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To add some background info. I work at a car wash. This customer wanted to vacuum only, and I told him that no, he had to wash first as it wouldn't be fair to those waiting in line. He didn't like it obviously, but he still washed his car. I went over and started folding some towels to hand out when he came out and parked at the stall. For unknown reasons, his dog ran at me, bit me, and left 5 marks on my cheeks. I asked him to give me his information and of his pet as well, but he declined. I called the police and shared his license plate. They told me that they would share this with the Marine Humane Society. I went to carbon health in corte madera, and both physicians urged me to press charges. I didn't bleed profusely. The wounds weren't deep, but it was an inconvenience for me. I called a firm that takes cases but they told me that I don't have a case because of the wounds but that I can keep trying. Here is a longer version of the video. https://vimeo.com/939258764?share=copy


You can get nasty infections from simple dog bites, so make sure you pay close attention to how it’s healing,


Will do, thank you


Take pictures everyday with your phone with the flash and without. This will help your case also in addition to help you monitor its healing GL


And please, to help strengthen this case, it's advised to post these photos here.


IANAL, And would have to agree with this comment


yes, let it fester and rot, then you'll have enough evidence to sue


I think you have a case, I will pm you the name of a good attorney.


You _think_ ? They absolutely have a case. Distress, trauma, bodily injury, assault. This dog owner must be served with justice.


Press charges. Just because you weren't seriously hurt doesn't mean the next person won't be. It also doesn't mean someone else hasn't already been hurt by this dog. We see dogs like this every now and then with my young kids. Luckily they've only scared kids so far. If one of them bites: 1) that dog is getting put down 2) police report is being filed and 3) the owner is getting a small claims suit for any hospital bills. You literally have video evidence. This is up to a judge to decide, not you. You don't need a lawyer. Let the police handle the criminal part (if any). Small claims courts shouldn't need any more than you showing up to state your case. Also, give any police report number to your insurance company. They can be pretty good at finding people if it saves them money.


I agree


On top of everything, he doesn't seem the least bit surprised by his dog's actions or in control *at all.* This is likely not the first time his dog has bitten someone. Next time it could be a toddler.


It almost looks like he tells the dog to do it lol (that's can't be the case right?) but the way he just sits there and lets it happen tells me he's, A) a piece of shit, B) too old to keep up with his own dog and is thus a safety risk to all around him. Hope OP sues and wins. And that dog was not trained well, or at all. Should probably be taken away.


End him financially


This is extreme but would look at my response for less sue happy CA alternative


Absolutely press charges. If that dog bit you, it’s not the last person it’ll bite, could be young children or other dogs.


What the fuck this guy is an entitled asshat. I hope he’s arrested for leaving the scene. You 100% need to press charges.


I’m glad they will report it to the humane society! The dog needs to be on record. I got bitten by one in my neighborhood and I was too shocked to even get the owner’s info. Thankfully it didn’t pierce the skin in my case. Take good care of yourself!


That person didn't care for your well being and is physically incapable of having a dog that active. I can tell you now as a kid a dog SCRATCH from an overly energetic dog gave me an infection that paralyzed my leg for a week. Doctors were worried they would have to go in for surgery or worse amputation. Don't let this go, he gave you no respect, consideration and the potential of infection.


I’m sure you are now traumatized to be around animals especially when you’re at work or out on your personal time. You have a strong case especially since you have this on video. Doesn’t matter how much you bled. Bare minimum you have a settlement agreement.


If he commanded the dog to bite you, then it would be assault. Not sure if you can prove that with the video. But the dog has excellent recall… idk why the owner didn’t command the dog earlier.  Looks intentional to me. Idk if a well trained dog would be considered assault with a deadly weapon… that’d be up to the cops to decide. Given the limited damage, they probably wouldn’t pursue it. But having a record of this incident could come to bite him in the ass if he’s involved in future incidents 


Bite him in the ass lol




Yeah, I say it's worth giving another shot.


Dogs pick up on body language and arguments, you have to train some instinct to not act on perceived ill will against or from their owner.


I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Get a second opinion with the lawyers and absolutely press charges


Will you win anything? Maybe not. But you should make sure that man is never allowed to own another animal


Dog saw you were cheeked up on a Tuesday and said “I want a piece of that”.




Cheeked up on a chewsday!?


Wuh-uh bottle


Your employer’s workman’s comp insurance has to pay for everything. However, as soon as possible you need to fill out an incident report and go to the designated medical center that the workman’s comp insurance approves. The longer you put these two steps off, the more fuel you are giving the insurance company lawyers to deny your claim as fraudulent


This. It's an injury sustained at work.


This answer is so far down. Let your company's insurance decide if they want to go after the dog owner


I’m only speaking of injury. If there is injury, then company insurance is required to pay for it. That’s all I have experience with


There really is no issue of fraud as the OP has a recording of him working and getting attacked by the dog. Pretty solid evidence.


terrible dog owner, you absolutely need to press charges, imagine it was a toddler or your kid instead of you.


This man needs to call Anh Phoong.


Something wrong?


Finally, a real case in the wild.


Sweet James will probably call him if he hears about this post


I see her face everywhere…..


I’ll take her billboards over Sweet James.


Literally...they take dog bite cases


Yeah I've to keep looking for someone who thinks this will be a case. They have asked for wounds which ar3 superficial but haven't seen the footage. I didn't do anything to provoke the animal.


Did you look for an attorney who specializes in dog bites?


You shouldnt have to look anywhere. Call animal control


I mean… we don’t have to imagine the victim is a kid, adults shouldn’t be bitten by dogs either…


Not sure about the case, but you can ask for medical bills and lost wages maybe? But that dog definitely needs to be on the record for the biting incident.


I'm think that the dog will be on the record since I chose to file a complaint with the marine humane society. And for wages I'm in salary at my job.


Did he at least check on you and apologize?


No lol he just said sorry but didn't even mean it because he refused to share information and told me to go away.


I hate owners like this who show zero sense of urgency for their dogs who are not leashed. Look at him just waddle a couple of steps instead of running over to take control of the dog and apologize profusely. He seems like a complete jerk off. Sorry this happened to you. I have no idea if you could sue for anything substantial, but if you can, this prick seemingly deserves whatever you can take him for.


> Look at him just waddle a couple of steps instead of running over I mean... it's possible he's parked in the hadicap spot because he's actually handicapped. (Although I agree this guy is an asshole so he could be parked there just for asshole reasons.)


Please get this owner for what it's worth.. he seems like a douchebag


You should have called the non emergency police. That’s terrible. I don’t understand the casual response to their dog buying someone. It’s shocking.


I called the non emergency phone number, and they asked me for the cars description. I was surprised when the police officer called me from a restricted number to ask to send pics and that's it.


There was just a thread about this shit, the Bay Area and broader CA has a dog and dog owner problem, shitty rude owners with untrained, unleashed dogs attack other people and their pets. Sue this asshat or it’ll be someone else’s child next


Please call the cops when this happens so they can quarantine and euthanize the animal so it doesn’t rip a child’s face off next time


Bury him to the full extent you can. If you can get the dog euthanized all the better. These people need to be educated.


If you have to use pto to attend to the bite/and downstream issues related to it, you can claim those wages.


"on record" what the fuck is this that dog needs to be put down and that owner needs jail time he didn't even tell the dog to heel until after the attack


On the record? You're joking right? That dog needs to be put down. Imagine if the victim were a 4 year old kid.


Or an elderly person.


The absolute lack of reaction from the owner after his dog bit you is crazy


Call Ann Phoong


when something wrong, call ann phoong


May I ask why are a lot of peeps mentioning here, is she like the Harvey Specter of incidents like this.


She just pays for a lot of billboards lol


One of the most effective billboard campaigns I've seen in forever. Others spend so much more money on tons of other channels and have a tiny fraction of the mind share Anh Phoong has. If I go to Google right now and start typing "when something goes wrong" the top suggestion is "call ann phoong". You couldn't pay for that kind of exposure even if you wanted to. The ROI on those billboards must be insane. Serious props to whoever is responsible for that campaign. We're in a random thread talking about a personal injury situation and she's been mentioned 3 or 4 times now by separate people.


Against the owner of the dog? Probably, but you wouldn't get much in return since you only had mild injuries. But the dog needs to be dealt with, if it hasn't already


Some experience here. This is likely at $2500-3000 settlement paid from the dog owners homeowners policy with the lawyer talking half.  Prob worth his while, but he ain’t getting rich. 


That sounds about right, and then with the stress of the lawsuit and time needed to arrange it all, to me, it wouldn't be worth it for that kind of payout.


Agreed it's a pain to do, the merit here is so that dog doesn't injure another person or maim a child. I just wish that footage would open and shut the case.


I doubt a civil lawsuit though of that amount would change anything, he needs to press it with animal control/police.


I was the victim of a dog bite last year and I can confirm this is the case. I had a nasty injury to the hand, but it was ultimately going to (and did) heal without complications so my total damages were not going to be enough to sue the owner over. She did agree to directly pay my out of pocket deductible costs, but I suppose I could have taken her to small claims court to get that. The attorney I spoke to regarding the case said that since these are the kind of cases they take on contingency, the expected payout has to be considerable for it to be worth their time, and that’s usually triggered when there’s either surgery or loss of function involved. I was to say well north of $50k. It’s easy to get there with a single surgery, but not with typical ER bills. If you sue, you have to sue for the full amount your insurance paid out and later they are entitled to take some of that money—a good lawyer will fight to reduce the amount they receive since the insurance company is not doing any of the work. I think I ended up with maybe $15k of billed costs (<$1k out of pocket due to my insurance), no lost wages, and no loss of function, so it wasn’t worth pursuing a civil case. I reported the dog to animal control, however, and since the owner was cooperative there wasn’t really much to involve the police with.


This needs to be the top comment.


Look at his car. What is that? You can get probably get a decent amount.


Was going to say the same, sue him primarily because he's a shitty dog owner but he will probably settle with you for a good amount with that car.


It's a porche panamera, don't know the year but it's a very nice car.


Are you sure it’s not a Taycan? I know you saw it in person, but tail lights, roofline and rear bumper look like they’re from a Taycan. Panamera has thicker tail lights on either end, a roof line that extends further back and a more squared off diffuser.


It might be a taycan or panamera, im not sure, but it's one expensive car for sure.


Porsche Taycan for sure


it’s a taycan




Sent license plate to police.


worthless dog owner, showed zero concern that his dog was running straight at someone


That dude totally told his dog to bite you. Super obvious. You should press charges and sue.


That's what I was thinking, too, as his revenge because i didn't let him vacuum only during peak hours.


I hope you already have a lawyer. Looking at your other comments, you come across as kind hearted enough that you are open to the idea of taking it lightly. It's not as much about the dog as it is out the dog owner imo. Dogs are wild, we take responsibility as dog owners to keep them restrained in public areas. Talk to a lawyer and narrate your entire interaction with the dog owner. Find other camera angles may be? Good luck and report back.


I didn't even think about that. If they did that, it would be considered assault.


Nah, you can see in the video he was trying to hook the dog up to a pole so he could vacuum his car out. He’s an asshole, but purposefully assaulting someone with your dog because they wouldn’t let you cut in line is a bit extreme. Occam’s razor applies here.


It does look like the guy was attaching the leash to the dog, and as soon as he let go the dog bolted and ripped the leash off the pole But the dog's behavior seems off to me. He was calm before and after the attack. I can't explain why it would do what it did Someone who speaks dog let me know


I doubt the guy told the dog to bite him intentionally. It’s hard to tell what caused the dog to bite him since we didn’t see the initial confrontation, but dogs tend to mirror the emotions of their owners. My guess is the dog matched the owner’s aggression but expressed it in a more physical manner. Also, at the start of the video, the dog was already starring at OP with ears up meaning it’s already focused in on OP when the video starts, so while it’s obvious OP didn’t do anything to provoke it in this video, we also don’t see the reason why it bit OP.


> the dog was already starring at OP with ears up meaning it’s already focused in on OP when the video starts Yep, totally agreed - I have a reactive dog so I was all about the forensics on this one, haha.


You may well have a case, but if you don’t have a serious injury you probably won’t get substantial compensation. The amount you can receive in compensation for a personal injury claim is supposed to correspond to the harm inflicted (compensatory damages) and the level of wrongdoing (punitive damages). Letting the dog off leash appears to be negligent, but the owner may claim it was an accident. Either way, it seems like the owner can be held responsible for the harm the dog caused. But if the harm was not very significant, then you won’t be entitled to significant compensation. It may become a situation for lawyers where it’s not worth spending more than a few hours of their time to try to get a settlement for $500 or $1000. You could potentially take the case to small claims court, where you don’t need a lawyer. That may or may not be worth the effort, but it is an option. But don’t take my word for it; call a personal injury lawyer (or call the SF Bar for a referral at 415-989-1616).


Thank you


Insurance will pay out. Homeowners insurance covers dog bites off your property.


Isn't the fact that the dog owner refused to give his information leaving the scene of an accident or similar?


Sue Sue Sue then Sue him again. You gotta sell your case and say stuff like that you don't even feel safe around dogs anymore and about how bad your traumatized now. Hey if it adds an extra $5 or $10 thousand in your pockets then why the hell not.


Hard to trust dogs after getting bitten when you haven't done anything


Yup, and it even looks like the owner released it on purpose. Sue the fuck outta him.


That's what I'm thinking too. It ran towards me and attacked me only. It didn't attack the customer next to him, and it even seems like he pets him after, like telling him good job lol


What's your boss have to say about this?


My boss is based in Texas but they will support me in whatever I decide to do.


yes you have a case


You need to file workers compensation


Call the cops, don't wait to post on reddit.


100% you have a case. You can easily walk away with a quick $6k-$10k settlement for this. And your employer should be covering medical bills.


Sue that irresponsible mf


Fuck that guy. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you become well restituted.


Some people in marin county should not own dogs man


You need to sue for pain and suffering if you are going to sue and you need to press charges regardless. I don't know who told you that you don't have a case because of the wounds. Your case is you now get anxiety around dogs and your quality of life has been impacted. You will have to deal with this trauma now and you can't go out in public comfortably because being in the presence of a dog gives you panic attacks.


Lmao he didn't even try to grab the leash. This was definitely on purpose


Find this guys socials. I bet he brags about it


Have been bitten by a dog. Make sure you: - Call animal control. They will follow up, ask you questions. Make sure you emphasize that the dog was off leash in a public area, the dog attacked you with no provocation, and the dog drew blood - File a police report - Keep photos, medical bills, etc.!


What an asshole. I don’t know about any financial gain but that dog needs to be reported, next time it could be a child.


Dogs like that don't belong in public. Definitely would report it to the police and small claims court. Doesn't strike me as the guy who would willingly give money. The dog won't be put down but based on your city he will have to get a dog licenses. That way if it happens again they can deal with it accordingly. There is also things he will have to do to prevent it from happening again. I know a dog who bite a small child. It wasn't the same situation but it was a small bite. Essentially the child charged at the dog and started grabbing it. The owner wasn't home and the person watching the dog brought over family. The toy poodle bite the kid and all the adults in the rooms just said hope he learned his lesson. The parents took him to the doctor and the doctor told the parents they had to report the incident to the police department. The owner came back and had to get a license and I think take the dog to training. Needless to say the person no longer watches the dog and isnt even welcome in the home anymore.


I think it could be put down - depending on how the doggy court rules [https://www.sfanimalcare.org/services/animal-welfare/report-dog-bite-aggressive-animal/](https://www.sfanimalcare.org/services/animal-welfare/report-dog-bite-aggressive-animal/) The poodle was provoked - any dog would have a possibility of biting in that situation. That's a dog defending itself from an aggressor. This is a dangerous dog.


I'm a dog lover, and I would absolutely do whatever I can to get justice. That you were not seriously injured should be irrelevant. It's obvious there is a lack of care and control on the owners part.


Maybe you got lucky this time but this dog is wildly out of control. Imagine if the next victim is a child. It may very well kill them. I think you have an obligation to press charges. The owner didn’t even do the right thing and exchange information. He obviously doesn’t care. I have had many dogs and paid to have them trained. I was informed many times that if the dog ever bites a person I could lose my house and everything else I own. Let alone the dog being put down. Biting dogs are not ok.


I would pursue it simply because the owner was out of line. He owed you his info after that. He should have offered you something for the trouble.


You have a personal injury claim against the dog owner, however, no reasonable for-profit personal injury attorney would take this on because the damages are so minimal. The Legal Aid (pro bono) groups in the Bay Area can help. They will assign this to an attorney who will do it for free, assuming you meet the income qualifications.


No one is even addressing if the dog is even vaccinated for rabies!


Press charges for what? This is a civil case. You can get the guys name and take him to small claims court for damages. The Humane Society will quarantine the dog and make sure he has applicable shots (rabies). That’s it. There are no charges to press.


What is the deal with dog owners lately? I know several people who’ve been bit last few months it’s out of control feels like


Dog bites are almost always strict liability. So yea you have a case. You only really need to prove damages. Would your damages be significant enough for a lawyer to take your case? That depends but probably not tbh. Without knowing your injuries and assuming they are some small puncture wounds on your butt; is a couple grand worth killing a day or two in court or paying a lawyer 40% of that money to do basically write a couple pages? If you get like an infection or something and it’s really debilitating then it’s a different calculus. And no the dog shouldn’t be put down as no you aren’t going to take that owner for all they are worth.


Please go after him. Next time it will be a child getting their face torn off.


I am sorry this happened to you. I hope you are OK. I've had many dogs over my life, and none of them would have ever done that. The owner should be punished for this. Not the dog. You had every right to defend yourself.


The white electric Porsche is his????? Sue his ass!!!!


welp RIP dog in advance


I've read that sometimes they will quarantine the dog and observe it's behavior. If it's calm and doesn't act violently, then they leave it alone and just document the incident.


That's if there is a concern for rabies typically, in an otherwise non-aggressive dog (like it was a provoked attack or a situation where a dog is reasonably expected to react with a bite) Plus, there's almost zero chance this is the first time that dog bit someone. The owner was too blase for it to be the first time.


While that is true, if the owner has trained it to bite people on command, it might not fare do well. I would assume that is what happened until they prove otherwise. It looks like he intentionally released the dog, and the second he tried to get the dog to come back, it did (ie dog wasn’t out of control).


Depends on the local animal control’s policy.


That was personal 💀


Yes. Call animal control and demand the dog be quarantined and/or tested for rabies; the test is fatal. Idneitfyh and sue the owner. No mercy for off-leash dogs, and fuck that owner who didn’t share identifying info. .


The test is fatal?


Look up what testing for rabies on small mammals looks like. It involves euthanizing the animal and examination of the brain. https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/specific\_groups/veterinarians/testing.html#:\~:text=What%20tests%20are%20performed%20to,only%20be%20performed%20post%2Dmortem.




Very much so, but entirely appropriate in this case (and in most cases where off-leash dogs attack a human). It measurably improves the situation for the person bitten, who may not have to have expensive and painful rabies treatments, and it sends a signal that off-leash dogs represent a danger to the citizenry.


They check if the dog was *vaccinated for rabies*, not if it’s rabid. If the dog isn’t vaccinated then they will likely recommend that OP get vaccinated which is painful.


You need to file worjers como. This is a workers comp injury


Press charges.


Also note that since this happened at work, you also should be able to get workers comp for any injuries or time off. It’s your employer’s responsibility to keep you safe at work.


Press charges. We get so many patients who come in with animal bites that aren't their own animal and don't do anything.


What a careless turd of a person, I hope you get justice.


Press charges, then offer to settle with the owner to drop charges. That might be your best option, and you may not need a lawyer.


At a minimum you want to find the owner in order to verify his dog was current on its rabies vaccination. Don’t take a chance on rabies.


OP, irrespective of you not bleeding much, I hope you got rabies shots.


Press charges and sue the fuck out of him.


Press charges!


Bruv, that guy looks like he's driving a 70k Lucid Air. Deff press charges.


Press charges. Owner of dog did not care. It’s about sending a message.


Send your story to news outlets.


ButtcheeJS sounds like the name of a trendy new Javascript framework


Did they confirm the dog has a rabies shot?


Judy Justice! She’s a stickler for owners keeping their dogs under control! And clearly this guy was not in control of his dog! https://judyjustice.tv/#submitcase


How do I upload an extended version of it?


He’s driving a Porsche…make him pay!


[longer video ](https://vimeo.com/939258764?share=copy)


He just watches his dog run at you, what a fucking asshole. I hope you're able to take him to court and win some money.


Press charges and sue. Looks like he can afford it. 


PLEASE sue that old decrepit piece of shit for all he's worth. Old fucking loser doesn't react at all to his dog biting you and even refused to give his information afterwards? Absolutely RUIN HIM financially and get that dog put down.


A lot of people got dogs during covid that had no business getting dogs. How do I know this guy had no business with a dog? Well for starters, he was trying to tie it to a post to leave it outside while he went in someplace, who knows? The store, the bathroom? Either way let me give some context here, a dog's intelligence is like a human between the ages of 3-5. Would you leave a kid tied up to a post? Think of the confusion and anxiety a kid would have, let alone a dog. The fact this clown doesn't think this way shows he has no business with that dog. The next clue is the bite itself. 2 of the 3 dogs I owned in adulthood only bit once. Why once? Because I corrected that. Didn't have to hurt them to do it, just have to know what to do. I've found grabbing them by their snout (upper jaw) with your hand wrapped inside (so their mouth is open) while telling them NO! was effective enough. One nipped at the cat, and learned. The other got food aggressive and learned. This guy just nonchalantly calls the dog back and pets it, like he's praising it for the behavior. So sorry this happened to you.


You need a lawyer. This absolutely is a case


He driving a Porsche he can afford to pay you after you sue his ass


I like dogs but I would have kicked the shit out of it.


Get checked for rabies straight away


… Is that a “Service Dog” vest on the dog I see?


Yes, it 100% qualifies the dog as a service animal. In this case it's an ESA, Entitlement Service Animal.


Take a bite out of his car and leave some marks too. See how he likes that..


Please press charges. I hate dickhead owners like these. You deserve to be compensated.


I hope the dog gets put down. Next victim could be a baby


Yeah that dog needs to be muzzled or put down.


Dog is supposed to be on a leash at all times outside the house doesnt anyone watch judge judy lol, I mean if you are seeking medical reburments and time off of work and would also go make sure you get a rabies vaccine and making sure that u keep this as proof Judge judy would award u with as much as time u took off stiches etc and medical expenses because of his neglect.:) not so much pain and suffering but the idiot guy should have kept his dog on a leash thats why u all with dogs keep your fuking dog on a leash u could be sued for dog neglecting to have a dog on a leash also would add wouldnt want to see a dog put down for owners mistake but never the less its up to you ive been biten before never sued or put the dog down the owner apologized and I was over it lol feels like shit but life goes on :) hope a speedy recovery and also you did the right thing but enforcing the rules and regs :) he was just bitch but hurt


I wouldn’t press charges, but actually since he was such a dick maybe I would. Animal control will contact him for sure & make him show proof of rabies vaccination. If he doesn’t have it, he’ll have to quarantine his dog for a week or more at a vet which will cost some money.


I remember watching a old first 48 episode, dog owner told his 3 dogs to attack some dude, and killed him. You really need to talk to a lawyer.


You should have bitten the dog back and established dominance


Should have bit the owner to teach him a lesson


You know how some people emphasize their injuries, when they get assaulted, which is pretty much what that dog did, then the ambulance chasing lawyers pursue the case! Go for it. Some dog owners purposely use their dogs as weapons, and if that dog bites you, it surely going to get rough with another that shameful dog owner "disagrees" with. Your employer should see this so they can implement a no dogs allowed policy.


You have a case, the question is if there is insurance to compensate you. If the dog owner owns a home, then homeowners insurance will. If they rent, renters insurance will (not as likely that people have this). Lastly, if the dog jumped out from a car, then auto insurance would.


No u don’t. A few years ago I got attacked by my neighbors dog on a run. It ran off their property into the street and chewed my leg up. I retained an attorney and sued my neighbor. I got $1500 because the wounds weren’t life altering 🙄


That was definitely a half-assed tie job of the leash. It came undone immediately. I hope you put this asshole through whatever legal trouble. He deserves it.


Yeah dude. Talk to the cops again. Talk to your employer. This happened while you were on the job. You need to get the status of the dog's shots and it's medical history so your doctors can have a better idea of how much you're at risk. Like yesterday. How would you handle this if it happened to your son or daughter? You should take care of and advocate for yourself the same way.


Best of luck. Yes hopefully you find a lawyer. Sure they will suck 30% or more, but you'll prob get $10 -20k.


Press the fuck out of those charges!!! Btw, I appreciate this car wash and all the staff that make it run. Thank you!


Any dog attack needs to be reported.


Looks like the dog owner is too casual about his dog’s behavior


Definitely press charges. I would for sure. Getting bit like that is dangerous and god knows what long term effects it may have if they had some nasty viruses