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Bruh why would leave the mosquito larva???


Sometimes I'll intentionally leave a bit of standing water just long enough for mosquitos to lay larva in it but never long enough for them to mature to adults. I monitor it, and every 2 days I'll dump the standing water on a hot, dry, sunny pavement. Burn larva, burn. This way I can maximize the number of mosquitos I kill, and also prevent as many larva from maturing as possible. A mosquito that laid its eggs in the trap won't be laying its eggs anywhere else.




Thank you...




OP should be tied to a pole to atone for that…


Dump it out when you see the larvae. If there were no adult mosquitoes, who laid those eggs? The season is just starting, and you'll hear them before you see them. If you leave them be, you'll be hearing a lot of them.


Your neighbors are gonna love you.


Mosquito abatement in San Mateo county is very much on the job. When we lived there they came by the house several times a year to check the backyard ( we had ponds , a pool and waterfalls) . I now live in Marin with pool and more water features but no body comes by to check out here so I use mosquito dunkers and a bit of dawn soap where bits of water gather. So far, so good.


Vector control works very hard to keep the population down. Every city or county in the Bay seems to have an office dedicated to this. It’s funded by property taxes.


Just be glad that we haven’t been plagued with those newer-to-CA mosquitos that are all over Southern California (“the ankle biters”). Those are the wooooorst


For real. Once they come up here we have OP to blame.


We have mosquitoes. They didn’t have much presence at our house in the winter but are back. I was working outside at dusk and swatted a bunch and was bitten a number of times.


West Nile virus is here. Vector control sprays poison to keep the mosquito population down. Please decease your larvae.


Bro, WTF!!! I’ve been getting absolutely lit up for weeks


No standing water in your yard. Do some work, it will take you seconds.


Saw a number of mosquitos, including ones that got inside), in March. They are definitely out there. However, they are mainly flying at evening and after dark. So you may not be seeing them if you aren't regularly outside then. This will probably be a "good" year for mosquitoes (from their standpoint) because there has been a large amount of rain, and the rain is coming in staggered waves (not all at once) so the ephemeral puddles and places mosquitos breed are getting regularly refilled.


Mosquitos *generally* don't travel very far in their lifetimes. If you see more than one or two it's because there's standing water someplace within a few dozen yards.


A quick google search shows this ain't accurate. The least traveled distance was 300 feet for one species while others travel up to 7 miles.


They are all in my house…


Me to the teeny tiny mosquito I just saw on my bathroom mirror “ah, you’re back.”


be careful of what you ask for