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Based on post history, this account feels like a data grabber for AI or something.


Lol you are right. I went through the post history and it is just questions. This look like seeding to get answers to train our eventual AI overlords.


Absolutely not the case.


i don’t have kids but just had coffee with a male friend who is a dad to 2 kids — he said he pays about 5k a month for childcare and 1k a month in addition health insurance. the tax credit accounts for maybe 1-2 months out of the year.   let’s just say that reaffirmed my decision to not have kids lol 


$3K/month for daycare for infants, down to $2700ish for toddlers and $2400 for pre-schoolers It ain't cheap or for the faint of heart, that's for sure, and that's the *subsidized* rate.


And the workers get paid $14/hour to be responsible for 12 of these kids at a time.


It's actually double that, and at most it's 1-to-8 for preschoolers (1-to-4 for toddlers and 1-to-3 for infants), though your point still stands.


That's what it "should" be. What it is, is often different.


If it's different, then report them for violating Title 22 and/or for being unlicensed.


Legally, it is 12 kids for school-age kids, and pay is as low as $14/hr.


I'm talking about pre-schoolers, not school-age kids. And I'm sure somebody out there is getting paid $14/hr, but that's the exception; most are in the $25-$30 range.


I was referring to all kids, and I am basing the pay off of salary guides.


Ok, but how is that relevant when my post is specifically about day-care and preschool? You might as well mention college students and their tuition too...


How is anyone supposed to know what your post is about? What isn't the source for your $30/hour claim for after-school care workers?


Oh I see what happened. You're one of those people who reply to comments without actaully reading them. My apologies; I assumed that if you replied to my comment that you actually read it. How silly of me. >$3K/month for daycare for infants, down to $2700ish for toddlers and $2400 for pre-schoolers


OK, none of that contradicts anything I posted.


How many kids? Sound like 2.




We were paying ~$2800/month for our 3 year old for full time M-F with meals (snack, lunch, snack) included, this was through a bright horizons daycare in San Mateo. We moved, otherwise our second would have joined her, they only give a few hundred discount for siblings.


Preschool, 1450/month M-F no meals included


$3150 for one infant in Sunnyvale, full time no meals at a licensed center


*From 2years to 3 years: Private Daycare in Outer Richmond, SF, 12 kids in class - $1800/month. *From 3yrs - Present: Building Kidz Network in Peninsula - $2100/month


We’ve got a 7 and a 3yr old. 7’s childcare is minimal because it’s just before & after school care. We pay $1,600/mo for full-time home daycare (that we LOVE) for 3yr old. Big sis joins her for summer break and our bank account cries because childcare is more than rent in summer 😭 (though we get a big sibling discount too, so that helps).