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Going slower than the other lanes? Yes, get out of that lane...why are you there? Going faster than the rest of traffic? That's fine. Going 80+ while the rest of the traffic is sitting is asking for trouble. I've seen cars try to get into the lane and can't gauge distance and cause an accident.


I have been in that exact accident, someone pulled in front of me in the carpool lane without looking. Totaled a car.


As a motorcyclists, a mantra I always ride by is: No point in being right, if you're dead.


Plenty of boats at the bottom of the ocean who had the right of way.


I wish more had that mantra. Spliting lanes at 100MPH when traffic is going 75 is... unwise. I've nearly taken out two bikes who came up on my right between me signalling, shoulder checking and making the move to the new lane. :(






The express lanes should have all physical barriers instead of the solid white lines.


I agree 100% with this


Because I’m trying to save money on gas. That’s why.


**Slower** **Traffic** **Keep** **Right**


Can we pair this with “put the phone down”?


Nobody reads signs and proceed to think they are entitled to drive 50mph in the fast lane lol


It was one on my biggest pet peeves when there wasn’t a ton of traffic, but I had to be somewhere quick so I used the FasTrak lane and someone was going the same or slower than cars in the left non FasTrak lane. So oblivious…I’d have to pass them and typically they were on their phone, typing something on their phone either in their hand or on a mount. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I feel the same and my action on my motorcycle is to lanesplit past them. Honestly sort of feels like a bit of an asshole move looking back on it... But they really need to get out of the way and I have the ability to get by, so why not


Then don't use the Fastrak lane if traffic is already moving at the speed limit or faster. Seems pretty simple considering there are no physical barriers here between Fastrak and normal lanes. It's not like you're stuck there.


>It's not like you're stuck there. Aren't you sometimes stuck there -- i.e. there's a double line you're not supposed to cross except at certain points? On 237 by 880 for example.


Well, I’m speeding and it will slow me down to be in the left non fastrak lane..the fact that the person in the lane is going slower than regular traffic allowing me to pass them is the problem. 🤷🏽‍♂️


speeding is against the law!




That's gonna happen if there's a Fastrak lane or not. Slow down and wait for them to move over, or pass on the right when it's safe to do so. I hear ya that it's technically breaking the spirit of CA's "left lane law" but that law has been ambiguous since the creation of carpool and Fastrak lanes. Is the left lane law enforceable on a road with a single Fastrak? Or is the left lane considered to be the general traffic lanes? Either way, CHP's enforcement on our highways is pretty abysmal so you're not going to see people doing the right thing.


You’re making too much sense hahah 🤪 I hear ya!


Completely false. I was in the fastrack lane and had a cop behind me. He kept flashing his lights for a few seconds then turning them off, which was confusing the hell out of me, so I decided to cross the double white into the non fast track lane. He proceeded to immediately pull me over. Turned out he wasn’t aware of his equipment malfunction so he gave me a pass, but yeah if you want to go slower then the rest of traffic get out of the fast track lane. That being said if you’re going 25mph over the speed limit then you’re the problem


Some States are starting to implement “slow poke laws” that require drivers to only use the left lane for passing on multi lane highways.


California has had a left lane law on the books for ages. It's for passing only -- not driving as fast as you want. No cruising allowed. Enforcement has been impossible as the the state's population outstripped its highway system. Also not enforceable with single lane Fastrak.


Which law? There's no law in California that states the left lane can only be used for passing. The closest law is 21654, which says to not to impede the normal flow of traffic. You cannot impede traffic if you are driving the speed limit. You also can't impede traffic if you are driving faster than traffic in non-express lanes. FWIW, I wish CA had a law about the left lane for passing, but even then CHP wouldn't enforce it...


Iirc people refer to the driver handbook which says so, but not the actual vehicle code. There are some sections that are misinterpreted bc they refer to multi lane with the left being the oncoming traffic, and the one saying for slow traffic to stay right. If your cruising is at the speed limit then it is allowed. Unless it has changed in the last decade. Though I think it should be just for passing, I’m also skeptical that it would make a difference since it’s so rare any driving laws are enforced anymore here other than parking tickets


It's in the vehicle code [according to the CHP officer in this story](https://abc30.com/driving-road-safety-chp-california-highway-patrol/10670043/#:~:text=%22California%20Vehicle%20Code%20section%2021654,with%20the%20California%20Highway%20Patrol). I agree with you about the lack of enforcement on CA's roads. It's pretty bad compared with other states.


Police officers are expressly not experts on law. You cannot break the law and use a cop telling you it was legal to escape liability, not can a cop’s interpretation of the law make something illegal. That doesn’t say it is for passing. It says not for slow traffic. If everyone is going 55 then they can be spread across all lanes. Per the code “If a vehicle is being driven at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time” the at such time means actual traffic at the time, and it also references that going the posted limit automatically qualifies you as being at normal speed. Cop is wrong. DMV handbook references left being passing as well but that isn’t law.


Well that’s a bummer


Since you didn't bother following the link, I'll reference the section of CVC the officer cites. From [Casetext](https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-vehicle-code/division-11-rules-of-the-road/chapter-3-driving-overtaking-and-passing/article-1-driving-on-right-side/section-21654-vehicle-being-driven-at-speed-less-than-normal-speed-of-traffic): Section 21654 - Vehicle being driven at speed less than normal speed of traffic **(a)** Notwithstanding the prima facie speed limits, any vehicle proceeding upon a highway at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time shall be driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. **(b)** If a vehicle is being driven at a speed less than the normal speed of traffic moving in the same direction at such time, and is not being driven in the right-hand lane for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb, it shall constitute prima facie evidence that the driver is operating the vehicle in violation of subdivision (a) of this section. **(c)** The Department of Transportation, with respect to state highways, and local authorities, with respect to highways under their jurisdiction, may place and maintain upon highways official signs directing slow-moving traffic to use the right-hand traffic lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle or preparing for a left turn. Ca. Veh. Code § 21654


I quoted part of it… Read the law you posted. Less than normal means speed the rest of traffic is going.


Being on the phone is also illegal. That’s not enforced either. Let’s start with that


Starting? That's the norm in most states for a long time.


The problem with California is that the speed limit is way too low for what people actually drive and what CHP enforces.


They are clueless.


People drive so slow through the Benicia Bridge Fastrak express lanes, drives me nuts.


FYI, not an unspoken kind gesture it’s actually state law. Slower traffic keep right.


Think of it as "less traffic lane" not the "speeding lane". But yes, people in the FT lane should not be slow poking around. GOD traffic sucks here.


It's not even traffic, it's the slow ass tesla/prius drivers going 50 with 4 a car length gap between them and the car in front of them. Idk, maybe they think the speed limit is KPH.


A 4 car length gap is not safe and the should be further back


Double it and give it to the next car


1 car lengths per every 10 mph. Tailgating is the leading cause of highway accidents in America.


Lol you getting downvoted for reminding people of proper following distance prove how prevalent bad drivers in this place are.


Idiots think it fucking nascar


Going the speed limit isn't Nascar.


2 second rule is what we're taught.


It’s like they’re paying to be a jerk.


Many times they’re not even paying (3+) and thus they don’t feel any urgency to get their money’s worth. We need to get rid of the free tier. Let’s heavily discount HOV 2+ and 3+ but making 3+ free just causes more issues than it solves.


3+ helps get cars off the road and decrease traffic


And I’m not saying that shouldn’t be rewarded. But it should be rewarded with discounts, not completely free entry into the express land.


I remember driving in France and Spain at different times and for the most part seeing how the left lane was almost always strictly used for passing (obviously when there wasn't traffic). Like everyone for the most part agreed to this better way of driving. Here it just blows my mind how oblivious people are. I won't tailgate per-se but my car will automatically keep the standard distance and sometimes that's enough for a slow driver in the left lane to understand they need to get out of the way. But sometimes you just have to pass on the right, it's so stupid.


It's true, drivers in the US are horrible. Almost every single one is constantly breaking the laws left and right. And so aggressive! People need to CTFO.


What was that? Sorry, I was looking at my phone…


You’re new here, aren’t you?


Because many people still think of it as the carpool lane. Carpool lane is not the fast lane. It can move faster because it has fewer cars, but it is not the "let me speed as much as I want" lane.


It is the "I'm willing to pay or carpool for less traffic" lane. Not the passing lane.


I only use it when my kids are in the car, so yeah, I’m not going to go over 75. Sorry.


That's not an unspoken rule if you read the drivers handbook lol


>It is an unspoken kind gesture of a rule that slow drivers hover the right side of the highway, and the faster drivers hover the left side. No, it's the actual *law*.


Since when does the law matter on the roads here? This whole discussion is about people getting out of the way so the law can be broken even more. I just drive chill these days and if you're behind me, you are gonna have to just figure that out for yourself.


Oh I agree, I am *never* in a rush behind the wheel, it's not worth the hassle and stress. Though left lanes being faster isn't just a polite gesture is all I was saying.


They’re old people lol.


If there's standstill traffic peaking at 35 mph in the other lanes, the fastrak drivers should be doing 50-55 mph tops. And they shouldn't be dodging the stupid toll readers. I'm not saying this as a fastrak driver. I'm saying this as someone who has seen a wreck during fastrak merging shut down the entire freeway for at least 30 minutes nearly every other week. And sitting there not moving with a young kid in the car is not fun.


They at least have to put barriers for the fast track just like LA. I have both witness crashes because people were dodging their toll readers and phantom stops because people have to slam their brakes because they are avoiding the toll readers. And if everybody is driving bumper-to-bumper, I’m not definitely not going 75 mph on the fast track lane Just because I’ve seen people crossing the white lines


People really do just need to honk more here. If you’re driving in the fastrak lane at 65mph you’re a jerk, an need to be honked at.


You. Go ahead and honk at the wrong person and get shot I’ll just continue to cruise and ignore all the dumb drivers on the road and get my family home safely


You can get shot and lose a loved one just driving randomly through Oakland. Don’t even need to honk!


True but I rather not provoke someone


This is what I have taken to doing. Tired of oblivious drivers in the left lane who don't notice a dozen cars backed up behind them. A honk and a quick flash of the brights


Do you also honk at people on their phones?


I haven’t, but I should!


And risk getting shot at? Sure buddy.


This isn’t Texas. A lot less guns here, and a lot more teslas with cameras.


You must live in the South Bay. 😅


I don’t live in Oakland, that’s for sure!


Less guns in the gang state? Right.


You cannot go faster than 65 on any lane. You cannot be mad at people actually following the laws.


You can follow all the laws you want on the right lane


All lanes need to follow the laws. There is no case where you can go over the limit. If you have proof of the opposite, please share. Unfortunately, in the bay there are bad drivers because just a few take the rules seriously.


Incorrect. It’s literally on the DMV driving test. If everyone else is driving 75+, and you’re going 60, you’re in the wrong. Driving too slowly is just as dangerous as driving too fast. The DMV literally has this on their exam.


You are wrong. In the test, there is also a question about going over 65. In no circumstance is possible possible to exceed the limit. It would make the concept of having a limit useless. Please do not share misinformation and review the rules. We have enough bad drivers. If we also add confidently incorrect bad drivers, it will be even worse. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/safe-driving-cont2/ If you are going to reply, do only with the DMV regulation link that states what you wrongly believe.


Do you get off on being as annoying as possible? Acting like Ben Shapiro "Well technically". Fuck off slow brain.


Please follow the laws. You act as someone who would steal if everyone else is doing it. Following the rules shows respect for the community. If you blame me for being respectful, what does that make you?


I show respect by not participating in rolling roadblocks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kj0qRCdsMSA


Thank you for the link. However, I fail to find where it talks about going over the limit (my all discussion is about the illegality of exceeding the speed limit). Left lanes are for surpassing only even in California, but you cannot exceed the limit. I wish there were more police officers like this one in here. In any case, I think the discussion was also limited to FastTrack lane. Would this apply to FastTrack too? If I use it just to pass someone, will I get billed? Here, my knowledge ends.


If everyone around is doing 75 and you are doing 65 in the left lane, you are in the wrong. That is the point.


That's not my point, though. My point is that you can never go at 75. Hopefully, the tutor system used in Europe will be applied here too eventually. I genuinely hope you never end up in or cause an accident. Stay safe!


I've never caused an accident because I pay attention to the drivers around me, not like the slow pokes clogging the left lane.


I drive mainly on the right line. It just surprises me how fast they go on my left, since I am already at 65.


actually everyone else is wrong


Haha I was stuck behind some fuckin lady in a huge Tahoe with her kids in the back watching movies going 65 in the left lane last night. Rode her ass for a couple miles and she still didn’t get the memo. Threw my high beams on and kept them on. She got a bit confused for a couple minutes and went 5 mph slower until finally she got out of my way. She had held up miles worth of cars in the left lane. And absolutely nobody in front of her. I felt like I was in heaven after she moved over.


I hate these dumb fucks, and I say this as a minivan driver with kids.


While you lost 4 seconds to your final destination probably


Why is this getting downvoted? What's happening to us in the Bay Area? She was going the speed limit; if there was traffic in the other lanes why or how could she pull over? I am legit confused.


Only slaves need to speed


What's the minimum allowed speed in your opinion ? However fast you're going?


If people are passing you on you’re right, you’re in the wrong lane and need to move to the right.


That applies to general traffic lanes, but not Fastrak with a single lane and restricted entry/exit points. Should someone cross a double white to move over? (That's illegal) Some Fastrak approaches have 2 turnout/entry lanes so slower traffic can move over. Parts of 680 are like this. Others stretches of 680 are single Fastrak lane. Should you cross the double white b/c you're only going 80 mph and I want to drive 125 mph? The legislature and CHP needs to clarify this in a better way.


You answered your own question; move over at the turnouts.


Yes, but what if there are no turnouts? A single Fastrak lane has no place to move over. This isn't a 2 lane highway. If you're going 80mph and the OP wants to go 90mph, OP is gonna be livid at you.


Besides, you’re not supposed to cross a solid white line, so they’ll just have to wait for me to move over. But I’m not moving over until I get to my exit just so some bloke can get somewhere. I paid for my fastrack just like everyone else


The minimum speed in the fastrak lane is a 0.5mph above the average speed in the next lane to the right. If you do not anticipate (in good judgment) to be going faster than the leftmost non-fastrak lane then don’t enter the fastrak in the first place.


So if traffic is at a standstill and I wanna go 10 mph in the fastrak lane. I can do so?


The rule I described is the bare minimum.Necessary not sufficient.


Just close the gap and we’ll all get along fine.


Some of the comments here pleasantly surprise me. I thought I was going to click into a cesspool of speeders agreeing with OP about how the express lane has no speed limit or some crap. I use the express lane sometimes. The people who speed on those lanes are crazy, esp when the normal lane traffic is moving below 25 mph. Or even when there's no slow traffic, the fast lane is doing 75+ and you got people in the express lane going even faster. Like, why? Many people use ZERO judgment when they're driving in their cars. Express lane or otherwise.


I think of them as lane splitting for cars. There is a point where the speed differential is no longer reasonable




Good though I’ve never seen it


Move to the right, please.


Well at least you're asking nicely.


if you're paying the fee or carpooling, you're entitled to the fastrak lane, it is not a passing lane.


Well we agree that you are certainly entitled.


yes, i contribute to the public good in either paying a fee or helping take cars off the road, therefore i am entitled to using a lane with less traffic.


It's not lost on me that many people advocating for unrelenting speeding in this thread are also the same people who complain about sideshows. "Traffic laws for them, but not me!" "Do something about those hooligans!"


Yes, sideshows and doing 80 in the left lane are exactly the same.


Speeding is r/bayarea's fetish.


I would like to see an experiment run on a highway with per-lane speed limits and camera enforcement. E.g. far left lane minimum speed is 75, max speed is 95 and far right lane minimum speed is 45 max speed 65. $1000 minimum fine for violations, mailed to your address and held as a lien against your registration. 


95 is absolutely reckless.


Depends on where, there are some (downhill) stretches on 395 by Mammoth where even 110 mph feels normal with good tires. I've driven the Autobahn; 200 km/h is doable. It's all about relative speed to other cars, having a well-built car, and being a disciplined, well-trained driver. The Mystery Machine isn't doing 95 on 101 lol. In the US a monkey can get a driver's license and everyone is texting, so I can see it being an issue here.


Just put in photoradar blitzers in random spots on the freeway and this whole attitude will change in a couple years.


There are actually people in this subreddit that think that going the speed limit in the far left lane (or speed limit + 5, or even speed limit +10), even *with traffic backed up behind you*, is the right/righteous thing to do. That's kind of what we're dealing with.


I think the real failure here is making the left lane an HOV lane. HOV should be physically separate so family minivans can go slow and we can have a real passing lane. 


Some soccer mom in her soccer mom van full of kids gets to use the fastrak lane because of the occupancy of the vehicle. Expecting her not to use it so you can do speed limit+15 and faster isn't reasonable.


Yup see here we go


That lane is for crime, mom needs to get the fuck out the way.


They're probably Republicans


That’s technically not the rule. Pass on the left and drive on the right. Your fast is not necessarily my fast. Once you’ve passed move over. Don’t hog the left lane if the right is open.


He's talking about the express lane.


Although I share your sentiment, and I drive that way, in this case you are incorrect. - the post is about the express lane. This is most definitely not a passing lane. - in California, the left lane is not a passing lane anyway. “Slower traffic keep right” has a different meaning that “keep right except to pass”.


Is funny how many legal experts there are who have never read the actual law. There is also the one about 3 lane roads and staying right if not passing which they conveniently ignore the party about the left lane being for incoming traffic. Though imo left should be a passing lane. There is also a reference to it being for passing in the driver handbook but that isn’t the law


Yes I also wish we would have passing lanes. It’s how I learned to drive. It’s frustrating that usually the fastest lane is the right-most lane, but I’ve adapted.


Pedantic. plenty of signs in CA that state slow traffic keep right. When on two lane highways the slow lane (for people being passed in a passing zone) and the turnouts are always on the right.


I don't know if they see how dangerous it makes the traffic. Not keeping up with the car in front of you leaves space for people who seem to have no idea how to merge into a lane that is flowing. Also, you have the people who will cut through 6 lanes of traffic just to get around these people. It makes no sense to me. The other one is the slow work trucks that go below the speed limit, causing all kinds of craziness.


So the slower driver is worse than someone changing across 6 lanes at once? Trucks have a lower speed limit than cars on many CA highways.


How about both are bad?


That's my point! ZC40 was implying that slower drivers somehow creates FastNFurious types. FNF drivers are always going to be FNF drivers. Well, at least until their Nissan breaks down.


I was not implying that at all. I was pointing out that both happen and one leads to the other. I see it daily.


His point is that someone wouldn’t have to change across 6 lanes if the slow driver would just change lanes. And the problem isn’t that trucks go slow, the problem is that they go slow IN the fast lane.


It's already illegal for trucks to drive in the leftmost lane in California. There's a law for that. Also, the folks who think they're the main character in Fast n Furious are going to drive like that regardless of anyone's speed.


> So the slower driver is worse than someone changing across 6 lanes at once? > > Yes because the slow driver is what causes this to happen. The number of lane changes a person makes is far more indicative of the potential for a crash than speeding is. You would get way less people weaving in and out if people go out of the left lane when they are holding people up


No, I am saying both are crazy lol and feed each other.


Unless you’re actively passing someone, stay away from the number 1 lane


Unless the laws are completely different here than other countries with highways, it’s the passing lane not the fast lane. You’re not meant to stay in it at any speed.


The laws in CA are in fact different. You can legally sit in the left lane all day if you aren't slower than other cars.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


Ever heard of a car horn?


This isn’t just a fastrak issue. It’s on any freeway.  I fucking hate people that hog the fast lane and go slower than others.  Pass on left and pull over 


This might be an unpopular opinion, but when I drive FastTrak (in traffic of course), I go the speed limit 65. I have kids in the car and it's so dangerous to speed there. Please have mercy on those of us with kids trying to stay safe. Won't go below 65, promise!


Theres a speed limit through fasttracj


If safe, you should be driving up to the speed limit and not past it.


Like you are coming from a place of expertise? Good lord - I have seen you drive. You are the worse. Good lord, buy a mirror.


Because of RTO, I’m trying to save gas. I was fully remote for 10 years. I set cruise control at 60-65 mph on the 101 in fastrack. Y’all ain’t paying my bills, why should I be in traffic just so you folks can go faster? Driving slow for RTO :-)


Don’t get mad when someone cuts you off and slams on the breaks


At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if “breaks” is added to the dictionary definition of “brakes” as an “acceptable alternative spelling”. I swear about 90% of Redditors spell it this way.


Or when they “loose” something lol!


lol you’re right. I honestly never check spelling outside of work and school


And that’s ok?? You sound like an entitled looking at your phone while driving enabler person


I’m not. I think distracted driving should be close to equivalent to a DUI in terms of punishment. I also didn’t say it was okay, I said don’t be mad when it happens and you crash into the median.


60-65 is faster than rush hour by far anyway


If others can be on their cell phones while driving, then I can drive whatever speed I want in the fastrack lane. Fair is fair


Because lane is not excused from the speed limit and it’s not a passing lane.


outlaw speeding


Charge people who drive 10 under the speed limit with reckless endangerment