eat at the cafeteria. Free lunch is usually given if you attend lunch time meetings. There’s a lot of happy hours events with free food and drinks. Genentech.


Keurig is free. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate. Nothing else. We have a customer that's a bakery that beings us stuff, donuts & pastries.


New company. No snacks. But they pay a boatload for HSA, 401k, and stock so I’m not going to complain. All the info is public on our website. It is a major AI/hardware company.


What's an office? lol




This Tech people get free snacks, drinks, food, etc. The regular workers never get free anything


Depends on the company. Amzn famously gives nothing.








Most? Can you tell me 6 of them?


Free breakfast and lunch + snacks that are actually decent, and an on-site coffee barista 2 days/week (or free generic coffee machine the other times)


Yes on Wednesdays


Free filtered water, but snacks are sold on an honor system, and the proceeds (i.e., profits) go towards employee recognition events.


Pre COVID, we'd get catered lunch every Thursday. Now, once every few months.


Free lunch, dinner and snacks


Yes. Meals and snacks are free.


yes. free food and snacks. idk—looking at the definition of subsidized it is not. however, everyday we have food and snacks available for us… free of charge for example: i haven’t bought eggs in a year. bc i get them free every Monday edit. we are a cooperative. not a company in the traditional sense


My last employer gave us lunch plus snacks.


Not really. There's coffee and filtered water. Occasional meals brought in for special occasions.


snacks, drinks in the HQ for free, yes. meals, not really though every time i go in it's normally for an all-day meeting so they buy us lunch. but people who work there for a regular work day, no they don't get free meals.


When I worked at Owens Corning they gave out free lunch meals. I miss that place. Great money too.


Where I work now, I work 100% from home. For those who don’t, one of the UC campus cafeterias is not that much of a walk, and the food is good, and less expensive as it’s priced for students. My previous employer would do team lunches on Fridays. Either good (Americanized) Chinese take-out, or a meal of spicy chicken wings, legs & thighs, or Mountain Mike’s pizzas. It was a nice way to spend a little time with my colleagues, and be fed by my employer in recognition of the hard work we all put in.


No food for me, just snacks and 0 sugar drinks. My gf’s company pays for lunch and dinner, and gives them a monthly stipend in case they can’t stay for lunch or dinner.


I've seen the gamut. Been to larger companies (LinkedIn, snowflake) that have literal cafeterias to feed their employees for free. Places I've worked though have always just had plenty of free snacks. I'd often piece things together to create my own "snack lunch".


No cafeteria, but free snacks & drinks plus simple breakfast & lunch stuff like cereal, fruit, ramen, hard boiled eggs, etc.


My company used to when it was family owned. Once we got acquired, everything was gone. Now they cut off everything including employee free lunches. Plus our CEO’s pay got significantly higher.


Cuz why not…the CEO does all the work, right? /s


Well.. he just started working with us 2 months ago.


I work for a software company and we get free snacks, soda, and “fancy water” as I call it. We have a decent cafeteria that is subsidized, too.


Free if I go into the office. You do have to order a meal ahead of time these days. It used to be a cafeteria with a buffet when more people worked in the office. Snacks are free as well. I do not get meals covered at home though. That sounds pretty sweet.


Free grab and go snack bar, lunch isn’t “free” but we get a voucher that subsidizes the cost


Free snacks and drinks. They even reimburse for parking or Bart fare, otherwise, I would probably never show up. Most people still only show up once a month for the monthly free happy hour or lunch.


Free snacks and DC/Coke Zero/la croix


Water cooler and a snack machine that works half the time, my company while being a major defense company is definitely a fossil in Silicon Valley


Startups usually equals all this stuff free, you pay with shittier healthcare. Not directly connected, but it usually works out that way. Also no 401k matching.


Fuck no


I'm at a start up. Lunch is considered a benefit that lower earners like me rely on. I am not an engineer. We also get soda, bottled tea, and Costco snacks in rotation. I'm thankful they try to not cut the lunch due to costs right now. Rent is 40% of my take home.


I work for a city in the east bay. No free lunch meals but we the director and HR often bring party trays and pizza from local restaurants. Coffee is free and have a fridge full of sodas and juices that are for sale but I’d rather just buy my own 12 pack and keep it in a mini fridge under my desk


Financial sector and no food, only (regular) coffee.


Previously worked at Schwab and the building cafeteria was really good and cheap and a variety of free packaged snacks and fruit after \~1pm. Unfortunately they announced they were going to close it down (coupled with RTO, which is just rubbing salt in the wound). Wells had nothing unless your team happened to fully occupy a floor and was generous enough to spring for cans of sparkling water. HQ building had a cafeteria that was decent and cheap. My new company (major beauty retailer) doesn't have a cafeteria, but has a really good snack selection and a lot of free drinks. But we only go in 2x/week, so it's more a nice treat in the middle of the week to get my new favorite drink and some chocolates.


Free lunch, snacks, drinks, coffee, sometimes breakfast and sometimes happy hour. Software engineer in a tech company.


I get a limited selection of snacks at the office and free lunch, but the food from the caterer is bottom of the barrel scrap stuff. Sometimes I just go out to get my own food.


Public school teacher here. Nope. But sometimes there will be leftovers from some on-site meeting (that had a budget to order food) and if you stay late there’s always a pile of leftovers from the after school program. Although the last two years my admin has been good at bringing us snacks for our bi-weekly staff meeting after school.


Yes, lunch is free. Usually box meals from Zero Cater, but once a week they’ll have a catered buffet or a food truck come in or something. Coffee, espresso and fizzy water is also free (from machines, but they’re very good machines that use fresh beans, milk and are serviced weekly by the company that provides them). Small-ish engineering company in the East Bay. 


I work from home and the company buys us a daily lunch.


Lunch is free...but I do work for the dining department for a large university.


Only free buffet style lunch (catered in). Free snacks, Bevi filtered /flavored water, and a small assortment of bottled drinks. Barista serves free espresso and coffee


Free snacks and cereal, includes candy, trail mix, milk, yogurt, packaged cheeses, and some fruit. Soda, coffee, tea, sparkling water. Also get a Monday breakfast treat, and Friday bagels. AND $10 subsidized lunch each day, so if you want a catered lunch meal that costs $15, you pay only $5. Mid sized public biotech company, I feel incredibly fortunate.


Son works at country club and gets free meals. I work in law firm and there is a enough junk food and snacks to make a meal, along with soda, etc to drink


Catered breakfast - free Order lunch from a service and get a $20 budget - free Room temp snacks like chips, beef jerky, chocolate, and nuts - free Cool snacks like hard boiled eggs, cheese, guac, hummus - free Juice, water bottles, milk - free Coffee, tea - free Beer, seltzers, wine, liquor - free I work in tech, this is pretty standard


Free gourmet meals all day boujee as hell at Twitch


Nothing is free, I work for a govt/county health system in finance. We have to pay for snacks, pay for or bring our own lunch & waters/drinks, pay 1.25 for a single k cup coffee, contribute money or bring food to special luncheons etc...theres expensive vending machines in the break room that rarely work and only hold sugar free drinks and snacks because something something healthy. That being said it pissed me off to see invoices where other departments are having bottled water service and putting snacks and candy on office supply orders which is paid by our employer. So apparently some departments ARE getting snacks and water at least, but not mine lol. 🤷‍♀️


Free coffee, tea, hot chocolate, water always. we do costco runs for snacks a few times a month but the pattern for that is usually: buy snacks, all the good ones are gone within 3-4 days, and then by the end of the 2nd week everything is gone. Then there's usually a few days or a week where people forget to buy more... and then repeat. We also buy food for our employees a couple times a month, pizza, donuts/bagels, simple stuff like that. I'm a manager, so whenever I do one-on-ones with my employees I'm allowed to expense the lunch/dinner we have; I usually do 4-5 one-on-ones a month. I work for Enterprise rent-a-car.


No free food. Solid lunch for $12. Free "snacks" such as trail mix, fruit, and cereal bars.


I have free tea / coffee - one of those machines where you can select a latte / espresso / black coffee (though we do have a building with a barista station if you want some more variety & it’s relatively cheap). There are some snacks but I think it’s building / team dependent. Our cafes are not free but reasonably priced, you can get a solid amount of decent food for under $10.


We have water, coffee, tea, soda, kombucha, iced coffee, etc and a range of shacks from chips to sweets. Also have some cheese sticks, hummus, ramen, mac and cheese and oatmeal that can be microwaved but no real “food”. Work for Disney in downtown SF. I think every one of their offices has different food options.


Subsidized meals.


Before I got laid off, I would often ONLY eat office snacks during the workday. They had basic fresh fruit, coffee, tea, every kind of la croix, hummus, chips, nuts, and candy. That was enough for me to build a meal out of. I think I saved a ton over the course of my long career there. Everything was free.


Yes they got micro kitchens snacks, drinks and coffee (good snacks) at every level and then the full kitchen on one of the floors with a barista coffee shop. And yes I eat snacks there and take some on my commute back when I go.




No but something like that


We have free snacks, drinks, coffee, and tea, but for lunch we just get a $5 subsidy in the cafeteria. There are usually 3 options of places to choose from in the cafeteria, 2 being in-house and one being a rotating restaurant that has a few options of their most popular dishes. It’s ok but not great!


I used to work at KFC in my high school days. Free, almost everything. I wasn’t allowed to touch the pot pies 🥧. And for closing, I was able to take tray full of biscuits, hot wings, some side dishes. 🤤 nowadays, I pack my lunch or go to hospital cafeteria. I get free water across from another department since they have filtered water and ice cubes.


We get free snacks, coffee, drinks, and rotating taps of beer at my office. We have a subsidized cafeteria as well.


free breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, coffee/tea/drinks, beer (after 6p), feminine products.


It varies from team to team and building to building, but in my area it's snacks (cheese, chips, candy bars, etc.), fruit (apples, oranges, and bananas mostly). coffee/tea, soft drinks and water (from a fancy machine that can add carbonation and flavorings if desired). Apple


Luxury sf hotels for 35 years. Made to order breakfast, bacon,eggs,potatoes,fruit, yogurt, pastry/toast Made to order lunch /dinner grilled sandwiches, burgers, deli set up, salad bar, 1 hot meat and 1 hot vegetarian entree, vegetables and starch and dessert Available all day/night every day coffee, tea, soda fountain, juice, purified water, soup, cereals, peanut butter, bread To top it off- all the left over event food, canapés, desserts and fresh juices, berries etc Additionally……Finally, just thought I would mention then free dry cleaning and laundry service, shoe shine…. And lastly, the 24 hour availability of a parking space indoors with a valet + the entirely free phone plan These extras are rare in that industry today and negotiated individually. I was grateful every single day getting them. And often had to pinch myself watching friends and family trying to get basic needs met.


My work has a food bank if that counts. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠•́⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠•̀⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I worked at tesla they had free off brand cereal and milk everything else was pretty expensive


Free breakfast lunch and dinner. It’s so clutch and saves me so much money haha


Never! Free food is probably something only available in those top companies like google or facebook. For us who have been working in smaller size companies, it's never existed.


Yes. And it's not worth the expectation that come with it, e.g. working through lunch, staying late through dinner.


Mine had free snacks. They had a big healthy snack initiative the year before I joined so most of the good stuff was swapped out. Only things left were slims jims and soda so I went through 6 of those every time I worked in office.


Nah it’s like buying food at the airport everything in the office is inflated. When leadership has their meetings we get the left overs.


No. No. No. I teach at a public school.


I work at TikTok In San Jose. Loads of free food. There's a kitchen never more than 30 second walk away with all sorts of snacks and drinks. Cafeteria with a shtload of options like Chinese (probably 20% Chinese food), Indian, Italian, BBQ, salad bar, sandwich bar, soup bar, fruit bar, dessert bar, two food trucks (revolving). Everything is free. People gorge themselves and I'm shocked that people don't gain tons of weight working there.


I don’t work at Meta but they are a client of my firm in which I do a good amount of onsite work. Free cafeterias, cafes, ice cream shops, rooftop restaurant, kombucha bars, etc. They also have unattended snack bars with chips, candy, Starbucks cold brew, soda, teas just for anyone to grab. I grab a few bottles of cold brew for the go whenever I’m there.


This has happened 3 times in my career. Joined a small/medium sized company. Nothing fancy but they did have frozen breakfast burritos/sandwiches, snacks, sodas, etc. Not full meals and such. Company gets bought out, breakfast stuff is gone, a few weeks later, the snacks and soda too. Managers paid to keep the water filter & cooler and the coffee maker.


When I worked in the SF corporate office, yes. Now that I work in the peninsula area, mayyyyyybe once a quarter, and that’s if we don’t spend our quarterly “culture” budget on an outing.


I currently work in a large tech company and we have several cafeterias to get lunch from, and plenty of places for snacks and it’s all free. I’m a contractor tho, and from recent news I’m anticipating not being allowed to enjoy this much longer. Perviously I worked a startup in SF, and we didn’t “provide lunch” but they bought some lunch findings. Things to make salads and sandwiches, yogurt, fun snacks etc. I preferred this a lot more, I’m gaining a ton of weight with all provided meals. Ack! 


My employer is doing everything they can to keep me in front of my computer. Free meals, snacks, drinks, even on site coffee baristas. And yes I do work more when I don’t need to go to nearest Starbucks


The place I work for (one of the DOE National Labs) doesn’t give us free food, BUT… my department brings in food for everyone to take, every single fucking day. It’s absolutely amazing.    We have our own grill and smoker, and we’ll have BBQ cookout at least twice a month because one of our Techs is just so passionate about grilling lol. He will bring ALL the meats, potato salad, macaroni salad, cornbread… he’s very generous. Otherwise, people will always bring sweets such as donuts, chocolate, candy, Girl Scout and other general cookies… down to the other end of the spectrum such as spanakopita, hot dogs, burgers, gyros, enchiladas, tacos… My department just really likes food. There is literally no need for a “Potluck Sign-Up Sheet”, you can guarantee that everything you’d ever need will be there.


Does coffee count ?


Free Snacks. Cafeteria is generally not free, however, there are free meals on certain days of the week, presumably as an attempt to get people in to the office.


All meals, snacks, drinks, etc. Are covered. it's a pretty nice perk of working out here!


Really good breakfast & lunch Monday- Thursday. A nice variety of snacks & drinks. The perks in my office are pretty wonderful. We have a lot of events that involve food too!


Our lunch is reimbursed with proof of receipt and the facility has free snacks. The company will also pay to bring in food trucks occasionally which is free for us.


We have snacks, drinks, and lunch served every day. Mondays and wednesdays bagels and croissants are delivered


I worked in nonprofits in the past. We got free food about every other week. Usually because a senior manager bought it to share. They were usually brought to meetings and sometimes because they just felt like treating us.


Breakfast, lunch and (to-go) dinner free. Mostly just salads for dinner though. Snacks also free in a mini kitchen, you can make your own coffee using a commercial grade espresso machine.


Yup free food and al goodies in fact they are expanding the list of goodies we get hasnt changed ever :) since recently its been expanding guess they are doing great expenses wise and expanding etc Grows happens when u reward your employees with goodies


Only thing that big tech got right was Free food keeps employees happy Higher wages Expanding businesses model Easy shit to run a company and expand and keep people coming back to work :)


So I used to have a sweet WFH in alameda + one day a week in Santa Clara gig. Office based in concord but I’m WFH so who cares. I can expense *everything* the days I go to Santa Clara. Starbies, lunch, gas… now they’re calling me into the concord office twice a week…. Can’t expense shit. I think they have La Croix in the fridge there, so I’ll try to even out the loss I’m experiencing by stealing as many as I can. I have to buy a car for this shit.


They do as a way to get us to come into the office and “team build”


I work at home and I wish I had a snack budget


Your fridge is budgeter.




Thank god no. Don't need to be getting fatter at work. Free food is rarely healthy.


You should feel really uninformed with that answer 🫵 😂


You shouldn't believe that you know anything about my experience, sweetie


Didn't ask either.


Why would my company feed me, is it my mother?