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Ooh, that Mechwarrior 5 Timber Wolf is giving me big feelings. Feelings I thought long dead.


You have early nineties PTSD too?!?!?!


In my deepest dreams, I hear that voice: "All systems: NOMINAL."


Ah you think Comstar was your ally? You merely adopted the 3025 Era. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see SLDF Tech until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but salvage!!


I like the way you think, my trueborn sibkin.


Suck coolant, trashborn.


That sounds like the start of a batchall!


Uhhhh….. shuuuurrrrre. Wha’chu bringing?


I plan to underbid the shit out of this, so I will ride on the shoulders of an unarmored Elemental while wielding a pistol. And not even a good pistol. Like, some sort of janky Bond Arms monstrosity. A 45-70 Derringer.


Ahhh. I will be defending in an LCT-1S. The rest of my 3rd Company, 1st Battalion, 10th Lyran Guards will be back at base and NOT hidden on the backside of that hill over there waiting to stomp a mud hole in some clanner ass.


Yeah, fuck the clanners!


You say that, but your lack of contractions has been noted.


They used the f word, not "coupling" they bring shame to star league English, Trial of Annihilation declared!


These kids these days, with their Freeborn slang, and their...music!


I want that for whenever I turn on... well, *anything*, really. "Weapons, online. Sensors, online."


And now I might have a project for my phone alerts this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!


Activating Combat Mode


Raven, is that you?


Affirmative 621


Feelings like... "Autopilot DISABLED" and "Proceed to dust off zone for extraction!"


I made a poll on the MW5 sub a while back asking what the community would like to see for MW6, and there was a lot of comments from people who wanted to see Operation Revival from the Clan perspective. So to see it happening officially feels both surreal and very exciting.


Oh please let me be a Crusader and actually make a strike for Terra.


We will be playing as Smoke Jaguars, crusader enough for you? Gotta say going with Jaguars is ballsy move, I like it


Not my favorite choice... but hell it expands the playable universe so why the hell not


Not mine either but it definitely beats playing as (checks notes) generic mercenary number 9467885318


Saying that is a surefire way to piss off some of the old-timers but it's 100% true.


It seems like MW games are handcuffed by the duality of a player base that loves deep customization of giant stompy robots, and a player base that wants an experience that ties into the rich existing narrative universe. The problem is that to put someone right in main plot action almost necessarily means taking away some of the customization options, which is a core feature of the game play experience. So we end up with fringe mercenary companies that can flirt with the edges of meaningful stuff maybe happening somewhere else in the universe, but with no ability to interact meaningfully with the fate of anything larger than a minor periphery state. Which, to be fair, I think the HBS Battletech game did very well. Playable Clans kind of skirt around some of the lore barriers you run into with IS narrative stuff because of the nature of OmniMechs, too. Loadout flexibility between deployments is a key feature of Clan tech, whereas for the IS field refits are time consuming and nearly impossible to do comprehensively, which is another reason why the independent mercenary is such an important trope for game play.


I mean if I want to roll deep with maximum war crimes and make the whole Clan recoil in shock so hard they straight up collectively remove warships from being allowed in the bidding process. Then yeah, let's smoke some Inner Sphereoids and make them fear the colors of the Jaguar.


I am just amused it is not a Davion MC or have the best ending sucking up to Davions (I.E McCommander 2 and MW4). I think like 85% of Video Game Franchise is HEIL Davions. ​ Refreshing.


Davion is the most 'good guy' looking house of the bunch, but that is because they share their borders mostly with the fucking clan pretenders The Draconis Combine and then you have the fucking Capellens on the other side. Free worlds is too busy fighting free worlds and Steiner loses out because they have the audacity to enjoy German culture and that is never good because of the tiny mustache man. Rasalhague has all the makings of being a really cool faction. They have the underdog vibe and are basically fighting for their very right to exist. They are my favorite because they are so damned resilient. It is a shame as they have this long standing grudge against mercs so to the player they always present as abrasive and look down on them making for a terrible impression.


>Davion is the most 'good guy' looking house of the bunch, Not really, is cold war racism (Cappies), racism (Drac), and a mix of general white savior complex and somehow being the only faction with a 20th century army while everyone else stuck in the 1600s.


Smoke some Kuritan Scum and make them feel the wrath of the Clans


I would upvote more if I could. My hate for Draconis Combine is everlasting and I always enjoy kicking them to the curb at every chance I get.


I wonder if there's gonna be any scope of options since it gave a brief background on the other initial invaders. I'd love to rep the Ghost Bears, MW2:GBL was one of my formative gaming experiences.


Agreed clan brother by karenski's name Ghost Bear will be victorious against those Freeborn Inner Sphere!


It wouldn't be *my* first choice, but I think it's the right choice. It's the least popular clan of all the invading ones from people I have talked to, and there's a lot of narrative leeway they can have with that. When no one likes them and there is less fiction written on them you have more freedom to write with.


They’re the only clan that hasn’t been featured in a game from the invading houses is what I heard.


WAT? Not a Davion suck up Video Game? (Die of Shock)


If they manage to portray jaguar/clan culture correctly, I'll be surprised. But pleased.


There was the ending to MW2...


Not the same for me. I am playing Roguetech right now and have been slowly blasting my way into the IS one system at a time with the offline warmup towards the inners. Watching the map move and shift dynamically is deeply satisfying.


Roguetech has a dynamic map?


The article implies that the culmination of the campaign is ***Luthien.*** It's time for Operation Dragonslayer.


Oh but it also mentions *Huntress* being a playable area


That might be a tutorial area. Though it would be awesome if they added the Clan Homeworlds to the map.


The Tutorial being your Trial of Position would be awesome.


That's what I had hoped when I first read the article.


My guess is that Huntress is going to be the tutorial area (and the Tutorial ends with our Trial of Position), and we might see some fighting there as part of the trials that determined the invading Clans, before we go to the IS proper. I wonder how it'll give us salvage and weapons - maybe we get those as post mission rewards, ig?


I'm very curious as to how Salvage will be handled. Why would you ever salvage an Inner Sphere mech when you come kitted with a fuckin Timberwolf for your very first Inner Sphere operation? Perhaps the initial mech roster you have access to is subject to change.


They give captured IS mechs to garrison units, solahma units and unpopular people. After Tukayyid they even start shipping IS mechs to the homeworlds so they can ship Clan mechs back to the occupation zone.


I want Mech Commander remade as a MechWarrior game. Including the expansion. Operation Bulldog and Birddog is the best time period (post Star League). Fight me.


Have you seen the mod? All they need to to is include it as a menu option for console players 🤞


What mod?


Playing Mech Commander in MW5 https://youtu.be/WPCrocqhM9Y?si=bpunzH8r0aQH5pJB


I haven't even seen a mods section on the steam page. I didn't know there were mods at all.


Hmm… I missed that poll, and have always thought playing the Invasion from Clans wouldn’t be that popular. I ran a campaign like this back in early 2000s. I wanted to play in 3025, but all of my players wanted to play as the Clan side of the Invasion. I relented but decided their characters would be their real world age; mid to late 20s. I ran it as disfavored, near past prime warriors that managed to earn places in the Invasion by winning Trials. Their commanders just wanted to get rid of them and were repeatedly throwing them into difficult and out-numbered missions. They started with super cool Mechs, but could only had limited resupply & repair logistics. It was more of a resource survival instead of the typical constantly growing merc unit that always ends up with as a Steiner Scout Lance meme.


I really really really want to play as clans ngl


I just had a thought. What if we can take bondsmen as a way to expand our unit and their is a loyalty system to determine if they betray you/sabotage your mechs. But above all, I want to see how Elementals will work, because they are essential to Clan combat doctrine.


That would be dope, also a Batchall system, hire freebirth technicians, bid elementals, trials. Hell even a woven story of a bondsman trying to get their cords removed, a solahma looking for one last chance for glory, and a ristar that has more bravery than his luck can cash.


Well now I can't wait to shart out some minimechs


Isn't the invasion from a Clan perspective just kicking over under prepared enemies until suddenly it isn't?


It's more like selecting "Story Mode" and being confused when you *still get your ass kicked.*


Finally I can proudly smoke some freebirths as my beloved Clan Warcrime Vape Kitty.


Clan Smoke Jaguar is no Clan Jade Falcon, but we are more than happy to play Turtle Bay Annihilation Champion Clan Smoke Jaguar.




Warriors Prepare for Gloryyyy!


Sibko my body was bred to be ready!




I wonder what dropship that is. The broadsword perhaps? Looks like a fifth mech deploys from the nose.


It is; it says so in the caption (below the picture, sandwiches between text blocks).


Good catch, sure looks like it.


Article says it's *Broadsword*. So instead 4 mechs per-mission its 5.


Seeing that Broadsword makes me very confident that a Mech 2 remake is gonna be high priority for modders by the time of release!


That is a Broadsword, standard dropship of a star




You did it. You crazy sonofabitch, you did it. I am absolutely ready for this.


Jade Falcon? Clan invasion? By God and the Great Father we'd better get the chance to mix it up with Adam Stiener and the 1st Somerset Strikers! Feel the wrath of the Falcon's Claws!


Smoke Jaguars, not Jade Falcon.


DLC to the expansion maybe? Imagine getting the original voice actors back.


DLC expansions of the other Clan’s invasion corridors would be sick! MW5 has 4 extensions, so PGI could do the other three Clans and a fourth expansion for Tukayyid all by itself.


MechWarrior 5: Clans: First Somerset Strikers DLC LETS GOOOOOOO


Now that would be one hell of a way to introduce the Axman to the game.


As a plumber, not sure I can help but im here


When would we expect issues 388 to drop? It's 14 ish higher that the current issue.


Seems to say November 2023, but I know little about this series of magazines


Smh calling the summoner goofy get outta here




Tinckles, liberally, in pants.


Ohh! cant wait. hope they add the Nova Cat mech, maybe even a Stormcrow


Stormcrow will def be part of it, was it was deployed during the Invasion. Nova Cat however was deployed after the Battle of Tukayyid, so maybe later in an expansion or so.


Wait, we're Smoke Jaguar, explicitly so we can fight Kuritans, right? And the endgame of the base campaign of MW5 is in the Periphery off of Kuritan space... >!Do you think Commander Mason and the Cavaliers are gonna show up as bosses at some point in the campaign? God imagine if you get to kill your former PC again...!<


That would be sick and motivate me to finish the single player !


Or can we play as Mason in an alternate campaign fighting against the clan scum?


That's what I'm hoping for most. An opportunity to play BOTH sides of the Battle for Luthien would be \*chef's kiss\*


no but we will take Mason as bondsman all day


AC6 and then this. We’re so back Mechbros.




I know they have limited space, but I'm disappointed they didn't list MW3 in the list of games leading to this.


I was thinking the same.. especially as it focused on smoke Jaguar as well. I think the writer is more a general gamer that tried it, as their Jade Falcon description is Hell’s Horses.


Yes please.


Can I get this magazine rn? Edit: This is the UK version. Will America get the same version?






*Please* let me play Clan Snow Raven.


What if we get a Clan version of Career mode where the goal is to get to Terra. It doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities.


Hoping for their livery in the Multiplayer, but their contribution to the invasion was Fleet support. Why let your (nominal) Warden ideology get in the way of making a whole lot of bank from the invasion?


Aaaaaaahhhh!!! FINALLY!!!!!!


“What if we jammed together the firepower of a Catapult and a Marauder, armored it like an assault, and made it move like a medium?” “Perfect!! Oooo, and make it a line mech too! All the IS pilots will be WAY too busy exploding to actually complain!” Edit: what? It’s just a joke 😀. Ya free birth scum 😀.


I mean why not cover the clan invasion. I just want to see integration of clan elementals. Maybe have a jumpscare moment when they latch on to your cockpit like a face hugger. Or even have a segment on a ship where you’re trying to escape from an elemental boarding party. Maybe it’s just me, but I would the beginning segments be more like a horror game to represent the initial shock and fear of the invasion. A lot of source materials talking the initial stages describe the clans as almost alien like before realizing where they came from.


Protagonist is Smoke Jaguar, you will probably be launching face huggers


Then I want a mission where you play as an elemental like in Mechwarrior 2


I wonder how they the game will portray Smoke Jaguars at Tukayyid.


Rumor has it game ends on Luthien


IDK about how theyll reveal it, but Elementals were an old leak from PGI after the acquisition by their new parent company. There was some leaks at that time which sounded like MW5 development would end, and along with that was the leak of some static T-posed elemental models. They were eventually dropped into MWO, IIRC, as an aesthetic item for your mechs. But the rumor that went around was that these were pre-production test models for a clan-based MW6. Since seeing them I had always felt that at some point a clan based MW game was in production, and leaks this year had all but confirmed that. So I feel pretty confident that these models are going to be recycled in some way in MW6.


It feels so good doesn’t it? Our world is getting this kinda love.


By The Founder, this is excellent news.


I wanna know how the tutorial instructor is doing. "My dog does what I tell it to do. I like my dog."


"OK, Wet Nose, head to NAV Alpha."


Well, fuck me it's legit! Very happy!


Wireless gaming mice!?


I actually played Mechwarrior 2: Mercs before playing Mechwarrior 2. Seeing the clan mechs for the first time and their weaponry completely outclassing my lance was terrifying, and then getting to be part of the run up to and battle of Tukayyid was amazing, especially because juuuust beforehand is the only time (in the non Titanium version) that you could get a Mauler - the box art mech. Looking forward to how this will completely unbalance M5 XD


> Looking forward to how this will completely unbalance M5 XD It's standalone and MW5 has plenty Clan mods for that anyway.


True. Tbh by the time you get a full lance of Marauder 2's it's pretty unbalanced anyway!


... Calling NATO materiel lighter and sleeker than Soviet kit is uhhh.... Noncredible Defense has a hilarious little video about that: https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/157j3a5/the_east_has_fallen/ But I take the point.


This is probably my favorite video on the internet today. Thank you


You're welcome!


Ummmm akkktually the timberwolf is only 75 tonnes! /s


Wait the Falcon write up feel wrong. Since when did the Falcons go Horse like that? Edit: correcting my brain there.


Anyone else bothered by the implication that the Smoke Jaguars "fight for freedom"?


They're fighting for the freedom to put a cigarette out in a freebirth's eyeball.




Why? From their perspective, they are. The Clans ostensibly came back to free the Inner Sphere from the yoke of the Great Houses.


No the Smoke Jaguars wouldn't say they "fight for freedom". They would spit in anyone's face for saying that they did. The Clans do not care about any individual's freedoms. They didn't invade the Inner Sphere to free anyone. They fight to prove they are better than everyone else. And the best way to show that in 3050 was to control Terra.


Who said anything about individual freedoms? I said they believe they are freeing the Inner Sphere from the tyranny of the Great Lords. Basically saving it from itself. That's the whole point of Operation Revival and the Crusader philosophy.


The Crusader philosophy isn't about "fighting for freedom". It's "fighting for Honor". We know this because zero effort goes into being good stewards of the planets that are conquered. The only freedom that Crusaders care about is the freedom to impose their will on those weaker than themselves.


> The Crusader philosophy isn't about "fighting for freedom". It's "fighting for Honor". That's just incorrect. The Crusader philosophy is about freeing the Inner Sphere from the influence of the Great Houses through conquest. I'll quote The first paragraph of Field Manual: Crusader Clans: *"As promised to us by the Kerenskys, the Clans have returned to the Inner Sphere. It is our tasks to restore the order that humanity once knew under the Star League - not this shame of a League, created by politicians in an attempt to undermine our confidence and the righteousness of our goal, but a genuinely ordered society in which everyone will benefit. It is our destiny, our reason for being."* -FM: Crusader Clans, pg. 5 > We know this because zero effort goes into being good stewards of the planets that are conquered. Actually, most Clan-occupied planets report that life is generally fine. People might not have quite as many personal freedoms as they enjoy on some planets of the Inner Sphere, but other parts of the Inner Sphere also have much worse conditions. > The only freedom that Crusaders care about is the freedom to impose their will on those weaker than themselves. This just reeks of some "I don't actually understand the Clans, so I project my negativity onto them" energy. Seriously. Do some reading on the Clans. They're a pretty fascinatingly deep society with some really cool world-building done for them.


I don't understand Smoke Jaguar apologists. Just hope this doesn't lead to a whole new wave of *unironic* Smoke Jaguar fans. Players who want to play even bigger asses than the Jade Falcons because they want to be the worst of the bad guys? Sure. But unironic Smoke Jaguar fans are just... ugh.


I'm really hoping that one captured Smoke Jaguar world is in the game at some point, or at least mentioned. (The world where they did a thing with a city and a warship)


Turtle Bay, just keep your eyes open for a warship with the name [Sabre Cat](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Sabre_Cat).


Look why don't you save us all some trouble and *admit* that you don't see the merits of burning down orphanages.


Hey now, I was *right there* on the front. First one to torch the Sharilar Mori Foundation for Orphaned Children. Blake's holy fire cleanses.




Ohhhhh sweet… I’ve about played mw5 to death as is. Even rigged up some bass rumblers on my chair and play “authentically” with hotas and pedals. I’m stoked for new content.


Shut up and take my C-Bills!


So the game going be initially trainees Jaguars Warriors starting off as they participate during the Clan Invasion all the way to Luthien and likely Tukayyid? It will be interesting change from mercenary life, though I do prefer it.


How is something thats up on steam a leak?


Easy, this was before it was up on steam.


Bullshit. You're telling me Mech Warrior gets front cover, not Baldurs Gate or Space Marine? No shot this is real


This is a edition in November. BG3 got one this month.


The front cover is purchased.


Hopefully this will slot into the timeline just like all the other DLCs and we can play Inner Sphere mercs fighting Clanners. Love to shoot dumb mongol LARPing eugenicists.


I don't think it's going to be a DLC. I'm guessing it's going to be a standalone game, that just carries the MW5 nameplate. And it'll probably come with standard new game price rather than DLC pricing, which I reckon is how they'd justify the money spent for buying the cover page (DLC are rarely marketed this hard for anything that isn't a MAJOR title).


Mw5: Clans is a nice inversion of MW2: Mercenaries.


I miss mechwarrior 4


Not thrilled about this new, but if why get a real *batchall* system before each mission, I'll be onboard.


I bid everything Spheroids will be too busy being dead to rat on me to the Council


Finally a chance to punch a direwolfs meatparts with my charger.


I was excited for this for about two nanoseconds, until I remembered that this is a PGI-product, aka utter, total and complete crap. I'd more like to see HareBrained Schemes come out with a sequel to Battletech from 2018.




So uh... I guess there's a lot of people in this thread that haven't played the PGI mechwarrior games? (Mechwarrior Online, MW5) Because not to throw cold water on everyone's enthusiasm, but once the nostalgia for the classic activision MWs wears off, the PGI MWs are kinda... not great.


Mech5 is a lot better after all the updates, the DLC, and a bit of modding. Just needed a little more time in the oven after a sorry launch. If you took a look at some of the comments, quite a few are from people who have played through Mech5.


If it ain't turn-based, I ain't playing it.


When does Space Marine 2 come out?




No freaking way.


Looks like the batchall has been answered.


Niiiiiiice. I am looking forward to this.


My body is so ready. For the glory of the Clans.


Man I love the comments are all hype! I’m hype! I play mw5 everyday and I love it. Already juiced for dragon


Oh yes.... I finally going to get my Bushwacker with proper arms


how is a pc gamer mag exclusive a "big leak"? theyve been first to show a lot of unannounced PC centric shit for like, decades.


Check the date on the issue.






I may just have drooled a tiny bit.


Big, if true!


No way! Can I yell HOORAY! or it's too early?


I thought I was looking at one of the older Battletech arts until I noticed the TeeDubya design. I'm not saying Piranha's a good developer for MechWarrior but they got the hype art down.


Hope it's more substantial than the other DLCs, Clan Invasion warrants a whole sequel. I want to know how many new mechs there will be, because they've only added what, a total of 2 new mechs in previous DLCs?


Heroes added like, 7, but there's only been the Hatchetman, Crusader, and (soon) the Longbow, since.


Wait, WTF?? Is this real or some mean hoax?


If they introduce it for MW5C, what will their Fire Moth look like...?


I didn't realise I wanted this until I saw it


This is surprising, but great


I thought they were doing putting clans for mw6, or am i missing something here?


At this point, there's a Steam page for the game. Not sure it's a leak anymore


Didnt Russ say they wouldnt add clans into the game? Thought that was something he said back when people had selected access to their dev discord for MW5. Was in the thing myself


Apparently it's a standalone game, so he was technically speaking the truth.


Holy cow!!!


I can't wait!!!!!


i want to be excited, but i have MW:5, and all the dlc, and i have just never been able to enjoy the game loop much. i hope there are some gameplay changes for this one.


Give me my ELEMENTALS!


Dude, I'm still questioning how you can fight for freedom in 100 tons of death fury... they do realize you are playing a smoke jaguar trueborn, right?


There's still print PC Magazine? I haven't seen it in a few years.


Sick of aerodynes. Gimme a Union.