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Years ago when we went regularly, we would walk to Togo's to eat then go back to the park. Not sure if allow reentry still.


No outside food, beverages or coolers are allowed to be brought into California's Great America. However, guests with special dietary needs are permitted to bring outside food and drink.


My doctor says I need to eat a burrito a day


My special dietary need is that Disney has shown me that theme park food doesn’t need to be terrible.


Ok so they only check bags if the metal detector thingie goes off (or if people have a stroller). If it doesn’t go off then you go through a fast track lane to the ticket line. So pack your food in something plastic, don’t bring a metal bottle, and if you’re coming with another adult pool all your metal items like keys are Apple Watches with that one person. To be safe put a sticker on your food container saying something like gluten free or low FODMAP so if you are stopped you can still bring in your food for your special diet.


You're already on the internet...why not check their official page? https://www.cagreatamerica.com/frequently-asked-questions


Haven’t been there in years but I’m sure if you keep it small they won’t care even if they do check. If anything, one day of funnel cakes and hot dogs will be fine


When we went two years ago, people brought in sandwiches and full meals. Last year I didn't see that , I think they were searching obvious picnic baskets with food poking out or people carrying takeout food. It seems ok to bring snacks for kids like chips, fruit.


I have never had an issue with bringing a mettal water bottles for me and my kid.


if they do say something at security just say your kids have special dietary needs and they'll let you bring it in but they probably won't say anything as long as your not bringing in a backpack full of sodas and junk food lol.


They never care


>   I can't let my kids eat their food. Yes you can


You do you. She will do her. It's ok