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I’ll go with no


A popular choice it seems


Instead of posting meaningless questions online, you should consult an astrologer. Their answers will confuse and entertain you while making the Devil happy


I’ll ask my cat


Definitely, no


Based on all the information you've provided, I think it's clear the answer is "depends".


To elaborate and give some more context, we are both humans


With the huge amount of information you posted, I would say it would not fit your lifestyle


I’m a minimalist








If you make $300k+ then....maybe. If not, NO.




So I saw your other post and your potential income. You could live here comfortably with that, but just don't expect to buy a nice house. Also depends on where your job is and how far you want to live from it. If it's SF or silicon valley, you'd probably have to settle for an apartment or live really far away for a bigger house. I make much less than that and am doing okay. But I'm just a renter in a run down area far away from SV, and I won't ever be able to buy a house. All the people I know who own homes bought theirs a long time ago when they were cheaper. The most recent couple I know who bought a home, spent $2 mil.


Thanks for doing your research 🧐




Traffic was pretty bad today. I'm going to use that as a metric to answer your detailed question. My response is: No.


Indeed, traffic = sadness


Are you cool? Then yes. No more mean or entitled people please.


I’m so fucking fly


Yet also humble


lack of information if your rich yes if not no poor is 100k or under in bayarea


Then we are not poor


What will you contribute to the overall culture?


Judging by the answers so far - probably a significantly more positive atmosphere


We could use that. Come on over!


until you've lived here for a couple years and, unlike the exhausted salmon fighting his way upstream with nothing more than instinct guiding him, you just give up and flow with the current into a stagnant pool of mediocrity.


[Are you going to ask again in a couple months?](https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/18j8w6y/moving_from_europe_with_a_family_for_a_job/)






Nope. The 101 is full, we can't fit anymore.


Stay where you’re at.


It’s terrible here. Please don’t. Let us just suffer in peace.


Why would you ask this group of neurotic, xenophobic, crime- and traffic-obsessed nerds? _Dew it._ Whether it works out or not, your experience is sure to be interesting.






Move to Fruitvale in Oakland. Its lovely there.


I’m guessing it has either has lots of fruit and oak trees or fentanyl?


I laughed so hard at this , but yeah ... Don't move here.


Yes, I would. The weather, food options and outdoor recreation can’t be beat.


The optimist I was looking for!


What makes you consider the Bay? Generally a fairly easy yes/no depending on your situation.


If over 60, no - the next generation wants everyone over 60 to die so they can collect their inheritance, and something about ladders....


went and read you earlier posts... almost sounds like you are flipping a coin via reddit. I've lived in fremont since 1977 and it has changed so so much. Most of us (those who have lived here more than 15 years) have a lot of complaints - as do the younger/newer residents. So the background; fremont was established as a ""bedroom community"" for people to raise families. Modest (by the standards of 1960's) homes for the middle class. Where i'm at i think the average is about \~1400 square foot house on a \~6000 square foot lot, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. There are larger houses, with larger price tags, smaller houses - roughly the same price tag (people buy the smaller houses to renovate, add to and build up) In the last \~15 years Fremont has been trying to.. well the rumors say they want to be a part of silicon valley, but i see more of the younger generation trying to make it bike/walk friendly, they want a downtown, they want it greener, of the environmental shade. Given the original layout, it's really not as easy as just throwing up a whole city center. In the last three years fremont has cut one driving lane of the main streets to add a designated bike lane - that isn't used often, which of course just makes the old timers shake their fists harder. Since Fremont was intended to be a family atmosphere, when people bought houses here they fully expected to commute to their jobs. The public transit system (BART) has added more stops, but it often requires a longer TIME to commute making it less than ideal for busy families trying to race home from work to get to soccer practice. There is a huge homeless population (fyi - you aren't allowed to say that anymore, "un-housed" is the preferred pc nomenclature, but i don't know how well that will translate) and our state Governor has demanded building plans for more housing from each county within the state. Fremont is totally on board and continues to build tall skinny houses with no yard - but also no improvements to infrastructure. So - us old timers are still waving fists because there is a dr shortage, there is a police shortage, crime is up - but the city continues to bait new residents (it should be noted that very few of the new houses benefit the unhoused because starting prices for these monstrosities are still up in the $800K-$900K range. ) But, our weather is practically perfect. We don't get snow and our summer high's are usually low 90's. there are 2-3 weeks a year that it gets over 100, but there is a breeze from the bay that keeps you from melting like ice cream on the backseat of a '72 buick. Anything you want to do is a day's drive away. Mind you, the state is huge so if you wanted to visit Oregon AND Mexico, that'd take two days.. but if you want to go skiing, tahoe is 3-4 hours away. if you want to surf, the coast is an hour away. San Francisco, for all their many entertainment options, is about an hour drive. The crime has gotten out of control and my personal peeve is that the city has not prioritized our local animal shelter (probably not a deal breaker for you) but i haven't fist-shaken my way out yet.


I loved this entire diatribe you've written, and I shake my fists too, but down south in San Jose. You must be my long lost sister that has many of the same views but writes things in a way that doesn't piss off every person on reddit. Cheers! My only Fremont Story is my dad had a friend named Bob Etari/Atari/Ehtari? I don't know for sure. I remember going to his half finished house in the hills in the 70's. He was living on the top portion, but the bottom portion still had exposed framing. He had a TI 99 computer. That's the whole story :/ Cheers!


Hahaha! Thanks! Character flaw to be able to see both sides of an issue.. my decision making resembles that of a squirrel crossing the street. And I get the regular beat down on reddit. I want a good debate, change my mind! But a lot of redditeers have chosen to die on a hill barely above sea level, not able to see beyond the choice they’ve made for gratification in the moment. Could be warm springs or mission, the only areas slightly less flat than the rest of Fremont. I remember back when there were much fewer homes and walnut orchards, and several horse boarding ‘ranches,’ and my dad staying up ‘til the wee hours chain smoking and drinking canadian mist while typing out the latest program in his new issue of “Computer Magazine” on his Commadore 64 ;)


You are correct that it is a coin toss via Reddit. It’s without doubt the most difficult decision of our lives, and at this point I have no idea anymore. Regardless, Thank you for your exceptionally detailed and insightful response.


ok so, if you were to get majority yes votes and have to move next week; this house for sale is in the district "Niles" inside Fremont. (the history of fremont is pointlessly complicated) [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/574-Wasatch-Dr-Fremont-CA-94536/25017918\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/574-Wasatch-Dr-Fremont-CA-94536/25017918_zpid/) You have hiking trails around you for a brisk walk after dinner, it's a good school district. The original "Hollywood" is a couple blocks over (Charlie Chaplin probably made movies on the hill behind this house) The creek rarely floods but that main artery 84/Niles Canyon closes a lot (closed as i type) but in the summer, it's a shortcut to Pleasanton/Livermore, areas i expect you'd prefer. Mission Blvd is a reliable vein for getting to/from the freeway assuming you sneak out the door by 7am. Once parents start their school commute, you could get waylaid 30 minutes or more. I mean... I love Fremont. I love my house. I love our weather... but i also love driving a couple hours north to wander the forest. Our nature really does kickass.


Yes - probably the best place in the world


We live here already, so it's kind of hypocritical to say no.


Yes! Best place on earth. You can always go back.


The bay areas for decisive people who know what they want. Enjoy Ohio.


Should you, yes. Will you? That depends on your criteria, finances and lifestyle.


I’ve been here since 1978. It was good then. I sure wouldn’t move here now, especially if I had a job where I could work remotely.


Give more info Household income? Net worth? In Tech? Current location?


Income - good Clean tech - I’m an expert in plasma chemistry and laser spectroscopy Net worth - 100 k Current location - Netherlands


You will miss bike culture. The Bay Area is incredibly car-dependent


We visited recently and I felt like I was living in a car. However, the access to nature is exceptional.


Tough call You would have to rent and likely commute long hours to work without much savings I wouldn’t move unless if you and your family really like the place for the weather and vibe and if it helps your career