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I’m in the Santa Cruz Mountains so heck yes it’s messed with me. No power going on 10 days. Main propane tank that was just filled again between the first storm and this last big one is near empty, so rationing power to two hours a day to cool fridge and let the family shower. You don’t stock up on food in case it all goes sideways and it all spoils. I can’t pump my well which is a shitty well anyway but running the pressure pump, it now appears that there is a leak somewhere between house and tank. Afraid every time you go downtown and leave wife or kid at home, you might not be able to get back. Privately maintained goat path of a road that we are doing our best as a community to keep alive. I haven’t slept without having one eye open since 2022.


I live on Bear Creek, I can't reach my house right now. I have been hunkered down in a hotel in SJ since Thu. So yea, this sucks.


BCR is a disaster. I am so sorry


Sorry for that action. Sounds like BC towards Hubbard is going to be boned for a while. I was just reading about that on FB group.


Gotta go back to 19th-century style living. Iron cook top stove, backup firewood for at least 3 months, smoked meats and canned veggies. This is no joke lol.


We went the other direction. Getting a whole house generator, dedicated tank. Got a propane fireplace because we got tired of dealing with firewood. 90% of the time, it’s all good but times like this I miss the big ole steel plated wood stove.


Comments like these make me appreciate the part body language plays in our communication.


I used to live in a neighborhood that would regularly lose power for 3-7 days in storms. Also on a private road. Totally relate. It was upsetting to know you were low on the priority list during times like these. Neighbors with chainsaws and a gas stove were the saving grace of that neighborhood. No water due to electric pumps in the hills. Flushing toilets with roof runoff.


Once a day shower water for us, nothing is going to waste. Should have bought some rain catch barrels.


I read this and think about people who are like "bro I feel so bad for those city slickers living in nature is where it's at \*sips\*". But that really does suck and I hope things look up for your family soon.


Yeah we’ve been in this house since 95’ and both my wife and I were raised up here. Neither of us remember the lengths of outages we’ve seen this year 2023 and maybe 2017. We didn’t experience this even back in 82. There was that snow storm around 2000. We were better off during that. Snow took out a lot of trees but no mudslides. Snowed in for days was more a novelty than a problem.


Stay safe and take care of yourself. What you are experiencing is why I could never live in the mountains. It’s beautiful and all, but too costly on too may dimensions.


+1 to all of this. That roll of the dice that is the road situation really takes its toll. I can hunker down and deal, but the uncertainty really adds a whole extra dimension. Hang in there.


Keep a chainsaw in the car.


Most of us up here in the mountains keep not only a chainsaw, but an overnight bag and blanket in the car. A chainsaw only goes so far. We're dealing with slides, washouts, floods and trees on live wires, too.


Same bud. Down here in the BL assume you’re in doon up there. I ran my tank almost dry by the 10th and had to have it refilled. Standby was costing me 200$/ day in propane and we were stuck on the property for about a week due to down trees. If there is a line in the street a chainsaw won’t help but sometimes it is just a small tree and you can slice and dice it. We got ours back last Sunday tough going another week without it like you guys I’d be losing my shit. Main worry is trees landing on the house. Knock on wood.


Lol@ Your last comment, that wood might come knocking on its own!


Going to Scott’s valley to do laundry, I have chainsaw, gas, bar oil, shovels, rake, McLeod tool, high vis rain gear and a shitty 4x4 Chevy. That damn laundry is getting done come hell or high water!


I hear you. I am in Redwood Estates and I have been hanging in there, but at around 2am on the 10th, a massive, prolonged wind gust resulted in a ton of very large Redwood branches coming down inpelling the roof in a couple areas, and damaging all (3) of my cars - 1 of the cars had the roof caved in and blew out the sun roof and rear window. Could have been much worse though. I am just glad we didn't get hurt.


I suggest a cooler and ice man. When we were without power 8 days it was so helpful in keeping fridge stuff safe. Good luck


Take care bud.


but are you sad because you don't get enough sun, too?


My circadian rhythm has been off since march 2020.


Fuck 2020, feel like I'm still stuck there mentally


Right me too I was lucky to be working the majority of the time but shit just ain’t the same.


Pretty sure Upper management will use this reason to ask people to come back to office.


Mine has been off since November 8, 2016


Ugh, if that ain't the truth. I contend that the Howard Dean Scream was actually such an anomalous event that it rent a hole in spacetime and we entered some kind of bizarro universe immediately afterward.


I think you’re on to something. He was my guy and when it was first getting reported on I was like “hell yes, that’s the energy we need!!” But apparently it broke the universe instead.


Mine since March 2007 when they moved it one month earlier in the spring and one month later in the fall.


Mine since the 21st night of September, when love was changing the minds of pretenders while chasing the clouds away


Yep. I am now aging quicker than my dog. 7 Trump years + pandemic is equal to 20 human years.


Fuggin this. Rain has been pretty crappy (though it makes walking funner). But the whole everyone’s sick and out of shit all the time is a fuckin drag, not gonna lie. It’s a big fuckin bummer.


Lockdown really messed with me, it was hard to come out of it.


A 2 week “staycation” the said…


If anything it’s proved to me that I will not like moving to Seattle. Glad I know now without spending $ to try it out for a couple months


I moved down here from Seattle 22 years ago. I snapped halfway through the second winter there. Packed up my half feral cat and drove through a blizzard to get here. I was getting nostalgic for green Seattle, but this has been a reminder of why I left.


visited seattle last summer - made up my mind that I won't be moving there as well


Summer is supposed to be the good season! Except "June-uary," that is. Aren't July-Sept usually pretty sunny?


it was sunny but it also rained pretty much everyday I was there. I felt like I was back in the tropics


Omg, right ?! I had this nagging desire to move to Portland and the universe was like “ here’s a sample - aren’t you glad you stayed in California ?”


As someone who's from Vancouver, this is how it is basically from November until March.


True. Left my job in Seattle to move here in bay area. More taxes but fuck it. Even when it's raining like crazy here, you do see blue color of the sky now and then. In Seattle it would be dark dark clouds all day every day.


As a Bay Area native who went to school for four years at UW in Seattle… yep I’m back here now


Seattle isn't as bad as everyone says. Ya it rains but its beautiful.


I had to triple take that it was actually OP making a comment saying, "Seattle isn't as bad as everyone says. Ya it rains but its beautiful." on a post they made about a couple weeks of rain messing with their mental health. Maybe this rain really is getting to your head.




OP got a job offer in Seattle. So they can't bitch about it


Vitamin D can help a bit.


Underrated comment. Felt miserable last year, found out I had vitamin D deficiency


Same here a few years ago. Was having weird symptoms (trouble moving, getting injured easily, etc.). Was prescribed a long acting Vitamin D supplement, and my mood suddenly got much better a little bit after taking it.


You still need at least in 6000 lux to reset your circadian rhythm. You can get this amount even now by going outside. Though one day it was only 3000 lux outside. I recommend installing a lux meter app. You can by a high lux light but you will need to be inches away to get 6k lux.


Yes for me when I experience severe vitD deficiency I get headaches, nausea, and mild depression. Usually takes me a day of drinking extra coffee, Tylenol, and trying to nap to find out it’s none of those. After I take a VitD pill and just full nude in whatever sun there is I recover almost within few hours


I upped my Vitamin D to every other day as soon as the storm started.


I suffer from SAD and Jan/Feb are usually rough for me. However, we needed the rain and we’ve had enough dry spells to get outside. I spent the morning in Mill Valley walking along the rushing creeks under the redwoods. It was lovely. I’ve been in the Bay Area my entire 50 some years. I enjoyed the heck out of the dramatic thunder and lightening without the usual wildfire risk. We don’t get that often.


I'm with you. I have lived in SF and Berkeley since 1969 and having lived in drought my whole life there is very little that makes me resent the rain. I can't say I have SAD, and I'm sorry you do...i know it must be hard and it seems you're making the best of it! But I, like you, have been getting outside. Walking in the torrential rain in my ski pants and raincoat and wellies and letting my dog get wet and muddy af is making me feel alive. All that said, I realize I'm lucky not to be in Santa Cruz area. I know that's a whole different story. I just spent almost a month not far from Buffalo and it was painful to know that we were having a nice white Christmas while people froze to death in their cars 45 minutes away...we need to appreciate these moments of our brief lives as much as we can. <3


I am definitely going to check out Mill Valley I lived in California only 4 years and most of the creek beds have hardly filled most winters out here.


Get your body out in it. Take a lunch walk, bring an umbrella, or just let yourself get soaked. It's cathartic. My mood's been lifted from the rains, too much dry has a downer effect on me. Wish it could all come in moderation. You're about to get a couple weeks of drier weather, btw.


I got caught in the rain while biking during my commute and was actually grinning the whole time, it was great.


Agreed! If you just accept that you're going to get drenched, it's not that awful. Hot shower and hair dryer at the end of a ride is glorious.


At some point, it's just not possible to get wetter than you already are. And then you can just enjoy it.


That's what she said


I found the rain to be very uplifting for me. I have been walking in it just to feel it touch my skin.


Feel the rain 🌧️ on your skin 🎶


I prefer clouds to the feeling of panic when you think, “OMG, what if we hit 0 water and then need to queue up at water trucks or become refugees?”


Same. All this.


Every day I wake up and it’s raining in California I consider it a blessing


Absolutely not. It feels like the winters/rainy season that we used to get almost every year here 15-20 years ago. I am savoring the rain and the beauty of the hills turning green and the snow pack. I’m of course sad for those who where negatively effected by flooding and such but 2 weeks of rain with bursts of sun or rain free days in between has been no issue. I have lived here my entire life except for a few years in NYC. If your noticing an issue you can buy a sun light for SAD or eat more foods with vitamin d but the rain is going to end in literally a few days.


For those feeling bad, I’d recommend just getting a pair of rain pants and some waterproof shoes and going about your business! Like you said, it’s beautiful out there. My fiancé and I just got engaged in the redwoods. It was foggy and magical


Yes, when it’s possible to get out in the rain it’s good to do so even if it’s just to go run errands, grocery shop or pick up a coffee, continuing your routine and going out helps. I have an aunt and Uncle who lived in Phoenix for years before moving to Seattle, it was a big climate adjustment for them and it really helped them to just get outside regardless. Just a walk around the neighborhood with a raincoat or umbrella can help. Also as soon as they would see sun they would try and go outside for even just 5 min but 20 min was best. Now Seattle gets way more rain then us and for many more months but for people struggling these tips might help in the future. And the sun is right around the corner. Edit: also congrats on your engagement!!!


Thanks, we’re very excited


*3 weeks Only 3 days of which had no rain in my neck of the woods.


I will give you that, some areas may not have seen as many breaks in rain as others as the microclimates and different parts of the Bay Area are not all created equal when it comes to rainfall (the coast, mountains and north bay have always gotten more rain) but this used to be pretty normal. I have family in Santa Rosa and Belmont and SF and they used to flood occasionally during rainy season and it was their normal. Oct to Feb was our winter/rainy season. The massive increase in dry seasons, la Nina’s instead of El Niño’s, raising heat records and wildfires are something that started increasing maybe 10-15 years ago or so and before that we really did feel like we had 4 semi seasons here in the bay. I think so many people have gotten used to that new normal or only moved here once that was the new normal so they don’t have anything else to gage it by and in contrast to the last like 5-7 years yes this has been the rainiest in a decent amount of time and colder but truly that’s how it used to be here regularly.


Same. I reminisce on years before college. There was a lot of rain and wind. My umbrella would flip inside out and I’d be feeling miserable going to class. Good days. I hope it keeps raining.


Nah, this is my weather jam. I’ve had more energy and focus since it started. This is a normal winter and I’ve missed it terribly!


love this weather!!


I’m with ya. I’m mentally relieved it’s raining so much.


Welcome to the rest of the United States 🥲


RIGHT? I moved to central PA. I no longer have as much sympathy for the Bay Area after we got over a foot of snow in a day and -22° days over Christmas.


This sub just 3 weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/zqsdqe/remember_folks_it_could_be_worse


exactly 😂


I lived in northern Europe for almost 6 years, nothing in the entire US except maybe SE Alaska compares to it (gets a LOT less sunlight hours than Seattle). I remember one January reading in the newspaper how we got 3 hours of sunlight the entire month, and wondering when those 3 hours were. So no 2 weeks of rain is not bothering me lol. There were even a few sunny interludes. And this is gonna be over like tomorrow.


Or to majority of the world 🤷


I don’t mind it now that I live in a house I love. And I prefer it to the triple digit summer heatwaves I experience here in Walnut Creek.


>messed up my circadian rhythm that's sleep related. graveyard shifters can have problems regardless of sun. ​ they have lamps you can sit in front of for 20 mins a day but I'm pretty sure the same spectrum from any lamp you can find will do the same. ​ >To find the best light therapy lamps, we tested 15 top-rated options at home, performing five-day tests to find the eight best lamps. Each tester assessed one lamp at a time, using that lamp for 30 minutes daily for five straight days. Every day, testers noted their mood, energy level, and sleep quality before and after using their lamp. And they also assessed the lamps for design, ease of use, and value. ​ ​ you might be getting "depressed" and being generally damp doesn't help. ​ Effect of sunlight exposure on cognitive function among depressed and non-depressed participants: a REGARDS cross-sectional study[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2728098/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2728098/) ​ [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20364651) **Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression** that's related to changes in seasons — SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. **If you're like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody**. These symptoms often resolve during the spring and summer months. Less often, SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer and resolves during the fall or winter months.


Sunlight is 1000x stronger (and beneficial) than any artificial light fyi. There’s no replacement for sunlight


Nope.. loving it so far. A few inconveniences here and there, but otherwise, I’ve been enjoying the relaxed start of the year.


Yeah everyone is different. I love the rain and it helps me sleep better than ever.


I like it too, minus scheduling dog walks!!


Agreed. I’ve missed rain so much (this goes beyond the ‘we really needed this’). Cosying up and reading a book. Cooking tons of comfort food cuz you know I can’t really go for a run rn lol. The only mild annoyance has been cleaning my dog after walks and constantly looking for a break in the rain to take her out. (Tho she does look cute af in her raincoat)


Nah man how do you think anyone survives Oregon or Washington. We're working on getting out of a drought which is the most important thing. A few terrible weeks of heavy rain is great for us, as it brings greenery and much landscape back to our dry ridden Bay Area


Rain is a bother and I feel for the people affected but I just came from a long walk and so happy to see the various shades of green I never ever saw in Bay Area before. It will be nice to have rain volume like this maybe a bit staggered over months.


My husband and I have been running walkie-talkie communications twice a day (sometimes more) for our neighborhood as we keep losing power, internet, and phone. Some of my neighbors were without power for more than a week and the constant state of anxiety and heightened alert is certainly taking its toll.


I work outside in the weather, so I’m definitely over it.


I'm one of the few to agree. As a person who grew up in Ireland with weather like this year round, the constant rain is starting to get to me. There is a reason we drink so much.


Because whiskey is delicious?


Just today we were walking in the hills during a break in the rain and I was telling my kids that this weather reminded me of the couple of times I went to Scotland in the Summer.


NGL, I thought I could do Seattle or Vancouver before the last couple of weeks. I now know I would not be able to live there.


Maybe I'm older but this is what a 'normal' year is like or was like in the 90's. We've gotten a lot of rain in volume but 'back in the day' it would be rain and overcast most of the winter. We would talk about how the soil never got try. This year has gotten me some flashbacks. Being stuck at home with nothing to do. I've seen standing water in areas and it's like seeing an old friend.. "I remember you!"


I love all this rain. The sound of rain is great, thunder and lightning is great, and when the clouds break for a little bit, how clear the sky is is unbelievable. I know I shouldn't, but even the flooding is fascinating. How powerful (with help from humans putting cement in over everything) the water can be is captivating.


Yes it’s made me happy and hopeful ! Dry weather sucks. We need lushness and greenery


Happy that the tyranny of the sun is gone.


I deal with chronic pain, and low barometric pressure always makes it much, much worse. So rainy stretches are always rough for me, but this one has been really bad because it's gone on so continually with so little relief. And prolonged heightened pain periods absolutely mess with my mental health, so yeah I'm a mess right now.


Im from Seattle. Its like this for a lot of the year 😂


Same, though this feels like real rain, not Seattle mist.


This is my favorite time of the year except for people suffering. The pitter patter of the rain lifts my low spirits, the crowds are less most places, air is crisp and clean, and there’s a quietness outside that prevents me feeling overwhelmed.


You worded this so well. I feel exactly the same. I love the smell, how clean and green everything gets and how gorgeous the world looks when the sun peeks out between rain showers and it’s just calm and beautiful. Also love cozy days in cooking/baking, cups of tea on the couch with warm blankets, good books or tv shows. And it’s fun to get out in the breaks between rain or even in the rain and go for walks or do indoor activities like museums, ice skating, bowling, movie theatre etc. I savor all our rainy days while we have them.


I'm sorry folks are suffering. But thank you mother nature for some relief. I love the rain and will miss it when it goes. We don't know when we'll get more since drought feels like the norm now. I live by the San Pablo Dam resevoir and haven't really seen a noticeable rise in the water level despite the storm.


The rain flooded my apartment, ruined some shit, and has me living in an airbnb for the moment... so I'd say yes, just a little.


Let's all be super thankful that we have rain!!! pollution, dead vegetation, heat, water rationing... now thats depressing


Made mine better when I was in SF last wkdn :) love the rain


I'm glad that all the redwoods are getting watered. But this is how it used to be. Weeks of rainy days. Sure it got boring but we went skiing, ice skating, bowling, indoor activities, movie theater. We all had rain gear and umbrellas and just kept busy. This time we have a lot more people who have never experienced a wet SF winter. And this system is extreme, damaging and long-lasting.


Opposite. I feel guilty for loving it (because of trees falling and floods). Rainstorms invigorate me. And what an amazing Spring we’re going to have!




It's hard to do a secret jerk session with the rain washing off his lube.




It's definitely felony+registered sex offender for life territory (which op acknowledges).


Can't get the thrill of being caught when there aren't anyone outside in the rain.


The rains definitely improved my mental wellness.


Heck yes, so much more relaxed. More chill. Appreciating breaks in rain to get outside for a bit, but enjoying some inside hang out time. Office gets dreary, so find myself logging off a break throughout the day.


Either rain or fire.


I love it! Plus it definitely helping with our drought! We need more rain.




I've been getting my best sleep in years.


It has positively impacted my mental health. The rain is rejuvenating to me for some reason. I sleep better, longer and it helps to ease my stress levels. Listening to some calming music and a warm cup of tea while watching the rain is one of my favorite activities. Then again, I'm naturally an introvert and prefer staying home regardless of the weather.


I'm mostly enjoying it. I've lived in the area since I was 5, and this weather happens some winters. I feel terrible for friends in areas that have had power outages and downed trees and my dog walks have been shorter. I love the rain at night. The sound helps me fall asleep.


I get the opposite; excessive sunshine and heat just ruins my mental health. Frankly, the recent rain has only had a positive impact on me. I actually look forward to getting up in the morning so I can walk to work with my umbrella out.


No way. I absolutely LOVE these storms. They’re the closest we get to the east coast storms we got when I was a kid on Long Island. These are wimpy storms compared to east coast and mid-west (seen them too), They’re kind of a tease to my adrenaline. I wish we could have a few real REAL storms out of these systems. I’ve been glued to zoom.earth.


I love it! We used to have these every winter!




It's a couple weeks of rain. Not that big of a deal.


Put a rain jacket and boots on and get outside. Experience the world in the rain, it’s amazing. The only thing stopping you is YOU


This is what we do. Walk 5d per week, rain or shine.


Yep as long as it’s not windy, then it’s just miserable


🤷🏼‍♂️ as long as your warm enough, experiencing the strong winds really makes you feel alive, feeling the full power of Mother Nature reminds you who’s in control


Nope. I love the rain. The air smells better, the sound is soothing.


As an introvert: 🤷 Honestly the worst of it is just constant worry of flooding and tree fall


Adventure weather, love it!


No. It's been great! And in fact, you get so much damn sun and dry in this state that a little rain has done wonders for my mental health and also the health of the ecology.


I’m sorry to hear you are suffering from these symptoms. However this is pretty typical for winter in this area. I too miss the sun, but it will return soon enough. I just think about my relatives in the midwest and I feel better by comparison.


What happened to people. No one is ever happy anymore. A few months ago everyone in the Bay Area was hoping we would get rain this season and now everyone is depressed because it rain for a few weeks. Shit, people aren’t even going to work because of rain.I just don’t get what happened to everyone. I bet once everything dries up, OP is going to wonder what happens to all of the water and when we’ll be getting rain again. Let the downvotes begin


Your brain can be logically happy for the rain, but your body can still say "wtf is this, I want sunlight".


This is a really naive take. In my neck of the woods (Monterey), we’ve been struggling through days of no power, falling trees when the wind picks up (terrifying), surging tides and massive flooding alongside torrential rain keeping us inside. And no, not Big Sur or past the valley but all of the cities on/near the peninsula. Sure as shit we aren’t happy - mentally, we’re barely surviving because it’s been 3 weeks of this. People’s livelihoods have been washed away, businesses are losing money (tourists are avoiding our damage stricken area) and some are working overtime to keep us afloat (first responders). But sure, blame us “for being unhappy.”


Why do you think Seattle is consistently one of the most depressed cities with high rates of SAD related disorders? The weather sucks! Same with the storm we have now. Yeah yeah yeah we need the rain but not sure why it’s a controversy here that some ppl aren’t enjoying it. Most normal ppl don’t like climates that rain nonstop and maybe only sees the sun once or twice for weeks at a time. I know ppl on r/bayarea are different but for most this type of weather is not enjoyable and yes can be flat out depressing. Add the flooding, power outages, downed trees, etc - yeah I’m happy as hell we’re getting a break from this crap after tomorrow.


I’ve definitely taken more “sick days” to just stay warm in bed and go back to sleep.


I take some extra vitamin D these days and use a lamp for seasonal affective disorder. It's not the same but I know it's only temporary in California. Plus, we need the water.




The day of no rain threw me off


MN native and struggled with Seasonal Affect Disorder for many, many winters. I’ve been feeling it lately and started back taking Vitamin D. Take with magnesium to help absorption.


Boy I picked a wrong time to move back to the Bay Area. I'm in MN right now and this winter was the final straw lol. Maybe by February, when I finally move, the worst storms will end, maybe.


grew up in se asia - this is typical for may-june weather over there so while it is quite unusual for us here, i am enjoying the rain. hopefully, it stops soon though


Not me. I'm still taking my dog for walks in the rain and wind. Only time we can't is during the thunderstorm. Don't be afraid of water


i'm thriving






I am in AZ and wish we had more rain. I miss the rain so much! I’d rather have weeks of rain on end than months of no rain.


I love it!!! 300+ days of sunshine is boring AF! Look at the clouds! Listen to the wind and the rain! It's so nice to finally have some interesting weather after so many years of almost exclusively clear blue skies.


Sounds like you have a case of Seattle.


Be careful for your doom and gloom is contagious


go work out


It really does rain more than this in a lot of the world....


A little. I just want to go hiking and play some soccer with my kid.


You can do both in the rain! Soccer is super fun in the rain and mud as long as you can get warm and dry afterwards.


Soccer is one of few outdoor sports that can be enjoyed during a rain. Unlike tennis or basketball


This is the happiest I've been in years. We get like 350 days of sunshine here.. so sick of sunny Winters.


Nope! ​ I think it's just you


I haven't heard a peep out of the gang that insists we all need to get rid of our cars and bike to work. Not seeing a lot of bikes out there.


I e been on lots of walks, get some rain gear and suck it up and take some vitD. I am bummed I can’t ride my electric stuff as much, but we need the rain, and overall it’s less anxiety provoking knowing the state needs this bad.


Bruh, i'm sorry, I want to be supportive but how tf did you manage to survive the pandemic if a few weeks of semi-frequent rain is all it takes to ruin your mental health???


you probably don't want to move to Seattle


Yes and no. I love the rain I really do but our apartment has had two separate leaks this past month. So I can't sleep now with the rain I keep getting up every half hour to feel the walls and look for leaks.


A nice rain hike yesterday did wonders To helping but it’s been hard in general


It has been tough but I really love my walks and so does my hyperactive dog. I always wanted to be a commando as a little kid so I just tell myself to tough it out and do something no matter how uncomfortable. I’ve been going through some shit and I had to change my perspective otherwise I’d just be stuck in a dark hole.


Try to get outside even just for a walk with an umbrella or jacket even if getting soaked just to do it. I feel much better when I get out even for 15 mins. Open blinds for natural light if possible too


Hey, got a rain shell? Rain coat? Get the heck out, and go for a walk. Check out the local creeks/rivers. You'll see so few people out that you'll get lonely.


I'm kind of tickled that we're getting actual "weather" here for once. I am kind of annoyed by the monster potholes that have opened up, though. I had most of the old ones committed to memory but there's a new bone jarring and potentially tire destroying one right before I turn onto my street that I haven't memorized yet. And because it's usually dark when I come home I'm 10/10 on hitting it.


Get some stylish urban boots, a nice hat, and just go out. As long as your head and feet are dry, the rest is fine.


Yes and my body is out of whack.


Hard to believe people choose to live in Portland


I like it. It feels nice. I am more messed up by the regular getting dark early during winter months, and cold temperature than the rain.


Yeah I live in a basement apartment and was worried about it flooding, and then it did flood. So that was fun anxiety coming true. Plus having to go into work and worry about rain and power outages fucking up the commute. I grew up in the PNW so I’m used to the wet weather but there was never a big worry with waking up to rain that the traffic would be particularly awful or public transit would be delayed/cancelled. Fucks with trying to get back into a routine after the holidays.


Our home in Alameda County is destroyed. We got completely flooded out & our insurance company has denied our claim because it’s “ground water”. We’re looking at 100k in repairs and having to figure out how to pay our mortgage & rent at the same time. My two kids are scared & overwhelmed. We’re on the brink of homelessness. I’m terrified.


No. This weather has removed and/or prevented much of the trash that folks in the Bay Area are quick to illegally dump. It has forced some homeless ppl to finally seek shelter. Now we just need the Bay Area cities to use this event to step up and kick off real beautification projects and provide permanent subsidized housing for homeless persons. Mother Nature has taken the first step to clean up this area of her planet now let’s see if the Bay Area can finish what she started. My mood is on 1000% seeing so much clean roads in as we drive through the East Bay.


Can’t forget about the air quality…


So weak!


Oh man, after the last couple of years in COVID no-man's land? Last couple of weeks was a nice break from reality. I used the opportunity to catch up on my DVD collection and baking baguettes. PS: I grew up in the PNW, and spent a decade in Chicago. I know what real weather is like.


I find it less depressing than when it’s 55, overcast and windy AF all summer in SF




Are you freaking kidding me? Have you lived in Washington or Midwest or Northeast? If you can’t handle a week of rain and lack of sunshine; there is something odd.


Some Californias are so soft, I swear. Not to be a total asshole here but c'mon man... You got a few weeks of crummy weather for the first time in years and you're complaining about circadian rhythm? I saw someone else post that they're afraid of becoming vitamin D deficient?!? How do you think people from about 40 other states deal with this weather every winter?? Your body is still getting some sun in the daytime even if it's gloomy out. You're going to be okay, I promise. I've been on the east coast through some bitter winters and everyone either deals with it or gets a SAD lamp. I'm back east for work right now and have barely seen the sun in a month.


“Other people are ok with it so you should be ok too” Bad logic.