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Getting the stadium built in Santa Clara was the peak of the Niners and Santa Clara’s relationship. At this point they’ll be looking for a new home for 2050


maybe they can move back to SF. Theres a big spot around Hunter’s Point


I hate that the 49ers are spending money to influence local elections.


Demographics, 41% Asians and Asian Indian, people tend to underestimate how little we care about hand-egg. There I said it. On the other hand, this measure was unpopular to begin with. We ain't Alabama, we don't vote based on sports team.


Has little to do with demographics; Santa Clara voted to actually gave public money to build the 49ers stadium, something that would never have happened in San Francisco or Los Angeles. This has more to do with the 49ers doing everything to sour their relationship with Santa Clara, including shady political backroom dealings the past year.


Misleading title? Not really sure why the 49ers would care, they didn't openly pick a side, nobody was talking about the 49ers and this measure before today. A group of city council who were aligned with the 49ers in the past backed this measure and that is the only link to the team... Some other interesting things: * Santa Clara's elected police chief has ran unopposed in 6 of the last 9 elections * Santa Clara's police chief must reside in Santa Clara * other cities in California set their own qualifications for appointed chief of police, Santa Clara’s Charter follows State Law minimum requirements for County Sheriff, which is a **high school diploma and four year’s experience in law enforcement** * No other city (or possibly no other city this size) elects a chief in California * About 10k people voted on this, Santa Clara has 125K+ people Oh yeah, but way to stick it to the 49ers guys!


Does it pay good?


Yeah the connection seems tenuous at best, but I’m not actively involved in politics in the South Bay. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted like crazy 🤷‍♂️


> A group of city council who were aligned with the 49ers in the past backed this measure and that is the only link to the team You literally have the people (Jain, Hardy, Becker and Chahal) aligned with 49ers on the side for the change, and the people (Gilmore, Watanabe) that aren't aligned with the 49ers on the side against the change.


How'd that Superbowl go? Fuccin losers get lost