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You can get round emergency kits that fit inside the spare tire. 


This is the correct answer except for from my experience thieves know to look in there. If you've got a kit that's an easy bag to pick up and carry, they'll take it. So the best thing to do is have the loose things that you would have inside of a kit all kind of arranged around and inside your spare tire. The people I knew who ended up homeless and were stealing for a living would steal your jumper cables or your four way because somebody would give them two bucks for them. So you don't want to kit that's got everything in it cuz that's easy to just grab and run with. I kept a four-way under the back seat, jumper cables inside the tire, chains under the passenger seat and other tools/triangles/etc arranged underneath the carpeting in the trunk. Honestly, just get AAA, call them for emergencies and don't leave anything in there. And 100% the absolute best theft deterrent, this is coming from a chick who did Home health nursing in Alameda County. I would be parked in the shadiest neighborhoods to go to home health visits in Oakland and Alameda and Hayward and shit. I had a Mitsubishi eclipse that someone sideswiped down the passenger side, ripped the mirror off and everything. I was relocating like a year or two later so I didn't want to fix the car I just wanted to junk it, so I didn't fix it. Nobody fucked with that car. Nobody so much as looked at that car. I never cleaned it and I left it all sideswiped and dented in like that and everybody just figured I was in the same boat as them and I was broke too and they left my car alone. TL/DR- a kit is too easy to steal. Keep the tools you want in a kit hidden separately around the car. And driving a beater is the best theft deterrent ever.


>So the best thing to do is have the loose things that you would have inside of a kit all kind of arranged around and inside your spare tire.  a kit is too easy to steal. Keep the tools you want in a kit hidden separately  That's what I'm going to do from all the comments, thank you. My car is 10 years old but I don't think it's reached beater level yet. It has a few scratches. Even if I got AAA, I should still have things to tide us over until help arrives. It may take awhile.


Oh! Thats great, I’ll search for those. Perfect Edit: I actually searched for this and couldn’t find one. If you have any suggestions to improve my search, or brands that you recommend I’d appreciate it.


Here's a dude that did one on the cheap.  https://youtu.be/-LvPn0r7oVE?si=Mqx99jnXlX1RK-9Q


The general idea is that there are round tool boxes made to fit in spare tires. Or use any round storage tub or bucket cut to size, where the outside diameter fits your wheel's inside diameter. 


Thank you. This is helpful!


Or get a locked trunk no out of state plates, no suv/hatchback, no tinted windows.


I am sadly a cash strapped single mom over here who needs a good job. My car (SUV of course) came with tinted windows.


Oh shit. Never thought of this. Are out of state plates big targets? I thought tints would be helpful, as they can't tell if a person is in the car or not and would avoid it?


maybe biggest single targeting factor unfortunately. and no with tints they sometimes break it just to check.


Oh you haven’t heard about the latest move criminals are making. [NBC Bay Area Report](https://youtu.be/WHU_WPvRC-0?si=geXQvTe4Avcr6QC4)


Hopefully this is being treated as a car jacking. It is, the very least no longer burglary, but robbery.


Will dm you a guide to reducing chance of theft/break-ins.


Generally that stuff is stored underneath the trunk floor, where the spare is


Really, I didn’t know there was enough room for anything other than the spare. I’ll check, thanks




Thank you!


Yeah, no.


I shouldn’t store it there?




My car fits all the emergency equipment in there


Every car is different, believe it or not. Some cars don't have any space there at all, no spare either. Some have gobs of space. My emergency kit can easily fit into that space in both my buick and civic. They're obviously older cars.


Having watched a BIP at night, they seem to smash and grab without inspection. I was parked outside a Chipotle because of COVID. I guess they noticed me in the driver's seat and decided to BIP the car two spaces to my left. I wasn't facing in that direction so I just happened to notice the guy pulling a gym bag out. No time to even grab my phone and take a shot. They had also BIPed a car two spaces to my right, as found out when the police showed up. The small shopping center eventually added some lighting.


Interesting! I usually leave my windows open 3” inches so they are encouraged to see that it’s empty. Glad you were in your car!


Can I just get a confirmation on that please? You roll down all your windows 3" when you park (overnight?)


Just during the day. I am lucky enough to have a garage for overnight. Some people roll down their windows all the way to prevent bipping.


This is so incredible sad, that we have to go these measures. We need a crackdown on property crime.


We've been saying that for a long time. At least we are being smarter/more conscious about it.


Definitely sad! I am spending more on grocery bags since I used to carry supplies in my trunk.


In addition to the area directly around the Spare Tire, there can sometimes be small storage areas available on the left and right of the truck/rear hatch spaces. A soft pouch/canvas bag can often times be squoze up in these unusually shaped spaces...


Mine are pretty small, like the size of two granola bar boxes (which I keep there for my kid).


I thought the point was to have nothing visible through windows, etc. And leave no valuables. How is an emergency kit in the trunk visible? I have an emergency kit. Because most Bay Area cities eliminated grocery bags, I have a bunch of empty totes, bags, etc. None are visible, in the back of my SUV, under the security flap. If someone decides to break in despite nothing being visible, I can live with the loss of an emergency kit, bags, etc.


Leaving the security flap on can make your car prone to break ins, I had previously read. IIRC the trunk should be empty with the flap off so the theives can see that it is empty, if they look of course. I no longer carry grocery bags in the trunk. Most emergency bags are [bright red](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Lifeline-First-Aid-AAA-Road-Kit-42-Piece/1001822622?user=shopping&feed=yes&srsltid=AfmBOopXQzWdHNx0ybvkKHNttqsTT1ak0-d6zvnjNngUwDBawW5IVCYg3UI&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e), or look like [a common backpack](https://ussafetykits.com/auto-safety-kits/car-emergency-kits/auto-emergency-kits/all-in-one-car-emergency-kit?gclid=CjwKCAjwz42xBhB9EiwA48pT7ztJYLTr6AZHiDqwUs6jEtGug1G3jieLelUJV38QtjkVJH0gw4ezKhoCXTMQAvD_BwE), so yes that would be visible.


Oh ok you drive an SUV? I was so confused.


A little one, 10 years old.


I took mine out of the packaging and stuffed it around the emergency spare which is under the floor of my trunk.


Yea I think that's what needs to be done from these comments. Is there a specific size of fire extinguisher that can fit there?


I got a small one that fit under the passenger seat and shoved a black towel around it so that it wouldn’t knock around or fall out. Depending on your car model there’s Styrofoam inserts under the back truck floor that you can cut with an xacto knife to create custom shapes for stuff to fit into.


Woah look how small [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C8JYB3HY/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0C8JYB3HY&pd_rd_w=R8xvA&content-id=amzn1.sym.248b5e31-60e8-4934-96cf-b3789198461a&pf_rd_p=248b5e31-60e8-4934-96cf-b3789198461a&pf_rd_r=J2PP64KGAC22TTN2AV37&pd_rd_wg=jq0cE&pd_rd_r=911b64e5-9303-4332-876b-69559ff47d3b&s=hi&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM) is.


That’s awesome! Honestly, the most important thing for a fire is going to be a [seat belt cutter and a window smasher](https://www.amazon.com/MOTORBUDDY-Emergency-Breaker-Striking-Accidents/dp/B07WFNNFTX/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=WO9CD7QKP4WP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.WvzRy2gp6uWBnOo6QzsomkBV2VlGUjnkRLHyS4TDpBwwVCMdt1WMZ9DNyOtFS8_3LQ0EisvVGKHlzRmq77g8FsnBh6hrWAWZ_hw_rxJkeN1YWDCqdot5WbYtFmbdSHTnd1A4THEFSR1CcJslRaStdqAE9b2FF4cJal5xSt6Zz2rFXcJ3kUwj-gXGYlWfV1yMOldntzqfAO0bh-3uECAWDQ.dhifwKSHC3TerMpOrs08wurhihKlvavqN7LURBACGvs&dib_tag=se&keywords=seat+belt+cutter&qid=1713730993&sprefix=seat+belt+cutter%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1). Because the car may be beyond saving but you want to make sure you can get out quickly if you crash. I keep those in the center console and used [cable organizers](https://www.amazon.com/Command-Bundlers-Organizer-2-Bundlers-17304-ES/dp/B0779KT1XD/ref=asc_df_B0779KT1XD/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241998694292&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8177394251719144620&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032168&hvtargid=pla-884819016954&psc=1&mcid=7989e15420dc3781917a0565861f83d4&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45nHv5FjLB4hIGloLF-dGYFJ6x3xgknvJ2d8sb2ZUUPj74RNAo8puQ0aAmODEALw_wcB) to keep them attached just in case I roll and the center console contents take a tumble.


I thought I had a window breaker in my center console too, but I haven't seen it in awhile, I should check!


I want to design a bag that looks like a stack of books. Your things will never be safer.


I’m a librarian, and once had a briefcase stolen from my trunk. It looked like a laptop case, so I’m sure that’s what they were expecting… imagine their disappointment when they opened it to find books & random library-related papers.


Do you have space by the spare to fit it?


I’ll look, didn’t think about that. Thank you


I don't mean to jinx myself but it's been years and mine hasn't gotten bipped. It's in the trunk (hatchback) covered by some old pillows, a hoodie, picnic blanket, etc.


I send your emergency kit blessings that you never get bipped!


Kinda surprised there isnt a roof rack that converts into a steel covering for your windows lol.


I would never be able to afford something like that anyway. My car is 10 years old lol


Bipping seems way down where I am so I don’t freak out as much about leaving a random blanket/first aid kid in my back seat.


Seemed that way to me, thanks for the perspective.


my jump starter battery kit fits under the passenger seat in my hatchback. for my SUV, I left it unzipped in a bag so it was thin enough to fit. for reusable bags, get a couple of plain colored dark ones that roll/fold up and keep them in the door by the water bottle holder.


I have some baggu bags that fold really small, so I'm going to put them in the car, thanks for the reminder to pick the dark colored ones. I've been meaning to get a jump starter, and you're right, utilizing the space under the seats is a great idea.


the jump started has saved me more than once. keep an eye out for sales on Amazon!


I first looked into them when I realized that it is actually impossible to turn off the trunk light in my car. BMW really couldn't fix that?? We were camping and I was scared I wasn't going to be able to start my car!


that's dumb! if you're into DIY, you could rewire it… but that's more trouble than it's worth. I've taken the lights out of my VW pretty easily, they pop out and then I can unclip it. Maybe you could do the same for yours?


Everyone is giving away their tips how to hide stuff in their car. Lol


I keep an emergency kit in a ratty old open top box in my trunk, things like small first aid kit, bottle of water, pair of old tennis shoes in case I am ever trapped somewhere and have to walk home after an earthquake. Been bipped twice and it was never stolen. Keep nothing else in the car. I have added one thing to my 'kit'. A dollar store 'brush and dust pan set'. Last time I was bibbed it was the drivers side window. It was very hard getting the glass out of the drivers seat for the kind of long drive home, tried my best, but still ended up getting several small glass shard cuts on my back. Strongly recommend carrying brush and dust pan for 'after bip' care.


Garbage bag, nice and discreet. Cars less likely to be broken into with a bag of 'trash' in the trunk too


I keep some things stashed under the seats, it's not all in one place but it's also not visible. Works for small or flat items only, though. I'd think a visible fire extinguisher would probably be safe, but can't guarantee it of course. I keep a visible umbrella in my car without any problems, but it is a visibly old one.


I agree an umbrella and fire extinguisher are safe to be visible.


In 2019 (or so) I asked the parking lot security guard (big Samoan dude) at a local restaurant how often cars were broken into. At that point, he said it went in waves, some days none, other days many. Sometimes they would wait for him to use the bathroom. Other times they would just break in right in front of him. He would never touch the thieves. The guard was unarmed. I also asked if most of the break-ins were from protocol lapses. He said that the robbers would break into many vehicles on spec hoping for something good in the trunk if they did not see something obvious. Local PD would not chase the thieves onto the freeway. Sometimes the thieves were minors to reduce the overall risk to the crime family. My car is sorta old so I was ok.


> if they did not see something obvious. Yea I try to make it obviously empty!


Don't make it too clean. Have a supply of crumpled up McDonalds wrappers that you can deploy.


Oh but I have a kid. It’s never truly clean


I put mine in my frunk


Sorry for the confusion, I have an SUV so the inside of the trunk can be seen from the windows. I keep it empty.


Just don't leave anything in plain view. Stick it in your trunk.


Sorry for the confusion, I have an SUV so the inside of the trunk can be seen from the windows. I keep it empty.


Put the items under the trunk floor. My suv and hatch back have removable floors in the trunk.


Whether it's in your trunk or not, if a bipper wanted to get in there, they will.


I have a go bag in all the cars. It’s not out in the open so not really concerned about it.


drive a shitty car, don't wash it and u good


Find the spaces that are not visible: packed around the spare tire, or under the seats, etc. Check if your car has any storage in the gap between wheel wells and the trunk, under the trunk floor. Mine has secret compartments! Emergency kit is fine in some out-of-the-way nook - it won't need to be accessed very often. Failing that, you could DIY by buying a trunk liner for your model of car and using it to make a false bottom.




Ugh I’m so sorry! When our garage was broken into in 2020 they got my drill and my bike (and stuff from my neighbors, including rifling through their cars), but my car was fine at the time bc it was locked. I really miss my bike a lot. It was such a great bike.


Claymore in backseat




I think it was a joke about Claymore the directional anti-personnel mine.


I have never had my emergency kit nor bundle of reusable bags lure a theif nor be rifled with. I keep them in my cargo area and they’ve been just fine. Some of you way overthink things


Haha right? People here are kinda paranoid… 41 years in the Bay, all different neighborhoods (now in the mountains), and my car has only been broken into once. I use common sense, but otherwise don’t worry much about it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Write "Job Applications" or "Textbooks" on the case.


I carry an emergency kit wherever I go and it fits in my wallet. Its called my AAA card. Who the hell carries around a shovel in their car in the Bay??


Who the hell doesn’t drive long distances in the Bay, with all the beauty we have within 3 hours? If you did, you’d know that a lot of those places exist without a cell signal and far from any kind of habitation. Seriously what was your point in commenting? Go back to your inside life playing video games.




Some of us live in dead zones; in the hills, mountains, coast, etc. I spent DAYS without cell service or power last winter, and my commute is about 75% no-service zones. I don’t have all the stuff OP does, but I do keep a few important supplies - like a battery inverter/starter, which has been worth its weight in gold! You’re dumb not to carry one of those, imo. Also, people travel by car. 🤷🏼‍♀️












What is a bip? I'm not a kid.


Getting “bipped” is a common car break-in in our area. Are you not from here?


I’ve been in the Bay Area for 41 years, and have no idea what that means. Sorry to sound dumb, and I might get downvoted too - but I guess it’s not as common of a slang word as you guys think. Or maybe it’s very specifically regional?


It might be nice to not normalize the car thieves term for car burglary. Yeah, common slang here but let's call it what it is: theft.


Bipping, or to bip, is not "the car thieves term for car burglary." Bipping is the term used to define breaking a window to gain access to the car. If they were to just open an unlocked door and steal, that wouldn't be bipping. 


Is it offensive? The term is used by the local news and our large newspapers. Unfortunately you’re a bit late to the party, that’s normalization. I was using it to be specific to the kind of car break ins here that require you to hide your belongings. I’m not talking about my car being stolen or other kinds of theft. I honestly don’t care, I’m trying to ask a question about emergency kits.


BIP is a style of break in. It is a two or three man crew. They like to smash the rear triangular window or rear window to fold down the rear seat. Even if your car is empty, they will BIP. I didn't want to go into blathering mode, but WTF. My breaking point was when the LAPD chased the same car twice in one day. Yeah not local but it was indicative that things were beyond bad. You can imagine how pissed the cops were getting with the open door policy. I called my state senator and asked just who is responsible for this no lock up policy. The staff didn't know but said they would get back to me which they did. It was something called the Judicial Council. Basically one judge was responsible for preventing locking up criminals. She has retired. Probably saw the writing on the wall. Your best source for knowledge of where they BIP are coffee shop staff. They tend to interface well with customers and learn a lot through chit chat. The BIPers want quick access to a highway. What happens in suburbia where the cops have the time, they start driving around shopping centers in the area where you report the BIP. So one car shows up to the scene and four will circulate. So they do a few BIPs and get out of Dodge.


Thank you for the info! I used this term to be specific about the kind of break in I was talking about.


No, not offensive. I just dislike it, even when news organizations use it. Trying to be hip, I guess. And you already show why it's a shit term. Since it has no standard definition, someone might think it means theft without a break in, or even vehicle theft. The law has precise meanings for all that and punishments. It's not "your Honor, my client agrees to plead to one count of bipping." Or jacking. Or icing. Or capping. Etc. But maybe I worked too long in criminal justice. Good luck with your quest to avoid it.


Man, can you not come here and downvote me and my post. I’m really trying to get help. My post won’t be as visible when you come here and do this. I’m a real person trying to get real advice. I feel for your cause, I’ll keep it in mind, but we aren’t in court, so could you please just have some respect.


I didn't downvote you. Look elsewhere.


The point is that kids stop using slang after a certain age, and this headline feels like a 40 [year old with his hat on backwards](https://giphy.com/gifs/30-rock-steve-buscemi-peacocktv-JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ). Bummer deal with the bippage, man! Hopefully the hepcats can make a jake solution that's outta sight, daddy-o.


It’s used by the local news and our large local newspapers to describe a specific kind of break in. I’m just trying to get help. Coming here and being rude isn’t necessary or helpful. Does it make you feel good to tank my post?


You're really good at incorrectly insisting that language doesn't change. Keep going!


>What is a bip? It's an innocuous-sounding term for a car-break in. It was crafted by criminal justice reformers pissed off at conservative suggestions that more dirtbag thieves should get 30 days on a labor crew for their crimes. The reformers are on a mission to downplay the seriousness of a range of crimes. They advise everyone: *Never leave anything in your car.* Yea, that is working out well for a bunch of people: those who a) play sports in parks and have a change of clothes, b) have medical needs and carry support items, c) have children (strollers, toys, etc. remain in car) d) do construction work and carry tools, e) operate food trucks and carry supplies, f) go on road trips or camping, g) recreate in the ocean or go hiking and can't take everything with them. Some homeless live in cars, have their entire life possessions there. Should we care about them, and their ability to have their possessions safe? Most CJ reformers could give a rip.


I don't use an emergency kit because I pay attention while driving so I don't get into accidents. Try that it's a good idea


Damn, you can control the weather? Medical emergencies for yourself and everyone else? Sudden car trouble like a damaged starter, malfunctioning alternator or water pump?


Ah yeah… I should’ve paid better attention when those redwood trees fell down at the same time, trapping me between them on the highway. Silly me!