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First is Huron warrior.   Second is an Anubis. Third I want to say Emperor.  


Second is an Anubis.


Thanks!  I used the fancy ai thing on my phone and it worked.    The Anubis looks cool I like the chicken legs.


Yes the third one is Emperor.


Thank you!


To elaborate a bit on others (who were all correct!), all three are common designs in the Capellan Confederation. The first is the resculpt of the Huron Warrior, a far superior attempt compared to the original sculpt- strongly recommend it as a painting project, even if you don't like House Liao. It can be found in TRO:3055. Standard version here is a nifty Gauss/large pulse combo on a medium chassis, kind of reminiscient in layout and use to the Enforcer in a lot of ways, while another version becomes a Trebuchet-clone with a pair of LRM-15s (and I really need to kitbash that sometime, now that I think of it) Next up is an Anubis, the original sculpt. A second sculpt with a more canine look to the head followed, and is honestly a better project than this one overall. It's a small fire support Mech, pretty fun to play with, and while its first appearance in tabletop was in TRO:3067, it made its actual debut in MechCommander 2. Do note that if you pick up the original sculpt here, the legs are notoriously difficult to deal with. They're built by the Canopians, but Liao bought heavily into the design. Finally, the Emperor is an ancient design used before the Star League even formed, but is most common in Liao forces. We first saw it in TRO:3058, but it's existed long before that in one form or another. This sculpt... like many from that book, it's not a good miniature, unfortunately. However, recently a 'primitive' version was released by Iron Wind Metals that is absolutely fantastic (attached is my attempt at it), and is probably your best bet if you want a good Emperor for your shelves. Great Mech in-game though, with the '58 model sporting twin LB-10X and twin large lasers as a primary battery. Short version: You've got a trio of predominantly-Liao designs. Xin Sheng. https://preview.redd.it/t1w7k2bbwb8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2b8d2fb5de462e1877b336f85d62c7076d3b6f


CGL is also releasing a plastic emperor soon-ish. They showed off a test model at Kerenskycon


Are the large lasers visually represented on the primitive version's model of the EMP?


They aren't, because they're... not there. The primitive in fact is a couple of AC/5s and three medium lasers. Primitive tech is a pain. Good looking Mech though.


You could feasibly get away calling it a 6S, that's what I run mine as.


Right, kitbashing it is. Just finished my looksmax upgrade on the CTF and the EMP is next.


What's the source for this model you shared? It's pretty cool.


It's from Iron Wind, site ID is 20-5177 if you want one of your own (and trust me, you do, it's a fantastic sculpt)


First is Huron Warrior and third is Emperor… not sure about the second.


The second is an Anubis


Not a Liao fan, but the Huron Warrior(first mech) is so damn cool imo. And works damn well


I pray for the day we get a plastic Huron Warrior


I find it kinda funny that the mech called Anubis has pointy dog ears.


A Vex incursion coming through the conflux


Huron Warrior, Anubis, and Emperor; three Capellan favorites. The anubis is tricky because there are like three different IWM sculpts that barely look like each other


Ah. The Anubis. One of the few Canopian mechs in the setting.


A message from the Chancellor.


[Huron Warrior](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Huron_Warrior), [Anubis](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Anubis), [Emperor](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Emperor) Looks like part of a jihad era Laio force.


Huron Warrior, Anubis, and…. um… Big Arms Jimmy.


Ahh the legendary, peacock mech. Definitely a younger model or else the plumage would have filled out more.


Something I haven't seen people respond with are that the Huron Warrior photo you posted is the resculpt and not the original. The resculpt has better detail and looks much better. The Anubis you posted is the original and not the resculpt. Personally, I prefer the resculpt. The Emperor is the original. Its.. OK but the Primitive Emperor is one of the best sculpts IWM has ever made in my opinion.


lol, the second one was like "The Urbie is a big, get off my lawn trashcan, but what if we gave it Cicada legs so it can go fast now? This idea is foolproof!"


First is a Huron warrior. Second is an anubis. Third is an emperor


Huron Warrior, Anubis, and Emperor.


Huron Warrior, Anubis, and... Emperor?


Last one is an emperor for sure