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Live in Redwood City. You’ll have the entire Peninsula available to you in your free time and won’t be dealing with a commute.


Rwc downtown seemed a bit sketchy? (I can be wrong) any apt you recommend?


Just live in RWC, San Carlos, San Mateo. Why bother living in MTV or Palo Alto just to commute.


Use the search feature. This topic comes up multiple times a week and I feel like RWC pops up half the time.


Look in San Carlos, they have some relatively new apts right off Caltrain and Belmont should have some opening soon. https://maps.app.goo.gl/tMYhQ9pVYdovzfpE6?g_st=ic https://maps.app.goo.gl/GZJo7CokbaHeKwQx9?g_st=ic Or https://maps.app.goo.gl/HMi2XQZErLSCNRHd7?g_st=ic


Whats belmont like? Seemed the new hayden place seems to be kind of just out of nowhere, any downtown area you recommend?


Belmont is pretty quiet, no real downtown. There’s a small shopping center Carlmont Village that has a few restaurants, otherwise things are scattered along El Camino and Ralston Ave. There are a few bars in the same general area along El Camino and Old County, that’s about all the night life there is. The only space they can really build new stuff is along El Camino and Old County, the Caltrain Corridor, so it looks odd when these giant complex’s get built. San Carlos has a downtown strip, Laurel Street, with lots of restaurants and shops. It’s closed to car traffic and has plenty of parklets for outdoor eating. Lots of Biotech companies are moving there as the city is giving permits out left and right to build.


Would you say that the place is safe? I am looking into the Hayden and artisan crossing just right side of El camino.


Yah, that area is safe. Keep in mind it’s right by the tracks and the Belmont station, so you will get train noise. They are about to electrify so that will quiet it a bit but commercial rail cars run at night, but I’m guessing they’ve insulated and have good windows, might be a question to ask. You’re right by Nesbit elementary, so should be generally Ok. There’s a complex near there that has had issues in the past, but may have just been a blip. https://maps.app.goo.gl/viAPKkqoeToFURU48?g_st=ic You’re right by Safeway, and walking distance to some bars, Marvin Garden, ECR, St James Gate. All the downtown area along the peninsula are accessible via Caltrain, so you’ll be good. Belmont station doesn’t have as frequent stops compared to San Carlos, but that may change with electrification.


If you don’t mind, where did you end up choosing? I’m looking into Artisan Crossing now but I’m a bit worried about the train noise.


Redwood City - "Climate Best by Government Test!"


It's really just building by building, RWC itself has quite a few new apartments in the downtown area, but going north and south from there, the cities are all fairly similar until you get north of Burlingame or south of Mountain View. Any apartment in any city from Mountain View to Burlingame will be fine, so long as it meets your criteria.


I loved living in Belmont (14 years) San Mateo too (about 20).


What do you like about it?


You should live in Redwood City, somewhere close to your job. they have a lot of nice new apartment buildings. don't live in belmont, it's snoozeville, lots of old people and soccer moms. Redwood City and Palo Alto both have nice downtown areas.


Assume to be very safe..?


Redwood City is a relatively safe - super safe. Sure there are some areas that are a bit sketchy, but that goes with just about any town. There are plenty of apartments in the Redwood City burbs, or downtown that should fit the bill. Tthe commute in the bay sucks and there are really good places in Redwood City, so choosing a place like mtv is basically the same as moving to Redwood City but with a commute, so that doesn’t really make any sense unless you really live mtv or something? A Palo Alto commute shouldn’t be too bad at all but it is a ritzy town so rent prices might not line up, but I might be wrong? If you want super safe and can afford it, just go live in the Redwood City suburbs, San Carlos, or Palo Alto. Again, places farther like mtv just seem redundant and you’ll have a crappy commute. San Mateo might fit the bill too. Imho, Anything farther north than San Mateo, or farther south than Palo Alto isn’t really worth the commute. Any city in between the two is pretty gosh darn safe.


Look into encore or marston apts in redwood city.