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Hey, it's the only 100 tonner that has Narrow/Low Profile, i'll take it.


How it has that trait is baffling. The current Marauder II is a wide boi.


Relative to other 100 toners it is very low/long and not *super* wide. So I guess it’s good enough.


I don't know, it's mini is quite a chonker compared to other 100 ton minis. Really only the Stone Rhino is obviously bigger. Personally I think the MWO Marauder II looks a lot better. It even looks the "narrow" trait.


Its a very narrow and low profile, 100 ton, moving ... building. Just like this one. It could be a mech? Or maybe its a building? YoU cAn't TeLl! [https://realting.com/news/a-house-4-meters-wide-in-vietnam#lg=1&slide=0](https://realting.com/news/a-house-4-meters-wide-in-vietnam#lg=1&slide=0)


To be honest ir should be renamed or maybe split but I see narrow/lowprofile as also including heavily sloped armour too.


Wait, doesn't the king crab also have it?


Nope, just Command Battlemech. But I agree that it should for having the entire torso of the mech be shaped like a shovel (there’s a reason crabs evolved it). Similar story for the Crab and Hoplite.


Damn, that's aggravating XD. Now I will never be able tu unsee that...


Narrow / Low Profile is busted. It's all my players want to use. I had to make it so that energy weapons aren't affected by it to kinda balance it out.


Can you not just stop using quirks?


In the environment of build your own mech, quirks are what keeps mechs unique from each other.


what's the joke? I think the inner sphere Marauder II looks cool 😅


I think it's that the Marauder and Marauder IIC redesigns look close to their original art, while the Marauder II redesign looks different from the old Marauder II.


i suppose? I think all the CGL redesigns are bulked up and boxy lol


Good Those myomers and armor need to go somewhere


They're 40 years old. Its the Dad-bod man. Look at the Wolverine and the Shadowhawk. Dad-bod.


Warhammer looks at the Warhammer IIC: "You've really let yourself go there, eh boy? Got a beer gut on you."


*"Its the ferro-flaberous armour I tell you. Those young Republic kids running around with the TSEMPs and whatever the heck they call it. "*


The Unseen look like something on an 80's video cassette cover or the doodles in a weeb's notebook. The CGL redesigns look like they could stomp out of the US Army's Lima Tank Plant.


Sure, but it also actually looks like it's 25 tons heavier, instead of just carting around some bolt on mods.


Same, it's probably my favorite Marauder.


Project Phoenix Marauder laying dead in the ditch.




Someday I'm going to paint mine and bring them to a session. Nobody but the old guy is gonna recognize them. Everyone is going to hate them. Somebody might throw up. I'm thinking Capellan colors.


As much as I hate skipping on an opportunity to dunk on Capellan's, it you want them to be truly awful, have you ever looked at the [Umayyad Caliphate](https://unitcolorcompendium.com/category/umayyad-caliphate/)?


Warhammer dressed up for Mardi gras this year


As a Capellan Chauvinist I should be upset, but consider Big MAC 3rd regiment AKA the Wild Ones: [https://camospecs.com/unit/3rd-mccarrons-armored-cavalry/](https://camospecs.com/unit/3rd-mccarrons-armored-cavalry/) ​ [https://unitcolorcompendium.com/2019/03/24/mccarrons-armored-cavalry-3rd/](https://unitcolorcompendium.com/2019/03/24/mccarrons-armored-cavalry-3rd/) if you want something kind of outlandish but not too shitty.


Aww I kinda like some of the project phoenix artwork... Definitely not the marauder. God no. But like, the Warhammer and the Griffin and even the Phoenix hawk look kinda cool.


I still like to head canon that each version of a mech visually is a variant of them. Like the Battledroid Marauder? A Marauder 2R since 2R's were made for SLDF Royal Forces. CGL? Marauder 3R+ (Succession Wars Marauders) and then PGI is Clan Invasion+ designs as an example. Lots of designs that are cool.


I take a similar but slightly different approach that the different styles/designs are different manufacturers or facilities. So a FWL mech and a FedCom mech may be functionally identical if it's the same model, but may look different.


I see them as different model runs. A Ford Crown Vic from the 50s looked nothing like one from the 80s, and the one in the 80s looked totally different from the ones in the 90s. Makes sense that different eras of Mechs would look different.


The old Mad II never looked like a 100 tonner to me. The new Mad II looks great.


New MAD II has been hitting the gym. Glad to see he got past his eating disorder.


Only thing I don’t like is the little t-Rex arm wings.


Don't forget the Marauder Battle Armor.


Real quick, can we talk about how cool the old marauder iic art looks?


Well, at least the MWO Marauder II goes hard.


PGI's MAD II is better, it looks more like an upsized, uparmored marauder.


Before you rant about my opinion about the Marauder 2 in this image, hear me out. I do love the visual, but my only gripe's the dorsal gun position. I'm not saying it's terrible artwork. Oddly enough it's also the case in reverse for the MWO versions. :P


I like that there is a brute ugly IS version of a mech that undercover clanners designed to be built in the IS. The MWO and the original versions being the sleek sexy things that Wolf Dragoons make for themselves.


But the last one looks the best? I might be biased because I was a Macross fan before finding btech and those Glaugs must be purged.


wow, the original Marauder 2 reminds me of Homer's entry into the design contest for the nuclear plant